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    1、that B.such;that C.too;to D.very;that36.-where was your father when I called you,Frank?-He his car in the yard.A.washes B.washed C.is washing D.was washing37.Bob lost his keys.So he jumped into the room _ the window.A.across B.through C.past D.over38.-I knew your uncle has two daughters.Who is Tina

    2、then?-She isof the two.A.taller B.the tallest C.the taller D.tall39. -These problems are too hard to .Will you give me some advice?-There are many ways. The first thing you should do is to have a careful plan.A. work out B. take out C.hand out D. give out40.-It snowed in Dongguan last winter. The la

    3、st time it snowed in Dongguan was over 100 years ago.-Oh! My god! amazing news!A. What a B. What an C. What DHow41.Our English teacher used the money the first made _ a used bike for himself.A. buying B.buy C. bought D. to buy42-Do you consider your brother a rude person?- not. He always has good, m

    4、anners.A. ProbablyB. EspeciallyC. CertainlyD. Usually43.-Look! The light in Jims room is still on. Could you tell me_ ?-To study for the coming exam, maybe.A. why is he so busy B. why he stays up so late C.when he studied very hard D. why he was so busy44.There will be a flower show in the park we v

    5、isited last week.A. who B. where C. which D.what45. -Im really worried about my final exams.- .You will get good grades if you get everything ready.A.You dont need to beB. its very normalC .Dont be sillyD. Take it easy三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)A 16-year-old boy from the Us is lucky to be alive afte

    6、r he himself hid inside a plane from California to Hawaii.The teenager46 over a wall at San Jose International Airport and got into the part of the plane where the wheelsare stored. 47 . noticed him get on the plane in California. But after the plane arrived in Hawaii, the boy48 outand started walki

    7、ng around the airfield.Staff49the boy and calledthe airport police.The50 took five and a half hours and traveled at a height of 11, 000 meters. Heights more than 8,500 meters are 51 because of the low levels of oxygen(m). The temperature at that height is also very low.Authorities said that the boy

    8、was unconscious for most of the flight. A spokesman from the FBI said, The kid is lucky to be 52 .”According to the police, the teenager 53 home after an argument with his family. The boy was taken to a54 .in Hawaii, but the doctors said he was not seriously hurt.Some people 55 how the boy could get

    9、 onto the plane without being noticed, and some are concerned that thesecurity at airports is, not good enough46. A climbed B. checkedC. thoughtD. got47.A SomebodyB. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody48. A criedB. rodeC. shoutedD. jumped49. A. askedB. sawC, hitD、 caught50.A.project B, taskC. flightD. bu

    10、ilding51A. excitingB. dangerousC, difficultD. special52. A. successfulB, healthyC. safeD. alive53. A.ran toB. ran out ofC. ran away fromD. tan after54. A. schoolB. restaurantC. hospitalD home55. A. lean B. guessC, wonderD. study四、阅读理解Childrens MuseumSpecial MondaysMondays at the childrens Museum are

    11、 very special days. Every Monday, we have a special story time from 10: 00.a.m. to 11: 00 a. m., in our Story Room for our youngest visitors. We also have a Baby Music Class from 2: 00 p.m.to3:00p.m.Each mouth, we will explore(探索) a different theme to help your child learn and have fun! January s th

    12、em isChanging Colors. in February we will explore the theme. Being HealthyShopThe shop at the Childrens Museum is a great place to pick out a souvenir of the museum. Best of all, the moneyyou spend at the shop supports the Childrens Museum!Location : 50 Green Street Road Baoan District, ShenzhenPhon

    13、e Number: (0755)4963-2088HourSunday -Thursday: 9: 00 a.m.-4: 30 p. m.Friday -Saturday: 10: 30 a. m.6:00 p.m.Tickets50 per personFor school visits and other group bookings, please call(0755)4963-2099A56. The Childrens Museumopens aton Wednesday.A.9:00a.m B.10:00am. C.10:30a.m. D.11:00a.m.57. The muse

    14、um hason Monday afternoon.A. a time for choosing souvenirsB.a Changing Colors ClassC. a story timeD. a Baby Music Class58. The theme Being Healthy happens inin the childrenA. JanuaryB, FebruaryC, MarchD. April59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. You can book group tickets b

    15、y calling the Childrens Museum at (0755)4963-2088B. The childrens Museum opens from 10: 30 a.m. to 6: 00 p. m. every day.C. Ten students need to spend 500 visiting the Childrens Museum.D. The souvenirs you pick out in the museum shop are free60. The information is probably from . A. a dictionary B.a

    16、 questionnaireC, a guide bookD. a news reportBPerhaps youve already watched or heard about Readers, a TV show that has recently become popular. It invitesdifferent people to read aloud on the stage, as well as tell the touching stories behind them. They can read everything,likepoems, novels and lett

    17、ersMany people are fans of the show and begin to enjoy reading aloud at home. Now the show gives people a specialplace to read across China. Reading pavilions (亭子)are now in city like Shanghai, Hangzhou Xian,The pavilion is quite small. Only one person can come into it each time. There is a micropho

    18、ne in it and it recordspeople s voices. Everyone can read anything they like for three minutes in the pavilion. The show will later pick some ofthe readers and invite them to read on TV.People of all ages have come and read in the pavilion. Reading should be just like singing and talking, said DongQ

    19、ing, the host of the show. We can actually express our deep feelings through reading aloud.”Both the TV show and the pavilion are promoting reading among he public. Quite a lot of people are more and moreinterested in reading. In fact, this is also what our country is trying to do now. 61. Which of

    20、the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph? A. Readers is a popular book. B. Only famous stars can read on the stage. C. People can read everything on: Readers D. People tell stories for kids on Readers 62. What is in a reading pavilion? A. A telephone B. A microphoneC. A tape recorder.

    21、D.A camera.63. What are the reading pavilion made for? A. Helping ordinary people become superstars. B. Helping the TV show pick possible readers C. Teaching people how to read aloud D.Helping people express their feelings freely 64. What does the underlined wordpromotingmean in Chinese?A.推动 B.抵制 C.

    22、拒绝 D.描述65. The passage is mainly about . A. the touching stories behind the readers B. reading pavilions C. a TV show called Readers D. the famous host Dong QingC 配对阅读 A. wemust establish different laws to deal with different kindsof pollution. But, I think the: most useful way, to reduce environmen

    23、tal pollution is that everybody should know. the importance of environmental protection. B.Talkto your father. dont be afraid to ask him to stop smoking.He must set up a goodexample and offer you a goodstudy room. C. dont make the children get some bad limitations (模仿), for s example, children shoul

    24、dn t go to the video game houses .D. Get up earlier. Take the way to school as a way to do morning exercise. Enjoy the. morning way. Try to be happy. E. Organize your study: well and get a good result. Show your parents that you can study by yourself and ask them to give you some playtime: Then you

    25、can enjoy the happy, weekends F. Computer games are really: interesting. You can play games after all the homework. But you. cannot be crazy about it. F- G. To move the house is very difficult. To change your own idea may bea bit easier. A peaceful heart can forget thenoise outside the window.66. Th

    26、e school is far away, The traffic is bad. I am tired of(讨厌) the wayto school.67. My father smokes a lot. Every day when I get home, I feel too angry to calm down(冷静) for study because the house is full of smoke.68. My house is near the main way . Cars are running: outsidethe window. It is a big poll

    27、ution for me .69. I dont have many friends and my only friend is computer games?My parents are angry with this and lock my computer. 70. My parents drive me to take a writing class at weekends. I. dont like. to study 7 days a week. I feel tired and hate the schoolwork.五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)St

    28、eve, a young boy who was seen alone in the middle of the road. It was almost 10 p. m. He 71 a fight with his mother from the morning. The fight ended up so badly that Steve left his home. He felt very hungry. So he came to a small noodle shop72. he realized there was not any money in his pocket, so he decided to leave the place. The shop owner saw 73. and asked Steve said he had no money to74for the food. The shop owner smiled and said,I wont you for any money. The shop owner prepared a big bowl


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