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    1、银行业务英语词汇银行业务英语词汇会计账目用语 会计报表 statement of account 往来帐目 account current 如今往来帐|存款额 current accout 销货帐 account sales 共同计算帐项 joint account 未决帐项 outstanding account 贷方帐项 credit account|creditor account 借方帐项 debit account|debtor account 应付帐|应付未付帐 account payable 应收帐|应收未收帐 account receivable 新买卖|新帐 new acco

    2、unt 未决帐|老帐 old account 现金帐 cash account 流水帐 running account 呆帐 bad account 会计项目 title of account 借贷细帐|交验帐 account rendered 继续记帐 to keep account 与. 有买卖 to have an account with 清算|清算债务 to make up an account 清洁帐目|与. 中止买卖 to close ones account with 结帐 to close an account 结清差额 to balance the account with

    3、 反省帐目 to examine an account 转入A的帐户 to charge the amount to As account 以计帐方式付款 to pay on account 代理某人|为某人 on ones account|on account of one 为自己计算|独立帐目 on ones own account 支票用语 支票薄 cheque book 支票陈票人 cheque drawer 持票人 cheque holder 不记名支票 cheque to bearer|bearer cheque 记名支票|认人支票 cheque to order 到期支票 ant

    4、edated cheque 未到期支票 postdated cheque 保付支票 certified cheque 未获兑现支票,退票 returned cheque 空白支票 blank cheque 失效支票,过时支票 stale cheque 普通支票 open cheque 支票换现金|兑现 to cash a cheque 清算票款 to clear a cheque 保证兑现 to certify a cheque 支票退票 to dishonour a cheque 拒付支票 to refuse a cheque 拒付支票 to stop payment of a cheque

    5、 提示要求付款 to present for payment 支付指定人 payable to order 已过时|有效 out of date|stale 请给出票人 R/D|refer to drawer 存款缺乏 N/S|N.S.F.|not sufficient funds|I/F|insufficient funds 文字与数字不分歧 words and figures differ 更改处应加盖印章 alterations require initials 交流时间已过 effects not cleared 中止付款 payment stopped 支票毁损 cheque mut

    6、ilated 汇款用语 汇款|寄钱 to remit|to send money 寄票供取款|支票支付 to send a cheque for payment 寄款人 a remitter 收款人 a remittee 汇票汇单用语 国外汇票 foreign Bill 国际汇票 inland Bill 跟单汇票 documentary bill 空头汇票 accommodation bill 原始汇票 original bill 改写|换新票据 renewed bill 电汇 telegraphic transfer (T.T) 担保书 trust receipt|letter of ind

    7、emnity 承兑|认付 acceptance 单张承兑 general acceptance 有条件承兑 qualified acceptance 附条件认付 conditional acceptance 局部认付 partial acceptance 拒付|退票 dishonour 由于存款缺乏而退票 dihonour by non-payment 提交 presentation 期满|到期 maturity 托收 collection 外汇行情 exchange quotation 现汇汇率 spot rate 临时汇率 long rate 公家汇票折扣率 rate on a priva

    8、te bill 远期汇票兑换率 forward rate 付款汇率 pence rate 当日汇率|成交价 currency rate 套汇|套价|公断买卖率 arbitrage 收到汇款 to receive remittance 填写收据 to make out a receipt 付款用语 付款方法 mode of payment 现金付款 payment by cash|cash payment|payment by ready cash 以支票支付 payment by cheque 以汇票支付 payment by bill 以物品支付 payment in kind 付清|支付全

    9、部货款 payment in full|full payment 活期付款 payment on term 年分期付款 annual payment 预付货|先付 payment in advance|prepayment 延付货款 deferred payment 立刻付款 prompt payment|immediate payment 暂付款 suspense payment 延期付款 delay in payment|extension of payment 结帐|清算|支付 settlement 分期付款 instalment 滞付|拖欠|尾数款未付 arrears 特许拖延付款日

    10、days of grace 保证付款 del credere 付款 to pay|to make payment|to make effect payment 结帐 to settle|to make settlement|to make effect settlement|to square|to balance 支出|付款 to defray|to disburse 结清 to clear off|to pya off 拖延付款 to defer payment|to delay payment 付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment 还债 to disch

    11、arge 迅速付款 to pay promptly 付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly|to never pay unless forced 拒绝付款 to refuse payment|to refuse to pay|to dishonour a bill 惠请付款 kindly pay the amount|please forward payment|please forward a cheque. 讨取利息 to charge interest 附上利息 to draw interest|to bear interest|to allow interest 生息 to

    12、yield interest 生息3% to yield 3% 存款 to deposit in a bank|to put in a bank|to place on deposit|to make deposit 在银行存款 to have money in a bank|to have a bank account|to have money on deposit 向银行提款 to withdraw ones deposit from a bank 换取现金 to convert into money|to turn into cash|to realize 打折扣购置 to buy a

    13、t a discount 打折扣出售 to sell at a discount 打折扣-让价 to reduce|to make a reduction 减价 to deduct|to make a deduction 回扣 to rebate 现金折扣 cash discount 货到付款|现金提货 cash on deliver (C.O.D.) 货到付现款 cash on arrival 即时付款 prompt cash 净价|最低价钱付现 net cash 现金付款 ready cash 即期付款 spot cash|cash down|cash on the nail 凭单据付现款

    14、 cash against documents 凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading 承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A) 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 信誉证用语 追加信誉证 additional credit|additional L/C 信誉证金额 amount of credit 赊帐金额 credit balance 可吊销信誉证 revocable L/C 不可吊销信誉证 irrevocable L/C 保兑信誉证 confirmed L/C 不保兑信誉证 unc

    15、onfirmed L/C 可转让信誉证 assignable L/C|transferable L/C 无条件信誉证 open credit|free credit 普通讯誉证 general letter of credit 游览信誉证 circular letter of credit 特别信誉证 special letter of credit 信誉证底帐 letter of credit ledger 信誉证发行帐 letter of credit issued account 信誉证金额 amount of creditWhat kind of account did you hav

    16、e in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 活期还是活期? Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 请通知我你想存何种户头? Theres a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收效劳费,现金户头不收。 Our minimum depo

    17、sit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。 Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是5元。 You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 Even one yuan is all right. 甚至一元也可以起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back

    18、 when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请通知我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。 罕见银行英语词汇account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 存款单 a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存

    19、款 deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 公家存款 certificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, passbook 存折 credit card 信誉卡 principal 本金 overdraft, overdraw 透支 to counter sign 双签 to endorse 背书 endorser 背书人 to cash 兑现 to honor a cheque 兑付 to dishonor a cheque 拒付 to suspend payment 止付 cheque,check 支票 cheque book

    20、 支票本 order cheque 记名支票 bearer cheque 不记名支票 crossed cheque 横线支票 blank cheque 空白支票 rubber cheque 一诺千金 cheque stub, counterfoil 票根 cash cheque 现金支票 travelers cheque 游览支票 cheque for transfer 转帐支票 outstanding cheque 未付支票 canceled cheque 已付支票 forged cheque 伪支票 Bandars note 庄票,银票 banker 银行家 president 行长 sa

    21、vings bank 储蓄银行 Chase Bank 大通银行 National City Bank of New York 花旗银行 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行 Banque de IIndoChine 西方汇理银行 central bank, national bank, bankers bank 中央银行 bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行 commercial bank 商业银行,储

    22、蓄信贷银行 member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行 discount bank 贴现银行 exchange bank 汇兑银行 requesting bank 委托开证银行 issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行 advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行 negotiation bank 议付银行 confirming bank 保兑银行 paying bank 付款银行 associate banker of collection 代收银行 consigned banker of collection 委托银行 cl

    23、earing bank 清算银行 local bank 本地银行 domestic bank 国际银行 overseas bank 国外银行 unincorporated bank 钱庄 branch bank 银行分行 trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行 trust company 信托公司 financial trust 金融信托公司 unit trust 信托投资公司 trust institution 银行的信托部 credit department 银行的信誉部 commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司贴

    24、现公司 neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所 credit union 协作银行 credit bureau 商业兴信所 self-service bank 无人银行 land bank 土地银行 construction bank 树立银行 industrial and commercial bank 工商银行 bank of communications 交通银行 mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行 post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行 mortgage bank, building s

    25、ociety 抵押银行 industrial bank 实业银行 home loan bank 家宅存款银行 reserve bank 预备银行 chartered bank 特许银行 corresponding bank 往来银行 merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行 investment bank 投资银行 import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行 joint venture bank 合资银行 money shop, native bank 钱庄 credit cooperatives 信誉社 clearing hou

    26、se 票据交流所 public accounting 公共会计 business accounting 商业会计 cost accounting 本钱会计 depreciation accounting 折旧会计 computerized accounting 电脑化会计 general ledger 总帐 subsidiary ledger 分户帐 cash book 现金出纳帐 cash account 现金帐 journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐 bad debts 坏帐 investment 投资 surplus 结余 idle capital 游资 economic c

    27、ycle 经济周期 economic boom 经济兴盛 economic recession 经济衰退 economic depression 经济萧条 economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货收缩 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币升值 revaluation 货币增值 international balance of payment 国际收支 favourable balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 hard currency 硬通货 soft currency 软通货

    28、 international monetary system 国际货币制度 the purchasing power of money 货币购置力 money in circulation 货币流通量 note issue 纸币发行量 national budget 国度预算 national gross product 国民消费总值 public bond 公债 stock, share 股票 debenture 债券 treasury bill 国库券 debt chain 债务链 direct exchange 直接对角套汇 indirect exchange 直接三角套汇 cross

    29、rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率 foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外汇储藏 foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇动摇 foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机 discount 贴现 discount rate, bank rate 贴现率 gold reserve 黄金储藏 money (financial) market 金融市场 stock exchange 股票买卖所 broker 经纪人 commission 佣金 bookkeeping 簿记 bookkeeper 簿记员 an ap

    30、plication form 央求单 bank statement 对帐单 letter of credit 信誉证 strong room, vault 保险库 equitable tax system 等价税那么 specimen signature 签字式样 banking hours, business hours 营业时间 银行业务部门称号中英对照Board of Directors 董事会President 行长Executive Office 经理办公室 Personnel Dept 人事部General Affairs Dept 总务部Co-ordination & Planning Dept 综合方案部 International Dept 国际业务部Overseas Branches Dept 海外部 Foreign Exchange Dept 外汇资金部 First Credit Dept 信贷一部Second Credit Dept 信贷二部Accounting Dept 财会部Internatio


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