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    The Big Bang Theory S04E19 WindVDS笔记系列 看美剧学英语美语口语单词Word下载.docx

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    The Big Bang Theory S04E19 WindVDS笔记系列 看美剧学英语美语口语单词Word下载.docx

    1、 Just say thank you. I thought I just did.1day-old解释ee要表达简单的隔了一夜的某食物,你会说什么呢?举例eg如果是面包隔夜的话,可以打5折u can get 50% off if its day-old bread类似sethe bread is from last night 昨晚的面包its left-over from last night party 昨晚party剩下的541 Penny在向Bernadette和Amy抱怨自己需要在Priya跟前蹑手蹑脚, So whats the thanks I get for turning

    2、Leonard into quality boyfriend material? I have to tiptoe around his new girlfriend.A: I think youre on.B: Oh. That bitch!2tiptoe around要表达小心翼翼不敢出声或不敢完全表达自己等Penny:我没有乘你不在,偷偷跑到Leonard家里Hi, I didnt tiptoe into his apartment while u were away.I hate having to be the invisible one in the room 我讨厌不得不一声不吭

    3、and I have to act/play/be all nice at her. 我还不得不对她友善Im not sneaking around behind ur back 我没有在你背后偷偷地找Leonard750 Sheldon,Wolowitz和Raj讨论怎么去和对方交涉,Sheldon表示要ruthlessW:So, how do you guys want to play this?S:Be ruthless. You tell him if he doesnt start talking, well register a complaint with his Internet

    4、 service provider.R:Sheldon, what if he gets his Internet from his cable company? He could lose his HBO and all their delightful original programming.I dont care! Im losin it, man!3m losing it表示 我要不行了,崩溃了,撑不住啦。特别注意原文用 表示连读 听起来像 Im losin nit,n发了两次,不信听听Sheldon:你疯了,180km/h了,快刹车,你要杀了我们啊Leonard:我控制不住了 Ar

    5、e u out of your mind, 180km/h. stop now. u are gonna kill all of us. God. Im losing it.t how much longer I can hold it 我不知能撑多久m going through a panic. 我恐慌了m about to break down/ melt down 我快不行了30 Priya看着Leonard顾电脑不顾她,有些不高兴P: Leonard, is this going to take much longer? I thought we were going to spen

    6、d some time together.L:Uh, we are. In the meantime, youre welcome to whip up a quick character and join us.4whip up 表示 迅速准备好Leonard: Penny,你能准备好你车赶紧过来接一下我们吗?Hi, Penny. u think u can whip up your car and come pick us up at highway 117.Penny: 我准备了些cocktails ,咱们姐三个喝一杯I just whipped up some cocktails, I

    7、 say we three take a drink, huh? Howard告诉Leonard大家要去找谁来找回丢失的东西 Okay, what exactly are we looking for?H:Redheaded troll, goes by the name of Glumly. According to the message boards, if you want to move stolen goods and its after school hours, hes your guy.5go by the name 表示 名字为什么a film entitled * 叫做*

    8、的电影,正式I go by Sheldon or Shelly, if u must. 你叫我sheldon,如果非要叫Shelly,也行I will answer to Shelly even though it gives me creeps 叫我shelly我也会答,尽管那让我不舒服1145 Howard告诉Sheldon自己只能8点之后出门Also, tonights the Sabbath and my mother and I have a tradition of lighting the candles and watching Wheel of Fortune, so. If

    9、 we could leave at 8:00, d still be able to regain our birthright at 10:00, 10:30 latest.610:30 latest表示最迟的时间Amy:根据我科学的推断,Priya他俩这月底就分手,最多下月Based on my scientific prediction, they are gonna break up in the month, next month latestthey can only tolerate each other for a few weeks, 1 month top 最多一月we

    10、will get there no later than 10:30 最迟10:30 到高级词汇篇3 听Howard说丢的东西找不回来了,Sheldon is moping (忧伤)Whoever did this knew what they were doing. He got in and out of your account in under 15 minutes, transferred all your stuff, and didnt leave a digital fingerprint.Oh! There isnt enough chamomile tea in the w

    11、orld to quell the rage in my heart.7rage解释ee句巨大强烈愤怒,令有单词outrageous,表示rage已经不能完全表示愤怒的程度了Amy: Penny,借酒浇愁,一吐你心中的愤怒吧Tell us how u feel right now, all that anger, let the alcohol be the outlet of your rage and we be the audienceI was just so mad at her back then 我太生气了I couldnt let go of my rage or forgiv

    12、e her or even look at her 我不能原谅她the furor I felt when I heard she took Leonard to the beach Penny抱怨给Amy和Bernadette是自己让Leonard不再害怕beachI am the one who spent two years trying to get him to even go to the beach in the first place. And he was so phobic about stepping on medical waste, I had to carry hi

    13、m to the water.8phobic害怕的我恐高m phobic about hight.I have a phobia for heightit scares me half to death to * 吓半死it terrifies me to stand high 我害怕高it scares the creeps out of me. 吓得我要死本集开头,Sheldon极度地生气地向Police抱怨 Why hast thou forsaken me, O deity whose existence I doubt?Here. Breathe into this bag.thou

    14、为你的意思9forsake放弃,正式用法偷窃者:Sheldon,听着,你一个礼拜之内没找到我这要你东西,说明你已经放弃你的权利了Listen, u didnt get to me within a week, it means uve forsaken your rights over them.这偷窃者住的是什么地方,上帝遗忘的小城吗?for jesus sake, where does he live, a god-forsaken town?15 Raj告诉Sheldon和众人他录了一张CDI took the liberty of burning us a mix of heroic

    15、questing music.This says Beyonce Bootylicious Dance Mix.Its a re-writable CD. Just put it in.10take the liberty 很有礼貌地说自己自作主张做了*(Penny酩酊大醉状)Penny,我自作主张在你酒里加了些*,今晚忘了Leonard吧Penny, I took the liberty to mix a little * into your cocktail, why dont u just have fun and forget about Leonard for now13 Raj告诉

    16、Priya别疑心Leonard,即使他用了很荒谬的理由Look, if you want your relationship with Leonard to continue,re going to have to believe whatever wild-eyed, cockamamie excuse the white devil has the nerve to offer you.11cockamamie荒谬的可笑的,Leonard说这是我的荒谬的想法不,我转述,现在,去拿你那同样可笑的钥匙咱们走吧 Leonard said my cockamamie idea No, I was

    17、paraphrasing. Now, go grab your cockamamie key and lets hit the road.1220 Sheldon抱怨Howard并没有和妈妈一起看wheel of fortunem hell-bent on catching a cyber criminal, not the common cold.m sorry, I thought this delay was so you could watch Wheel of Fortune with your mother.12hell-bent固执的破斧沉舟的我倒不是非要和Leonard怎么样,

    18、只是她太过分了,不让我们做朋友。m hell-bent to hang with Leonard all the time, but shes way out of line to ask him to stop being my friend.I have a desperate need to have an ice-cream 我很想吃 雪糕I have an unbent determination to see the movie 我非要看电影TBBT S04E19 EndTBBT S04E20 is coming up欢迎大家纠错,交流,提问,建议;欢迎转载,合作,加入Wind-VDS【Wind-VDS笔记系列】全部作品下载


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