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    1、C.restowedD.charged6【单选】 Providing you are not sailing in the Red Sea or another special area as listed in Annex V of MARPOL,Which type of garbage is possible allowed from being discharged?A.Fishing gear.B.Animal carcasses.C.Domestic wastes.D.Cooking oil. 7【单选】 Every chart is liable to be incomplete

    2、 _.A.its immediate importance cannot always be verified before promulgationB.through imperfections in the survey on which it is based,or subsequent alterations to the topography or sea floorC.the final judge of the reliance the mariner can place on the information givenD.deferring the promulgation o

    3、f certain less important information 8【单选】 While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is _ to exceed the speed limitA.permittedB.assumedC.promisedD.appreciated9【单选】 With respect to automatic identification system(AIS), which information is required to be broadcast every 1 to 10 seconds?A.MMSI numbe

    4、r and call signB.Route Plan and navigational statusC.Course over ground and speedD.Call sign and IMO number10 【单选】 According to ILO Convention, hours of rest may be divided into no more than _ periods on board the ship.A.two B.threeC.fiveD.four11【单选】 The officer in charge of the navigational watch s

    5、hall continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the ship despite the _ of the master on the bridge. A.presenceB.essence C.presentD.absence 12【单选】 Clouds are classified according to their _.A.sizeB.location in a frontC.altitude and how they are formedD.moisture content13【单选】 Which one of t

    6、he following rules does not concern two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision?A.Each shall pass on the portside to the otherB.Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistleC.Each shall alter her course to starboardD.Each shall keep he

    7、r course and speed14【单选】 The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted _.A.whiteB.yellowC.redD.orange 15【单选】 A Mediterranean moor should be used when _.A.when docking bow to a berthB.when anchoring in the MediterraneanC.when anchoring in a strong currentD.when docking stern to a berth 16【单选】 I

    8、nformation regarding the latest editions of Admiralty Tide Tables can be found in _.A.Notice to marinersB.NP 247C.Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to MarinersD.annually new edition 17【单选】 Which instrument is used to measure the relative humidity of the air?A.A barographB.A hydrometerC.A hygromete

    9、rD.A spectrometer 18【单选】 Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can _ itA.proceed nearB.run intoC.crossD.approach 19【单选】 Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope?A.Own ships markerB.Echoes from a

    10、n isleC.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speedD.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed20 单选】 Deviation changes with a change in _.A.headingB.sea conditionsC.longitudeD.latitude 21【单选】 Wave height refers to the vertical distance from _.A.trough to troughB.trough to c

    11、restC.crest to sea bottomD.crest to crest22【单选】 All charts and publications should be kept up to date with the _ amendments.A.updatedB.up-to-datedC.latestD.last 23【单选】 _ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000 GMTA.Developing lowB.Being developed lowC.Low t

    12、o be developedD.Developed low24【单选】 When a feature is to be removed from the chart, _command is used.A.DELETEB.AMEND C.MOVE D.SUBSTITUTE 25【单选】 The Rules state that a vessel overtaking another vessel is relieved of her duty to keep clear when _.A.the overtaking situation becomes a crossing situation

    13、B.she is forward of the other vessels beamC.she is past and clear of the other vesselD.the other vessel is no longer in sight26【单选】 The warm front is usually lifted up from the surface by _.A.high pressureB.heavy windC.the cold frontD.hurricane27【单选】 Vapor given off by a flammable liquid will burn w

    14、hen ignited provided_.A.the vapor is too little compared to the airB.it is of heavy toxicityC.the vapor-and-air mixture is too richD.it is mixed with certain proportions of air28【单选】 The greater the pressure difference between a high and a low pressure center, the _.A.greater the force of the wind w

    15、ill beB.cooler the temperature will beC.warmer the temperature will beD.dryer the air mass will be 29【单选】 It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates _ weight or measurement.A.arise fromB.come into beingC.as a result ofD.on the basis of30【单选】 Water is used for extinguishing fires bec

    16、ause it reduces _in the air to the point where combustion stops. A.the concentration of oxygenB.the temperatureC.the heatD.the fuel 31.【单选】 _indicates the weight of the vessel and is, therefore, according to a well known principle of physics, equal to the weight of the water it displaces.A.Gross ton

    17、nageB.Deadweight tonnageC.Net tonnageD.Displacement tonnage32【单选】 Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in meters above mean _.A.lower low waterB.low waterC.sea levelD.high water 33【单选】 Crash-stop in SMCP means _.A.an emergency stop of the main engine to avoid a collisionB.an emergency r

    18、eversal operation of the main engine to avoid a collisionC.a stop of the main engine to avoid a collisionD.a reversal operation of the main engine to avoid a collision34【单选】 The _is usually measured either from one crest to the next or from one trough to the next. A.beam windB.wavelengthC.transition

    19、D.dimension35单选】 You are about to cross a narrow channel when you see an approaching vessel that can only be navigated safely within the channel. You should _.A.sound the danger signalB.not cross the channel if you might impede the other vesselC.cross only if the vessel in the channel is approaching

    20、 on your port sideD.cross the channel as you are the stand-on vessel36【单选】 Who can contact the Designated Person?A.All senior officerB.The designated personC.All officers and crewD.The captain37【单选】 Monsoons are characterized by _.A.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passa

    21、ge of an extreme low pressure systemB.steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyC.light,variable winds with little or no humidityD.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year38【单选】 Malacca Strait is 805 km _ and _ from 64 km in the S to 257 km in the N.A.length, wideB

    22、.length, widensC.long, wideD.long, widens39【单选】 Only a satellite navigation system with global coverage may be termed _.A.IRPCSB.EPIRBC.GNSSD.SSAS 40【单选】 The transmitted SSAS information includes ships _ and identification.A.weather conditionB.current positionC.ships destinationD.Speed and course41【

    23、单选】 While the Pilot is maneuvering the vessel to a dock,what is the PRIMARY responsibility of the watch officer?A.Supervise the signaling and flag etiquetteB.Record the bells and their times in the bell bookC.Judge the appropriateness of the Pilots orders and countermand them if necessaryD.Insure th

    24、at helm and thruster orders given by the Pilot are correctly executed 42【单选】 A steep barometric gradient indicates _.A.strong windsB.calmsC.precipitationD.light winds43【单选】 Weather forecast messages are usually _.A.broadcast in plain languageB.given only to TV stationsC.transmitted only by commercia

    25、l broadcast stationsD.broadcast immediately on VHF Channel 16 and 2182 kHz 44【单选】 The fire-protected lifeboats are found _.A.satisfactoredB.in satisfactorily conditionC.satisfactoryD.satisfactorily45【单选】 The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the _.A.American Institute of Maritime Shi

    26、ppingB.American Bureau of ShippingC.IMDG conferenceD.International Maritime Organization 46【单选】 Generally,you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has _.A.sternwayB.no way on,with engines stoppedC.headwayD.no way on,with engines full ahead47【单选】 Which statement concerning th

    27、e handling characteristics of a fully loaded vessel as compared with those of a light vessel is FALSE?A.A fully loaded vessel will be slower to respond to the enginesB.A light vessel will be more affected by the windC.A fully loaded vessel will maintain her headway furtherD.A light vessel loses more

    28、 rudder effect in shallow water48【单选】 Admiralty standard nautical charts offer all of the following information except _. A.topographic featuresB.shorelineC.water depthD.satellite information49【单选】 The standards of physical and medical fitness between those persons seeking to start a career at sea and those seafarers already serving at sea are _.A.sameB.difficult to meetC.differentD.not different


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