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    1、,New concept English 2,Lesson 23,A new house,I had a letter from my sister yesterday.,receive a letter from sb.have a letter from sb.get a letter from sb.hear from sb.,My sister,I,She lives in Nigeria.,1.I _ just _ a letter from my brother,Tim.(Lesson 4)2.My daughter,Jane never dreamed of _ a letter

    2、 from a girl of her own age.(Lesson22),have,received,receiving,Dear sister:,We havent seen each other for a long time!I miss you very much!I will come to England from Nigeria!.,1.We havent seen each other for a long time!2.I miss you very much!3.I will come to England from Nigeria!,She said that we

    3、hadnt seen each other for a long time.,She said that she missed me very much.,She said that she would come to England from Nigeria.,I will come to England from Nigeria!,She said that she would come to England from Nigeria!,My letter,Dear sister:I miss you very much,too!If you come,you will get a sur

    4、prise.We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country!The house was completed five months ago!The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden.I hope you can stay with us,What did I say in my letter?,If you come,you will get a surprise.We are living in a beautiful new house in t

    5、he country!The house was completed five months ago!The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden.,I said that if she came,she would get a surprise.,I said that we were living in a beautiful house in the country.,I said that the house had been completed five months before.,I said that t

    6、he house had many large rooms and there was a lovely garden.,主句为一般过去时,直接引语除了人称的变化还要有时态的变化.,直接引语 间接引语,1.一般现在时,一般过去时,2.现在进行时,过去进行时,3.一般过去时,4.现在完成时,过去完成时,过去完成时,5.一般将来时,过去将来时,Lesson 23 A new house,I had a letter from my sister yesterday.She lives in Nigeria.In her letter,she said that she would come to

    7、England next year.If she comes,she will get a surprise.We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country.Work on it had begun before she left.The house was completed five months ago.In my letter,I told her that she could stay with us.The house has many large rooms and there is a very big gar

    8、den.It is a very modern house,so it looks strange to some people.It must be the only modern house in the district.,now,before my sister left,five months ago,next year,2.work on it had begun,3.the house was completed,1.living in a beautiful new house,comes,will get a surprisecan stay with us,4.could

    9、stay with us,Qs:,What will your sister do next year?Have you a new house in the country or not?Why is the new house special?,精讲课文,1I had a letter from my sister yesterday.昨天我收到了姐姐的一封信。have在这里相当于 receive。(cf.第18课语法),2.If she comes,she will get a surprise.get a surprise 感到惊奇(这里surprise是可数名词,指“令人惊奇的事,意

    10、想不到的事”)Its a surprise to me that they cant sell their flat.surprise也可以作不可数名词,表示“惊讶”She looked at the man in surprise.to ones surprise=I get a shock.吃了一惊,3We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country.(1)live指长期居住,一般不用进行时。但例句中的进行时是为了强调目前的居住情况。(2)country指“乡下”(与town相对)时,一般与the连用,而不与my等所有格形容

    11、词连用,指“祖国”时则可以:I enjoy living in the country.我喜欢住在乡下。My country is China.我的祖国是中国。,4.Work on it had begun before my sister left.work(工作,作业)是抽象的不可数名词,“的工作”后面必须用介词on.在这个句子里,work是名词,作主语,指住房的建设,而it是指房屋。因为建设这个动作发生在姐姐离开之前,所以动词begin用了过去完成时。,5.In my letter,I told her that she could stay with us.stay with是一固定搭

    12、配,表示“跟暂住在一起”:;短语扩展:stay the night 过夜 stay in 呆在家里,不外出 stay out 呆在户外,不在家,不回家 stay over 留宿 stay up 熬夜,深夜不睡,6.so it looks strange to some people.be strange to sb.陌生的,不熟悉的,奇怪的短语扩展:fell strange 感觉不自在,感觉不舒服例句:Peking Opera is strange to some foreigners.对某些外国人来说,京剧是一项陌生的事物。,7.It must be the only modern hous

    13、e in the district.(1)modern 可以指“现代的”(相对于古代等时期而言),也可以指“现代化的”、“时髦的”、“新式的”:This car/dress looks quite modern.这辆车/这件衣服看上去很时髦。(2)district n.地区,行政区,地域,地带,通常隶属于某个整体或具有某些地理特征:Haidian District 北京的海淀区 area n.地段 region n.地带,区域,地方,(世界上某个特定的)地区,(艺术,科学等的)领域,(大气,海水等的)层,Special difficulties,There is and It is 在说明或询

    14、问人或物等的存在时可用there be结构。这种结构可以用一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时及现在完成时等时态。在用there表示过存在后,就必须用it 或人称代词作进一步说明:Theres a bus coming,but its full.Theres a man at the door.Its the postman.it 作为“虚主语”表示时间、距离、天气等概念时,不能用there be结构 Its fifteen miles to the station.,注意:,在表示天气的时候:(1).There be+n.There is a rain.(2).It+be+v./adj.It

    15、is raining./it is cold.,1.When I went to have the bill,I realized I had my wallet at home.青岛市 A.forgotten B.left C.had D.taken,中考链接:,3.Do you know _ I could pass the exam?Sorry,Ive no idea.A.that B.whether C.what D.which,B,2 Catherine said that she _ to Guangzhou.A.has never gone B.had never goneC.h

    16、as never been D.had never been,B,4.Do you know _ during the coming summer holiday?北京海淀区 A.what will Tom do B.what did Tom do C.what Tom will do D.what Tom did,C,D,7.Mr.King didnt know _yesterday evening.吉林省 A.when does his son come home B.when his son comes home C.when did his son come home D.when h

    17、is son came home,5 Linda said the moon_ round the earth.A.travelled B.has travelled C.travells D.had travelled,中考链接:,C,6.Could you tell us _?河南省 A.when you will send the fridge to our house B.when will you send the fridge to our house C.when you would send the fridge to our house D.when would you se

    18、nd the fridge to our house,D,A,8.Could you tell me _?He is wanted by the head teacher.Sorry,I ve no idea.But he _ here just now.(2009广东)A.where Tim was;was B.where is Tim;was C.where Tim is;was D.where Tim is;is 9.Everyone should know_ to save themselves when a fire breaks out.(2009安徽)A.whether B.what C.when D.how10.Did Mrs.King leave a message?Yes.She wants to know _ this Sunday.(2009江苏)A.who you would go shopping B.If you would go shopping with her C.that you will go shopping D.when will you go shopping with her,C,D,B,


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