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    1、七年级英语打印版Unit 1 My names Gina.Grammar FocusQuestionsAnswersLook!Whats your name?My names Jenny.Whats=What isIm Jenny.Im=I amWhats his name?His names Tony.names=name isWhats her name?Her names Gina.Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Section A1a. Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in the bo

    2、x.听录音。用方框里的单词补全对话。eraser pencil ruler pencil case boxTim: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your pencil?Sonia: Yes, thank you. And this is my (2).Tim: And Jane, is this your ?Jane: No, it isnt. Its her ruler.Tim: OK, and this is my . And this is your , Jane.1b. Grammar Focus Is this your pencil?Yes, it is.I

    3、s this my pen?No, it isnt.Is that his book?Yes, it is.Is that her eraser?No, it isnt.Section B1a. Read the bulletin board notices. 阅读公告牌上的布告。Notice 1:Is this your watch?Call Alan at 495.Notice 2:Alan:Is this your computer game in the lost and found case? NickNotice 3:Found: Notebook.Is this your not

    4、ebook?Please call Mary.Phone #235-0285.Lost:My school ID card.My name is Tony.Please call 685-60341b. Write your own bulletin board message.Unit 3 This is my sister.Section A Grammar FocusIs this your sister?No, it isnt.This is my friend.These are my friends.Is that your brother?Yes, it is.That is m

    5、y brother.Those are my brothers.Section B1a. Read the letter. Draw a picture of Emmas family.1b. Bring a photo of your family to school and write a letter about it. 带一张家人的照片到学校,写一封短信谈谈这幅照片。Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?Section A Grammar FocusQuestionsAnswersWhere is the basketball?It is in the backpack.

    6、Where is my computer game?It is under the bed.Where are your books?They are on the chair. Where are his keys?They are on the dresser.Where are his keys?They are on the table.Section B1a. Read the note.1b. Write a note to a friend asking for four things from your room. Say where they are. 给朋友写张便条,请他/

    7、她从你房间取饲养东西。说清楚这些物品在哪里。Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Section AGrammar FocusDu you have a TV?Yes, I do.No, I dont.Do they have a computer?Yes, they do.No, they dont.Does he have a tennis racket?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.Does she have a soccer ball?Yes, she does.No, she doesnt.Does she have a ping-

    8、pong ball?Yes, he does.No, she doesnt.1a. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 用方框中的单词填空。soccer lets have dont例:A:Lets play ping-pong.B: No, I dont have a ping-pong ball.1.A: play tennis.B: I dont a tennis racket.2.A: Well, lets play .B: That sounds good.Section BPAIRWORK 结对活动Make convers

    9、ations with your partner. Talk about the pictures below. 与你的同伴做对话,谈论下面的图画。例:A:Lets play soccer.B: I dont have a soccer ball. A: Well, lets play volleyball. B: That sounds good.Section B1a. Read this magazine article. Circle the sports things.1b. Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks in this magazi

    10、ne article about Sonia Hall. 看图填空,补全这篇关于索尼娅-霍尔的杂志文章。PAIRWORK 结对活动You want to join one of your school sports clubs. Complete the form and introduce yourself to the coach. 你想参加学校的体育俱乐部。填写表格,向教练介绍你自己。Self Check1.Write numbers in the boxes to make the conversation. 在方格中填入数字,将句子排序练成对话。 Yes, I do. Do you

    11、have a ball? Lets play soccer. That sounds good. Do you have a tennis racket? No, its boring. Lets play tennis. Yes, I do. I have a basketball.Unit 5 Do you like babanas?Section AGrammar FocusCountable nounsUncountable nounsCountable and Uncountable nounshamburgers, tomatoes, French fries, oranges,

    12、bananas, strawberries, eggs, apples, carrots, pearsbroccoliice cream, salad, chickenSection B1a. Read the articles below. Underline the fruits and circle the vegetables.阅读下面的文章,在表示水果的词语下面画线,在表示蔬菜的词语上画圈。1b. Write about what Tom likes to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.写一段话,谈谈汤姆早餐,中餐和晚餐吃什么。Unit Ho

    13、w much are these pants?Section A1a. Grammar FocusQuestionsAnswersLook!How much is the red sweater?Its eight dollars.Its=It isHow much is this blue skirt?Its seven dollars.How much is that white bag?Its nine dollars.How much are these black pants?Theyre ten dollars.Theyre=They areHow much are these b

    14、lue socks?Theyre three dollars.1b. Fill in the blanks in the conversation.补全对话。Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want sweater.Clerk: What do you want?Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: is it?Clerk: Nine dollars.Mary: Ill take it. .Clerk: Youre welcome.Section B1a. Read the ad and make a p

    15、rice tag of the clothes mentioned in it.1b. You have a clothes store next to Huaxing. Write your own ad.假如你在“华兴”旁边有一个服装店,给自己的服装店写一篇广告。Unit 7 When is your birthday?Grammar FocusQuestionsAnswersWhen is your birthday?My birthday is November 11th.When is Liu Pings birthday?Her birthday is September 5th.

    16、Section A1a. PAIRWORK 结对活动Choose an ID card and make a conversation. 选一张身份证编对话。 例:A: When is your birthday, John?B: Its March 21st.A: How old are you?B: Im fifteen.Section BGROUPWORK 小组活动Write five things about yourself on a piece paper. Another student wil read it to the class. Can your classmates

    17、guess who the student is? 在纸上写出关于自己的五个句子。让另一位同学读给全班听。其他同学能猜出写的是谁么?你可以这样开始:Im fifteen years old. My birthday is January 1st. I like baseball and volleyball. Unit 7 Do you want to go to a movie?Grammar FocusSingularPluralcomedycomediesthrillerthrillersaction movieaction moviesdocumentarydocumentariesD

    18、o you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do./No, I dont.Does he want to go to a movie?Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.Does she want to go to a movie?Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies and comedies.Section A1a. Fill in the blanks with and or but. Then take turns

    19、to talk about the people in thr picture.用and 或but 填空。然后轮流谈谈上图中的人物。例:A: Maria likes thrillers but she doesnt like comdies.B: Guo Peng likes comedies and he likes Beijing Opera.Section B1a. Read about the kind of movies June likes. Then write about the movies you like.阅读琼喜欢的电影类型。然后写一段话,谈谈你所喜欢的电影。 1b.

    20、Read the article. Underline the description words.1c. Complete the movie review with the words in the box. 用方框中的词语完成影评。例:Jackie Chan is a great actor. I really like his movie Rush Hour. It s an action movie. The movie is exciting.Unit 9 Can you play the guitar? Grammar FocusCan you dance?Yes, I can.

    21、No, I cant.Can he paint?Yes, he can.No, he cantCan she speak English?Yes, she can.No, she cant.Can you speak English?Yes, we can.No, we cant.What club do you want to join?We want to join the chess club.I want to join the basketball club.Section A 1a. Complete the conversation with the words in the b

    22、ox.用方框中的单词补全部对话。 David: What club do you want join? Lisa: We to join the chess . David: Can you chess? Lisa: No, I . Joe: I can.2a. Put these sentences in order to make a conversation. 将下面的句子排序连成对话。 I dont know. What can you do. What club do you want to join? I can play the guitar.3a. Ask three student what they can do. Make a list and tell your class.A: Can you play the guitar?B:Yes, I can.A: Can you play it well?B: No, I cant.4a. GROUPWORK 小组活动Job Interwiew 职位面试Look at the ad. Take turns to interview your classmates for the job.


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