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    1、应用文写作,应用文种类,便条 Note 通知 Notice 简历表 Resume 信函:Letter 普通信函 感谢信 道歉信 Letter of thanks/apology 邀请函 Invitation letter 求职信 Letter of application 商务信函 Business communications Practice,便条,包括留言、请假条、收条、欠条等1.题目可省2.称呼语写在左边顶格3.日期写在正文右上方,也可写在署名下一行,即右下角。可以写上年月日,或星期几(上午/下午)。4.形式和内容简洁,语言通俗、简单、直接5.署名写在正文的右下角。注:一定要说清楚写给

    2、谁的、什么事、谁写的以及什么时候写的。,例1(leave a message),例2(ask for sick leave),例3(receipt),例4(I owe you form),常用语,With many thanks!Many thanks!I wish you success!Im very pleased to know that,通知,1.上方居中写NOTICE或Notice2.正文的右下角写出通知的单位或人名3.日期放在左下角,例1,例2,注:time,place,subject,participant,简历,1.包括页眉、教育背景、工作经历和个人资料四个部分2.页眉部分:

    3、Name,Address,and Tel number3.教育背景:时间倒序,最近的学历放在最前。4.个人资料:Certificates/Qualifications,Language Proficiency Hobbies/Personal Strong Points5.工作经历:时间倒序,公司名称,地点,职务,工作内容,Personal data,Date of Birth:Mar.9th,2006 Sex/gender:Male/FemaleNationality:Chinese Marital status:Single/Married/DivorcedHealth:Excellent

    4、/good/bad,Education,2004-2006:Beijing Jingbei Vocational College Relevant courses:English,computer2001-2004:No.55 High School1998-2001:No.101 Middle School,Work Experience,2005-2006:New World Software Company,working as a salesmanLanguage ProficiencyEnglish:fluent in speaking,reading and writing,Cer

    5、tificates,CET-4,CET-6,TEM-4,TEM-8,PRETCO-3,CPAHobbiesComputer games,swimming,football,Job Objective,1.Seeking a challenging position in the Sales Department which offers opportunities for growth and advancement2.To work as a general manager in a joint venture enterprise in Qingdao3.To serve as a Sal

    6、es Manager at a Sino-foreign joint venture in Beijing,例,Mar.9th,2006Zhang LingNo.45 Renmin RoadBeijing 100012 Tel:010-12345678Personal DataDate of Birth,Sex,Nationality,Health,etc.Work Experience2004-2006:Education2001-2004:Job Objectiveto work as a.,常用词语,height,weight,position,creative,excellent Pa

    7、rty/League member,doctor,master,bachelor,graduate student,abroad student,foreign student,freshman,sophomore,junior,senior,blood type,ID card NO.,capable,careful,cooperative,major,score,social practice,scholarship,“Three Goods”student,excellent leader,student council,intelligent,inventive,信函,1.信头指写信人

    8、的地址和写信日期,位于信的右上角。顺序:第一行写门牌号码、路名;第二行写市(县)、省(州、郡)名,寄往 国外的信要加国名;第三行写寄信日期2.收信人的地址位于左上角,略低于写信日期3.称呼低于收信人地址,左边顶格写起4.正文开头空几格,不用写“你好”5.结束语位于正文的下一行右边6.签名在结束语的下一行,除了对熟悉的人和亲密的人之外,签名必须要写全名。,例,注:1.如果不知道收信人的名字,可以写上 Dear Sir/Dear Madam/To whomever it may concern2.结束语 商业信函:Sincerely yours,Yours truly,Yours sincerel

    9、y 私人信函:Yours,Sincerely,With love,Sincerely yours,Yours truly,Yours sincerely,感谢信,要求:对对方给与的款待、礼物或帮助等表示由衷的感谢。用简洁的语言赞赏对方提供的帮助所起到的作用,或所收到的礼物的可爱之处及其用途。再次表示衷心的感谢,希望有朝一日能够回报。,例1,February 16,2006Dear Lucy,Im writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality during my visit to your country.I enjoyed

    10、 and appreciated all your kindness to me.I hope that you will pay a short visit to China and I may have the pleasure of seeing you in my home.Thank you again for your friendly warmth.Sincerely yours,Sally,例2,Aug.12,2005Dear Ted,Thank you from the core of my heart for the nice birthday present you ha

    11、ve sent me.I have been looking forward to an English-English dictionary for a long time.It will surely be very helpful to my study.It was very kind of you to remember my birthday.The gift will always remind me of our friendship.Thanks again.Im looking forward to meeting you soon.Yours truly,John,常用语

    12、,1.I want to express my appreciate to you for your help.2.Im thankful to you for your beautiful gift.3.Thank you so much for your warm wishes/greetings.4.The beautiful you gave me is just what I want/need.5.I really appreciate your hospitality.6.I will remember your kindness with gratitude.,道歉信,格式与感

    13、谢信相同,下面是一些常用语:1.I really apologize for that.2.You must forgive me.3.Its all my fault.4.I do apologize for all that Ive done.5.How careless/forgetful of me!6.I cant tell you how sorry I am.7.I really didnt mean that.,例,April 4,2005Dear Mary,I am very sorry that we wontattend your birthday party on Sa

    14、turdaybecause my wife is ill.I am sorrythat I must disappoint you,but I amconfident that you will fullyunderstand us.Yours sincerely Michael,邀请函,邀请函中通常包括下面几项内容:1.邀请函发出的单位、组织或个人2.活动的时间、地点3.活动内容和日程安排4.要求被邀请人回复,例1,May 18,2005Dear Prof.Wang,The English Department of Dalian University of Technology would

    15、 like to invite you to be our guest speaker at our monthly discussion to be held at the Multi-functioning Hall at 8 oclock,Friday morning,May 23rd,2005.We would be glad if you could attend.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely Zhang Hui,例2,Aug.5,2005Dear Alice,It is with great ple

    16、asure that I inform you that I am getting married this Sunday,Aug.8 at Beijing Hotel at 11:20 a.m.I request you to kindly come to the occasion.You know how important your presence is.Be sure to let me know if you can come.My whole family is eagerly waiting for your arrival.Yours truly Jessie,常用语,1.I

    17、t is with great pleasure that I inform you2.Are you free for dinner on Monday,Sept.19,2005?3.Do let me know if you can come.4.We will be expecting you at 6 oclock.Dont disappoint us.,接受邀请,Dear Jessie,Thank you for your kind invitation to the dinner you are giving this Sunday for your wedding.I shall

    18、 be very happy indeed to come,and look forward with pleasure to meeting you.Yours truly,Alice,常用语,1.We are delighted to accept your kind invitation to2.We look forward with pleasure to3.Nothing would give me greater pleasure than accepting your invitation.,拒绝邀请,Dear Jessie,I am so sorry that I cant

    19、come to the dinner you are giving this Sunday for your wedding because of a previous engagement that day.I do appreciate your asking me and hope that I will have the opportunity to meet you in the near future.Yours truly,Alice,常用语,1.I shall have to say no to your kind invitation.2.I regret I cannot

    20、accept3.Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join4.I am sincerely sorry that I cannot,求职信,求职信的目的是得到某份工作。信中可交待应聘理由、个人特长及希望对方予以考虑或提供面试机会。写求职信就是要使对方相信你是值得考虑的人选,最有效的方法就是强调你如何可以成为他的可用之材。,写作格式,Introducing oneself:about age and experience,1.I will graduate this July from Beijing Commercia

    21、l College,having completed the four-year commercial courses.During my summer vacation I was employed in the accounting department of a chemical company.2.I have been in the business for thelast ten years,and worked as thegeneral manager in the personneldepartment.,About personal ability,I am a good

    22、accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language.I worked as an assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field,where my tasks included a great deal of interviewing and contact with members of the industry.,About enclosure,You will find enclosed as outline of my education and b

    23、usiness training and copies of two letters of recommendation.Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.Enclosed are two copies of my diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference.,About salary,The salary I should require would be HK$6,500 per month as a start.I should require a salary of 3000

    24、yuan a month to begin with.As regards salary,I leave it to you to decide after examination of my capacity.,Ending:request for interview,I should be glad to have a personal interview.I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.,例1,正文,商务信函,商务信函包括信件、电子邮件、传真等,内容包括订单、询

    25、价、报价等等。较为正式的传真有固定的格式,格式中应包括发件人、收件人、单位名称、传真号、日期、页数、主题等,发件人在传真上签字也被看作是国际惯例。电子邮件不要求特别正式,但为了便于联系,通常应在邮件的最后提供联系方式,如发件人的姓名、职务、所在单位、电话号码、电子邮件地址、传真号码等。,询价函(1),Dear Sir/Madam,We are a large chain retail store specializing in sports wears for men and women.We are deeply impressed by the pure cotton trunks dis

    26、played on your stand at Guangzhou Trade Fire held last April and would like to know more about them.Could you provide such details about them as prices,discounts,delivery dates,and terms of payment?Your early reply would be appreciated.Yours faithfully,Jerry Liang,询价函(2),Dear Sir,We would like to se

    27、nd from Guangzhou to Beijing a consignment of flowers.It contains 12 boxes,each weighing 20 kilos and measuring 1 cubic meter.The consignment is to be delivered with two days.Could you please quote charges for shipment and insurance?Yours faithfully,Nick Joy,报价,June 4,2005Dear Sir,Thank you for your

    28、 inquiry of June 1stconcerning the Deer Mountain Bike.It gives usgreat pleasure to send along the technicalinformation on the model together with thecatalog and price list.After studying theprices and terms of trade,you will understandwhy we are working to capacity to meet thedemand.We look forward

    29、to the opportunity ofbeing of service of you.Yours faithfully,R.Smith,讨价还价,Dear Sir,We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully.However,the price level in your quotation is too high for this market,If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10%for a quantity of 200,we would ag

    30、ree to your offer.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly,John Chen,正式提出订单,Dear Sir,We have discussed your offer of 5%and accept it on the terms quoted.We are prepared to give your product a trial,provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September.The enclosed order is given st

    31、rictly on this condition.We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.Yours faithfully,R.Smith,确认订单,Dear Sir,Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes.We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery.We will advis

    32、e you of the date of dispatch.We are at your service at all times.Yours faithfully,R.Smith,通知函,Dear Robert,We wish to inform that your order PD00986 has been shipped board the vessel Singapore which was due to depart Paris on July 26,ETA(estimated time of arrival)Shanghai July 30.Im sending to you b

    33、y fax a copy of our invoice,and packing list.As soon as we receive the original shipping documents I will send them to you.Meanwhile well keep you well informed of the latest development about the goods.Yours faithfully,Mike Green,催款,Dear Mr.Bellon,We are writing concerning the October account for$645 which was due and should have been cleared last month.As you usually clear your account promptly,


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