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    1、(you ).Unit191.7:15 7:30 6:452. Im hungry. 你呢?_ _ you?3.一杯茶 一杯水4.想要我想要一个苹果.我想要午餐吃鱼.早餐你想吃什么? What _ _ _ _ breakfast?5. 你想要吃点东西/喝点东西吗?6. 桌子上有几本书?7. 盘子里有三片面包. Unit201 擅长于他篮球打得很好.我擅长于画画.2. 把传给某人把球传给我.3. 你想要试一试吗?4. 骑自行车5. 放风筝6. 打扑克7. 把扔给某人把球扔给我.8. 下课/放学8. can 的用法:He can swim.-(疑问句/否定句) Unit211. 整理床铺2. 做某

    2、人的家庭作业3. 修理自行车4. 打扫房间5. 玩电脑游戏6. 看电视7. 画画8. 看书9. 吃晚饭10. 做模型飞机11. 穿上 穿上你的鞋子. 把它穿上.12. 寻找她正在寻找她的铅笔.13. 照看14. 与某人谈话老师正在与Tom 谈话.15. 拍照片他给我拍了一张照片.16. 浇花17. 玩耍不要玩火.18. 注意现在进行时态 Unit221. 在一天的这个时候2. 商店关门了/开门了。3. 今天星期几? 今天是八月九号星期五.4. 向某人借 把借给某人他向我借了一只钢笔. 我把钢笔借给他了.5. 一本英汉词典6. 有问题/出毛病我的电脑出毛病7. 帮助某人8. 好好休息一下.9.

    3、努力工作10. 把还给某人明天请把书还给我. Unit231. 吃了一顿丰盛的早餐2. 你最喜爱的运动是什么?3. 在湖的中央划船4. 跳进水里5. 把扔给某人把面包扔给鱼6. 向游过去7. 救她的女儿8. 你来自哪里?9. 看起来像你看起来很像你的妈妈.10. 向某人学习我想向他学习英语.11. 开会12. 所有其他的孩子13. 和有差别14. 注意现在进行时态: be + doing Unit241. 你觉得怎样?你觉得中国怎样?你觉得你的英语老师怎样?2. 你喜欢的什么?你喜欢中国什么? 那里的人和食物.3. 叫某人做叫他去那里吧.4. 交朋友5. 写信给我6. 一点食物 Unit251

    4、. 你想要什么?2. 你喜欢什么?3. 洗碗碟4. 喜欢读书5. 一点也不6. 在电话上7. 表建议的说法:why dont you dowhy not doLets doShall we do?What/How about doing ? Unit 261. 你是干什么的?/你的职业是什么?2. 赚钱3. 在农场4. 在工厂5. 在白天6. 在晚上7. 在周末8. 每个星期9. 注意: 一般现在时(当主语是第三人称时,动词形式的变化) Unit271. 对某人讲话2. 起床3. 离开家4. 进行运动5. 去睡觉6. 在周日7. 穿上你的校服8. 洗脸9. 上课10. 脱下衣服11. 去游泳/

    5、去买东西/去钓鱼12. 在中午/在早上/在下午/在晚上13. 到达家里14. 有时候15. 马上16. 读些书17. 我常常骑自行车/乘公车去上学. Unit281. There are many birds _ the sky.2. There are many boats _ the river.3. There are many ships _ the bridge.4. There are many cars _ the bridge.5. He goes home _ bike/bus/train/plane/ship/carHe goes home _ the bike/bus/t

    6、rain/plane/ship _ the car.6. _ do you often go to school?On foot. Because my home is near the school. Unit291. 两公斤苹果2. 半公斤豆腐3. 各种各样4. 整天5. _ _ apples do you want? Two kilos.6. _ _is the fish? 10 yuan a kilo.7. 注意: 可数名词与不可数名词 Unit301. 对有好处走路对身体有好处.2. 上车3. 花时间做某事It takes two hours to go there by bike.

    7、-_ _ does it take to go ther by bike?4. How much is the book?-_ _ _ of the book?5. 许多其他的国家6. 有一天/某一天7. They each_(have) a book. Each of them _(have) a book.What time is it? / What is the time?Its time to do sth./ Its time for sth /Its time for sb to do sth.3 该是你去上课的时候了.Its time for you to have class

    8、.4 坐下Sit down.5 值日on duty6 把某物给某人give sb sth. / give sth to sb.7 请把书拿给他.Please give the book to him.8 没有眼睛也没有耳朵No eyes or ears. /No eyes and no ears.9 把这些书拿到教室去.Take the books to the classroom.10. 把这些很重的箱子搬到学校去.Carry the heavy boxes to the school.11. 把书包放在桌子上.Put the schoolbag on the desk.12. 这个篮子装满

    9、了苹果.This basket is full of apples.13.一瓶橙汁/牛奶a bottle of orange/milk14. 穿上你的大衣Put on your coat.15. 认真听老师讲解Listen to the teacher carefully.big _small_ heavy _light empty _full_ new _old_ long _short_ 12. 出来come out13. 把收好/放在一边put sth away把报纸收好Put the newspaper away.14. 照看/照顾look after我必须照看我的弟弟.I must

    10、look after my brother.15. 出什么毛病/问题Whats the matter with sth?/ Whats wrong. with sth?Whats wrong with your computer?16. 下来Come down./Get down.17. 别担忧Dont worry.不要为你爸爸担心.Dont worry about your father.18. 坏了,出毛病be broken我的单车坏了.My bike is broken.19. 丢失be lost他的钥匙不见了.His key is lost.20. 某人/某物看起来怎样?What do

    11、es sb/sth look like?What does his sister look like?21. 谢天谢地Thank goodness22. 人称代词: Tom helps _me with _my_ English.(I ). This is my book. Where is _yours ? (you ).15 seven fifteen /fifteen past seven /a quarter past seven30 seven thirty / half past seven45 six forty-five / fifteen to seven / a quart

    12、er to seven_What /How about you?3.一杯茶 一杯水 a cup of tea /a glass of water4.想要 would like/would like to do我想要一个苹果.I would like an apple.我想要午餐吃鱼. I would like to have fish for lunch. What _would you like for breakfast?Would you like something to eat/ to drink? How many books are there on the desk?7. 盘子

    13、里有三片面包.There are three pieces of bread on the plate.2 擅长于be good at他篮球打得很好.He is good at basketfall.我擅长于画画.I am good at drawing.9. 把传给某人pass sth. to sb.把球传给我. Pass the ball to me.10. 你想要试一试吗?Do you want a go/have a try?11. 骑自行车 by bike/ride a bike12. 放风筝 fly a kite13. 打扑克 play cards14. 把扔给某人throw to

    14、 sb.把球扔给我.Throw the ball to me.8. 下课/放学after class/school15. can 的用法:Can he swim? / He cant swim.18. 整理床铺 make the bed19. 做某人的家庭作业 do ones homework20. 修理自行车 mend the bike21. 打扫房间 clean the room22. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games23. 看电视 watch TV24. 画画 draw a picture25. 看书 read a book26. 吃晚饭 have supper27.

    15、做模型飞机 make a model plane28. 穿上 put on 穿上你的鞋子. Put on your shoes 把它穿上.Put it on29. 寻找look for她正在寻找她的铅笔.She is looking for her pencil.30. 照看 look after31. 与某人谈话 talk with sb.老师正在与Tom 谈话. The teacher is talking with Tom.32. 拍照片 take a photo他给我拍了一张照片.He took a photo of me.33. 浇花water the flowers34. 玩耍pl

    16、ay with不要玩火.Dont play with fire 11. 在一天的这个时候 at this time of day12. 商店关门了/开门了。The shop is closed/open13. 今天星期几? 今天是八月九号星期五.What day is it today? / Its Friday, August 9th.14. 向某人借 borrow sth. From/borrow sb. sth. 把借给某人lend sb. sth./lend sth. to sb.他向我借了一只钢笔. He borrows a pen from me./He borrows me a

    17、pen.我把钢笔借给他了.I lend a pen to him./ I lend him a pen.15. 一本英汉词典 an English-Chinese dictionary16. 有问题/出毛病 There is something wrong with我的电脑出毛病 There is something wrong with my computer.17. 帮助某人help sb./ give sb. a hand18. 好好休息一下. Have a rest19. 努力工作 work hard20. 把还给某人 give sth. back to sb.明天请把书还给我. Pl

    18、ease give the book back to me tomorrow.15. 吃了一顿丰盛的早餐 have a big breakfast16. 你最喜爱的运动是什么? Whats your favourite sport?17. 在湖的中央划船 boat in the middle of the river18. 跳进水里jump into the water19. 把扔给某人 throw to sb.把面包扔给鱼throw the bread to the fish.20. 向游过去swim to sth/sb21. 救她的女儿Save her girl.22. 你来自哪里?Whe

    19、re are you from?23. 看起来像Look like你看起来很像你的妈妈.You look like your mother.24. 向某人学习Learn from sb.我想向他学习英语.I want to learn English from him.25. 开会.Have a meeting.26. 所有其他的孩子.All of the other children.27. 注意现在进行时态:7. 你觉得怎样?What do you think of/about sth? / How do you like /find sth?How do you like China?W

    20、hat do you think of you English teacher?8. 你喜欢的什么?What do you like about China?-那里的人和食物.What do you like about China?-The people and the food there.9. 叫某人做ask sb to do sth.叫他去那里吧.ask him to go there.10. 交朋友make friends/make a friend with11. 写信给我Write to me.12. 一点食物a little food8. 你想要什么?What would yo

    21、u like?9. 你喜欢什么?What do you like?10. 洗碗碟Wash dishes.11. 喜欢读书like reading books12. 一点也不not at all.13. 在电话上on the telephone14. 表建议的说法:10. 你是干什么的?Whats your job? / What do you do?11. 赚钱make money12. 在农场on the farm13. 在工厂in the factory14. 在白天in the day15. 在晚上at night16. 在周末on/at weekends17. 每个星期every we

    22、ek18. 注意:18. 对某人讲话speak to sb19. 起床get up20. 离开家leave home21. 进行运动do sports22. 去睡觉go to bed23. 在周日on Sunday24. 穿上你的校服Put on your school clothes.25. 洗脸Wash the face.26. 上课have class27. 脱下衣服take off the clothes28. 去游泳/去买东西/去钓鱼go swimming/shopping/fishing.29. 在中午/在早上/在下午/在晚上at noon/in the morning/in th

    23、e afternoon/at night30. 到达家里get home31. 有时候sometimes32. 马上at once.33. 读些书do some reading.34. 我常常骑自行车/乘公车去上学.I often go to school by bike/bus.7. There are many birds _in_ the sky.8. There are many boats _on_ the river.9. There are many ships _under_the bridge.10. There are many cars _on_ the bridge.1

    24、1. He goes home _by_ bike/bus/train/plane/ship/carHe goes home _on_ the bike/bus/train/plane/ship _in_ the car.12. _How_ do you often go to school?8. 两公斤苹果two kilos of apples9. 半公斤豆腐half a kilo of tofu10. 各种各样all kinds of11. 整天all day12. _How_ _many_ apples do you want?13. _How_ _much_is the fish?14

    25、. 注意:2. 对有好处be good for走路对身体有好处.walking is good for health.2. 上车get on the bus8. 花时间做某事take some time to do sthIt takes two hours to go there by bike. -_How long_ does it take to go there by bike?9. How much is the book? -_Whats _the_ _price of the book?10. 许多其他的国家 many other countries11. 有一天/某一天 one day12. They each_have_(have) a book. Each of them _has_(have) a book.


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