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    初三英语暑假班 4 冠词学生版.docx

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    初三英语暑假班 4 冠词学生版.docx

    1、初三英语暑假班 4 冠词 学生版 学科教师辅导讲义 学员姓名: 年 级: 授课时间: 课时数:2 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: 学科组长签名组长备注课题冠词教学目标掌握冠词的用法重点 不定冠词、定冠词、零冠词难点不定冠词、定冠词、零冠词考点不定冠词、定冠词、零冠词 【知识精要】1、不定冠词1.不定冠词的种类不定冠词有两种:a 和 an。a用于以辅音(指发音)开头的单词之前。如:a book(一本书),a woman(一个女人)a one-eyed fellow(一个独眼的家伙)a university 一所大学an 用于元音(指发音)开头的单词之前。如:an orange(一个桔子),an o

    2、ld man(一位老人)an hour(一小时),an egg(一个鸡蛋)a teacher an English teacher一位老师 一位英语老师a man an old man一个人 一位老人an apple a red apple一个苹果 一个红苹果用a还是an?2.不定冠词的用法(1)用于单数可数名词之前,表示某一类的事物。A student needs encouragement. =All students need encouragement. 学生需要鼓励。A computer is very useful in the daily life of people.电脑在人们

    3、的日常生活之中非常有用。(冠词 a 表示电脑这类东西)(2)用于第一次提到的表示不特定的人或物(可数名词)之前。There is a dog lying at the door. 门口躺着一条狗。She is going to write an article. 她打算写一篇文章。(3)价格或时间等名词的前面,含有“每”的意思。He drove the truck along the free way at eighty kilometers an hour.他驾驶卡车在高速公路上以每小时80公里的速度行驶。-How much is the apple?这苹果怎么卖?-Four yuan an

    4、 kilo.每公斤4元。This medicine must be taken three times a day. 这种药每天必须服用三次。(4)用于说明身份或职业等名词之前。Her father was a pilot ten years ago. 她的父亲十年前是一个飞机驾驶员。The young man wants to be a lawyer. 这个年轻人想要当一名律师。(5)用于某些数字的表示。a hundred 一百 a lot of 很多a pair 一双 a couple 一对an eighth 八分之一 a dozen 一打(6)在感叹句中用于单数可数名词之前。What a

    5、 day! 倒霉的天气!What an honest girl! 多么诚实的小姑娘!(7)用于使某些抽象名词具体化。This reference book is a great help to her. 这一本参考书对她的帮助很大。The baby is a great joy to the old couple. 这个婴儿给这对老夫妇带来极大的快乐。(8)用于一些词组中。a moment ago 刚才 a great deal 很多a great many 很多 as a rule 照have a good time 过得愉快give a help 帮助 make a living 谋生ha

    6、ve a rest 休息 have a nice trip 旅途愉快have a fever 发烧 take a bath 洗澡2、定冠词1.定冠词的一般用法(1)用于第二次提到的特定的人或物之前。She has a bag. The bag is black. 她有一个书包。这个书包是黑色的。They bought a house. This is the house. 他们买了一所房子。这就是那所房子。(2)用于双方共知的人或物之前。What do you think of the teacher?你觉得这位老师怎么样?Pass me the salt, please.请把盐递给我。(3)

    7、“the+单数名词”用于表示一类的人或物。The shark is the most dangerous animal in the sea. 鲨鱼是海洋里最危险的动物。The panda lives only in the northwest of Hubei Province. 大熊猫只生活在湖北省的西北部。注意!有三种方法都可以表示一类的人或物:使用定冠词:The computer is a useful tool.使用不定冠词:A computer is a useful tool.使用复数表示:Computers are useful tools.电脑是一种非常有用的工具。2.定冠词

    8、的特殊用法(1)用于表示独一无二的名词或方位名词前。The sun is a star and the earth is one of its plan ets. 太阳是一个恒星,地球只是它的一个行星The Summer Palace is in the northwest of the city Beijing. 颐和园位于北京城的西北部。The Great Lake are the greatest wonders of Middle American。 五大湖是中美洲最大的奇观。(2)用于形容词的最高级、序数词以及only所修饰的名词之前。July is the hottest mont

    9、h of the year in Beijing.在北京,七月是一年之中最热的月份。She is always the first to get to the office.她总是第一个来上班。He is the only runner who has broken this world record.他是打破这项世界记录的惟一的选手。(3)用于江、河、湖、海、山、岛、国家等专有名词之前。the Yellow River 黄河,the Atlantic 大西洋,the Great Canyon 大峡谷the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山the U.S.A. 美国the North China

    10、 Plain 华北平原the Africa 非洲(4)用于一些由普通名词(如报纸,杂志,轮船等)构成的专有名词之前。the Great Wall 长城the United Nations 联合国the Peoples Daily 人民日报the Queen Mary 玛丽皇后号(客轮)(5)用于姓氏(复数)之前表示全家人。the Whites 怀特一家The Turners are going to travel abroad.特纳一家人打算去国外旅游。(6)用于乐器的名称之前。 She is good at playing the violin.她非常善于演奏小提琴。Can you play

    11、 the flute?你会吹笛子吗?(7)“the+形容词”表示一类的人或物。the rich 富人 the poor 穷人the young 年轻人 the fine 佳品(8)用于一些固定的词组之中。in the evening 在晚上 in the end 最后at the moment 此时 by the way 顺便提及on the whole 总的说来 on the contrary 相反地go to the cinema 去看电影 in the middle of 在中间in the front of 在前部 for the time being 暂时三、不用冠词的情况1.在一些

    12、专有名词(人名,地名,月份,节日等)之前,不用冠词。Miss Susan 苏姗小姐 Australia 澳大利亚 Hyde Park 海德公园Doctor Smith 史密斯医生 October 十月 Childrens Day 儿童节Christmas Day 圣诞节注意!以Festival组成的节日名称之前要加the。如:the Spring Festival 春节;the Music Festival 音乐节。2.名词之前已有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰的时候,不用冠词。Li Leis father is an officer in the air force.李雷的父亲

    13、是一名空军军官。My friends are coming this evening.今晚我的朋友们要来。ILL keep an eye on your baby when you are away.你不在时,我会照看你的小宝贝的。My teacher is an English lady.我的老师是一位英国女士。3.在表示一类的人或事物的复数名词之前不用冠词。I like to see films.我喜欢看电影。They are all navy soldiers.他们都是海军战士。4.在三餐、球类、棋类和游戏等名称之前一般不用冠词。They are at supper at six eve

    14、ry evening.他们每晚六点吃晚饭。The students like playing volleyball.这些学生喜欢打排球。I hate playing cards.我讨厌打牌。注意!特指某一顿饭时还要用the,例如:The lunch was simple.午餐很简单。5 在物质名词和抽象名词之前一般不用冠词。Tea is necessary for me in my daily life.我的日常生活离不开茶。Plastic is made from oil.塑料是由石油提炼出来的。They love peace.人们热爱和平。Smoking is bad for health

    15、.吸烟有害于健康。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。6.家庭成员的名称,称呼语或表示相对关系的名词(如夫妻,母子,医患等),也不用冠词 Mother is out.妈妈出去了。They are doctor and patient.他们是医生和病人。Excuse me, sir, please show me the way to the railway station.对不起,先生。请给我指一下去火车站的路。特别注意下列词组,有无冠词意思不同:go to school 去上学go to the school 去学校(不是为学习)go to be

    16、d 去睡觉go to the bed 去床边(不是为睡觉)go to hospital 去看病go to the hospital 去医院(不为看病)go to prison 入监狱(服刑)go to the prison 去监狱(不是服刑)(sit) at table 就餐(sit) at the table 坐在桌子旁边in front of (=before) 在前面in the front of 在前部固定搭配:at first 起初 at last 最后 at heart 在心里 at home 在家里 at once 立刻at least 至少 by air 乘飞机 by sea

    17、乘船 by chance 偶然 by accident 意外地learn by heart 背下 catch fire 着火 take place 发生in fact 事实上 in time 及时in space 在太空 in public 公开 keep in mind 牢记 on time 准时【巩固练习】基础篇Choose the best answer1. Jenny goes to school on foot. It takes her about half _ hour to get there.A.an B.a C.the D./2. _ old lady in brown i

    18、s _ university professor.A. An, a B. An,/ C. The, an D. The, a3. A computer is _ useful tool in _ world today.A.an, the B.a, the C.the, the D.a, a4. My house is about twenty minutes away by _ bike.A./ B.the C.an D.a 5. I usually go out for _ walk after _ supper.A.a, / B./,a C.the, a D.a, a6. Dont re

    19、ad in _ sun. Its bad for your eyes.A./ B.a C.the D.an7. He will be back in _ hour.A./ B.the C.a D.an8. This is _ only expensive dress I have got.A.a B.the C.an D./9. Theres something wrong with my bike. Can you give me _ hand?A.a B.an C.the D./10. We always have _ rice for _ lunch.A.the. / B./,/ C.a

    20、,a D.the, the11. I enjoy listening to _ music, but I dont like _ music we heard just now.A./, the B.a, the C.the, / D.the, the12. What on _ earth are you doing here? he asked.A.the B.an C./ D.a 13. People in _ Australia dont have _ white Christmas in December.A.an, the B./,/ C.the, a D.a, a14. _ ear

    21、th goes from _ west to _ east.A. The, the, the B. An, a, a C./,/,/ D. The,/,/15. -Mike has graduated. - Congratulations. Its really _ great news and also _ pleasant surprise to us.A.a, / B./, a C.a, the D.the, /16. Cotton is grown in _ China.A.north B.the north ofC.the north of the D.the north17. My

    22、 father had _ fever, so I had to look after him.A.a B.the C./ D.this18. The police caught the thief by _arm.A.a B.the C./ D.this19. _ Mount Qomolangma is the highest in the world. Some people are trying to reach the top of _ mountain.A. The,/ B. The, the C./,/ D. /, the20. I want to learn _ second l

    23、anguage this term.A.a B.the C./ D.this21. Which is bigger, _ elephant or _ horse?A.a, the B.an, a C.the, an D.an, the22. A little boy wrote _ u and _ n on the wall.A.a, an B.an, a C.an,an D.a,a 23. He bought _ English and _ Chinese dictionary.A.a, a B.an,/ C.the,/ D.an, the24. Shall we go to see our

    24、 teacher? She is ill _.A.in a hospital B.in the hospital C.in hospital D.in hospitals25. _ higher the plan flies, _ less clearly we can see it.A./,/ B. A, a C./, the D. The, the26. Its _ pleasure to see _ sun rising in _ east.A./, the,/ B.a,/,/ C.a, the, the D./, the, the27. _ young man with a walkm

    25、an in his hand is _ excellent football player.A. The, a B. The, an C. A, an D. A, a28. Pass me _ dictionary next to the radio, and I also need _ pen to write with.A.a,a B.the, the C.the, a D.a, the 29. Have _ second cup of tea, please.A.the B.an C./ D.a 提高篇Choose the best answer1. _ compass was inve

    26、nted in ancient China.A. A B. An C. The D./2. Do you see the driver sitting in _ front of the bus?A.a B.the C.its D./3. _ twenty-fifth of December is _ Christmas Day.A. The, a B. The, the C. A, the D. The,/4. I took the old man by _ hand.A.the B.his C.her D.a 5. _ is the largest of the continents of

    27、 the world.A. Asia B. An Asia C. A Asia D. The Asia6. His honesty is _. Nobody can doubt _.A.out of the question, him B.in question, himC.beside the question, it D.out of question, it7. Thats not our house. It belongs to _.A.the Turners B.the Turners C.the Turners D. Turners8. Kunming is _ place whe

    28、re the weather is neither too hot in _ summer nor too cold in _ winter.A.a, the , the B.the, the, the C.a,/,/ D./,/,/9. My mother and I wanted to see the new play, but we werent able to get the tickets for _ two of us.A./ B.the C.among D.between【综合练习】Rewrite the following sentences as required.1. To

    29、m has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句) _ Tom _ lunch at school every day? 2. That dictionary cost him twenty yuan. (改为一般疑问句)_ that dictionary _ him twenty yuan?3. Did you do your homework at school yesterday?(改为陈述句)I _ _ homework at school yesterday.4. The foreign visitor comes from Russia.(用Australia完成选择疑问句)_ the foreign visitor come from Russia _ _? (改为反意疑问句)5. Youve never been out of China before. Youve never been out of China before, _


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