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    1、A.That s easy B.I d like to C.Ill help you D.No problem 2. Jennie is kind of person you_ love or hate. A.both B.either C.all D.only3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that_ be used to cut wood with. A.must B.should C.could D.need4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon

    2、 as she_ A.arrived B.will arrive C.is arriving D.arrives5. _he left school at 16,he still managed to become a very successful business-man. A.Unless B.Even though C.As if D.until6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family _ A.to support B.supporting C.support D.sopported7. Frank was very di

    3、sappointed because he_the chance to win the game. A.will lose B.lose C.has lost D.had lost8. My watch stopped, and I was late _ school this morning. A.to B.for C.at D.in9. She must have missed the train ,_she would be there by now. A.meanwhile B.otherwise C.sometimes D. therefore10. _The Emperors Ne

    4、w Clothes ,we all found it quite interesting. A.To read B.Reading C.Having read D.Read 11. You can stay here _ you keep quiet. A.as well as B.as soon as C.as much as D.as long as 12. Bob,its time for bed. _the TV,please.A.Turn in B.Turn off C.Turn up D.Turn over 13. I finished my exams yesterday_I w

    5、ont be able to know the results until August.A.but B.so C.for D.or14. How nice to see you again! You should have told me you . A.were coming B.are coming C.have come D.came15. I knew _ about the accident except what I read in he newspaper. A.something B.everyhthing C.anything D.nothing16. Excuse me,

    6、could you tell me the way to the railway station?Sorry_. A.I am new here BId love to CI wont do it DI dont know you17. We had been away for such a long time_ I had forgot her name. Abefore B which Cthat Dbecausel 8. We talk about the days events over the dinner table, sometimes_ about politics A.arg

    7、ued Barguing Cto argue Dargue19. This small city_12 schools since the 1990s. Abuilds Bhas built Cwould build Dbuilt20. Thats the man_house has been newly painted Awhat Bwhich Cthat DwhoseII. 完形填空。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21至30各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Fire can help people in many waysF

    8、ire can heat water 21 your house,give light and cook food. But fire can burn things tooNobody knows 22 people began to use fire. One story from Australia 23 a man a very long time agoHe went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. Taday people know how to 24 a fire with matches or lighters. C

    9、hildren sometimes like to play with themBut matches and lighters can be very 25 Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful 26 matches and lightersYou should also learn to 27 firesFires need oxyen(氧气)Without oxygen they dieThere is oxygen in the 28. Cover a fire with water or sand. If you d

    10、ont have them around, you could use your 29 or a blanketThis keeps the air from a fire Be careful with fire,and it will help youBe careless with fire,and it might 30 you21Abeautify Bbrighten Cwarm Dclean22Awhere Bwhy Cwhat Dhow23Alooks after Btells about Cturns to D. laughs at21Acarry Bfix Cmake Dca

    11、tch25 Aimportant Bspecial Csmall Ddangerous26Ato Babout Con Dafter27Aput out Bturn over Cuse up Dtake away28Asand Bmatch Cair Dfood29Amatch Brope Ccoat Dsand 30Ahurt Bbreak Cfrighten DspoilIII,阅读理解(共15小题;每题4分,满分60分) 阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 A An old gentleman retired(退体) and bought a sm

    12、all house near a high schoolHe spent the first few weeks of his retirement in peaceThen a new school year beganThe very next afternoon three young boys came down his street,beating happily on very trashcan(垃圾桶) they sawThe loud sound continued day after day,until finally the old man decided it was t

    13、ime to take some action The next afternoon,he walked out to meet those young men as they banged(猛击) their way down the streetStopping them,he said,“You boys are a lot of funI like to see you express your excitement like thatIn fact,I used to do the same thing when I was your ageWill you do me a favo

    14、r? I11 give you each a dollar if you promise to come around every day and do your thing”The boys agreed,and they continued to do the bang up job on the trashcans After a few daysthe old man greeted the boys again,but this time he had a sad smile on his face“It is a bad year,and things are getting wo

    15、rse and worse,”he told them“From now on Ill only be able to pay you 50 cents” The noisemarkers were clearly displeased,but they accepted his offer and continued their afternoon bangingA few days laterthe old man came to them again“Look,”he said,“I havent received my Social Security check yet, so Im

    16、not going to be able to give you more than 25 centsWill that be okey?“just 25 cents?”The drum leader shouted,“No way,misterWe quit!” The old man enjoyed peace for the rest of his days31. What was the trouble the old gentleman had? AHe had three sons studying at school BHe bought a house behind a pri

    17、mary school CHe was annoyed(干扰) by big noises made by three boys DHe was attacked by young people in the neighhourhood32What did the old gentleman do to deal with the problem? ATo play a trick BTo call the police CTo beat some boys DTo visit the teachers33In Paragraph 2, the underlined words “the ba

    18、ng-up job”refers to the action of _. Afooling the old man Bbeating on trashcans Ccleaning the trashcans Dpaying a dollar each day34in Paragraph 4,the drum leader said“We quit!”because_. Ahe knew they didnt have time to work Bhe had so far not received any check Che didnt have 25 cents in his pocket

    19、Dhe thought they were not well paid B Divide your Sunday into four parts,that is, morning, afternoon, evening and nightGive time to everybody on this particular day including yourselfMake sure you have a great Sunday and you are ready to start work energetically the next day. Morning Walk Get up as

    20、early as possible,just get your shoes on and go for a walkWalk for about 40 minutes,and then jog(慢跑) back homeYou can try a different route(路线), the one that you dont take on any other dayThis is a really great idea to start your Sunday morning energetically Make Breakfast Surprise your parents(if y

    21、ou are living with them),your hushand/wife,your children,or your roommates with a delicious breakfastA hot cup of coffee for your husband/wifeor a cup of hot chocolate for your children will be just perfect Gardening If you love gardening,spend at least half an hour in your garden on a Sunday mornin

    22、gWater your plants and enjoy the pleasant smell of the soil.Pet Your pet The whole week you are busy. Have you wondered how much time you you give your pet? I guess not. Spend sometime with your pet ,especially if you have dogs. Dogs really miss their masters;of course I dont have to explain much on

    23、 this. Take Ihem for a long walk .Play with them, give tbem a nice bath,take pictures, and Just have fun!35.The author suggests that the first thing to do on Sunday is . A. to take a walk B .to water your plants C .to play with children D .to find something to eat36 .According to the text,one should

    24、 give his or her family a feeling of surprise by_.A .buying them some coffee B. taking them out for dinnerC.bringing them a box of chocklate D.making them a delicious breakfast 37. We can learn from the last paragraph that_ A .pets are given too much care B. dogs are better than other pets C .it is

    25、fun to spend time with pets D .it is difficult to find a lovely pet 38This text is mainly about_ A .how to walk your dogs B. what to do on Sundays C.where to go on Sundays D .when to start a Sunday family outing C When we think of Valentines Day we think of romance(浪漫) and couples showing their love

    26、 for each other. What if you are single and arent dating someone? Valentines Day can be pretty lonely. As Valentines Day is coming soon I think it might be good to give suggestions of ways you might be able to have a fun Valentines Day if you are single. Find a friend or friends who are single and p

    27、lan something fun. Maybe you could go out to dinner or lunch. You could come up with ideas regarding how you could show each other you value the friendship. This is not only helping you but also someone else. Visit your parents on Valentines Day. They will probably enjoy your coming,and its always g

    28、ood to let them know they are lovedMaybe this year you could make them a gift which comes from your heartYou never know how long you will have your parents,so its wise to let them know how much you care about them. Think of what you have instead of what you lack. Give yourself a card if that helps.

    29、Realize you were born for a mission(使命). No one do this mission except you. No one else has the samie personality(性格), experiences and gifts that you bring to the world. So,this Valentines Day will be your own best valentine.39 .The text is mainly written for people_A .who are in love B. who are sti

    30、ll singleC .who are young couples D .who are dating someone40What does the author suggest doing on Valentincs DayA. Paying a visit to your parents B. Cooking yourself something niceC .Going out with your boy/girl friend D.Givng a card to your famlly members 41.We learn from the last paragragh that_Ait is helpful to bring gifts to people around you B. it


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