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    1、 Englishspeaking people(countries)18、make mistakes19talk to(with) sb20、why dont you(we,they )+动词原形?= why not+动词原形?21、laugh at22、first of all23、to begin with24、later on25、be afraid of sth(doing) be afraid to do sth be afraid that从句26、in classout of class /after class27、take notes28、get an“A”in Englis

    2、h29、(sb)be impressed by(with)30、have trouble doing sth.(回见15)31、look up32、make up a conversation33、around the world34、deal with35、stay(keep)+形容词36、go by37、decide(not)to do sth38、主语+last(延续) for long39、regard sb(sth)as/hink of sb(sth)as40、complain about sth41、compare sth to sth(把比作);compare sth with

    3、sth(把与进行比较)42、physical problems43、break off44、in a positive way45、study for a test46、learn a lot (in)that way47、keep an English notebook48、区别:sound,voice,noise49、区别:loud,aloud,loudly50、find sb./sth.+宾语补足语;find it +宾语补足语+(for sb.)to do sth.51、try ones best (to do sth.)52、with the help=with ones help5

    4、3、much too 与too much Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.1、描述过去习惯做某事:主语used to(不定式)2、区别下列句型:used to(不定式)be used to(介词)be used to(不定式)be used for sth(doing)3、notany moreno more;notany longerno longer4、hardly(ever)=very seldom=almost never5、复合词:a fifteen-year-old boy6、对某人而言做某事是的:Its(形容词)for sb. to

    5、do sth7、be able to do sth与can8、give up(+ ing)9、 afford sth(to do sth)10、be interested in sth(doingsth)11、in front of与in the front of12、be terrified of(与 be afraid of 相近)13、go to bed(sleep)14、on the soccer team15、worry about sb(sth) /be worried about/worry that从句16、all the time17、take a bus to(某地) =

    6、go to(某地)by bus18、go right (straight) home19、start high school20、spend+time(money) on sth(doing sth)It takes(took)sb.+时间+to do sth 物cost(某人)+钱人 pay 钱 for 物。21、daily life22、be stressed out23、look like(介词)24、get good (bad) grades25、look after=take care of26、as+形(副)+as sbcancouldwant1ikewould like as+形

    7、(副)+as possible27、cause problems(trouble) to sb.28、get into trouble with sb.29、in the end=at last=finally30、make a(difficultgood/bad)decision31、a boys boarding school32、head teacher33、to ones surprise34、even though(if)引导条件状语从句35、take pride in sb(sth)=be proud of sb(sth)36、pay attention to(介词)37、非谓形式

    8、(ing和不定式)作主语时,谓语用单数形式。38、alone与lonely39、chat (online)with sb. about sth.40、mind的用法41、区别:die,dead;与death42、as well与as well as43、be patient with sb.(sth.)九年级英语Unit1单元检测题一、单项选择。(15分)( ) 1.They_speaking English at the English corner to improve their spoken English.A. stopped B. practiced C. finished D.

    9、forgot( ) 2. Im sorry I cant _ you. Would you please speak more slowly?A. realize B. Impress C. follow D. lose( ) 3. How do you come to school every day? _. Its good for my health.A. By air. B. On foot. C. By car. D. By bus.( ) 4. My grandmother found watching TV _ but I enjoyed it very much.A. frus

    10、trated B. frustrating C. exciting D. excited( ) 5. Im trying to find a better way to _ my old books.A. look on B. find out C. break off D. deal with( ) 6. What we read usually _ our thinking.A. believes B. Regards C. influences D. memorizes( ) 7. Many students memorize the new words _ them many time

    11、s.A. by repeating B. in reading C. to practice D. for writing( ) 8. The meeting will begin in ten minutes. _ that we will be late.A. Im happy B. I hope C. Im afraid D. I believe( ) 9. What about _ his telephone number in my notebook?A. looking after B. looking up C. looking for D. looking at( ) 10.

    12、The hospital opened 5 years ago. It_ for 5 years.A. opened B. opens C. has been open D. has opened( ) 11. We dont think she is _ honest girl. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 12. Whats wrong with my sons _? He cant see things clearly. A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose( )13. September 10th is the _. A. Child

    13、rens Day B. Children Day B. Teachers Day D. Teachers Day( )14. _ of the two new books are interesting. A. All B. Both C. Any D. Either( ) 15. Can I get you a drink? Thats very nice of you. Ive already got _. A. it B. one C. that D. This二完形填空 (15分) “Whats the matter, mum?” As soon as I entered the do

    14、or, I found that my mother was unhappy. It was 16_ she usually opens the door and welcomes me with a smile! “Shes dying,” mum said 17_. I knew what she said. The 18_,mothers favorite is dying. A month ago, we moved into our new house and mum bought a very beautiful tulip. Mum liked it very much. 19_

    15、 she was free, she would sit in her armchair beside the tulip and enjoyed its beautiful color and nice smell. She regarded it as a baby and 20_ it carefully. She put the tulip by window and moved it from one place to another to give the tulip enough sunshine. The first thing she did after she got up

    16、 every morning was 21_ the tulip, Mum also fertilized(施肥)it many times. She hoped that 22_ great care, the tulip would become more and more beautiful. But the tulip was dying 23 _too much sunshine, water and fertilizer.Its true that mother loved the tulip. But this kind of love 24_be harmful.Love ca

    17、n sometimes 25_what you love.( )16 .A. usual B. unusual C. sure D. unfair( )17. A. happily B. quickly C. sadly D. loudly( )18. A. bird B. dog C. tulip D. cat( )19. A. Whenever B. Although C. Unless D. with( )20. A. looked out B. looked over C. looked up D. looked after( )21. A. to water B. watered C

    18、. water D. waters( )22. A. under B. with C. in D. for( )23. A. because B. for C. since D. because of( )24. A. must B. should C. can D. need( )25. A. help B. love C. kill D. Protect三阅读理解(20分)Ive been working in a school for more than twenty years. Many parents often ask me, “How can you teach your ch

    19、ild good study skills? How can he or she get the homework done as quickly as possible?” Here are some tips: 1. If the child is as young as nine or ten, ask him or her to prepare a small notebook to write down the homework given by his or her teachers. By developing this habit, he or she will learn t

    20、o be much more responsible (负责的).2. Find a good place to study. This should be a quiet place that is free from everything but study things. No games, radios, or televisions. Once you have decided on a place to study, this should be the only place where your child does his or her homework and studies

    21、. There should also be a very specific time for homework to be done. Usually, homework should be done as soon as the child gets home from school. This also goes for the kids who take part in after-school activities. Of course, it is a good idea to allow the child to have a healthy snack before the w

    22、ork begins.3. Also remember that it is the childs duty to do his or her homework. Some children give up easily and go to Mom and Dad for help when they have a problem. Try to let them solve it first. By doing this, they will get a sense of success from overcoming problems. In this way we help them t

    23、o help themselves.根据上面的文章选择最佳答案。( ) 26. Asking the kids to keep a notebook to remember their homework will make them _.A. remember more B. learn more C. more responsible D. more interested in studying( ) 27. The place where the children study must _.A. be free for everything B. have a TV set and a c

    24、omputer C. be quiet, bright and free from things for entertainment D. be big, clean and tidy( ) 28. What does the underlined word “overcoming” mean in the passage?A. Forgetting. B. Leaving. C. Realizing. D. Beating.( ) 29. According to the passage, the children should _ when they have trouble with t

    25、heir homework.A. ask their parents for help B. try to solve the problems by themselvesC. wait for their teachers help D. put it away and have a snack( ) 30. This passage is written _.A. for parents to help their children study well B. for the children who want to improve their workC. for teachers to

    26、 teach their studentsD. for housewives to make their kids happyB The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things t

    27、oo quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor (幽默), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont u

    28、nderstand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: “Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”( ) 31. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _.A. writing B. using it C. listening D. learning grammar( ) 32. What should

    29、 you do in learning English?A. Be careful not to make any mistake. B. Write as quickly as you can.C. Speak English as much as you can. D. Laugh more often.( ) 33. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _.A. not care B. be happy C. feel worried D. be unhappy( ) 34. When you make a mistake, you should _.A. keep quiet B. get angry C. be kind D. keep your sense of humour( ) 35. The story tells us: “_.”A. Only foolish people make mistakes B. Few people make mistakesC. People never make mistakes D


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