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    1、B.whereC.in whichD.there5.()_ put down the receiver _ the telephone rang again.A.Scarcely had she .thanB.Scarcely did she .thanC.She scarce had .thanD.Scarce had she .than6.()He had been interested in history since his childhood,so he specialized _ history when he was in college.A.onB.atC.forD.in7.(

    2、)The meeting ended _ his lecture on high education.A.up inB.byC.up withD.up8.()_,he was not able to work out the puzzle.A.However he tried hardB.Whatever he tried hardC.However hard he triedD.How hard he tried9.()_ such enormous danger,he still remained as calm as usual.A.In the face ofB.In face ofC

    3、.In the face withD.In face with10.()This is one of the most wonderful songs_ I have ever heard.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.then2021年自学考试英语(一)模拟试题(2)1.根据已给出的汉语词义和规定的词性写出相应的英语单词,每条短线上写出一个单词。该词的首字母已给出。1)胃,胃口 n.s2)有规律的,规则的 adj.r3)博物馆 n.m4)能力,能耐 n.a5)压力,压强 n.p6)频道;水道 n.c7)照片,相片 n.p8)方便的 adj.c9)利润,收益 n.p10)业余爱好

    4、n.h11)充足的,充分的 adj.a12)暴力,* n.v13)抽象的 adj.a14)杂志 n.m15)陪伴;伴随 v.a16)播送、发射 v.t17)潜在的,可能的 adj.p18)预言,预示 v.p19)温度 n.t20)贡献;捐献 v.c2.根据句子的意思将括号中的词变成适当的形式。1)He(shake)his head each time the waiter brought him something to drink.2)For centuries the Atlantic Ocean kept the Americas from(discover)by the people

    5、of Europe.3)Man-eating(may,start)because people were eager to strong and brave as their enemies.4)I(do)all the work by the time you are back tomorrow.5)I am sorry(keep)you waiting for so long.6)He saw me and came(run)towards me.7)I regret(not,take)your advice.8)The(far)away we get from the earth,the

    6、 thinner the air becomes.9)Had he not been ill,he(come)。10)They demanded that the right to vote(give)to every adult man.3.根据句子的意思选择正确的答案。1)Ocean currents affect the climates of the near ()they flow.2)Our first acquaintance ()them comes not from our mmothers lips or from the talk of our classmates,bu

    7、t from books we read.A.toB.with3)The solutions to real problems cannot be seen ()。A.in advanceB.in conclusionC.in returnD.in the final analysis4)Scientists will have to ()new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A.come up withB.be faced withC.get rid ofD.run across5)He did the work to ()you

    8、the trouble.A.preventB.spareC.stopD.omit6)Now you can see ()you should consult the dictionary last,not first.C.whyD.how7)(),T couldnt loft the shone.A.As I might tryB.Try as I mightC.Try I as mightD.Try I as might8)(),one way to preserve species is to remove them to zoos and breed them there.A.What

    9、a causeB.What the causeC.Whatever causeD.Whatever the cause9)()the house burns down,well get the insurance money.A.In caseB.In orderC.In turnD.For the most part10)People associate colors ()different objects,feelings,and holidays.A.inB.toC.withD.for4.下面的句子中每个句子都有四处带有括号并标以A、B、C、D,其中有一处是错误的。指出你认为错误之处。1

    10、)(Advertising)/A is only (part)/B of the total (sale)/C effort,but it is the part that (attracts)/D the most attention.A.B.C.D.2)Telecommunication can make information from around the world (available)/A to use quickly and easily,(but)/B some people (worry about)/C this may be a risk (to)/D our priv

    11、acy.3)When they (join)/A the work force,their employers and associates (alike)/B will soon realize the behavior of these rude young people (is)/C closer to (those)/D of animals than civilized individuals.4)Because boys aggressive,they refuse (to accept)/A other (peoples)/B solutions;they (insist)/C

    12、solving problems for (themselves)/D.5)One way of (getting)/A enough nutrients while (kept)/B ones weight down is to take substitutes (for)/C foods which contain (too much)/D fat.6)Scientists can (tell from)/A fossil evidence in rocks (that)/B many living species (become)/C extinct over the (millions

    13、)/D of years since life began.7)In the (final)/A analysis,we think that (because)/B fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer,it cal help you (enjoy)/C the years you (do live)/D.8)The wet,marshy land produces a large (number)/A of insects that provide food (for)/B the smaller birds that,(

    14、in turn)/C,to (provide)/D food for the arctic fox and the wolf.9)The human species (is)/A the only one (in)/B (the whole of)/C animated nature (which)/D sheds tears.10)Preschool shildren are not yet (fully)/A able to distinguish fantasy (with)/B reality and their understanding of the underlying moti

    15、ves (for)/C behavior and the subtleties of moral conflicts (is)/D not yet well developed.2021年自学考试英语(一)模拟试题(3)1.根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词性相应的英语单词。1)吓唬、使惊恐 v.f2)污染 n.p3)宠爱的人或物 n.f4)绝对的、完全的 adj.a5)斗争、奋斗 v./n.s6)原理、原则 n.p7)准确的、精确的 adj.a8)配偶;搭档、伙伴 n.p9)卫生,人造卫星 n.s10)几乎不,几乎没有 adv.s11)标准,规范 n.s12)官方,* n.a13)立即的,即可的

    16、adj.i14)基本的,根本的 adj.f15)尊敬,尊重 v./n.r16)监听、监视 v.m17)分配、委派 v.a18)结果,后果 n.c19)比,比率 n.r20)调查,研究 v./n.r1)I(work)hard this morning and Im really hungry.2)She seemed(hear)about the bad news already.3)Regardless of the heavy rain,they all objected to (put)the meeting off.4)He (could,not,hear)the news as it

    17、was released only a few minutes ago.5)Many preschool teachers dont like to have commmercially made toy weapons(bring)into the classroom.6)If she hadnt taken your advice,she(make)a bad mistake.7)It is desired that she(get)everything ready before Friday.8)New York City(have)several London-type smogs s

    18、ince 1950.9)The proverb “Theres no smoke without fire.”means that there is generally some truth in even the (wild)rumors.10)Women(be)the “weaker”and “dependent”sex,it is only natural that they should cry in certain emotional situations.1)We now have_of traveling that the Atlantic Ocean seems to have

    19、 grown smaller.A.so fast wayB.such fast wayC.such tast waysD.so fast ways2)Some birds are very lively in their sports;and the same is true_some insects.A.forC.asD.of3)A scientific truth offers an explanation that is asseptable only_what is hnown at a particular time.A.in place ofB.in search ofC.in n

    20、eed ofD.in the light of4)Tom spent four years in China,_he learned chinese.B.hereD.during which time5)A bird knows_instinct how to build a nest.A.byC.fromD.through6)_it is ,the difference can cause circular movement.A.Small butB.Small asC.So smallD.How small7)We must_the people to the dangers facing

    21、 our country.A.awakenB.avoidC.ariseD.adapt8)_than I fell ill.A.No sooner I had arrivedB.No sooner A arriveC.I had arrived to soonerD.No sooner I arrived9)He said that _time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.A.setting asideB.setting outC.to set aboutD.to

    22、set off10)If someone buys you lunch,they will expect a favor_.4.下面的句子中每个句子都有四处括号并标以A、B、C、D,其中有一处是错误的。1)The message (itself)/A is usually short,often (no more than)/B a slogan (which)/C the public (identifying)/D with the product.2)Our first acquaintance (with)/A these words comes (not)/B from our mo

    23、thers lips or from the talk of our classrooms,but from books that we read,lectures that we hear,or the (more)/C formal conversation of (high educated)/D speakers.3)Only when you (go through)/A the mental exercises to (come up with)/B a tentative definition (you should open)/C the dictionary to see (

    24、if)/D youre right.4)(Rising)/A living costs are considered by (almost)/B everyone (as)/C a reason both for holding sales (or)/D forattending them.5)The task of (writing)/A a dictionary (begin)/B with the reading of vast (amounts)/C of the literature of the prtiod or subject that the dictionary is (t

    25、o cover)/D.6)(In theory)/A,every person will have (access)/B to an (unlimited)/C amount of (informations)/D in the US.7)Vitamins and minerals (such as)/A iron,calcium,(are)/B (another)/C group of essential nutrients,though the body does not need as great a quantity of these (than)/D it does the macro-nutrients.8)The reason (for)/A this was that he decided to orientate the map (in)/B the direction of the Pole Star (since)/C Polaris was the immovable guiding ligh


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