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    1、 A. Father and daughter. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and students.( ) 8. What can we know about the woman? A. She will be late for the exam. B. Shes worried about the man. C. Shes not ready for the exam. B)请听下面2段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前你都有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。

    2、每段对话或独白读两遍(每小题1分)。请听第1段对话,完成第9至第10小题。( ) 9. Whats wrong with him? A. He has the flu. B. He has a cough. C. He has a sore throat.( ) 10. How long has he been like this? A. Two weeks. B. Two days. C. Three days.请听第2段对话,完成第11至第13小题。( ) 11. How often does Tom go to see animals?A.Twice a month. B. Once a

    3、 month. C. Every two months.( ) 12. Does Lily like pandas? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. The dialogue doesnt tell us.( ) 13. What are Lily and Tom worried about? A. Pandas dont have enough places to live in. B. Wild animals are having a hard life. C. There will be no animals in the zoo.请听一

    4、段独白,完成第14至第17小题。( ) 14. How many sons does Mrs. Smith have? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three.( ) 15.What does Mr. Smith do? A. A pop singer. B. A reporter. C. A doctor.( ) 16.Why does Mrs. Smith like collecting CDs? A. Because it can help Mrs. Smith sleep. B. Because it can make Mrs. Smith relaxed. C.

    5、Because it can make the children like singing.( ) 17. What does Mike like? A. Swimming. B. Collecting coins. C. Traveling.C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。短文读两遍(每小题1分)。18. Were going to visit the _ on Sunday.19. There are lots of _ things there about the cinema a

    6、nd how films are made.20. Well have to leave at _ by bus.21. The cost of the trip will be _ each.22. Youll need to write things down, so take a pencil and a _ with you.二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面小题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑(每小题1分)。 ( )23. Li Na and Yao Ming are world-famous sports stars. _ of them

    7、 have set agood example to us. A. All B. Neither C. Both D. None ( )24. What did the teacher say just now? Sorry, I didnt catch it. I _ something else. A. think B. will think C. was thinking D. have thought ( )25. I really like to watch the TV program Running Man. Me too. Its one of the _ TV program

    8、s Ive ever seen. A. most interesting B. more interesting C. most boring D. more boring ( )26. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? Oh, sorry, I dont know. You _ go and ask that policeman. A. could B. must C. would D. need( )27. May I go to the concert with you? Im afra

    9、id not _ you have a ticket, because I have only one. A. since B. as soon as C. unless D. even though( )28. “Learning from Lei Feng Day” is only two weeks from now. we need to _ aplan about it. A. come up with B. put up C. call up D. set up( )29. Could you please _ with your phone on the road? Sorry,

    10、 I wont do it again. A. not to play B. to not play C. play not D. not play( )30. Are you going to see the latest film Alices Adventure in Wonderland 2 with us? No, thanks. I _ it. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. was seeing三、完形填空(27分) A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑(每

    11、小题1分)。 Bao Ying, 15, Jiangxi, didnt pass three subjects in the midterm exams. He has been 31 the coming teacher-parent meeting.“I havent told my parents about the report yet. 32 my teacher will do it at the meeting, How I wish there were no such 33 !” Bao said.In middle schools, some students who ar

    12、e good at their studies 34 the meeting. Its a time for them to 35 praise (表扬) from teachers and parents. But some students, like Bao, really are afraid of these meetings. They 36 always be late for school, perform 37 in class. They dont want their 38 to know these things.However, the teacher-parent

    13、meeting is not that 39 .Li Ting didnt like the meetings because she 40 got poor grades. But now, the 14-year-old Sichuan girl has 41 that the meetings are very helpful.“My teachers tell me 42 I havent done well in and give me advice,” Li said, “And they 43 my parents to supervise (监督) me at home.”Af

    14、ter each meeting, Li studies harder and improves 44 . “Although Im not the top student in my class, Im sure I can catch up thanks 45 the teacher-parent meeting.” Li said.( )31. A. waiting for B. worrying about C. getting ready for D. fight for( )32. A. But B. And C. AlthoughD. Because( )33. A. subje

    15、ctB. meeting C. examD. teacher( )34. A. protect B. dislike C. welcome D. hate( )35. A. found B. enjoyC. likeD. look for( )36. A. must B. needC. may D. have to( )37. A. badly B. well C. impolitely D. loudly( )38. A. classmatesB. teachers C. parents D. friends( )39. A. popularB. good C. serious D. bad

    16、( )40. A. always B. never C. hardly D. seldom( )41. A. thought B. realizedC. toldD. opened( )42. A. where B. which C. what D. why( )43. A. want B. askC. tell D. teach( )44. A. little B. bit C. a lot D. a few( )45. A. withB. as C. for D. to B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置,每个词限用一次(要

    17、变形的四个小题每小题1.5分,不变形的每小题1分)。mustnt, before, complete, rule, excite, yellow, teach, right, always, bothEvery year thousands of children are hurt or die in the traffic accident. So its necessary 46 them some knowledge about traffic safety. Know the traffic signals and signs. When the signal is Red, it m

    18、eans Stop. When the signal is 47 , it means Look and when its Green it means Go.Look at both sides 48 you cross the road. Make sure that you look at 49 sides and see no cars are coming near you. Its better to 50 walk on a sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, you must walk on the 51 so that you see the

    19、 cars coming towards you.I know how 52 and fun it is to put your hand or head out from a moving car. But this can cause accidents and can hurt your body. So you 53 do it. Also make sure you enter the bus and get off the bus when it stops 54 . You should never play in a moving bus as it can hurt you.

    20、 These 55 can keep you safe. You must remember them.四、阅读理解(30分)请阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑(每小题2分)。A Ice Bucket Challenge(冰桶挑战)Come to Know and Help A.L.S. People! People with A.L.S.(渐冻症)cannot move, but they can feel your care and love. To know them, you may join our“Ice Buck

    21、et Challenge” activity. It is a very easy way. You can join this activity at Green City Park. What you should do is only to:1. Fill up a bucket with ice water.2. Pour(倒) all the ice water over yourself.3. Tell us 13 of your friends names for challenging them.After the challenge, you may also give ou

    22、t some money to help the A.L.S. people.This activity is from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm every Sunday.If you want to get more information about this activity, you can:Call Mr. Brown at 3688990.Email to Smith8933660.Visit Mr. Black at No.3, the 5th Avenue.( )56. The writer thinks it is to join the activity.

    23、A. impossible B. easy C. boring D. difficult( )57. How often does this activity take place? A. Once a week. B. Three times a month. C. Five times a week. D. Eleven times a month.( )58. What can you do to get more information about this activity? A. Call Mr. Brown at 3688990. B. Call Mr. Black at 893

    24、3660. C. Send an email to Mr. Black. D. Visit Mr. Smith at his office.BHumans have been keeping animals as pets for tens of thousands of years, but have you ever imagined we would have robotic pets instead of real animals in the future?Jean-Loup Rault, PhD, an animal scientist at the University of M

    25、elbourne in Australia, believes robot companions (伴侣) are going to be our new pets.There are a lot of benefits (好处) for a robotic pet. “You dont have to feed it, you dont have to walk it, it wont make a mess in your house, and you can go on holidays without feeling bad,” Rault said.Its not clear whe

    26、ther or not robot pets would be completely instead of real ones. When a Japanese robot seal called Paro was introduced to to hospital patients, it helped improve their moods (心情) and build social relationship.However, robotic pets may affect (影响) our attitudes (态度) towards living animals. “If we get

    27、 used to a robotic companion that doesnt need food, water or exercise, perhaps it will change how humans care about other living beings,” Rault said.So are dogs and cats a thing of the past, as Rault says? Maybe for future pet owners who are so closely tied to technology.( )59. Which of the followin

    28、g is NOT a benefit of a robotic pet? A. You dont need to take it out for a walk. B. You dont need to prepare food for it. C. It can communicate with you very well. D. It wont make your house a mess. ( )60. What does the underlined word “their” refer to in Paragraph 4?A. The patients. B. The robot experts.C. The robot pets. D. The animal pets.( )61. Where can we find this passage?A. In a newspape


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