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    1、外汇兑换业务英文小结,存款业务,词汇现金 cash存入deposit帐号 account number储蓄账户 savings account,重点句型,Can a foreigner open a savings account?外国人可以开立储蓄账户吗?Yes,of course.You should provide us your own ID card or your passport,that will be done.只要提供您本人的身份证或护照,就可以为您办理。How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account?您计划在账户上

    2、存多少钱?Opening an account is free of charge,but you need to deposit at least 1 dollar as your initial deposit.开户不要手续费,但至少得先存1元起存。,办理取款withdrawal,词汇取款单 drawing slip取钱 draw money密码 code number活期账户 current account/demand account定期存款 time deposit=fixed deposit办理有关手续 undergo the formalities,重点句型,Im sorry,t

    3、he code number entered does not coincide with the one you originally gave us.您输入密码与初始留存密码不符。What notes do you want your money.您需要什么面值的现金。Here is your card and money.Please check it.And sign your name on the drawing slip.这是您的卡和钱。请核对确认,并在取款单上签名。,外汇牌价Foreign Exchange Rate,词汇:中间价 central parity现汇买入价 buy

    4、ing rate for 现钞买入价 buying rate for us dollars in note/cash现汇卖出价 selling rate for 现钞卖出价 selling rate for cash,重点句型,1、Whats your selling rate for USD in notes today?今天美元的现钞卖出价是多少 Our selling rate for notes is 670 yuan for 100 dollars.100美元的现钞卖出价是670元人民币。2、What is the exchange/buying rate for us dollar

    5、s into RMB?美元的现汇买入价是多少?Its 668 RMB for 100 dollars at present.目前是100美元兑换668元人民币。,外币兑换,词汇外币 foreign currency兑换水单 exchange memo汇率 exchange rate,重点句型,What currency would you like?There are only two kinds of foreign currencies in our bank.They are US Dollar and Hong Kong Dollar.您要兑换什么币种呢?我行目前只办理美元和港币。I

    6、want to exchange some us dollars for RMB.我想把美元兑换成人民币。Whats the amount youd like to change?您想兑换多少?,外汇政策 Detailed Rules on Individual Foreign Exchange,词汇境内个人 domestic individual 境外个人 overseas individual 年度总额 an total annual quota 个人结售汇系统 the management information system 结汇 Foreign exchange sales 购汇 F

    7、oreign exchange purchases,常用政策解释,对个人结汇和境内个人购汇实行年度总额管理。年度总额分别为每人每年等值5万美元。The total annual quota is equivalent to USD 50,000 per person each year.个人年度总额内的结汇和购汇,凭本人有效身份证件在银行办理。Foreign exchange sales and purchases within the total annual quota shall be dealt with at the banks upon the strength of valid

    8、personal identity certificates.,境外个人经常项目合法人民币收入购汇及未用完的人民币兑回,按以下规定办理:,在境内取得的经常项目合法人民币收入,凭本人有效身份证件和有交易额的相关证明材料(含税务凭证)办理购汇。His/her own valid identity certificate Relevant supporting documents(including tax returns)indicating the transaction amount.,原兑换未用完的人民币兑回外汇,凭本人有效身份证件和原兑换水单办理,原兑换水单的兑回有效期为自兑换日起24个月

    9、 His/her own valid identity certificate Original exchange memo(the latter shall be valid for 24 months from the date of the exchange).,境外个人经常项目外汇汇出境外,按以下规定在银行办理:,外汇储蓄账户内外汇汇出,凭本人有效身份证件办理 When the remittance is made from a foreign exchange savings account,the individual shall handle it upon the streng

    10、th of his/her valid identity certificate;,手持外币现钞汇出,当日累计等值1万美元以下(含)的,凭本人有效身份证件办理.When the remittance is made with foreign cash and the total daily amount is not more than the equivalent of USD 10,000(including USD 10,000),the individual shall handle it upon the strength of his/her valid identity cert

    11、ificate;,超过上述金额的,还应提供经海关签章的中华人民共和国海关进境旅客行李物品申报单或本人原存款银行外币现钞提取单据办理。If the amount is more than the above-mentioned quota,by presenting Declaration Form of the Peoples Republic of China for Cross-Border Travelers Luggage with the customs seal stamped thereon orOriginal banks documents for withdrawal of

    12、 foreign cash.,外币现钞存取,个人提取外币现钞当日累计等值1万美元以下(含)的,可以在银行直接办理;When an individual withdraws foreign cash not more than the equivalent of USD 10,000(including USD 10,000)within a single day,he/she may handle it directly at the banks;,超过上述金额的,凭本人有效身份证件、提钞用途证明等材料向银行所在地外汇局事前报备。If the amount is more than the a

    13、bove-mentioned quota,he/she shall report in advance to the local foreign exchange bureau by presenting:His/her own valid identity certificate Certificate for the purpose of withdrawing foreign cash.,银行凭本人有效身份证件和经外汇局签章的提取外币现钞备案表为个人办理提取外币现钞手续。The bank shall attend to the formalities for withdrawing fo

    14、reign cash upon:Individuals valid identity certificate Recording Form for Withdrawal of Foreign Cash with a seal of the foreign exchange bureau stamped thereon.,个人向外汇储蓄账户存入外币现钞,当日累计等值5000美元以下(含)的,可以在银行直接办理;When an individual deposits foreign cash into his/her foreign exchange savings account and the

    15、 total daily amount is not more than the equivalent of USD 5,000(including USD 5,000),he/she may handle it directly at the banks;,超过上述金额的,凭本人有效身份证件、经海关签章的中华人民共和国海关进境旅客行李物品申报单或本人原存款银行外币现钞提取单据在银行办理。If the amount is more than the above-mentioned quota,he/she shall handle it at the banks upon:His/her ow

    16、n valid identity certificate,Customs Luggage Declaration Form of the Peoples Republic of China for Incoming Travelers with the customs seal stamped thereon or Original banks documents for the withdrawal of foreign cash.,银行应在相关单据上标注存款银行名称、存款金额及存款日期。The bank shall indicate the name of the deposit bank,the amount of the deposit,and the date of the deposit on the relevant documents,


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