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    1、功夫熊猫英文字幕1Legend tells of a legendary warrior,2whose kung fu skillswere the stuff of legend.3He travelled the landin search of worthy foes.4I see you like to chew.5Maybe you should on my fist.6The warrior said anythingfor his mouth was full.7Then he swallowed.8And then he spoke.Enough talk. Lets figh

    2、t.9He was so deadly in fact,that his enemies will go blind,10from over exposure to pureawesomeness.11My eyes!Hes too awesome!12And attractive.How can we re-pay you?13There is no charge for awesomeness.14Or attractiveness.15It mattered not how many foes he faced.They were no match for his voracity.16

    3、Never before had a pandabeen so feared, and so loved.17Even the most heroic heroesin all of China,18The Furious Five.Bowed in respect to this great master.19We should hang out.20Agreed.21But hanging out wouldhave to wait.22 Cause when youre facing the tenthousand demons of demon mountain.23There is

    4、only one thingthat matters and that.24Get up!Youll be late for work.25Po.Get up!26Hey, Po.What are you doing up there?27Ahh. nothing.28Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper,Tigress . Roarrrr!29Ahh.30Po. Lets go.Youre late for work.31Coming!32Sorry Dad.33Sorry, doesnt make the Noodles.34What were you doing up

    5、 there?All that noise?35Oh.nothing.Just had a crazy dream.36About what? Uh?What were you dreaming about?37What was I.aah.38. I was dreaming about a.39Noodles.40Noodles?You were really dreaming about noodles?41Uhh. Ya,what else would I be dreaming about?42Oh, careful.That soup is - sharp!43Oh. happy

    6、day.My son finally having the noodle dream.44You dont know how longI have been waiting for this moment.45This is a sign, Po.46Uh. a sign of what?47You are almost ready to beentrusted with the secret ingredient,48. of my secret ingredient soup.49And then you will fulfill your destinyand take over the

    7、 restaurant.50Just as I took over from my fatherwho took over from his father.51who won it from a friendover a game of mahjong.52Dad, dad, dad.It was just a dream.53No, it was the Dream.54Wu Xiang noodles.Po, broth runs through our veins.55But Dad, didnt you everwanted to do something else?56Somethi

    8、ng, beside noodles.57Actually, when I was youngand crazy.58I thought of running awayand learning how to make tofu.59So why didnt you?60Oh, because it wasa stupid dream.61Can you imagine me making tofu?62Ha, ha, ha. Tofu!63No, we all have our placein this world.64My is here and yours is. I know is he

    9、re.65No, its tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12.66Service with a smile.67Well done, students.68. if you were tryingto disappoint me.69Tigress, you need more ferocity.Monkey greater speed.70Crane, height. Viper, subtlety.Mantis. Master Shifu.71Master Shifu. What?72It.its Master Oogway,he wants to see you.73Master

    10、 Oogway, you summoned me?Is something wrong?74Why must something be wrongfor me to want to see my old friend?75So, nothing is wrong?Well, I didnt say that.76You were saying?77I have had a vision.78Tai Lung will return.79That is impossible.Hes in prison.80Nothing is impossible.81Zeng, fly to Chordom

    11、Prison.Tell them to double the guards,82Double the weapons.Double everything.83Tai Lung does not leavethat prison.84Yes, Master Shifu.85One often meets his destiny onthe road he takes to avoid it.86We have to do something. We cantjust have him march in the valley.87And take his revenge.Hell, hell.88

    12、Your mind is like this watermy friend. When it is agitated.89. it becomes difficult to see.90But if you allow it to settle,the answer becomes clear.91The Dragons scroll.92It is time.But who?93Who is worthy to be trustedwith the secret to limitless power?94To become the Dragon Warrior.95I dont know.9

    13、6Excuse me. Sorry.97Oo.oo sorry.Hey, watch it Po.98Sorry.Aah. Oop!99Sorry, a thousand pardon.100What?101Master Oogway is choosinga Dragon Warrior, today.102Everyone, everyone, go!Get to the Jade Palace!103One of the five is goingto get the Dragons Scroll.104We have been waiting a thousandyears for t

    14、his. Just take the bowl!105This is the greatest day in Kung Fuhistory! Dont worry about it. Just go!106Po! Where are you going?107To the Jade Palace.108But youre forgetting your noodle car.109The whole valley will be there andyou will sell noodle to all of them.110Selling noodles?111But Dad. You kno

    15、w I was kindof thinking, maybe I.112Ya?I was kind of thinking, maybe I.113Ahh.Haa.?114Could also sell the bean buns.Theyre about to go bad.115Thats my boy!I told you that dream was a sign.116Ya.Im glad I had it.117Almost there.118What?No!119No! No!120Sorry Po.Well bring you back a souvenir.121No, Il

    16、l bring me back a souvenir.122Its a historic day.Isnt it Master Oogway?123Yes. The one I fearedI would not live to see.124Are your students ready?Yes, Master Oogway.125Now know this old friend.126Whomever I chose will not only bringpeace to the valley, but also to you.127Let the tournament begin!128

    17、No, no, no, wait!Im coming.129Hey! Open the door.130Let me in!131Citizens of the Valley of Peace.132It is my great honourto present to you,133Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.134The Furious Five!Ah.Ah.Ahh.135Theyre The Furious Five!Aah.aah. ouch!136Warriors prepare!137Blast, No, Quick Po.Ready

    18、for battle.138 The thousand tons of fire!Ho.ha.howw!139 Wow. Look at that!Hey! Get out of the way!140 Uhh.Oh.ohh!Ah.ah.aah!141 Hiyaah.ouch!142 And finally, Master Tigress.143 Believe me citizens,you have not seen anything yet.144 I know!145 Master Tigress faces Iron Armsand its Blades of Death.146 I

    19、 sense the Dragon Warrioris among us.147 Citizens of the Valley of Peace,148 Master Oogway will now choosethe Dragon Warrior.149 Hah.butta.No, no, no wait!150 Yaa.ahh.151 Ha.ha.haah!152 Ha.ha.haah.Po! What are you doing?153 What does it looklike Im doing?154 Stop! Stop!Im going to see the Dragon War

    20、rior.155 But I dont understand,you finally have the noodle dream.156I lied.I dont dream about noodles, Dad.157I love Kung Fu.uuu!158Oh come on son.Lets get back to work.159Heay.okay.160Ahh.aahh.aah.161Po!.Heay.heay.hey.Oh.Somebody.162Oh. Whats going on?163. Where?164Why are you pointing.?165Oh. Okay

    21、. Sorry. I just wantedto see who the Dragon Warrior was?166How interesting?167Master, are you pointing at me?168Him.Who?169You.Me?170The universe has broughtus the Dragon Warrior.171What? What?What? What!172Stop wait.Who told you to.173Master Oogway, wait.174That crabby panda cant possiblybe the ans

    22、wer to our problem.175You were about to appoint the Tigress.and that thing fell in front of her.176That was just an accident.There are no accidents.177Forgive us Master.We have failed you.178No. If the panda has not quit bymorning, then I would have failed you.179Wait, wait, wait!180I bring a messag

    23、e from Master Shifu.181What? Double the guard.Extra precautions.182Your prison may not be adequate?183You doubt my prison security?184Absolutely not!185Shifu does.Im just the messenger.186Ill give you a messagefor your Master Shifu.187Escape from Chordom prisonis impossible.188Impressive isnt it?189

    24、Yes, very impressive.It is very impressive.190One way in.And one way out.191One thousand guardsand one prisoner.192Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung.193Take us down.194Ahh.ahh.ahh.ahhOh.oo.oh.195Oh my.196Behold Tai Lung.197Ill umm.Ill justwait right here.198Its nothing to worry about.Its perfect

    25、ly safe.199Both posts.At the ready.200Hey tough guy.Did you hear.201Oogway is finally going to givesomeone the Dragon Scroll.202.and its not going to be you.203What are you doing?Dont get him mad.204What is he going to do about it?205Ive got him completely immobilised.206Haa.haa.haa.haa!207Oh.Did I

    26、step onthe wooly kiddys tail?208Im gonna. Ive seen enough.209Im gonna tell Shifu that hehas nothing to worry about.210No, he doesnt.Okay Ill tell him that.211Hmm.Can we please go now?212Oh. Wait a second.213I think there has beena slight mistake.214Err.Everyone seemsto think Im err.215 Ahh.The sacre

    27、d Hall of Warriors.216No way.217Look at this place.218Master Flying-Rhinos armour.219With authentic battle damage!220Wow.the Sword of Heroes.221Said to be so sharp, you can cutyourself just by looking . Aah!.Oww!222The invisible Dragon of Destiny.223Uuhhs. Ive only seen paintingsof that painting.224

    28、Aah.ah.ha.ha.ha.Heeyah.yah. Aah.ah.ah.225Noo.! Ho.oh, oh, oh.226The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors.227Said to contain souls of theentire Tenshu army.228Hello?Have you finished sightseeing?229Sorry. I should havecome to see you first.230My patience is running thin.Ohh?231Well. I mean, its not likeyou are going anywhere.232You turn around.Sure.233Hey, how is it going?How do you get 500.Master Shifu!. Ooh!.234Ohh.who


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