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    1、the world every day. Second, all kinds of newspapers,ranging from foreign language newspapers, sportsnewspapers to entertainment newspapers, can caterto different needs of college students. 4. Along with the increased amount of time spenton newspapers, some problems arise. The most seriousone is tha

    2、t college students spend less and less timereading classics, which are the essence of literatureTherefore, it is urgent that college students choosereading materials in a proper way.好句操练1. It is evident that college students spend the majority of their time on newspapers, but much less on the rest o

    3、f reading materials. a. It can be easily gathered that college students spend the majority of their time on newspapers, but much less on the rest of reading materials. b. It is obvious that the majority of college students time is spent on newspapers, with much less on the rest of reading materials.

    4、2. The most serious one is that college students spend less and less time reading classics, which are the essence of literature. a. The most disturbing one is that the college students time spent on reading classics, the essence of literature, is diminishing.b. The most serious one is that college s

    5、tudents spend increasingly less time reading classics, which are the essence of literature.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1 .M: Our English teacher gave me an F in the final exam last semester. It is the third time that she has given me an F.” W: As a matter of fact, it is not the teacher b

    6、ut you who decide whether you pass or fail in every exam. Q: What does the woman mean?B)精析推理判断题。男士抱怨在上学期的英语考试中,老师给了不及格;女士则说决定是否能通过考试的不是老师而是自己。由此可以推断,女士认为男士不及格的原因是白己不努力学习,要想通过考试必须努力学习。2. W: It is reported that many companies are going to lay off some workers because of the recenteconomic recession M:

    7、 Yeah,but no company can afford to dismiss such an excellent engineer like you. What does the man imply?C)精析 语义推断题。女士听说因为近期经济衰退,很多公司要裁员;男士说没有哪个公司会解雇像女士这么优秀的工程师。由此可以推断,男士认为女士一非常优秀,没必要担心被解雇。3. M: I finally submit myself to the computer. It goes down the minute I log on. You mean the one you bought las

    8、t week? The store guarantees it can be changed or refunded within two weeks so long as you have the invoice.Q: What should the man do according to the woman?A)精析 请求建议题。男士抱怨自己的电脑一登录就出现故障,女士说商店保证两周内持发票可以换货或退款。由此可知,女士认为男士可以去商店更换电脑或者要求退款。4. W: The university opens a lot of optional courses. Im wondering

    9、 which one I should choose. Many students choose those that they can easily pass, but it isnt sensible. In my opinion, a distinguished professor is more likely for you to pick up what you need. What does the man suggest the woman do?D)精析 请求建议题。女士说学校开了很多选修课,并询问男士应该如何选课;男士说很多学生选择那些容易通过的课程,但他认为优秀的教师更能使

    10、人学到东西。言外之意,男士建议女士选课时应更多地考虑教师而非课程本身。5. M: How about your holiday travel plan? My travel plan will be in vain. My parents ask me to attend a piano class, a dancing class, and I have to take a driving test, so I cant even spare one day for travel. What can we learn from the conversation?C)精析 推理判断题。男士询问

    11、女士的假期旅行计划,女士说她的计划要泡汤了,因为父母要她参加钢琴班和舞蹈班,她自己还打算考驾照,她几乎抽不出一天时间去旅行。由此推断,女士不得不取消她的旅行计划。6. W: What do you think of the present exposition? Oh, it has been years since I have been exposed to such a wonderful scene. I think a revisit is worthwhile if possible What does the man mean?B)精析 观点态度题。女士询问男士对博览会的看法,男

    12、士说自己好几年没有看到过如此美丽的场景了。由此可知,男士对这次博览会的评价很高。7. M: Im really regretful. The clothes I received dont match those advertised.W: I have told you many times that not all the advertisements on those shopping websitesare reliable. A try-on is always more sensible.A)精析 推理判断题。男士对自己在网上购买的衣服感到失望,女士说并不是所有购物网站上的广告都可

    13、以相信,试穿更为理性一些。由此可以推断,女士并不赞成网上购物。8. W: Hello, would you please send someone to my apartment? The heating system doesnt work here. Sorry, madam. All the workers here are rushing to repair the central heating plant. Yours will be all right when it goes well here.D)精析 推理判断题。女士打电话请人维修暖气,男士说他们正在抢修中央供暖系统,这里

    14、修好了,女士那儿的暖气问题自然就解决了。由此可知,男士不需要派人去女士那里维修暖气。Conversation OneM: Have you ever visited a foreign country recently? Yes, I went to Thailand this summer with my parents. Are there any local customs that strike you as interesting or strange? Sure. One thing I found interesting is how the Thai people attach

    15、 different levels of importance to different part of the body. (9) For example, head is considered the most important, so you arent supposed to touch others head in Thailand. Then the right hand is considered clean and the left hand unclean. You should use your right hand to eat food and never use l

    16、eft hand to shake hands or receive a gift. Thats interesting. Different cultures have different customs and rules of behavior. Do you think cultural differences can be a source of misunderstanding in communication? Yes, I think so. (10) I think we are so used to the ways we do things in our own cult

    17、ure that we tend to take them for granted. What are good manners in one culture may be bad ones in another. If you are ignorant of such differences, problems will surely arise. But how can we deal with cultural differences? (11) I think first of all, we must learn about other cultures so as to avoid

    18、 causing unnecessary misunderstanding. But more importantly, we should treat people from other cultures with respect. How do we usually treat other cultures then? We tend to view people who are different from us as odd or ever inferior, but we have to remember that all cultures arc equal. (12)In fac

    19、t, if we are willing to put away our prejudices and try to see things from other peoples perspectives, well find that they are not as different from us as they may seem. Sure, thank you. I do appreciate your insight. My pleasure.答案解析9. What is considered to be polite in Thailand?C)精析 细节推断题。女士提到在泰国,人

    20、的头部被认为是最重要的,所以不能摸别人的头部;右手比左手干净,所以要用右手吃饭,不能用左手握手或接收礼物。10. Why do cultural differences cause misunderstanding?B)精析 目的原因题。女士认为我们已经习惯了自己的文化,并认为自己的行为是理所当然的事情,但实际上,在一种文化里被认为是恰当的行为在另一种文化里并非如此,这是导致不同文化之间产生误解的原因。11. How should we deal with cultural differences according to the woman?A)精析 事实细节题。男士问如何应对文化差异,女士

    21、说首先得学习其他文化,更重要的是要尊重其他文化的人。12. What may happen if we treat other cultures equally?D)精析 细节辨认题。对话结束时,女十提到,如果我们愿意放下偏见并从他人的角度看问题,我们就会发现人与人的差异并没有看上去的那么大。Conversation Two I hear that youre looking for an apartment, and I just rented a two-bedroom downtown. Im looking for a suitable roommate. Great! Im look

    22、ing for a place right in that area. Your apartment sounds ideal Alright. So tell me, how would you describe yourself? (13)1m pretty social and outgoing, and I like making new friends. But Im-not a party animal, and I like to keep the apartment clean. I like that too. I like to invite friends over so

    23、metimes, but I dont want to have lots of crazy parties at the apartment. You know, Im a pretty laid-back person. I dont like to have lots of arguments or worry about lots of things. For example, I like to keep the apartment clean too, but if it gets a little dirty once in a while, thats not a big de

    24、al. I totally agree. I really like my lifestyle to be drama-free, and I dont want to argue about cleaning the apartment,(14)My last roommate-was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it. Well, Im glad youre laid-back like me. But tell

    25、me, do you have any pet peeves? Actually, yes. (15) I really hate living with those who eat all of your food and ask you to pay for everything. I really think its important for each roommate to pull his weight around the house. Its really unfair if only one of the roommates is doing all the work.13.

    26、 Whats the womans character?B)精析 事实细节题。男士询问女士如何看待自己,女士说自己很外向,喜欢社交但不是一个聚会迷,喜欢保持房间干净。14. What does the woman say about her last roommate?C)精析 事实细节题。女士在讲到她上一个室友时提到,她(女士的室友)喜欢小题大做,并举例说当自己忘了脱鞋时,她的室友就会发狂。15. What kind of person does the woman dislike?D)精析 细节推断题。对话末尾男士问女士是否有特别不喜欢的事情,女士回答说她不喜欢和那些只吃东西不付账的人住在

    27、一起。由此可以推断,女士不喜欢损人利己的人。Passage one In 2010, the global population reached 6. 9 billion, with nearly all the growth in the worlds developing countries. (16)According to the report, the worlds poorest developing countries account for 20 million of the 80 million people being added to the global populat

    28、ion every year. Carl Haub, lead author of the Data Sheet, says by 2050, population growth in Africa alone will boost world numbers by one billion, assuming that birth rates today are declining on that continent and continue to do so(17)But he also predicts that birth rates in developing countries wi

    29、ll eventually decline following the trend in industrialized nations. Yet, as the Data Sheet documents, Asia is expected to add the most people, about 1.3 billion, by 2050. That is likely to impose greater burdens on governments to meet the health, education and economic needs of large and young populations. In the developed world, the numbers tell a very different story. (18)Chronically, low birth rates have created a shrinking pool of work-age people to support the wealthier countries elderly populations. Europe is the first region of the wo


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