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    宁夏青铜峡高级中学高一上学期第二次月考英语试题 含答案Word格式.docx

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    宁夏青铜峡高级中学高一上学期第二次月考英语试题 含答案Word格式.docx

    1、2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A picture. B. A job C. A park.3. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Take an exam B. Fly a kite C. Help Mike study4. What does the woman plan to sell?A. The shoes B. The computer. C. The lamps.5. What does the man want the woman to do forhim?A. Email a report B

    2、. Print a report. C. Write a report第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项.请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What kind of paper did the man order?A. Plain paper B. Headed paper. C. Lined paper.7. What is Sarah doing?A. Having a training course B Meeting a supplier. C Having lunch请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. What did the

    3、woman forget to take last year?A. Her passport B. Her swimsuit C. Her sunglasses9. What does the man mean at last?A. They should take some books B. They have taken too many thingsC. They need prepare more suitcases请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10. What is the woman s plan for Monday morning?A. To visit an offic

    4、e B. To attend a fair C. To meet some customers.II. When do the speakers decide to meet?A. On Tuesday B On Wednesday C. On Thursday12. What is the man going to do next?A. Meet the Finance Director B. Meet the sales team C. Fly to Prague.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How does the man feel about his past life

    5、?A. It s usual B. Its interesting C. It s impressive14. What will the man study?A. Architecture B. Business C. Liberal arts15. What about students life may affect the man least?A .Classroom technology B. Student housing.C. Dining facilities.16. What does the man like to do?A .Read books. B. Do sport

    6、s. C .Play games请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. In which city is the snow expected to fall today?A. Chicago B. Las Vegas C. New York18. What will the highest temperature be in Atlanta today?A. 52 degrees B .65 degrees C. 73 degrees19. What will the weather be like in Seattle today?A Sunny. B Rainy. C. Cloudy

    7、20. What program will be on right after the weather report?A. A cartoon B. A traffic report C.A football match 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMy first Glastonbury(格拉斯顿伯里音乐节) was in 2005. The year of rain and mud (泥)! We took off our shoes and danced in i

    8、t up to our knees! I loved it! Ive now been six times! This years festival was fantastic I didnt want to go home. The best part for me was an Icelandic band (乐队) called Sigur Ros. Id never heard of them, but I loved their music. Marina M, ScotlandWell, I dont know what to say my second time, and it

    9、was the most amazing experience! Im now sitting at work thinking about the best four days of my life. We didnt see any rubbish bands, and the DJs rocked all night. We saw the sun rise at 5 on Sunday morning an amazing experience. Only one thing there were so many mobile phones. Why? I thought Glasto

    10、nbury was about getting away from it all. Dave Chow, LondonIve taken my kids to Glastonbury twice. It really is an education for kids. The atmosphere (气氛) is amazing. I think this is because of the mix of people of all ages. Its great to see them from very young kids and teenagers, to people my pare

    11、nts age and older. Everyone gets on so well. On Saturday night we watched Radiohead with my 11-year-old son, and the crowd moved back so he could see better. We loved everything. Len Ferris, GloucesterThis was my first year at Glastonbury. I travelled 10,000 miles to be there. Ive been to other fest

    12、ivals in Australia and Europe. I went to the Sonar Festival in Barcelona two years ago it was great, but Ive always wanted to come to Glastonbury. It was amazing. Radiohead was the best thing I have ever seen at a festival ever, and Im going to come next year if I can. Izzi, Chirstchurch, New Zealan

    13、d21. What did Marina do when it rained during Glastonbury?A. She took cover from the rain. B. She played with Sigur Ros.C. She had fun in the mud. D. She went back home.22. What made Dave unhappy?A. The performances lasted too long. B. He had to stay up late all night.C. He was disturbed by phones.

    14、D. Some bands played badly.23. What does Len think of Glastonbury?A. It brings people of all ages together. B. It seems boring to kids his sons age.C. It provides an early education for kids. D. Its so crowded that nothing can be seen.24. Who has been to Glastonbury only once?A. Marina. B. Dave. C.

    15、Len. D. Izzi.BIt has been 24 years, and John Moore still looks out of his passenger window as the train he travels by every day runs over the Moodna Viaduct in Cornwall, New York.For more than twenty years, the 60-year-old businessman has been traveling about 67 miles to work from his home in Cornwa

    16、ll to lower Manhattan. His total travel time is 5 hours each day. It may seem like a lengthy journey, but Moore says he prefers this mode of travel.“Compared to a bus or a car, its much more spacious and comfortable,” he says. As soon as Moore boards (上车), he can start work, or socialize with the fr

    17、iends hes made on the train over the years, or spend a few hours reading a novel.For Moore, traveling by train allows him and his wife to live in a more peaceful environment that is far away from the fast-paced city lifestyle.“We moved to Cornwall specifically because I could take a train to work. I

    18、t allowed us to live more than 50 miles outside the city and still travel comfortably to work every day,” he says.Moore is not the only one enjoying passenger rail. There has been a great rise in rail travel from 2000 to 2015, according to Matt Hardison, a spokesman for Amtrak, the national rail ope

    19、rator.“The longstanding sayings from the 1980s that passenger rail is dying have changed,” he says. “People are turning to rail for inter-city travel.”Although a growing number of people are traveling daily by train like Moore did, there are also those who prefer to ride trains to see more of the la

    20、ndscape (风景) and to relax.Jack Donachy, 58, says he and his wife are among those people. “There are no seat belts (安全带) and you can go to the dining car for something to eat, or simply look out of the window and think freely,” he says.25. Why did the Moores move to Cornwall?A. It is cheap to live th

    21、ere. B. It is close to his workplace.C. They have a lot of friends there. D. They can travel to work by train.26. During the past 15 years, rail travel in America _.A. has attracted very few passengers B. has become more and more popularC. has changed peoples busy lifestyles D. has been considered s

    22、low and dangerous27. Donachy enjoys train journeys because _.A. it is relaxing B. it is money-saving C. he likes the food in the dining carD. he can make more friends on trainsCAngus, Doris, Gabriel and Kamil are some of the 21 names that have been chosen to be given to storms in the UK in the 2016/

    23、17 season.The Met Office, the UKs national weather service, decided to give storms boys and girls names in 2015 in the same way as they did in America.The Met Office hopes that naming big storms will mean people are more aware (意识到) of them and how dangerous they can be. Derrick Ryall, from the Met

    24、Office, said, “We have seen how naming storms elsewhere in the world raises peoples awareness of storms before they break.”In the past, the same UK storm could be given different names by different organizations. “We noticed that many organizations during the last couple of winters, when we have had

    25、 bad storms, started giving names to them. Think back to the St Judes Day storm in 2013, and the so-called Hurricane Bawbag in Scotland in 2011. But it led to confusion (混乱),” a Met Office spokeswoman said.According to the Met Office, there is a name for each letter of the whole alphabet (字母表), exce

    26、pt for Q, U, X, Y and Z. That is the same as the naming tradition used in America. And not all storms will be big enough to get names only those expected to cause great damage.If there are more than 21 storms in a year, the Met Office will start again with another name beginning with “A”. However, a

    27、ccording to Met Office spokeswoman Lindsay Mears, “Its unlikely we would get through the whole alphabet in one season. We had 14 storms in the very bad winter of 2013/14, and if the naming system had been in operation then we wouldnt have used the whole alphabet.”28. Why are storms in the UK named?

    28、A. To increase public awareness of them. B. To remind people of their short stay.C. To follow what other countries did. D. To meet the needs of its people.29. Examples are given in Paragraph 4 to show _.A. therere many storms to name in a year B. organizations named storms differently C. some storms

    29、 names are similar to othersD. some storms names are hard to understand30. What do we know about the names given to storms?A. Storms will be given names whatever their sizes.B. Serious storms will be given boys names.C. 21 letters will be used to begin the names.D. 21 names will be given at most in

    30、a year.31. What can be learned from Lindsay Mears?A. There are not too many big storms yearly. B. Action will be taken to prevent storms.C. There are usually 14 storms in a year.D. The naming system will not change.DEveryone knows about New Years Eve and Independence Day. But did you know that there

    31、 are enough holidays to fill every day of the year? Here are just a few we found interesting.World Hello DayTo celebrate this day, say hello to at least ten different people. World Hello Day began in the autumn of 1973, shortly after the end of a war in the Middle East. Brian and Michael McCormack of Omaha, Nebraska, wondered what they could do to encourage world peace. They felt


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