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    1、2016年上海卷高考英语作文范文 假设你是中华中学一名中学生,最近你正在参与一个研究性学习研究调查,调查课题为“关于父母是否对孩子感到骄傲”。1.简要描述这些数据2.分析该原因父母:对孩子感到骄傲80%孩子:认为父母对自己感到骄傲60% A study has been carried out recently on whether parents take pride in their children. Having surveyed the students of our school and their parents, we finally got the results, as i

    2、s shown in the chart. 80% of the parents surveyed said that they did, while 60% of the student subjects gave the same answer.Where dose the twenty percentage go? From my perspective, two factors contribute to it. On one hand, in the Chinese traditional educational pattern, parents would rather show

    3、their pride behind childrens back for fear that they might be too over-confident to behave well. When it comes to face-to-face conversations, parents prefer to point out mistakes, ignoring the fact that sometimes child needs more encouragement than criticism. On the other hand, children are also to

    4、blame for their impatience and less attention to parents. We work hard and are so desperate to win praise and applause. When we dont get what is expected, we easily are drown into disappointment, become angry, start complaining, and lose the patience to calm down and think deeply. Naturally, we fail

    5、 to find out how deep our parents love us and how proud they are knowing we achieve a lot. The missing twenty percentage mirrors the generation gap. Luckily, as long as parents and children make joint efforts, we can finally bridge the gap, understand each other and share a common idea.2015年上海卷高考英语作

    6、文范文 学校即将举办 “读书节”, 目前正广泛征集 “读书节” 宣传册图片。 假设你是该校学生潘阳, 你已找到以下三幅图片, 决定给读书节组委会写一封信, 推荐其中一幅,。你的信须包括以下内容: 1. 简单描述你想推荐的那幅图片; 2. 阐述你用这幅图片宣传 “读书节” 的理由。 范文(1) Dear Sir/ Madam, Word came that a reading festival would be held by our school and there is a need for a picture for advertisement and I am writing to gi

    7、ve my opinion. From my perspective , I am in favor of the picture in the top right corner.As is vividly depicted in that picture, around the table sit three kids with a couple of books in their hands, having a heated discussion about the contents and sharing their thoughts for the themes, which show

    8、s their dedication and passion for reading.Basically, several reasons are listed for my preference. First, nothing is more attractive than a proper and realistic picture. This picture serves as an epitome of our daily reading scene in the school and it is apt to let students recall the joy and harve

    9、st while reading.Second, this picture stands for the fun of sharing and exchanging ideas. With regard to reading, there is a saying that there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples eyes. After reading, bits and pieces of thoughts will appear in our mind, so it is beneficial to have a better u

    10、nderstanding after comparing notes about what we have read.From what is mentioned above, I, undoubtedly, approve of the picture in the top right corner. Thus, I would appreciate it if you could take my proposal into consideration and I wish this festival a complete success.范文(2)Recently, having been

    11、 delighted to see the notice that there is a need of our reading festival to make a choice among three creative pictures for advertisement. After a long time comparison, the picture on the bottom right corner earns my favor.As is clearly depicted in the picture, there sits a foreigner in front of th

    12、e library who is concentrating on the books, immersing himself into the world of literature and feeling peaceful and satisfied, which turns out to be thought-provoking and enlightening.Part of the reasons for my choice is that it vividly reveals the significance of reading books to students, which p

    13、rovides you with the power to escape from the hustle and bustle in the metropolis. For instance, whenever you feel puzzled, confused or stressed, you can always refer to books and consequently find peace and satisfactory solutions in them.Id, however, perfectly appreciate your considering my selecti

    14、on if you feel that choice and reason are in lined with your requirements and best wishes for your reading festival.范文(3)What a pleasant surprise it is to know that our school will hold a Reading Festival! Hearing that the committee need select a picture as the publicity photo, I intend to voice my

    15、opinion that I am fond of the one on the left corner.Actually, the three photos are equally attractive to us students. If we must elect one to publicize, I prefer the one that is composed of books, coffee, musical notes and instrument, which creates the an agreeable and relaxed atmosphere.“Read a go

    16、od book, just like a noble people in conversation.”, which is said by Gerd, reveals that books play an essential role in our life. Creating an atmosphere by music and coffee,it appeals to students to start reading. Moreover, the image could imply that reading has the function of nurturing spirituali

    17、ty and purifying mind.I hope that my suggestions will prove of some value in your consideration, and that reading books will be more popular among us students.2014年上海高考英语作文范文学校英语报正在酝酿改版,拟从现有的三个栏目(健康、娱乐、文化)中去除一个,并从三个备选栏目(时尚、职业规划、读者反馈)中挑选一个纳入该报。假设你是该校学生程飞,给校报编辑写一封电子邮件,表达你的观点。邮件须包括以下内容:1. 你建议去除的栏目及去除的理

    18、由;2. 你建议增加的栏目及增加的理由。Dear Sir/Madam, Im writing to express some of my opinions towards our schools English newspaper. In my point of view, among health, entertainment and culture, I would choose “entertainment” to be the one to be eliminated. Although its necessary for students to get some relaxation

    19、, Im worried that the main news the entertainment column offers will eventually turn into celebrity gossip, which is neither helpful to the growth of students nor to the development of our school. We are already living in a world that is crammed with useless information, and theres no need to add so

    20、me more. The main focus of the newspaper is supposed to be placed on the students not Brad Pitts new movie. As for the column to be added, I highly recommend the “career planning”. I know that right now a large number of students still have absolutely no idea about what they truly want to become in

    21、the future, so its quite urgent and necessary to give students basic understanding of what different kinds of jobs are like and what kind of qualities are required for different jobs. This may help students gain a better understanding of their strengths and weakness and thus figure out their goals.

    22、To me, its much more meaningful than “fashion” or “readers feedback”. Im looking forward to your reply.Many thanksChen FeiDear Sir/Madam,As an avid热心 reader of your newspaper, Id like to offer some suggestions for changes that hopefully could be made to your future editions. A section that I think y

    23、ou can do without would be Culture and, in the meantime, a section that I suggest adding to the newspaper is Career Planning. My reasons are as follows.Since this newspaper is intended for students, a relaxed tone and light-hearted topics would get in good graces with讨得欢心 us. Culture seems a rather

    24、serious section, which isnt really necessary considering our school curriculum has done an excellent job imparting给与 to us various cultures in the world. Besides, culture and entertainment are inextricably错综复杂 linkedthat is, we can subconsciously learn about western culture through listening to Engl

    25、ish songs and watching American or British TV series. For example, Big Bang Theory has shown us how Americans now regard smart is the new sexy, and Sherlock has shown us how the wry 嘲讽humor of Brits can actually strengthen the bond between two detectives.The reason why Id like to see a Career Planni

    26、ng section is that high schools in Shanghai seldom offer career guidance, something that should be made indispensable to the curriculums. Employers often complain about graduates lack of skill and, more importantly, mental preparedness to do things professionally. I think that its part of a schools

    27、responsibility to help students build links between academic subjects and employable skills. These are not mutually exclusive entities实际存在物, but rather a mutually dependent whole. Book knowledge bolsters支撑 our qualifications and confidence necessary for a successful career, while proper career plann

    28、ing will be beneficial in directing our limited time and energy to what really matters to us personally. Better still, it would be fantastic to read about other peoples reflections on job seeking and career development.It is time we made the newspaper breezier to its readers and gave some practical

    29、tips on finding work and building a career.Many thanksChen Fei2013高考上海卷英语作文上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展,现就展出场所(博物馆还是社区图书馆)征集公众意见,假设你是王敏,给上海博物馆写一封信表达你的想法。你的信必须满足以下要求:1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择;2. 说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比) Ive read about your poster about selecting the location of an exhibition of famous paintings, and

    30、 I suggest that the museum is a nice place. First of all, compared with those libraries, the museum is an excellent place which inspires our eagerness for knowledge. Its certain that visitors will be more absorbed in the fantastic surroundings. By contrast, I dont think those normal libraries in com

    31、munities match well with paintings with great fame an high prices. While some of my friends insist that libraries are more convenient, I maintain that since the transportation system in Shanghai is very advanced and the museum is located in the city centre, its not a bit difficult for us to reach th

    32、e show. All in all, I am firmly convinced that the museum is a better place for this grand painting exhibition, and it will be a great honor if I could study those wonderful paintings in the best museum in Shanghai. I hope that you will accept my suggestion.2012年上海高考英语作文上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括: 对两堂绘画课的具体描述; 你从中获得的启发。Today I spent two periods of time in Amys class in a primary


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