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    1、五年级上下六年级英语单词五年级-六年级英语单词汇总表第一课 young j年轻的 funny/fni滑稽的,有趣的tall t:l高的 strongstr强壮的 class kl:s班级 smile smail微笑kind kaind亲切的,和蔼的 old uld年老的accompanied/kmpni陪伴 short:t短的The kind old man is accompanied all the time.这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着 . spring spri春天should ud,d应该 shirt:t衬衫summer /sm 夏天,夏季 writerait写She should

    2、wear a thinner shirt in summer.夏天她应该穿薄一点的衬衫。 pretty/priti漂亮的thin in 瘦的,薄的 fromfrm从,自 Canada/knd加拿大 likelaik喜欢,喜爱 principal/prinspl校长 knownu知道,懂得 university /ju:ni/v:siti大学 heart h:t心脏strict strikt严格的,严厉的 smartsm:t聪明的lady /leidi女士,小姐 funfn乐趣,逗笑active /ktiv活泼的,积极的 very/veri很,非常quiet /kwait轻声的,安静的 lear

    3、n l:n学习butbt但是,然而 staystei停留;停止peachpi:t桃 hear hi听到, 听见meatmi:t肉 beachbi:t海滩eager/i: 渴望的 cheeseti:z奶酪choosetu:z选择 succeedsk/si:d成功brightbrait光亮的,发光的 bridgebrid桥掌握重点单词: young funny tall strong kind old short thin Mr like strict smart active quiet very but 次重点:from canada principal Miss university stu

    4、dent know lady fun句子:who is your (art+.)teacher?Mr/MissWhat is he like? He is short and thin.Who is your principal? Miss linIs she young? No,shes old.shes very kind.第二课 My Days of the weekMonday /mndi 星期一 day dei天, 日子Tuesday /tju:zdi 星期二 wait weit等候,等待Wednesday /wenzdi星期三 have hv有Thursday /:zdi 星期四

    5、tomorrow t/mru明天Friday /fraidi 星期五 often /fn经常;时常Saturday /stdi 星期六 love lv 爱; 热爱Sunday /sndi 星期天 yeah j是,行My birthday is on a Sunday this year.我今年的生日是在一个星期天。Chinese /tai/ni:z中国人,中国话,汉语Read books 读书 Watch Tv 看电视do homework 做作业 What about.?怎么样play plei玩,打,踢球,演奏 They often play football.piano pi/nu钢琴

    6、paintpeint油漆,涂料;绘画 Mary often plays the piano.玛丽经常弹琴。play computer games 玩电脑游戏 need ni:d需要do housework 做家务 oops u:ps哦pencil /pensl铅笔, 彩色铅笔 money /mni金钱matter /mt事情,问题 enough i/nf足够地 calculator /klkjuleit计算 backbk背, 背部crayon /krein蜡笔或粉笔 put put放; 置weekend /wi:k/end周末 china /tain中国,瓷器Moral/m:rl 道德 Edu

    7、cation/edju:/kein教育;培养 Moral Education 思想品德课Social/sul社会的 Studies /stdi学习;研究Social Studies 社会课 sweetswi:t甜味的;糖果;甜食重点单词:Monday /mndi 星期一 Tuesday /tju:zdi 星期二 wait weit等候, 等待Wednesday /wenzdi星期三 have hv有Thursday /:zdi 星期四 tomorrow t/mru明天Friday /fraidi 星期五 often /fn经常; 时常Saturday /stdi 星期六 love lv 爱;

    8、热爱Sunday /sndi 星期天 day dei 天, 日子句子:what day is it today ? Its +星期一到日。What +助动词+主语+have+on+Mondays?What do you have on+.? I have.Have有关的词组: have a match 比赛have a lesson上课 have a look看一看 have a rest 休息一下have a swim 游泳 have a talk 谈话 have a walk散步1、向对方提出建议或请求,相当于would you like.?What about swimming?=Wou

    9、ld you like swim?2、征求对方的看法或意见:What about the like?3、询问天气情况:What about the weather in your city?第三课Whats your Favourite Food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?重点单词:bean bi:n豆, 豆科植物 green beans 青豆onion /njn洋葱 rainy /reini下雨的, 多雨的cabbage /kbid洋白菜,卷心菜 pork p:k猪肉mutton /mtn 羊肉 eggplant/epl:nt茄子fish fi鱼 potato p/teitu马铃薯, 土豆to

    10、mato t/m:tu番茄, 西红柿 I would likefor f:为,给 lunch lnt午餐 we wi我们menu /menju:菜单 sound saund声音; 响声mew mju: 猫 healthy /heli健康的,健壮的tasty /teisti美味的,可口的 sweet swi:t甜(味)的 sour /sau 酸的 fresh fre新鲜的,鲜嫩的salty /s:lti含盐的, 咸的 fruit fru:t水果favourite /feivrit特别受喜爱的 now nau现在 grape reip 葡萄 eat i:t吃, 喝; 吃饭carrot/krt胡萝卜

    11、 juicedu:s汁, 液yummy /jmi 美味 vegetable/veditbl蔬菜句子:1、询问并回答一日三餐所吃的食物What+助动词(do/does)+主语+have+for lunch+时间状语?What do you have for lunch? I have eggplant.2、询问并回答想吃的食物。What would+主语+like+for lunch+时间状语?What would you like for lunch?Id like potatoes and green beans.3、提问并回答最喜欢的食物是什么?What is your(her/his/t

    12、heir) favourite food?I like . They are.第四课empty/empti空的 trashtr垃圾;废物 empty the trash 倒垃圾 usually /ju:ul经常的cookkuk烹调, 煮 mealmi:l餐, 饭cook the meals 做饭 floorfl:地面, 地板flower/flau花, 花朵 water the flower 浇水sweepswi:p扫, 打扫 sweep the floor 扫地cleankli:n 清洁的,干净的 illil有病的helpful/helpful 给予帮助的, 有益的do housework 做

    13、家务 make the bed 铺床set set放, 搁置 set the table 摆饭桌 put away the clothes收拾衣服 hidehaid隐藏wash the clothes洗衣服 clotheskluz衣服,衣物 do the dishes (饭后)洗餐具 have a try 试一试robot /rubt机器人 chess tes棋use a computer 使用计算机 season/si:zn季(节) bamboobm/bu:竹, 竹竿 with wi 和在一起tasty/teisti美味的 food fu:d食物 waitweit 等待 lakeleik湖

    14、danced:ns跳舞throwru投;掷 into/intu进入中silly/sili蠢的,傻的 run away逃跑,逃脱 第五课 My New Roomconditioner kn/din状况 air-conditioner空调curtain/k:tn窗帘 trashtr垃圾garbage/:bid垃圾,废物 empty/empti空的terrifict/rifik极大的 mirror/mir镜子closet /klzit壁橱 full ful装满的binbin大储藏箱 trash bin垃圾箱 end table 床头柜 look at 看一看ownun属于自己的 flatflt公寓套

    15、房third :d第三 bedroom/bedru:m卧室 kitchen /kitin厨房 bathroom/b:rum浴室 living room 客厅,起居室 very/veri 很 much mt非常, 很 in在.里面 on 在.外面under/nd在下面 nearni 在附近behindbi/haind在的后面 over/uv在的上面lamp lmp灯 small sm:l小的 spring spri春天There is a lamp over the table. 桌子正上方有一盏灯。front frnt前面; 正面 in front of 在.前面clotheskluz衣服 w

    16、orkw:k工作 telltel 告诉Your clothes are very beautiful.你的衣服真漂亮。 recycle/ri:/saikl回收 kick kik踢 busy /bizi忙的beerbi啤酒 blow blu吹;刮风 turtle/t:tl海龟surprise s/praiz使惊奇, 使诧异 push pu推动shelf elf架,棚第六课 In a Nature parksky skai天(空) cloud klaud云 mountain /mauntin山,山岳 river /riv河,江countryside/kntrisaid乡下,农村 flower /f

    17、lau花朵 waterfall /w:tf:l瀑布 jungle /dl丛林,密林island /ailnd岛, 岛屿 cinema /sinm电影院anybody /eni/bdi任何人,无论谁 lake leik湖hospital /hspitl医院 grass r:s草 forest /frist森林,丛林 path p:小路,小径nature/neit大自然,自然界 farmf:m农场;饲养场holiday /hldi假期 picture/pikt图画,照片village /vilid村庄 city/siti城市house haus住宅, 房子 bridgebrid桥;桥梁tree t

    18、ri:树 road rud道路,公路building /bildi建筑物,楼房 field fi:ld田地,牧场clean kli:n清洁的,干净的 air 天空 run rn跑 any /eni任何一个flow flu 流动; 循环 take teik取,抓beautiful /bju:tful美丽的 film film影片,电影camera/kmr照相机 born b:n出生的,诞生introduce /ntr/dju:s介绍 dream dri:m梦himself him/self他自己 myselfmai/self我自己I hurt myself.我伤了自己。 becomebi/km变

    19、为,成为great reit大的 take away把带走That great tree takes away all the light.那棵大树把光线全给遮住了。五年级下册 Unit 1mountains /mauntin山脉 morning /m:ni早晨 exercises /ekssaiz运动,练习 eat i:t吃,喝excited ik/saitid 快乐的,激动的 have English class英语课 play sports进行体育运动eat dinner吃晚饭 when(什么时候) evening夜晚,晚上 eat breakfast /brekfst早餐 sports

    20、 sp:ts有关运动的 get up 起床practice /prktis练习 practice basketball练习篮球play with 和玩耍 put on 把放在上面 put into 把放进 joke duk笑话,玩笑play jokes 开玩笑或 嬉闹dinner /din正餐 climb klaim爬, 攀登go shopping 去买东西 play the piano pi/nu钢琴 visit /vizit探望; 参观 exciting ik/saiti令人激动的grandparent /rnd/prnt 外祖父visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父go h

    21、iking 徒步履行 when wen 在时climb mountains 爬山 usually/ju:uli通常 often/fn常常 sometimes /smtaimz有时When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandpa

    22、rents. What about you? I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. Unit 2 springspri春天 summer/sm夏天 fall f:l降落 autum 秋天winter /wint冬天 season/si:zn季节 which wit哪一个 best best最好的 flyflai飞行 kite kait风筝sleep sli:p睡眠 skate skeit滑冰swim swim游泳 why wai为什么because bi/kz因为 snowman /snumn雪人 make a snowman 堆雪人 sn

    23、owflake /snufleik雪花, 雪片plant pl:nt 种植, 栽种 plant trees 种树Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time. Unit 3 January /dnjuri一月 Februa

    24、ry /februri二月 March m:t三月 April /eiprl四月May mei 五月 June du:n六月July du:/lai七月 August /:st八月September sp/temb九月 October k/tub十月 Novembernu/vemb十一月 December di/semb12月 birthday /b:dei生日 uncle /kl伯父, 叔父date deit日期, 日子When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in J

    25、une, too. Is her birthday in June? Yes. Whats the date? June 9th . Unit 4 draw dr:绘画 pictures /piktz图片 cook kuk烹调dinner /din正餐 cook dinner做饭 read a book 读书answer the phone fun电话 listen to music听音乐clean the room扫地 write a letter 写信 write an email /i:meil电子邮件 study /stdi学习mommm 妈妈 grandpa /rnp:爷爷, 外公

    26、do the dishes (饭后)洗餐具 Hi, John. This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? Im doing the dishes. Im reading a book. Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Hes writing an email in the study. Unit 5 fly flai飞行 jump dmp跳,跃 walk w:k步行run rn 跑 swim swim游

    27、泳 sleep sli:p睡眠kangaroo /k/ru:袋鼠 climb klaim爬,攀登fight fait战斗, 斗争 swing swi摇摆 drink drik喝(酒), 饮 water /w:t水What is it doing? Its eating bananas. What is she doing? Shes jumping. What are they doing? Theyre swimming. Theyre climbing trees. Unit 6 take pictures照相 watch wt看, 观察 insects /insekt昆虫 pick pik采,摘 leaves li:vz树叶,花瓣 catch kt捉住,抓住pick up拾起,捡起 chess tes棋, 国际象棋experiment iks/perimnt实验, 试验 honey /hni蜂蜜butterflies /btflai蝴蝶 count kaunt数He can rea


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