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    1、雅思托福写作08lecture范文托福基础写作范文:dangerous sportsWhy do you think some people are attracted to do dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reason and examples to support your answer. 开头:Many people are attracted to dangerous sports or similar activities. The reason for this may be that

    2、these people find a certain thrill or excitement in doing such activities. They can experience a sense of achievement in doing things most ordinary people dear not do.Many people are attracted to dangerous sports or similar activities. The reason for this may be that these people find a certain thri

    3、ll or excitement in doing such activities. They can experience a sense of achievement in doing things most ordinary people dear not do.主体:第一段:Daredevils who constantly seek great excitement basically want to stand apart from the rest. They are ready to do dangerous things, consciously or unconscious

    4、ly, trying to prove their different, boldness and individuality. People involved in dangerous sports like wrestling, bungee jumping and other life-threatening activities would go to any length to prove their might and demonstrate their difference.Daredevils who constantly seek great excitement basic

    5、ally want to stand apart from the rest. They are ready to do dangerous things, consciously or unconsciously, trying to prove their different, boldness and individuality. People involved in dangerous sports like wrestling, bungee jumping and other life-threatening activities would go to any length to

    6、 prove their might and demonstrate their difference.主体第二段:Performing risky stunts gives the participants a sense of achievement that helps them overcome their most terrible fear. It is human nature to feel extremely confident after overcoming the greatest fears in life, after coming so close to deat

    7、h, yet escaping it! Many have tried unimaginably dangerous stunts just to gain fame for setting new world records or to be seen in shows or just to win prizes!Performing risky stunts gives the participants a sense of achievement that helps them overcome their most terrible fear. It is human nature t

    8、o feel extremely confident after overcoming the greatest fears in life, after coming so close to death, yet escaping it! Many have tried unimaginably dangerous stunts just to gain fame for setting new world records or to be seen in shows or just to win prizes!主体第三段:Some people are simply motivated b

    9、y the sense of fun and excitement the will color their dull and boring lives. Sports like shy diving and bungee jumping have become popular among those who go though daily routines of monotonous office work. Dangerous as they are, these sports take those people away from their unbearable boredom for

    10、 a while and surely as fun and enthusiasm to their life.Some people are simply motivated by the sense of fun and excitement the will color their dull and boring lives. Sports like shy diving and bungee jumping have become popular among those who go though daily routines of monotonous office work. Da

    11、ngerous as they are, these sports take those people away from their unbearable boredom for a while and surely as fun and enthusiasm to their life.结尾段:All in all, dangerous sports and activities basically attract those thrill-loving people who want to stand a class apart by proving their individualit

    12、y to the world around them, or those who enjoy the sense of achievement drawn from surmounting fear in face of danger, or those depressed by repetitive lifestyles. 范文:Many people are attracted to dangerous sports or similar activities. The reason for this may be that these people find a certain thri

    13、ll or excitement in doing such activities. They can experience a sense of achievement in doing things most ordinary people dear not do.Daredevils who constantly seek great excitement basically want to stand apart from the rest. They are ready to do dangerous things, consciously or unconsciously, try

    14、ing to prove their different, boldness and individuality. People involved in dangerous sports like wrestling, bungee jumping and other life-threatening activities would go to any length to prove their might and demonstrate their difference.Performing risky stunts gives the participants a sense of ac

    15、hievement that helps them overcome their most terrible fear. It is human nature to feel extremely confident after overcoming the greatest fears in life, after coming so close to death, yet escaping it! Many have tried unimaginably dangerous stunts just to gain fame for setting new world records or t

    16、o be seen in shows or just to win prizes!Some people are simply motivated by the sense of fun and excitement the will color their dull and boring lives. Sports like shy diving and bungee jumping have become popular among those who go though daily routines of monotonous office work. Dangerous as they

    17、 are, these sports take those people away from their unbearable boredom for a while and surely as fun and enthusiasm to their life.Dangerous sports and activities basically attract those thrill-loving people who want to stand a class apart by proving their individuality to the world around them, or

    18、those who enjoy the sense of achievement drawn from surmounting fear in face of danger, or those depressed by repetitive lifestyles. 范文:advertising tell a countryTopic: Do you agree or disagree? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. 广告可以告诉我们关于一个国家很多。In order to determine whether advertisin

    19、g can provide a lot of information about a country, it is necessary to put advertising into two separate categories: public-interest advertisements and commercial ones. Careful inspection of both types, I believe, will reveal a panoramic view of a country. The public-interest advertisements usually

    20、reveal the inner part of a nation, while the commercial advertisements provide less profound but still impartment knowledge. It is well knowledge that governments use all kinds of strategies, like laws, regulations and educational media campaigns, to control and guide a country. Thus, public-interes

    21、t advertisements that are sponsored by the government undoubtedly reflect a nations thoughts. For example, in 2003, when SARS appeared in China, SARS-prevention advertisements were produced and broadcast all over the country via television, radio, and even the Internet. By watching them, you can see

    22、 the nations strong will and determination to win the battle against this disease. In 2008, also in China, the themes of most public-interest advertisements have shifted to the Olympic. By watching them, you can realize the nations priorities this year without any difficulty. Secondly, the larger po

    23、rtion of advertisement, commercial ones, should be taken into consideration. Compared with public-interest ones, commercial advertisements provide the audience a more vivid and exact picture of whats happening in the country. On the hand, it can inform you of the current new products. Once they rele

    24、ased the fastest and the most effective way to make them known and accepted by the public is to advertise them. For instance, you can find things from updated Sony laptops to Porsches newest sports-car, from Rejoces recent shampoo to Nikes new season of running shoes being advertised. On the other h

    25、and, it can also provide you information on what celebrities are popular today, for the simple reason that companies tend to invite popular celebrities to do their promotions. Therefore, just by glancing at some advertisements, you can easily figure out who is enjoying the adoration of, and even ser

    26、ving as a role-model for a society. In China celebrities such as Chinese movie star Jacky Chen, American basketball player Michael Jordan, and Japanese singer Hikaru Utada grace commercial advertisements. In summary, both public-interest advertising and commercial advertising contain abundant inform

    27、ation about a country. While you may need to read between the lines to appreciate the wealth of knowledge, there is definitely information there to glean. 范文:饮食方式类Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use sp

    28、ecific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析不要急于作出选择,先进行比较,然后根据情况选择 方案一:在不同的情况下会有不同的选择。周末休息应该跟家人在家里吃饭。与老朋友久别重逢应该找一家安静的餐馆方案二:去餐馆或者吃快餐的优缺点:优点:方便、快捷、多种口味;缺点:昂贵、卫生可能得不到保障、快餐使人发胖在家吃饭的优缺点:优点:干净、可以做出自己喜欢的口味、节省、与家人和朋友共同准备食物很开心;缺点:花费时间、可能做的没有餐馆那么好吃;Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaur

    29、ants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析不要急于作出选择,先进行比较,然后根据情况选择 方案一:在不同的情况下会有不同的选择。周末休息应该跟家人在家里吃饭。与老朋友久别重逢应该找一家安静的餐馆方案二:去餐馆或者吃快餐的优缺点:优点:方便、快捷、多种口味;缺点:昂贵、卫生可能得不到保障、快餐使人发胖在家吃饭的优缺点:优点:干净、可以做出自己喜欢的口味、节省、与家

    30、人和朋友共同准备食物很开心;缺点:花费时间、可能做的没有餐馆那么好吃;开头:After a hard day of work or study, many people feel like cooking for themselves is too much trouble. They prefer to grab a quick bite to eat at a restaurant and go home for rest as quickly as possible. But for me cooking at home is worth the time and trouble bec

    31、ause it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable.After a hard day of work or study, many people feel like cooking for themselves is too much trouble. They prefer to grab a quick bite to eat at a restaurant and go home for rest as quickly as possible. But for me cooking at home is worth the time and

    32、 trouble because it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable.主体:第一段:Buying my own groceries and cooking for myself is much less expensive than eating in a restaurant.I find that a meal that I cook myself on average costs half to two-thirds less than a comparable meal in a restaurant. Restaurants have to rent space, hire chefs, waiters, and managers, as well as buy food and make a profit. When I cook I have no overhead.


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