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    1、学校 班级 姓名 学号 期末调研卷第一学期四年级英语(答题时间:60分钟 总分:100分) Listening Part 听力部分 (共35分)一、听录音,将所听到内容的序号填入括号内,听两遍。(10分)( )1.A. rilB.lirC.rli( )2.A. swimB.sweetC.skate( )3.A. 3B.13C.30( )4.A. tallB.allC.ball( )5.A. howB.nowC.snow( )6.A. a cup of teaB.a glass of milkC.a glass of juice( )7.A. that tigerB.this tigerC.th

    2、ese tigers( )8.A. have a lookB.have a bookC.have a try( )9.A. Wheres my fan?B.Here is my fan.C.Here is your fan.( )10.A. Five men live near the river.B. I can see the box behind Mrs Fox.C. Father has five basketballs.二、听录音,根据所听内容用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序,听两遍。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,判断下列句子是否与所

    3、听内容相同。用和表示,听两遍。(6分)( )1. Look at these toy animals.( )2. How much are the shoes?( )3. Heres a snack bar.( )4. A sandwich and a cup of coffee, please.( )5. Where are my skirts?( )6. He can play basketball.四、听录音,选择合适的应答句,将其序号填入括号内,听两遍。(6分)( )1.A.Its in the living room.B.Theyre in the bedroom.( )2.A.No

    4、, I cant.B.No, I dont.( )3.A.Yes, please.B.Its nice.( )4.A.I have some toy cars.B.It is a toy car.( )5.A.I have toys.B.I like toys.( )6.AForty.B.Forty yuan.五、听录音,将下列句子补充完整,听三遍。(5分)1. Heres a toy for you.2. His ears are and his is big.3. -What you like? - like an ice cream.Writing Part 笔试部分 (共62分)六、选

    5、择题( 选择最恰当的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内 ) ( 11分 )( )1. I have umbrella. Its nice umbrella.A. an; anB. an; aC. a; a( )2. Look at the girl. tall. hair is long. A. Her; HerB. Shes; ShesC. Shes; Her( )3. Bobby cant fly . He looks .A. sad B. happyC. great( )4. - Do you have oranges? - , but I have some apples.A. any; Y

    6、esB.any; No C.some; No( )5. -Im thirsty( 渴的 ). -This is for you.A. glass of juiceB. hamburgerC. sock( )6. They dont have any_.A. pear B.milk C. hamburger( )7. 你可以用 鼓励伙伴尝试一次。A. Can I help you?B. Well done.C. Have a try.( )8. 在读Can you see the box ?这句话时,要读 。A. 升调B. 平调C.降调( )9. 在The tiger is looking at

    7、 the fish.中,与thin的划线部分发音完全相同的选项是A. tiger; isB. is; fishC. tiger; fish( )10. This is _. I like _.A. an elephant; elephantsB. elephants; elephantsC. an elephant; elephant( )11. Tom has ten sweets and he has eaten(吃了)four, how many sweets left( 剩下 )?A. 10B. 4C. 6七、词汇、语句理解.( 18分 )(A) 根据提示、句意或首字母,写出英语单词,

    8、每空一词。( 11分 )1.Look at (that) stickers.2.-How many (ball )do you have? -Sixteen.3.My mother is t_ (not fat), but (her)is healthy(健康的).4.-How much (be) these books, Mike? - T are fifty yuan.5.-Do you (喜欢芒果)? -Yes, I do.6.7.8.This umbrella is (酷的). Its (仅仅) nineteen yuan.He cant swim. She _ ( can ) swi

    9、m either.W_ your pencil? Its on the chair.(B) 根据句意,选择恰当的一项,将其序号填在横线上。(7分)A. king B. either C. hungry D. shortE. have nine footballs F. make a fruit salad G. Well done.1. -Im very , Mum. -Here are two hamburgers for you.2. My hair is long, but her hair is .3. The lion is the of the forest(森林) .4. Tim

    10、 cant skate. Tom cant skate .5. I have some grapes, Helen has an orange and a banana. Lets . 6. -Look, I can skate very well now. -_.7. Tim has five footballs. His father has four footballs. They .八、 情景对话(18分)(A) 在右栏中找出左栏句子的应答句,将其序号填入括号内。(8分)( )1.Do you like cakes, Sam?A.No, I cant.( )2.How many app

    11、les do you have?B.Thank you.( )3.Can you play table tennis?C.Yes, I do. ( )4.Is it in your bedroom?D.Two.( )5.What about a hot dog? E.No, it isnt.( )6.Anything else?F.An egg and a cup of coffee. ( )7.Wheres my doll?G.No, thanks.( )8.How beautiful! H.Its on the sofa.(B) 从方框中选择适当的内容,将对话补充完整,将序号写在横线上。(

    12、5分)A. Do you want(想) to buy(买) it?B. Yes, I do. Its great. C. that big skateboard(滑板)D. Great! We can buy it now.E. but I have ten yuanA: Look at .B: Oh! Its blue.A: Do you like that skateboard(滑板)?B: A: I like it, too.B: A: Yes, . That skateboard is thirty yuan.B: I have twenty yuan.A: (C) 用阿拉伯数字把下

    13、列句子连成通顺的对话。(5分)( )OK. Here you are.( )Would you like a glass of juice ?( )Dad, Im very thirsty(渴的)now.( )No, Id like some water(水).( )Thank you, Dad.九、阅读,完成题目。(10分)(A) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T或F表示。(5分)Hello! My name is Tina. Im thirteen years old. I like dogs. They are lovely. I like grapes very much

    14、. I can play basketball and swim.This is my father. He likes horses. He likes apples. He can skate. He cant play basketball. This is my mother. She likes rabbits(兔子). She likes oranges. She can make fruit salads. She can swim well. I love my father and mother.( )1. Tina is fourteen years old.( )2. T

    15、ina likes tigers and grapes.( )3. Tinas father likes horses.( )4. Tina and his father can play basketball.( )5. Tinas mother likes dogs and oranges.(B) 阅读诗歌,选择正确的答案。(5分)Blue skirts and T-shirts.Yellow shoes and red socks.They are very cheap(便宜).And they are very good!We can try them on(试穿它们).We can

    16、buy(买) them all.( )1.What colour are the skirts and T-shirts?A. Yellow. B. Blue.C. Yellow and blue.( )2. are not mentioned( 提到 )in the poem(诗歌).A. Black jacketsB. Blue skirtsC. Yellow shoes( )3.Can we try on(试穿) the skirts, T-shirts, shoes or socks?A. Yes.B. No.C. I dont know.(不知道)( )4.Which is not

    17、true(不正确)?A.Blue skirts ,T-shirts,yellow shoes and red socks are very cheap(便宜).B. Blue skirts,T-shirts,yellow shoes and red socks are not very good.C. We can buy them all.( )5.Which is the best(最适合的) title(题目)?A. In the fruit shopB. In the clothes shopC. In the toy shop十、看图片,帮助Amiee完成她的自我介绍。 (5分)Hi, Im Amiee. Im a .I short and big .I grapes, but I dont like . I have two . Theyre .I can dance(跳舞) very well, but I play . Amiees Profile(简介)Like/ Dislike: Have: Can/ Cant: Handwriting 卷面书写(共3分)书写端正、整洁,单词之间有间隔,得3分;书写不够端正、整洁,单词之间间隔不明显,得2分;书写不端正或比较难辨认,得1分。 4


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