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    1、航海英语旧题库三四章第三章(0760-0941)0760 Youre made a mistake, I dare _.A. Declare. B. Say. C. Speak. D. Tell.我敢说,你犯了一个错误。0761 Your figure doesnt turn _ 100% correct.A. In. B. On. C. Out. D. About.你的数字不会出现100%的正确。0762 You are running into danger, _.A. Shallow water ahead of you. B. Submerged wreck ahead of you.

    2、C. Rick of collision imminent. C. A, B, C are all right.你正在陷入危险,浅水在你的前方,水下沉船在你的前方,紧迫的碰撞危险0763 Write down your name _, please.A. In numbers. B. With marks. C. In block letters. D. With symbols.请用印刷体字母写下你的名字。0764 Whom must be informed at once if any cases of quarantinable or eruptive diseases or any d

    3、eath are discovered on board?A. The master of a ship. B. The local doctor.C. The local quarantine officer. D. The ships agent.假如船上发现有任何的应隔离的或爆发的疾病或任何死亡,必须立即通知当地的检疫官员。0765 Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?A. Both vessels. B. Neither vessel.C. The stand-on v

    4、essel. D. The giving-way vessel.在雾中两艘交叉的机动船相遇哪一艘具有优先通行权?都没有0766 When vessel enters thick fog, she should sound _ every two minutes in accordance with the rules.A. One short blast. B. One prolonged blast.C. Two short blasts. D. Two prolonged blasts.当船舶进入浓雾中,根据规则她应每2分钟鸣放一长声。0767 When there is not a ch

    5、ief officer on board, _ should keep and write up the ships logbook.A. The assistance officer. B. The captain.C. The officer on duty. D. The third officer.当大副不在船上时,谁应保存并填写航海日志?船长0768 When and where _ your registry certificate issued?A. Is. B. Are. C. Was. D. Were.你船的登记证书签发于何时何地?(主语为单数且动作发生在过去)0769 Wh

    6、at form should the master hand over to the customs officer at the port of arrival?A. Last port clearance. B. Declaration of crews baggages.C. Maritime declaration of health. D. List of bounded stores.在到达港时船长应递交给海关官员的是什么表格?保税物料清单0770 What form should the captain hand over to the quarantine officer?A.

    7、 Last port clearance. B. Declaration of crews baggage.C. Maritime declaration of health. D. Bounded store list.船长应给检疫官员递交什么类型的文件?航海健康申报书0771 What do you think _ not putting such remarks?A. At. B. Of. C. For. D. About.不进行这样的批注你认为怎么样?0772 Well _ some necessary measures to raise the working efficiency.

    8、A. Give. B. Make. C. Take. D. About.我们将采取必要的措施以提高工作效率。0773 We will _ special attention to the dangerous cargo.A. Put. B. Make. C. Take. D. Pay.我们将特别注意危险货物。0774 We must take the charterers benefit _ full consideration.A. In. B. Into. C. For. D. With.我们必须全面考虑承阻人的利益。0775 We can hardly accept any marks

    9、_ or damage _ the cargo.A. Mixed/to. B. Mixing/to. C. Being mixed/for. D. Being mixed/of.我们几乎不能接受标志混淆或损坏的货物。0776 Vessels must not exceed a speed of 8 knots in this area.A. Sail at. B. Expect. C. Proceed at. D. Steam over.在这个区域船舶必须不超过8节的速度(行驶)。0777 Vessels must be _ valid certificate of nationality o

    10、r certificate of registry or license.A. Acquiring. B. With possession of. C. Required for. D. In possession of.船舶必须拥有国籍证书或登记证书或执照。0778 Vessels carrying _ must not willfully wash decks or holds.A. General cargo. B. Steel products. C. Harmful cargo. D. Machinery.装载有害货物的船舶不可任意冲洗甲板或货舱。0779 Vessels are w

    11、arned _ in this area.A. To not anchor. B. To anchor not. C. Not to anchor. D. Not anchor to.船舶被警告不要抛锚在这个区域。Be warned后接不定式;不定式的否定形式在to前加not。0780 Vessels are required _ Singapore Port Service when passing the points indicated.A. Communicating with. B. To communicate with.C. Be communicated. D. Will co

    12、mmunicate.当通过指定的点时,船舶被要求与新加坡港务局联系。0781 Upon arrival at the discharging port, the inert gas system is _.A. Turned on. B. Turning on. C. Turn on. D. To turn on.到达卸货港,紧接着惰气系统被开启。0782 To whom should the master render the Maritime Declaration of Health when the ship arrives at a port outside the territor

    13、y?A. Health doctor. B. Health officer. C. Health surgeon. D. Health person.当船舶抵达港口外区域,船长应呈交航海健康报告书给卫生检疫官员。0783 Tide in this water area is _ in direction ENE.A. Getting. B. Setting. C. Being. D. Having.在这个水域的涨潮流向是ENE。0784 This sum may be deducted from hire as per clause 14 of the charter.A. As well a

    14、s. B. As far. C. According to. D. About.根据契约的第14条款,这些金额可能从租金中被扣除。0785 This certificate will remain in force until May 1, 1989. _.A. This sentence refers to the validity of the certificate.B. This sentence refers to the time of the certificate.C. This sentence refers to the date of the certificate.D.

    15、 This sentence refers to the issue of the certificate.这个证书将保持有效直到1989年5月1日。这个句子指的是证书的有效期0786 This certificate was issued under the provisions.A. According to. B. With. C. For. D. Below.这个证书按照规定颁发。0787 There is a VHF set _ the front of the wheelhouse.A. At. B. On. C. Of. D. In.在操舵室的前面有一个VHF设备。0788 Th

    16、ere are _ rats on board.A. Not. B. No. C. Any. D. None.船上没有老鼠。0789 The worn-out bags are all second-hand ones _ stated in the shipping order.A. So. B. As. C. That. D. Like.根据装货单的规定,所有破损的袋子货物当作二手处理。0790 The well preparation of stowage plan will _.A. Increase the ships officers knowledge.B. Extend the

    17、 ships officers knowledge.C. Improve the ships cargo-handling equipment.D. Raise the working efficiency.准备好的积载计划将提高工作效率。0791 The watches and the camera materials were not stowed in the poop cabin. They were stowed in the chief officers cabin _.A. Instead. B. Instead of. C. Replace. D. Replace of.手表和

    18、照相器材不装在艉舱。它们被改为放在大副房间。0792 The vessel cleared the port means _.A. The vessel left the port properly.B. The vessel was clear of the port shortly.C. The vessel departed from the port slowly.D. The vessel was clear out the port suddenly. (离开;逃走)船舶清爽港口意味着船舶完全地离开港口。0793 The two vessels underway may colli

    19、de with _, if they dont take immediate measures.A. One to another. B. One the other. C. Each the other. D. Each other.假如没有采取紧急措施,两船可能彼此相互碰撞。0794 The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by _.A. IBC code. B. BC code. C. IMDC code. D. IGC code.包装危险货物的运输受IMDG规则约束。(国际海上危险货物运输规则)0795

    20、 The tonnage certificate gives _ of a vessel which is classified into gross tonnage and net tonnage.A. The descriptions. B. The measurements.C. The specification. D. The prescriptions.吨位证书给出被分类为总吨和净吨的船舶容积丈量。0796 The through cargo in No.4 hatch square stands _ the way.A. At. B. In. C. On. D. By.第四货舱舱

    21、口位的过境货物占位挡住了去路。0797 The tally figures of the loading port are in conformity _ ours.A. To. B. By. C. With. D. Against.装货港的理货数字与我们的一致。0798 The tally figure of the loading port is different _ that of the discharging port.A. Against. B. From. C. To. D. With.装货港的理货数字不同于卸货港的(理货数字)。0799 The space in No.1 l

    22、ower hold is nearly full up but there is still some _inside.A. Cabin. B. Cabins. C. Room. D. Rooms.第1货舱底舱的舱口几乎装满但里面还有一些余地。0800 The shippers hope each mates receipt is to be signed right after _.A. The cargo is loading. B. The cargo is discharged.C. The cargo is on board. D. The cargo is damaged.托运人希

    23、望每一个大副收据在货物装船后被很好地签发。0801 The shippers hope each mates receipt is to be signed right after the cargo _ is loaded.A. Related. B. Concerned. C. Relevant. D. Connected.托运人希望每一个大副收据在相关的货物被装船后被很好地签发。0802 The ship will _ backward if hatch No.4 and No.5 are over stowed.A. Dent. B. List. C. Lean. D. Bend.如果

    24、第四,五两舱被装过多船舶将返回倾斜到另一边。0803 The ship must be trimmed to a slightly deeper draft _ so that the vessel can be easily operated.A. At the bow. B. On the port side. C. On the starboard side. D. At the stern.船舶必须被调整到船艉有稍微深一点的吃水以便船舶能够被容易地操作。0804 The ship has a list of 5 degrees _ starboard.A. On. B. To. C.

    25、For. D. Of.船舶向右倾斜了5度。0805 The safety radio certificate for the cargo ship is issued _.A. By the radiotelegraphy authority of a country.B. In accordance with the government regulations.C. By complying with the provisions of the international conventions.D. Under the Provisions of the SOLAS convention

    26、.船舶的无线电安全证书按照SOLAS公约的规定而被颁发。0806 The routing system which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as _.A. Traffic separation schemes-分道通航制B. Recommended tracks-推荐航线C. Precautionary areas-警戒区D. Inshore traffic zones-沿岸通航区(带)目的旨在减少碰撞事故的航线设计制度被称为分道通航制。0807 The remarks are favorable _ you.A.

    27、At. B. To. C. For. D. With.批注对你有利。0808 The quarantine officer told the master that the certificate of pratique shall become null and void if the ship calls at other foreign ports.A. No disposal. B. Ineffective. C. No result. D. No event.检疫官员告诉船长检疫证书将变得无效(作废)假如船舶挂靠在其他的港口。0809 The proper place _ the s

    28、ling is made up is the square of the hatch.A. Which. B. Where. C. When. D. How.合成的吊货索正确的装置是在舱口盖的下方。(Where没有实际意义)0810 The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate _ as far as possible.A. Variation. B. Compass error. C. Deviation. D. Earths magnetic force.校正磁罗经的主要目的是尽可能消

    29、除自差。0811 The port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called _.A. Port of call-挂靠港B. Port of embarkation-装载港,启运港C. Port of destination-目的港D. Port of disembarkation-起岸(登陆)港船员或旅客上船的港口叫启运港。0812 The pilot embarked the ship at 1830 hours.A. Boarded. B. Left. C. Piloted. D. Loaded.引水员已在1830时登船。0813 The phrase when built in the certificate of vessels nationality definitely means _.A. When was your vessel built?B. At what times is your vessel building?C. When is your vessel built?D. At when time you built your vessel.在船舶的国籍证书中短语when built明确的意义是你


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