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    1、四、连续缠绕玻璃钢管生产线设备的工艺流程IV.The process flows of the GRP continuous winding pipe production line五、生产能力和管材成本V. The production capacity and the GRP pipes production cost六、资金概算与人员配置VI. The capital budget and staffing placement七、生产线车间占地 VII. The layout of plant八、成本核算与经济效益分析VIII. The analysis on cost and econ

    2、omic benefits九、环保IX. Environmental protection十、结论X. Conclusion一、立项依据 I. The basis of project.玻璃钢连续缠绕管材生产线符合国家的相关产业政策,市场发展潜力巨大In conformity with the countrys relevant industrial policies, the continuous winding GRP pipe production line is possessed of potential market.国家建设部化学建材协调组在“十五”规划纲要中指出:“加速淘汰耗能


    4、的缺陷。因此玻璃钢管道是替代上述管道的理想产品,而且玻璃钢管道具有埋地水泥管和铸铁管的刚性。体现出非凡的物理性能和良好的耐酸碱化学性能。青岛朗通机器有限公司推出的玻璃钢连续缠绕管材生产线正适用于新型化学管道的生产,与国家节能降耗的政策相吻合,该生产线制造的大口径玻璃钢管则可应用于给排水主干线,符合国家2010年发展规划纲要。In the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the Chemical Building Material coordination department of the ministry of Construction pointed out that, spe

    5、ed up the elimination the products on those high energy consumption, short life-span, and the backward products which do not saving energy or not protect the environmental, and vigorously promote the use of the new chemical materials. In 2010, the urban drainage system will eliminate the concrete pi

    6、pes, steel&concrete pipes and cast iron pipes. Shanghai City has taken the lead in 1998 to issued the prohibition of the use of buried cement pipes and cast iron drain pipes whose diameters are no more than 400mm, and to promoted the new environmental protecting drainpipes. In 2002, the Ministry of

    7、Construction issued prohibit the use of the buried cement pipes and cast iron pipes which is less than 600mm in municipal pipe network. At that time in domestic it is replaced by plastic winding pipe which scope is from 300-3000mm. But through years ran the plastic winding pipe exposed many formidab

    8、le disadvantages, such as low work pressure, weak stiffness, weak performance of temperature change, high cost and high construct requirements and other deficiencies. GRP pipe therefore is the ideal alternative to the abovementioned pipeline product and it has been possess the stiffness that require

    9、d by buried as same as the cement pipe and cast iron pipe. At the sometimes, it shows excellent physical properties and good acid and alkali chemical properties. The GRP continuous winding pipe by Qingdao Longtech Machinery Company is fit to produce the new chemical pipe to conform to the National p

    10、olicy of saving energy and reducing consumption. This production line is specialized to produce the pipe applied in drainage trunk line coincide with the National Development Plan in 2010.随着塑料工业和新型化学建材的发展,特别是在世界各国都大力发展玻璃钢管道以取代埋地水泥管、铸铁管、陶瓷管、塑料及其他材料输送管的有利条件下,朗通公司推出综合造价低、米重轻、强度高、耐腐蚀、无污染、寿命长、不渗漏、内壁光滑、易于

    11、安装(最大口径能够达到4000mm)的连续缠绕玻璃钢管材生产线,必将会独占市场鳌头。产品广泛应用于市政建设、高速公路、住宅小区、运动场、广场、矿山、农业、水产养殖、船舶、污水处理等领域的给、排水管路等,市场容量非常巨大。With the development of the plastic industry and new chemical materials, especially many countries in the world are vigorously developing the GRP pipe to replace the buried cement pipe, cast

    12、 iron pipe, ceramic pipe, plastic and other materials pipeline. Under the favorable conditions, Qingdao Longtech Machinery Company introduces the GRP continuous winding pipe line with comprehensively low cost, light meter-weight, high stiffness, corrosion-resistant, non-polluting, long life, non-lea

    13、kage, smooth inner wall, and easy to install (maximum diameter can be achieved 4000mm). It has huge market capacity and will occupy a wide market of supply and drainage water line in the field of municipal construction, highways, residential quarters, playgrounds, plazas, mining, agriculture, aquacu

    14、lture, shipping, sewage treatment and so on.目前国内绝大部分厂家都采用内芯单根断续往复缠绕法生产玻璃钢夹砂管道,其特点是单根定长往复缠绕生产,设备造价低,车间占地面积大,成型模胎数量多,设备自动化程度低,操作麻烦,需要若干工序,劳动强度大,生产效率低,工作环境恶劣,管材质量不稳定,长度尺寸不易调整,尤其是大口径的管材,相应的制造成本增加。为了弥补和改进这种的生产工艺的不足,国际上只有几个发达国家(挪威、意大利、英国等)研发、研制出新型的玻璃钢管连续缠绕生产技术。青岛朗通开发研制的具有独立专利权的玻璃钢管连续缠绕管生产线,填补了国内空白,各项技术指标达

    15、到国际先进水平。At present, the vast majority of manufacturers use a single core within intermittent reciprocating winding GRP production pipe line, which is characterized by a single fixed-length reciprocating winding production, low cost on equipment, large cover area of the workshop, great quantities of

    16、molding tires, low level of automation, inconvenient operation, a number of processes, labor-intensive, low productivity, poor working environment and instability of pipe quality, length and size is not easy to adjust, etc. Especially large-diameter pipes, the corresponding manufacturing cost is inc

    17、rease largely. In order to make up and improve the production process of the shortcomings, in the world only a few developed countries (Norway, Italy, Britain, etc.) developed a new production technology of continuous winding GRP pipes. Qingdao Longtech Machinery Company developed independent patent

    18、 continuous winding GRP pipe production line and filled the gap in domestic, and the technical indicators have reached international advanced level.二、项目简介II. The brief introduction of project1玻璃钢管简介玻璃钢管是众多玻璃钢制品中的一种。它作为一种新型的输水管材具有适用范围广、质量轻、强度高、耐腐蚀、寿命长、不渗漏、内壁光滑、抗震性能好、安装方便、运输费用低等优势,愈来愈得到人们的认可,特别是与钢管、铸铁

    19、管、塑料管、水泥管相比,它所具有的综合性等优势为玻璃钢管的大量采用提供了广阔的发展前景。1.The brief introduction of GRP pipeGRP pipe is one kind of the GRP products. As one new type of water pipe it is widely applied because of light weight, high stiffness, corrosion resistance, long life, non-leakage, smooth inner wall, good aseismicity, con

    20、venience installation, and low transportation cost, the GRP pipe has got more and more users recognition, especially compared with the steel pipe, cast iron pipe, plastic pipe and cement pipe. For its comprehensive advantages the GRP pipe explores extensive development prospects.1.1 玻璃钢管的结构特点The str

    21、ucture feathers of GRP pipe玻璃钢又称作玻璃纤维增强塑料,其中的玻璃钢管材是由玻璃纤维、不饱和聚酯树脂和石英砂填料组成的新型复合管道。玻璃钢管具有系列优良的特性,在欧美等发达国家是应用相当广泛的工业管材之一,并制定了完善的管材产品标准和工程设计、安装规范。玻璃钢管材制造工艺主要采用计算机控制纤维缠绕法和离心浇铸两种方法成型。The GRP is also named glass fiber reinforced polyester. The GRP pipe is one new composite pipe that is made of the glass fib

    22、er, unsaturated polyester resin and quartz sand. For a series of excellent properties, Europe and United States and many other developed countries apply the GRP pipe as one of the most widely applied pipes in the industrial, and they established a comprehensive product standards, engineering design,

    23、 and installation norms. GRP pipe manufacturing process mainly uses two methods: the computer-controlled filament winding and the centrifugal casting forming. 纤维缠绕管材管壁结构从内到外依次为:内衬层、内部缠绕层、树脂砂浆层、外部缠绕层、外部保护层。内衬层起防腐、防渗作用,缠绕层与树脂砂浆层担负管道的强度和刚度作用,外保护层起抗老化、防腐蚀、抗日晒的作用,是符合材料可设计性的最优体现。The pipe wall structure fr

    24、om inner to outer layers are lining layer, the internal winding layer, resin mortar layer, external winding layer and the protecting layer. Because the anti-corrosion and anti-seepage effect of the lining layer, the strength and stiffness of winding layers and the anti-aging and anti-corrosion of th

    25、e resin mortar layer, this structure type of these materials is the best embodiment of design.纤维缠绕法分连续缠绕法与往复缠绕法,连续缠绕工艺是在芯模上,用长纤维玻璃丝,以一定的斜角径向连续缠绕,在管芯树脂中要掺和一定比例的短纤维和砂,可生产任意长的管段,它的承水压能力一般在2.5 MPa以下;往复缠绕工艺是在芯模上,用长纤维玻璃丝,以一定的斜角经径向交叉缠绕,对于有高刚度要求的管材可以加砂,但承受内压较高的管材一般不加砂。The two winding methods are continuous

    26、winding and to-and-fro winding. The former is winding the long glass fiber at a certain angle on the mandrel with the resin mixed the cut roving and sand to produce any length pipes below PN 2.5MPa; the latter is at ring direction and at a certain angle cross-winding the long fiber glass filament on

    27、 the mandrel, adding the sand for high stiffness requirement, but not adding sand for those pipes stand high internal pressure.1.2 玻璃钢连续缠绕管材与其他管材性能比较:Comparation GRP pipe with other pipes on performance:项目Items玻璃钢连续缠绕管道continuous winding GRP pipe预应力钢套筒混凝土管道Concrete pipes 混凝土管道 Concrete pipes钢管Steel

    28、pipes球墨铸铁管道Cast iron pipes输水能力Flow capacity(m3/s)9.12糙率系数Coefficient of roughness 0.00840.013 0.0130.011管道直径pipes diameter (mm)20002400 24002200单根长度(12m) Length per pipe 12645使用寿命(年)Aging (Year)50-70 Below 5030 10-20抗内压Inner pressure (MPa)0.60.4抗外压(MPa) Outer pressure覆土深度6m Surface earth cover depth

    29、 覆土深度6m Surface earth cover depth 防渗性Anti-leakage 具有很好的防渗性 best anti-leakage管身的防渗性能较好Better anti-leakage防渗性能一般General anti-leakage防渗性好Better anti- leakage防渗性比钢管要好Better than steel pipes耐腐蚀性Anti-corrsoion 非常好,不需另作防腐的保护性措施Best, no need do other protection 在特殊条件下需作防腐措施,并作阴极保护Need protection and cathodi

    30、c protection耐腐蚀性差,需作大量的防腐蚀处理Need much protection 有时需要防腐蚀处理Need protection 安全性Saftey 经国家卫生部门检测符合国家饮用水标准Better and meet standard of water drinking stanard无毒,对水质无污染No posion and no pollution 无毒,对水质无污染No posion and no pollution存在锈蚀问题,对水质有污染Dusty and pollution 存在锈蚀问题,对水质有污染Dusty and pollution设计生产标准Standard of design and production GB/T21238-2007AWWAC304AWWAC301GBJ69-84GB5696-94接头形式Connection couple model 双“O”型圈密封、承插连接Double O ring seal and plug in 滑动橡胶圈单密封、承插连接Rubber circle seal and plug in柔性橡胶圈密封Soft rubber circle seal焊接welding 承插 Plug-in


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