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    1、江苏省江阴市重点中学七年级上期中数学试题含答案一、单项选择(本大题共14分,每小题1分)1. _ old man behind Mary is _ university teacher. A. An; an B. A; the C. The; a D. The; an2. The two cities have reached an _ to develop science and technology. A. education B. excitement C. agreement D. invention3. There is just _ at home. Would you go to

    2、 the supermarket and get _? A. a few vegetables; some B. few vegetables; any C. a little juice; some D. little juice; any4. _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifths; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifth; is D. Two fifths; are5. The book is _ great value. It is well w

    3、orth _ twice. A. of; reading B. of; to be read C. with; reading D. with; to be read6. Nanjing isnt so large _ Shanghai, however, its the second _ city in East China. A. like; largest B. as; largest C. like; larger D. as; larger7. Its raining so _ that there are _ any people in the street. A. heavy;

    4、hard B. hard; hard C. heavy; hardly D. hard; hardly8. -Boys and girls, please _ your compositions after class. -Oh, my God! I _ it at home. A. hand in; forgot B. hand in; left C. hand out; forgot D. hand out; left9. -What _ to the building? -It _ when all the people were sleeping. A. has happened; w

    5、as broken in B. was happening; was broken down C. was happened; broke into D. happened; was broken into10. -Mum, must I stay there the whole day? -No, you _. You _ come back after lunch, if you like. A. mustnt; can B. neednt; must C. neednt; may D. cant; can11. We have two rooms _, but I cant decide

    6、 _.A. to live; to choose which one B. lived; choose which oneC. to live in; which one to choose D. live; which one12. I was afraid that no one knew _.A. when will the English party begin B. where our Maths teacher has goneC. how long did the English party last D. who would give us an English talk13.

    7、 - _ bad weather these days are! -Yes, and it may last _.A. What a; two other days B. What; another two daysC. How; two more days D. How; two days more14. -You wont follow his example, will you? - No, I wont. _A. I dont think he is right. B. I think he isnt right.C. I dont think he is wrong. D. I th

    8、ink he is right.二、完形填空(本大题共10分,每小题1分)The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. I know how 15 you have worked to prepare for this test, he said. And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to those who 16 not to take the test.Many student

    9、s thanked the teacher and left. The teacher looked at the remaining students and said, Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last 17 . Two more students decided to go.Seven students remained. The teacher then handed out the papers. There were only three sentences on the paper: Congratulatio

    10、ns! You have just 18 an A in this class. Keep believing in 19 .I never had a teacher like that, but I think it is a test that any teacher could give. Students who are not 20 in what they have learned are B students at best (充其量).The same is 21 in our daily life. The A students are those who believe

    11、in what they are doing because they have 22 both successes and failures. They have learned lifes lessons, not only from normal education, 23 from events in their lives, and have become 24 people. You see, one should always believe in himself.15. A. luckily B. terribly C. quietly D. hard16. A. dislik

    12、e B. rather C. prefer D. start17. A. chance B. trouble C. test D. idea18. A. given B. sent C. discovered D. received19. A. himself B. yourself C. themselves D. ourselves20. A. confident B. lucky C. mysterious D. easy21. A. unusual B. impossible C. true D. good22. A. broken off B. dreamed of C. learn

    13、ed from D. cared about23. A. and B. or C. but D. also24. A. ruder B. braver C. worse D. better三、阅读理解(本大题共26分,每小题2分)ABoys Soccer Jacket Red / Black / Navy(深蓝色)sale11.89List price: 16.99 Boys Practice Basketball Jersey(运动套衫) Red / White / Blacksale6.99List Price: 9.99 Boys Zipper Shorts Olive(橄榄色)sale

    14、6.29List price: 8.99 Boys Sports Shoes Navysale6.49List price: 12.99 Boys Stripe Polo Shirt Olivesale5.59List price: 7.99 Mens Running Shoes Blacksale29.99List price: 32.99 Boys Basketball Shorts Bluenew9.99Boys Track Pants Red / Black / Navynew12.99Boys Full Zip Coat Black / Navy / Greennew14.99Boy

    15、s Basketball Shooter Jersey Navynew9.9925. If John wants to buy a red soccer jacket and a pair of black boys track pants. How much will he pay? A.24.88. B.18.09. C.29.98. D.21.88.26. Peter wants to buy a jersey and a pair of shorts, but he has only15.00. Which will he buy? A. A pair of basketball sh

    16、orts and a basketball shooter jersey. B. A basketball shooter jersey and a pair of track pants. C. A practice basketball jersey and a basketball shooter jersey. D. A practice basketball jersey and a pair of zipper shorts.27. Whats the meaning of “sale” in the chart in Chinese? A. 出售 B. 待售 C. 大减价 D.

    17、半价销售B When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop in the center of our town. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him and I made a little pocket money by buying things for his workmates. But I never paid attention to all the things and people around me.One day, as my dad and I were driving to the shop,

    18、I looked out of the window of the car and I saw an old man standing at the street corner. There was a rose in his hand. He was smelling the rose. For some reason, our eyes met and we looked at each other for about twenty seconds. There was nothing unusual about this man but the meet was unusual to m

    19、e. Up to that moment in my life, I had given no thought to anyone on the street, in shops or anywhere else. I had no interest out of my family.But I was interested in that old man. For the first time, I had interested in a stranger. What kind of life had he lived? Where had he been in his time?Once

    20、a great man encouraged us to “stop and smell the rose”. Now I want to tell these words to you. Stop what you are busy with and try to fully understand things and people in your eyesight. If you dont care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.28. What was the old ma

    21、n doing when I saw him ? A. He was selling roses . B. he was walking in the street .C. He was talking to the writer . D. He was smelling a rose .29. When did the writer have interest out of his family? A. When he was a kid. B. When he met the old man with rose.C. When he went to school. D. When he w

    22、ent to work.30. What is the main idea of this passage? A. If you care about others on your road of life, then you are having your life itself.B. If you care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.C. If you meet an old man with a rose in the street, then youll have i

    23、nterest in your life. D. If you have interest in others, then you are having your life itself.CTheres a street in Harlem that comes alive every Saturday with the sound of gospel (福音) music. You wont find any church therejust a simple stone house full of teenagers and the woman who draws them in.Her

    24、name is Vy Higginsen, a New York theater producer. Five years ago she created something called “Gospel for Teens”.If youre thinking that Higginsen thought up this program as a way to save the teens, youd be wrong. She did it to save the music.The faces and voices of Gospel for Teens include kids bet

    25、ween the ages of 13 and 19 who get together in Harlem each week from all over New York and New Jersey to study the tradition and the art of singing gospel.Higginsen runs an advanced (高级的) class, but each fall she brings in a new group, putting out a call for auditions (试音) in local papers on radio,

    26、and in churches (教堂). She calls them her “beginners”.Yolanda Howard, age 14, had arrived by underground from the Bronx very early. “I was so happy because I was the first person,” she said.And she brought along he friend Rhonda Rodriguez. Asked if she was nervous, Rodriguez told Lesley Stahl, a repo

    27、rter, “I was really nervous.”“Did they really have to be great in the audition?” Stahl asked Higginsen.“No,” she replied. “We dont expect them to be great. Theyre teenagers.”One girl who auditioned only knew little about music. “Thats why we have this school!” said Higginsen.So she and the teachers

    28、she calls music mastersincluding her own daughter Knoellewant to accept as many kids as they can,And that next Saturday, there they were: the 46 kids Higginsen chose as her new beginners, including Yolanda Howard and her friend Rhonda Rodriguez, who thought she wouldnt get in, but Higginsen had deci

    29、ded to give her a chance.31. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. You dont need to know everything! B. Give nervous kids a chance!C. Go to ghe audition! D. Save the music!32. Gospel for Teens was founded to .A. help kids behave themselvesB. raise money to build a churchC. teac

    30、h the tradition and the art of gospel musicD. offer kids a chance to meet some new friends33. According to the passage, Vy Higginsen . A. works as a music teacher B. organizes the audition every year C. founded gospel for teens 13 year ago D. has a daughter who is under the age of 19DDo you have a v

    31、egetable garden? Have you ever watched a seed (种子) sprout (发芽), grow and fruit until it became the tomato on your plate? If you go to school in the US, theres a good chance you have.At the moment, nearly 20 percent of schools in the US have their own vegetable gardens that are planted and cared for by students. Next year, even more schools will have gardens and


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