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    1、0809学年丰台区初三年级一模英语试题08-09学年北京市丰台区初三年级一模试题英 语 第卷 (机读卷70分)听力理解(共18分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1 分) 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共14分,每小题1分)现在请听一段对话,完成第5小题5How much are the shoes?A$60 B $70 C $80 现在请听一段对话,完成第6小题6Where does the man want to go?AA bookstore BA park CA hospital现在请听一段对话,完成

    2、第7小题。7Whats wrong with the man?AHe has a headache BHe has a cold CHe has a toothache现在请听一段对话,完成第8小题。8Who is the girl in the photo?AMarv BMarys sister CMarys friend现在请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。9What does the man invite Julia to do on Friday night?AWatch a movie BGo dancing CHave a dinner10What time does the m

    3、an finish the class?AAt 9:00 BAt 9:30 CAt 10:00现在请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。11What is Grandpa doing now?AWatering the flowers BTalking to Tom on the phoneCPlaying the computer games12Why does Grandma call Tom?ATo ask for help BTo tell some news CTo give some advice现在请听一段独白,完成第13至第15小题。13What is the speaker?

    4、AA history teacher BA tour guide CA new student14When was Buckingham Palace opened to the public?AIn 1705 BIn 1993 CIn 175315How many places of interest in London are mentioned in the passage?ATwo BThree CFour现在请听一段对话,完成第16至第18小题。16Which country does Ann like best?AJapan BIndia CChina17What is Anns

    5、opinion in the dialogue?AStudents should learn more about world cultures at sch001BEveryone should travel to a foreign country only onceCPeople should speak English when theyre traveling18What are they mainly talking about?ATraveling BLanguages CCultures 请打开第卷,看第六大题听力试题。该试题需要在答题卡的指定位置上作答。语言知识运用(共28分

    6、)三、单项填空(共16分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 9Robbie Williams is a singer from EnglandDo you know_?Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimself20The plane will arrive in Beijing at 7 oclock_ the morning Aof Bon Cat Din 21_did you buy for Morn on Mothers Day?A nice dressAWhen BWhere CWhat DHow22Lisa usually ge

    7、ts to school at 7:45_ has the first class at 8:00Abut Band Cso Dor23Im hungryIll get_ to eat before I go outAsomething Banything Cnothing Deverything24Lucy is going to Tianjin by trainIts_ than the bus Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dthe fastest25_ you get some milk for me?SureAMay BMust CShould DCould26I g

    8、ot up late yesterday,so I _ my breakfast with me on the busAtake Btook Cam taking Dhave taken270h,Miss Smith,your watch looks niceIs it new?No,I _ it for two yearsAhave had Bwill have Chad Dhave28Linda,you can have the book nowIve just finishedOKThank youAread Breads Creading Dto read29His grandpare

    9、nts dont work anymore because they want_ their lifeAenjoy Benjoyed Cenjoying Dto enjoy30My mother has a new radioIts very enjoyable for her _ Joy FMevery nightAto listen to Blisten to Clistened to Dlistening to31Look! Smoking_ around here Oh,Im sorryAis not allowed Bwas not allowed Cdoesnt allow Ddi

    10、dnt allow32John will go to a key school if he_ all examsAwill pass Bpassed Cpasses Dis passing33Will you please tell me_ the music?sureJust click(点击)hereAwhen can I download Bwhen I can downloadChow can I download Dhow I can download34 Can I help you with your bag?ANo,you cant BYes,please CGood luck

    11、DId love to四、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voiceThe look on hisface said that one of US had done something_35_“Which one of you did this?” We all looked down at the_36_ There was childs handwriting in chalkthere。

    12、I was filled with a lot of_37_. I hoped no one could see itWould heguess it was me? I was so worriedWhen he asked me,I lied,“Not me,DadThe others denied( 否认 )it as wellOf course,we all knew that one of us_38_have done itBut as the youngest and smallest of the three,I justCouldnt find the courage to

    13、tell the truthTo_39_ who had written on the step,Father gave US each a piece of paperand a pencil“I want each of you to_40_ exactly what you see on the stepI tried my best to write the words_41_I didnt want Dad to be able to tellIt was me He _42_our pieces of paper and looked at them“_43_ none of yo

    14、u willadmit(承认)to have done it,then I will punish you all”I stood there and saidnothingThe last thing 1 wanted was for Dad to_44_ me!“I did it”My sister stepped forward and said_45_had done something shehadntShe was grounded for a monthWe didnt talk about that day for many yearsNot until we were all

    15、 older and felt sorryI knew it was_46_to finally tell my dad it was really me。I alwaysbecause of itThat was the last time I let anyone take the blame for me35Ahard Bwrong Cspecial Dtrue36Astep Bfloor Cchair Dpaper37Asurprise Bdoubt Cfear Djoy38Ashould Bmay Ccan Dmust39Afind out Btalk about Cthink ab

    16、out Dpay attention to40Awrite Bread Crecite Ddraw41Aclearly Bslowly Cdifferently Dcarefully42Aopened Bcolored Cshowed Dcollected43AAlthough BSince CUntil DBefore44Abeat Bteach Cpunish Dunderstand45AI Bshe Cwe Dthey46Alucky Bsilly Ceasy Dsafe阅读理解(共24分)五、阅读理解(共24分,每小题2分) 阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、

    17、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。47How much should you pay for the disco dance? A$200 B$300 C$ 1000 D $250048What time are“The Band”playing? AAt 5:00 pmBAt 8:30 pm CAt 9:00 pm DAt 11:30 pm49What days can you see basketball?ATuesday and SundayCFriday and SaturdayBThursday and FridayDSaturday and Sunday50Where can you

    18、 enjoy the live music on Tuesday?AMamma MiaCHudson TheatreBMedusa DiscoDDance Sch001Do you need to edit your friends?Is your mobile phone directory full of phone numbers of people you dont reallywant to talk to? Do you go out with people from work or school more often than withyour real friends? Do

    19、you say yes to invitations because you think you should,notbecause you want to? If you answered yes to at least two of these questions,thenperhaps you need toedit your friendsNowadays people like to spend a lot of time with people at work or classmatesat sch001The result is that we dont have enough

    20、time to see our real,closefriendsAs our lives get busier it becomes more important to spend the little freetime we have with people we really want to see,people we love and who really love usWho are the friends you need to edit? A few years ago I read a book about howto get rid of unnecessary posses

    21、sions(物品)It said you should ask yourself abouteach thing you have:Is it useful? Do I really like it? Do I feel better every time Ilook at it? If the answer is no to any one of those questions,you should throw itawayMaybe we should ask similar questions about our friends What kind of friends will you

    22、 probably need to edit? Sometimes its an oldfriendSomebody who you used to have a lot in common with,but who,when youmeet now,you have very little or nothing to say toOr it might be a new friend whoyou get on quite well with,but who is taking up too much of your timeNext timeone of these people call

    23、s you and suggests a meeting,think,Do I really want tosee this person?and if the answer is no,say no,and make an excuseThat wayyoull have more time to spend with your real friends51People need to edit their friends whenAthey have moved to a different areaBthey have no time with their real fiendsCsom

    24、e of their friends dont talk very muchDtheir friends are people from work or school52People dont need to edit theirAreal friendsCold friendsByoung friendsDnew fiends53What does the word“edit”in the passage mean?AExamine and chooseCBelieve and helpBMiss and seeDCall and meet54What does the writer wan

    25、t to tell US in Paragraph 3 ?AWe should often throw some possessionsBMost of our friends are not necessary at allCWe shouldnt treat our friends as possessionsDWe should ask ourselves who our real friends areCHumans have always dreamed offinding a way to leave traffic jams(交通堵塞)behindWell,dream no lo

    26、ngerTheflying car and pod car(豆荚车)can helpcut down on traffic jamsThe worlds“first flying car”,called the Terrafugia Transition,has made its first flight in the skies of the USItcan fly 640 km through the air without adding more gas,the car maker,TerrafugiaInc,saysAs a light airplane,it is not easy

    27、for the Terrafugia Transition to fly in poorweatherHowever,it has the advantage of being able to continue the journey byroad if conditions take a turn for the worseThis is the first proven flying car with foldable(可折叠的)wingsThese allowit to perfectly travel from air to road However,there are a few p

    28、roblemsThe car/plane,which is expected to go on sale as early as 2011,will cost about $194,000(133 million yuan )Drivers will also need a drivers and pilots license For those afraid of heights,or who dont want to fly,the pod car is a great wayto travel Imagine using a button to stop the small podsha

    29、pe carThe doors open,you climb into the passenger seat,and enter your personal numberMinutes later,the doors slide open and you have reached the place where youre going Cities around the world are looking into podcar systems,as pod cars do not need human driversThey are designed for one person or small groups travelingtogetherPassengers simply type their place into the pod cars computer and the pod car takes them directly there Because pod cars do not make unnecessary stops and use electricity,they save a lot of energy and do not pollute the airPod,cars also provide passengers with


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