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    1、My time has not yet come, some people behind the death.11、没有一贯的蔑视,又怎能不断地欣赏呢?No consistent contempt, constantly to appreciate how again?12、凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。Who cant kill you, will eventually make you stronger.13、任何不曾杀死我的东西,让我变得更强大。Anything did not kill me, makes me stronger.14、知道自己为什么而活,就能忍受任何生活。Kno

    2、w why I live, you can put up with any life.15、你们是半开的门,而挖坟穴的人就等在门外。You are of the half-open door, and dig the grave hole will wait outside the door.16、整个太阳的爱便是纯粹无邪与创造性的欲念。The suns love is pure and innocent and creative desires.17、只有在舞蹈中我才懂得说出最高尚事物的比喻。Only I understand say the best things in the dance

    3、 of metaphor.18、我倦怠于我的智慧,如同蜜蜂采集了太多的蜜。I am tired in my wisdom, just as bees gather too much honey.19、人类,若不能超越自己,将是何等可悲的东西!Human, if cannot transcend themselves, will be how sad things!20、谁不把一天的三分之二留给自己,谁就是奴隶。Two-thirds of the who doesnt take a day to yourself, who is a slave.21、我把自己呈献给我的爱,呈献给像我一样的邻人。

    4、I present my love, present neighbor like me.22、国家,是大家慢性*而称之为“生命”的地方。Countries, is chronic suicide, call life places.23、真的,我不得不飞向高处,以便重新发现喜悦之泉。Really, I have to fly to high, so to find the fountain of joy.24、我必须永远做一殉道者,以度过彻底贷出去了的一生。I must always be a martyr, to get completely out of life.25、美之音调却是纤细的

    5、,它只传送给最清醒的灵魂倾听。Tones are slim beauty, it is only transmitted to the soul of the most awake to listen.26、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。The highest moral is a rare and invaluable, also sending out the downy burnish.27、最大的恶乃包含在最大的善之中,而这就是创造性的善。The greatest evil is included in the greatest good, and that is

    6、good for creativity.28、我不喜欢那些紧张的心灵,同时也讨厌那些钻牛角尖者。I dont like those nervous mind, also hate those who sit at the same time.29、时间一逝不返,而所有会朽灭的都仅仅是一句谎言而已。Time gone does not return, and all will rot out is just a lie.30、出世理想生于生命意志之衰弱,因空无愿望而愿望空无。Was born in the decline of life will, ideal for empty wish an

    7、d desire to void.31、你们受够了自己,你们的拼命工作只是一种自我逃避罢了。You had enough of yourself, your hard work is a kind of self to escape.32、赞美者假装在回报,可是实际上,他要求得到更多的赠送!Praise who pretended to be return, but in fact, he asked for more gifts!33、啊!伟大的星球,假如没有你所照耀的人们,你的快乐何在?Ah! The great planet, if do not have the people you

    8、shine, your happiness?34、说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐!At the end of the day, or beliefs make people happy! Attention! Is not a moral make you happy.35、苍生啊,你们肃然倒地了吗?宇宙啊,你感悟到那创造者了吗?Ah, you touch down? The universe, you learned that the creator?36、基督教是一个体系,对于事物的一种通盘考虑过的完整的观点。Christianity is a system, the

    9、 overall consideration for the things of a kind of a full point of view.37、一个人的孤独是病人的逃避,另一个人的孤独是对病人的逃避。A persons loneliness is the patients escape, another mans loneliness is to evade his patients.38、你们所谓的权力、金钱、权威的快乐只不过是一种偏头痛而已。Your so-called power, money, authority, happiness is only a migraine.39、

    10、当我们对拥有的东西产生厌倦的同时,我们也对自身产生厌倦。When we are tired to have at the same time, we also own boredom.40、若你一项美德,而那是你特有的美德时,则千万不要与人共享。If you are a virtue, but that is your own virtue, is never Shared with others.41、“彼岸”,倘若它不是一个手段的话,为何彼岸总要诬蔑此岸呢?Other side, if it is not a means, why the other shore always abused

    11、 this side?42、谁看见深渊,但是用鹰眼去看;谁用鹰爪去抓深渊:谁就有勇气。Who saw the abyss, but the use of eagle eye to see; Whoever use talons to grasp the deep: have the courage.43、我不断越过那些因循者与迟缓者,而使我的前进变成他们的落后。I keep across those procrastinator and slow, and make me forward into their backward.44、继续对所向往的东西保持信念,即使现在没有,也许永远得不到。C

    12、ontinue to what you aspire to keep faith, even if not now, maybe never.45、如果一个人始终只是为人弟子,则他必然不会十分感激他的老师。If a person is always just a disciple, then he will be very grateful to his teacher.46、劣作靠模仿获得声誉,精品却由此失去声誉,在艺术中尤其如此。Rubbish by mimicking a reputation, high-quality goods from this loss of reputatio

    13、n, especially in the arts.47、我喜欢智慧,往往太喜欢了:这是因为她十分强烈地让我想起了生命!I like wisdom, often too like: its because shes very strongly reminds me of my life!48、在现实中,希望是所有祸害中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。In reality, the hope is the worst of all evils, because it has increased a persons pain.49、不错,我们有过丰收,然而为什么我们所有的果实都腐烂而枯黄了呢?

    14、Yes, we had a good harvest, but why all of our fruit rot and yellow?50、高贵者绝不使人受窘而他自己却在所有苦难者的面前感到无地自容。Embarassing themselves noble who never make the person - and he is embarrassed in front of all those suffering.51、要先勇于相信你们自己和自己的内部!不相信自己的人必定永远在说谎。To have the courage to believe in yourself and your i

    15、nternal first! People who do not believe in yourself will always lying.52、我是奔流旁边的栏杆,能抓紧我的人,抓住我吧!可我不是你们的拐杖。I was running near the rail, can catch me, catch me! But I am not your cane.53、人类最高的善必定是同罪恶一齐被买进来的,由悲凄之血泪与受苦来偿付。Human must be the highest good with evil by buying, reimbursement by the blood and

    16、 suffering of mournfulness.54、一个志向高远的人,不仅要超越他的行为和判断,甚至也要超越公正本身。A very ambitious person, not only need to go beyond his behavior and judgments, even to go beyond justice itself.55、你走你的伟人之路:在你身后不再有退路,这一定是你最大的勇气之所在。You go the way of your great man: behind you there will be no retreat, this must be your

    17、 greatest courage.56、我身上带着许多锈得最严重的钥匙,也知道如何用它们来开启最破旧的门。Me with many of the worst rust key, also know how to use them to open the old door.57、我要做的绝不止此。我不是寻求者。我要为自己创造一个属于自己的太阳!I do not check this. Im not a seeker. I want to create a belongs to own the sun for yourself!58、海极愿被太阳的焦渴所吸啜,它想变成空气、高度、光明之路,甚至光

    18、明本身。Sea may be extremely eager the sip of the sun, it want to be the air, the height, road light, even the light itself.59、我钟爱那心灵过于丰实而忘己,且与万物合一的人,如是,万物乃成为他的归宿。I love it too much and forget his own mind, and the people of the unity of all things, so, everything is to be his destination.60、我们在一个人的身上看出

    19、了什么,同时也就会设法百般挑逗。因此,要谨防小人。We see something in a persons body, at the same time, it will try to tease the eyesight of the. Therefore, to beware of dog.61、只有活生生的、跳着舞的到达你那里的真理,才有能力使你超越目前的意识状态。Only alive, dancing to the truth, you only have the ability to make you go beyond the current state of conscious

    20、ness.62、你们这些今日的隐士,你们这些离群索居者,有朝一日,你们也会自成一个民族。You todays hermit, you these solitude, one day, you will become a nation.63、深奥的知识如一股寒流。精神的内在之泉是冰冷的却能令酷热的手感到舒爽。Profound knowledge as a cold snap. Spirit is the fountain of the internal cold - but it can make hot hand feel comfortable.64、你们与邻人交往以逃避自己,那我不如劝你们

    21、逃避邻人而去爱远处的人还好一点。You associate with neighbor to escape themselves, then I not advised you to flee from neighbour and to love people in the distance is a bit better.65、你无言的高傲始终违背他们的趣味;一旦你足够谦虚而显得浅薄,他们就幸灾乐祸。You dumb proud always against their interest; Once you have enough humility and appear superficia

    22、l, they rejoiced.66、猿猴之于人算是什么?一个可笑的祖系,或是一件耻辱。人之于超人又何尝不是如此。What is the ape to man? A funny face, or a shame. So not so man be to the superman.67、但愿孤独的高处并不永远孤独和自足,也但愿高山能降临深谷,高处的风也能吹至平地。I hope the lonely heights are not always lonely and self-sufficiency, also I wish we could come deep canyons mountain

    23、s, high wind can blow to the ground.68、就像所有的创造者一样,我已厌倦于破旧的语言,我的精神不想再穿着破旧的鞋子行走。As the creator of all, I have tired of broken language, I dont want to wear the spirit of the old shoes to walk.69、凡是追求盛名的人,应当适时舍弃那些虚浮的荣耀,而表现出难得的艺术及时而退。Anyone who pursue fame, should be timely forsake the vain glory, and a

    24、 rare art show, in a timely manner.70、孤独者,你走爱者的道路:你爱你自己,所以你蔑视你自己,就像只有爱者才有的蔑视。Lonely, you to the road of the lover: you love yourself, so you despise yourself, like only lover some contempt.71、他完全没有妒意,这也难怪,因为他决意占领一块迄今无人占领,甚至无人见过的土地。He has no jealousy, no wonder, because he was determined to occupy a

    25、so far no one occupation, even no one saw land.72、你们还没有去寻求自己,就先来找我。所有的信徒都是这样,故而一切信仰也就不足取了。You havent seek yourself, just come to me first. All believers is such, so all faith also paltrily.73、只有清醒的人才知道美、灵性以及爱的神圣。那不再是一种束缚。觉醒者的爱给予你自由。Only a person sober know beauty, spiritual and divine love. It is no

    26、 longer a bound. The awakening of love to give you free.74、他的行为依旧是遮盖自己的影子。行为往往会使行为者隐晦不显。他还没有克服自己的行为。His behavior is still to cover its own shadow. Behavior tends to make behavior person doesnt obscure. He has yet to overcome their own behavior.75、追求者行走于人类之间,一如行走于动物之间。对追求者而言,人类乃是属于有脸颊的动物。Suitors walk

    27、ing between humans, between as walking the animals. For suitors, but belongs to the human face of animals.76、我的轻蔑与期望与日俱增。我愈升高,便愈鄙视那在攀爬的人,他们究竟想到高处寻找什么呢?My contempt and growing expectations. The more I increases, then the more despise those who in climbing, what they think of high looking for?77、年轻人很狂

    28、妄是因为他们都和自己的同类人打交道,这些人往往什么都不是,却喜欢显得重要。Young people are mad because they are with their own kind of people, these people often are nothing, but love is important.78、凡被拥有的一切对其拥有者都是深藏不露的,属于自己的珍藏总是要到了最后才会被挖掘出来。All who are with all of its owner is hidden, belongs to own collection is always at the end of the day will be excavated.79、你的真正本质并非深藏在你里面,而是无比地高于你,至少高于你一向看做你的自我的那种东西。Your true nature is not hidden deep within you, it is incomparably higher than you, at least above the sort of thing you always as your self.80、哪里缺乏意志,哪里就急不可待的需要信仰。意志作为命令的情感,是自主和力量的最重要标志。Where a lack of will, is urgent need


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