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    专题02 新题精选30题中考英语走出题海之黄金30题系列解析版Word文档下载推荐.docx

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    专题02 新题精选30题中考英语走出题海之黄金30题系列解析版Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、 考查疑问词+to do的结构。【精选5】The TV is always _ at my homeAby Bwith Cin Don在我们家电视机总是开着。be on (灯)亮着,电源开着。故答案为D。考查介词的用法。【精选6】As a doctor, you cant be _ carefulAto Btoo Calso Dvery作为一个医生,你再小心也不为过。Ato到,向;Btoo太;Calso 也;Dvery非常。cant too.表示再怎么怎么也不过分。故答案为B。 考查副词的用法【精选7】Mary _ every day after school, but now she _ a

    2、ll the time. A. used to play, is used to study B. used to play, is used to studying C. is used to play, used to study D. is used to playing, used to study考查动词短语的辨析。【精选8】Jim is reading a book under that tree. It be Jim. He has gone to Hainan. A. may B. mustnt C. cant D. couldnt-吉姆在那棵树下读一本书。-肯定不是吉姆。他去

    3、海南了。此题考查情态动词,A可能;B禁止;C肯定不是;D不能。根据句意,应选C。考查情态动词。【精选9】He watched TV for an hour. At 8 oclock he stopped _ his homework. A. do B. doing C. to do D. did【答案】C 他看了一个小时的电视。八点钟,他停下来做作业了。此题考查固定短语stop to do sth停下来做某事和stop doing sth停止做某事。考查非谓语动词。【精选10】The left-behind kids(留守儿童)cant see their parents _ the pare

    4、nts come back home from work. A. but B. until C. or D. if考查连词。【精选11】Gina used to be _ and she never spoke in front of the public. A. outgoing B. noisy C. silent D. humorous吉娜过去很文静,从来不在公共场合讲话。A. outgoing 外向的;B. noisy 吵闹;C. silent文静的;D. humorous幽默的。依据句意,故答案为C。考查形容词辨析。【精选12】-Excuse me, could you wake m

    5、e up if my friend _ here? -Of course. But we still dont know when your friend _. A. comes; will come B. comes; comes C. will come; comes D. will come; will come【答案】A麻烦你,当我的朋友来到这儿时,你能叫醒我吗?-当然。但是我们还不知道你的朋友什么时间来这儿。when,何时,什么时间,引导宾语从句;当,引导时间状语从句,当主从句的动作都没有发生时,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时,即主将从现。根据句子结构,第一个句子是时间状语从句,第二

    6、个句子是宾语从句,故选A。考查动词时态【精选13】You _keep the water running all the time, because youre wasting water.A. ought to B. ought not C. not ought D. ought not to你不应该一直让水流动着,因为你在浪费水。ought to 应该,ought not to不应该。结合句意,故选D。考查动词的用法。【精选14】He finds great in reading. A. pleasure B. pleasant C. pleased D. please考查名词的用法【精选

    7、15】-Ann has finished her homework, hasnt she?-Yes. She _it an hour ago.A. finished B. finishes C. has finished D. will finish安已经完成她的作业了,是吗?是的,一个小时前她完成了。一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。结合句意,故选A。考查一般过去时的用法。【精选16】_ exercise you do, _ you will be. A. Much, healthy B. More, healthier C. The most, the healthiest D

    8、. The more, the healthier你锻炼的也越多;你将会越健康。 本题考查the+比较级;the+比较级,表示越;就越。 根据题意故选D。考查比较级的用法。【精选17】This is the best hotel in the city_ I know. A. where B. which C. that D. it这是我知道的市里面最好的旅馆。此题考查定语从句,因为先行词前面有最高级修饰,故用that。考查定语从句的关系词。【精选18】 Could you tell me _? I must find him. Sorry. I have no idea. But he wa

    9、s here just now.A. where Tom was B. where Tom has gone C. where can I find Tom D. where Tom has been考查宾语从句。【精选19】- The weather is very good. Lets go to the seaside.- _. Why not?A. Have fun B. Not really C. Sounds fine D. Not at all-天气很好。咱们去海滩吗?-听起来不错。为什么不呢?上文提建议,下文作出回答;Sounds fine听起来不错。所以选C。考查交际用语。【

    10、精选20】- How do you like the program The Voice of China?- _ amazing program it is! Many people like to watch it.A. What a B. How C. What an D. How a你认为中国好声音这个节目怎么样?真是太惊奇的节目了!许多人喜欢看这个节目。感叹句的结构:What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!根据amazing program-形容词+单数名词,又因为amazing是元音音素开头的,故用what an。故选C。考查感叹句的用法

    11、。【精选21】Could you tell me _ a concert in Shanghai next week? A. if there was going to be B. if there is going to beC. whether is there going to be D. whether there is going to have考查宾语从句及there be 句型的用法。【精选22】They seldom think about the people, _? A. do they B. dont they C. are they D. arent they他们很少考

    12、虑人们,是吗?此题考查反意疑问句,前面有seldom几乎不,表示否定。根据句意,应选A。考查反意疑问句。【精选23】_ people were found _ after that earthquake. A.A number of; missed B. A number of; dead C. The number of; missing D. The number of; died在那场地震之后,许多人被发现死了。a number of一些,许多;the number of的数目。Find后接形容词作宾语补足语,表示宾语的特点性质等,结合语境可知选B。考查主谓一致的用法 【精选24】完形填

    13、空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Once there was a rich man named Chulong. One day, he was walking in his garden when he saw a strange 1 with beautiful features(特征) and sweet voice in a tree. Chulong 2 went near the tree and caught the bird, which he thought he could 3 and get lots of money. “Dont think about mak

    14、ing money through me!” said the bird, “ 4 will buy me, because, in imprisonment (监禁), I lose my beauty and sweet voice.” Chulongs hope of making money was shattered. He became angry and wanted to 5 the bird for the meat.Then the 6 bird suggested, “Well, set me free. In return I shall teach you 7 sim

    15、ple but useful rules, which can do good to you.”Chulong didnt believe the bird 8 , and he was afraid that the bird would fly away. However, the bird 9 it would keep its word(守信). Chulong wanted to take a risk. He set the bird free and it sat on the branch of a tree. It became 10 again.Chulong asked,

    16、 “Now teach me the rules.” “Certainly,” said the bird. Then the bird taught Chulong the 11 : The first rule is Never believe everything others say. The second rule is Never be sad about something you dont have. The third rule is Never throw away what you have in your hand.“You silly bird,” shouted C

    17、hulong, “These rules are known to everyone. You 12 me.” But the bird said, “Today, you had me in your hand, but you threw me away. You believed all that I said. And you are sad about not having me. 13 the rules are simple, you have never followed them. Now have you got the 14 of the rules? Just sit

    18、down and think for a while.” With these words, the bird 15 and disappeared from his sight. 1. A. cat B. bird C. panda D. monkey2. A. proudly B. freely C. slowly D. weakly 3. A. eat B. study C. draw D. sell 4. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D.Everybody 5. A. find B. borrow C. smell D. kill 6. A. bu

    19、sy B. helpful C. clever D. lucky7. A. three B. four C. five D. six8. A. for ever B. later on C. at first D. at last9. A. promised B. remembered C. guessed D. hoped10. A. ugly B. beautiful C. lazy D.hard-working 11. A. songs B. languages C. rules D. skills12. A. cheated B. helped C. found D. forgot13

    20、. A. Until B. Unless C. If D. Although14. A. history B. value C. reason D.connection 15. A. woke up B. fell down C. flew away D. held on 【答案】1. B2. C3. D4. A 5. D 6. C7. A8. C9. A10. B11. C12. A13. D14. B15. C1. B考查名词及语境的理解。当他在花园里散步时看到树上一只有美丽花纹和甜美嗓音的鸟。A. cat猫;B. bird鸟;C. panda 熊猫;D. monkey猴子。根据后文cau

    21、ght the bird 可知是一只鸟,故选B。2. C考查副词及语境的理解。楚龙慢慢地靠近那棵树并且抓住了那只鸟。A. proudly骄傲地;B. freely 自由地;C. slowly慢慢地;D. weakly虚弱地。楚龙要抓鸟,只能是慢慢地靠近,根据情景,故选C。3. D考查动词及语境的理解。他认为他可以把那只鸟卖掉,赚到许多的钱。A. eat吃;B. study 学习;C. draw绘画;D. sell 卖。根据后文提到赚钱,可知他想卖掉鸟,故选D。4. A考查代词及语境的理解。鸟说,不要想通过我赚钱,因为在监禁,我失去了美丽和甜美的嗓音。A. Nobody 没有人;B. Someb

    22、ody有人;C. Anybody任何人;D. Everybody 每个人。所以没有人会买我。根据原因,故选A。5. D考查动词及语境的理解。他的希望破灭了,他变得非常生气,想杀死鸟吃肉。A. find 找到;B. borrow 借;C. smell闻起来;D. kill 杀死。根据后文for meat,可知是杀死,故选D。6. C考查形容词及语境的理解。 然后,这只非常聪明的鸟建议,放我自由。A. busy繁忙的;B. helpful有帮助的;C. clever 聪明的;D. lucky幸运的。根据故事后文描述可知这只鸟非常的聪明。故选C.7. A考查数词及语境的理解。作为回报我会教给你三条简

    23、单但是有用的规则。A. three 三;B. four 四;C. five 五;D. six六。根据后文The first rule is Never believe everything others say. The second rule is Never be sad about something you dont have. The third rule is Never throw away what you have in your hand.可知鸟会教给他三条简单但是有用的规则。故选A。8. C考查短语及语境的理解。起初楚龙不相信鸟所说的话,他害怕鸟会飞走。A. for ev

    24、er 永远;B. later on稍后;C. at first首先;D. at last最后。根据后文的转折,故选C。9. A考查动词及语境的理解。 句意:然而那只鸟承诺,她会守信。A. promised 承诺;B. remembered 记住;C. guessed 猜;D. hoped希望。根据后文楚龙同意,可知是鸟做出了承诺,故选A。10. B考查形容词及语境的理解。他放了鸟自由,鸟站在树枝上,它又变得美丽了。A. ugly 丑陋的;B. beautiful美丽的;C. lazy懒惰的;D. hard-working 努力的。根据上文,故选B。11. C考查名词及语境的理解。然后那只鸟就教

    25、给楚龙规则。A. songs 歌;B. languages语言;C. rules 规则;D. skills技巧。根据后文描述的三个规则,可知鸟教给他规则,故选C。12. A考查动词及语境的理解。这些规则谁都知道,你骗了我。A. cheated 欺骗;B. helped帮助C. found找到;D. forgot忘记。根据上句楚龙认为这些规则谁也知道,可知他认为那只鸟欺骗了他。13. D考查连词及语境的理解。尽管这些规则简单但是你从来没有遵守过他们。A. Until 直到;B. Unless 除非;C. If如果;D. Although尽管。根据上文那只鸟对楚龙的行为的分析及两句之间的关系,故选

    26、D。故事类短文。【精选25】补全对话(每空l分。共5分)。从题后方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(有两项为多余选项)A: Hi, James!B: Hi, Mr. Black! Whats that behind you?_1_ A robot? What can it do for you? It can help me remember a lot of important things. Really? It sounds interesting. _2_. My wife did. _3_ She is a scientist. Why did she make it for you?_4_ Do you like it? No, because I think it knows too much about me. I can not understand. If I have one like this, how happy I will be! You will have one very soon. Its time for


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