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    1、届高考英语二轮复习闯关导练第一部分基础语法演练课时3课标词汇3与形容词副词和动词短语课时3课标词汇(3)与形容词、副词和动词(短语)【课标词汇演练】.完成句子1It is a littleknown fact among general public and politicians that floods cause more _ each year globally than any other form of natural disasters. According to the United Nations, over the 20year period between 1995 and

    2、 2015, 157,000 people died _ floods and another 2.3 billion _.公众和政客之间一个鲜为人知的事实是,全球每年洪水比其他任何形式的自然灾害导致更多的损失。根据联合国的数据,在1995年至2015年20年期间,157,000人死于洪灾,23亿受到影响。2Hillary Clinton spoke during a visit to San Diego, California. She said that, if _, her foreign policy as president would greatly _ Trumps. Clint

    3、on said she believes in a “smart and principled” foreign policy.克林顿在加州圣地亚哥的访问期间发表了讲话。她说,如果当选,她作为总统的外交政策将会和特朗普的大不相同。克林顿表示,她奉行“聪明有原则的”的外交政策。3Jefferson was born in 1743 and raised in the hills and low mountains of Virginia. He was considered an aristocrat(贵族): his familys wealth permitted him an excell

    4、ent education in classic languages, science, literature, philosophy and law. Jefferson also learned to ride horses, dance and _ the natural world. _ Jefferson supported the coming American Revolution. He became a member of the Second Continental Congress and _ being the lead writer of the Declaratio

    5、n of Independence.杰斐逊生于1743年,在弗吉尼亚的丘陵和低山地区被抚养长大。他被认为是一个贵族:他的家庭的财富允许他接受在经典语言,科学,文学,哲学和法律方面的优秀教育。杰弗逊还学习骑马,跳舞和探索自然世界。在十八世纪七十年代杰斐逊支持即将到来的美国革命。他成为第二次大陆会议的一员,和以独立宣言的主要作者而闻名。4To celebrate the 66th anniversary of motherland, enthusiastic people _ the square, applauding and _, and sent sincere wishes to moth

    6、erland that China would reach a new level in every aspect after they appreciated the magnificent military parade.为了庆祝祖国66周年,热情的人们聚集在广场欣赏完壮观的阅兵仪式后,鼓掌欢呼,送出最真挚的祝福,愿中国在每个方面都创新高。5Under the influence of the science fiction, the hardworking technician was stimulated to acquire more knowledge to invent a po

    7、rtable air conditioner _ electrical fans, _ only 2.5 kilograms.在科幻小说的影响下,那个努力工作的技师受到刺激学习更多的知识以发明一种带风扇的便携式空调,重量只有2.5千克。6Anyone with the common sense will _ the fact that the aggressive one who once hijacked 2 hostages was assigned to aid in a charity fair as an assistant.任何有常识的人对这个事实的反应都是气愤,那个极具攻击性的人

    8、曾经挟持了2名人质,居然以助手的身份被派去一个慈善义卖会帮忙。7Our room was on the second floor but you could still hear the roar of the _ and see the stars at night.I _ long walks along the water.The food in town was wonderful and the people were very _. The area was very quiet and peaceful, and fairly deserted.我们的房间在二楼,但你仍然可以听到

    9、海洋的呼啸,夜晚看到星星,我过去常常沿着海水长时间散步。城里食物非常棒,人们很友好。那个地方非常宁静而相当荒芜。8According to one study, smelling fresh pizza or even the packaging of fast foods can be enough to make drivers _ other road users.They are then more _ to speed and experience uncontrollable anger on roads.The most reasonable _ is that these ca

    10、n all make drivers feel hungry,and therefore desperate to satisfy their appetites.根据一项研究表明,闻到新鲜的比萨甚至快餐食品的包装的味道就足以让司机感到对于其他道路使用者没有耐心。那么他们就会在道路上更可能加快速度和体验无法控制的愤怒。最合理的解释是,这些都会使司机感到饥饿,因此他们会不顾一切地来满足他们的胃口。9_ peoples anxiety about hunger issues and shrinking farmland, more fund and technology _ be invested

    11、 in the awkward problems associated with starvation and nutrition.由于担心饥荒和耕地面积越来越小,人们趋向于将更多的钱和技术投入令人头痛的饥饿和营养问题。10His departure apparently meant that he refused to undertake the career his parents had paved the way for, because he _ create a special law agency featuring serving justice for the people

    12、_ to realize his personal value.他的离去很明显意味着,他拒绝走父母为他铺好的路而接受那个工作,因为他计划创造一个特殊的法律中介,特色是为有需要的人伸张正义,以此来实现自己的人生价值。.单词拼写1Plastics is sometimes used instead of _ (皮革) to make things. 2In 2015, 98.19 million Chinese tourists traveled _ (在国外,到国外). In terms of destinations, the four most popular cities were in

    13、South Korea and Japan, involving Seoul, Busan, Sapporo and Kwangju.3The government is taking steps to _ (控制)air pollution to guarantee peoples health. 4If _ (加热)to a high temperature, water will change into vapour. 5We have been _ (驾驶)for more than one hour. Are you sure this is the right way?6By th

    14、e way, could you please buy me two _ (电池) of this size? 7The flight was delayed owing to _ (技术上的) reasons. 8The State Council released details of the reform to the national college entrance exam on September 4.It will be introduced _ (逐渐地) and apply throughout the country by 2017.9He obtained a dipl

    15、oma in _ (建筑学) and got a job in a building company.10Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on September 6 ordered government forces to stop _ (军事的) actions against independenceseeking insurgents in eastern regions.【基础语法演练】高考经典演练单句语法填空1(2016全国新课标卷)The title will be _ (official) given to me at a ceremo

    16、ny in London.2(2016全国新课标卷)Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks _ (regular). 3(2016全国新课标卷)Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _ (gradual) turned into chopsticks.4(2016江苏高考)Many businesses started up by college students have taken

    17、_ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. 5(2016江苏高考)His comprehensive surveys have provided the most _ (explicitness) statements of how, and on what basis, data are collected.6(2016江苏高考)Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage _ the opportunity to join sports t

    18、eams.7(2016天津高考)Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she gave voice _ her opinion on the subject.8(2016天津高考)I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to carry _ a conversation with her. 9(2016浙江高考)When their children lived far away from them, those old peop

    19、le felt cut _ from the world.10(2016浙江高考)In this article, you need to back up general statements with _ (specifically) examples. 11(2016四川高考)Chinese scientists _ (recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.12(2016浙江高考)A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, _ (

    20、especial) if you are traveling at high speed.13(2016全国新课标卷)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify those of _ (great) and less importance. 14(2015全国新课卷)As _ (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed

    21、 to be to make the cycle work on most days. 15(2015江苏高考)The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and _ (comprehension) review of the case.16(2015湖北高考)I dont think what he said is _ (relevance) to the topic we are discussing. He has missed the point.17(2015四川高考)Andy is content with the toy.

    22、It is the _ (good) he has ever got.18(2015四川高考)Little Tom sat _ (amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him.19(2015福建高考)It is said that body language accounts _ 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.20(2015浙江高考)Body language can give _ a lot about your mood, so

    23、 standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.能力提升演练.用所给词的适当形式填空1The campaign is designed to increase public _ (aware) of the problem. 2The waiter refused to serve him because he considered him too _ (drink)3It is difficult to cross the desert by car, but not _ (

    24、absolute) impossible.4_ (produce) of the goods must fit in with the needs of the society.5They celebrate their wedding anniversary _ (annual)6It was an _ (embarrass) situation, but they dealt with it well. 7Because of their pleasant personality, they had soon formed a _ (firmly) friendship.8Please c

    25、ome whenever it is _ (conveniently) to you.9The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He felt greatly _ (shock) as if he had entered a future world.10A fawn behind the tree looked at us _ (curious)11He got wellprepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _ (lose) the goo

    26、d opportunity.12What a poor memory! I forgot _ (borrow) money from him yesterday. But today I forgot _ (return) the money to him.13Compared with the other players on the team, that footballer was short. But his speed made up _ his small size. 14Is this your necklace, Mary? I came _ it when I was cle

    27、aning the bathroom this morning.15Considering your income, you should be able to put _ at least twenty dollars a week in a bank.16_ (remind) not to be late for the meeting, the manager took his bag and hurried off. 17Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself _ (hear)18_(se

    28、ttle)the problem, they worked hard and read many books.19_(finish) her work, the tired host sat down on a stool to have a rest.20With the problem _ (solve), the quality has been improved.完成句子1There is _ in the pot as that in that one.这个壶里的水是那个壶里的五倍多。2This picture reminds me of my father, _ man.这幅图片让

    29、我想起了我的父亲,一位非常有决心的人。3_, he opened the gift which had been sent by his friend.又好奇又激动,他打开了他的朋友寄给他的礼物。4He is _.他是那两个人中较高的那个。5He becomes _ what his son has done.他对儿子的表现越来越不满意。6Jack runs _ any of the other students in our class.杰克比我们班其他同学跑得快。7How cold it is! We _ this year.天真冷啊,今年我们没有度过比这更冷的一天了。8You _ whe

    30、n crossing the road.过马路时,你越谨慎越好。9This book is _ than that one.这本书比那本书有趣得多了。10The harder you work at your lessons, _ 你学校越努力,你的进步就越多。.单句改错1Weve seen very little of him late. _2I knew exactly how high he thought of me. _3She apologized to her manager for coming to the company lately. _4Her behaviour deep troubled me. _5We want to succeed and do we


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