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    3、到我不必考虑别人的期望,只要自己满意就行,我感到释然。我开始把大学看作一个美妙的实验。我稍稍改变了自己的穿着,开始欣赏爵士乐,还认定自己喜欢光着脚走路。11在接下来的大学生活里,我不再试图做出什么姿态,而是顺其自然。大学,在我看来,也许是唯一一个犯错误可以得到完全谅解的阶段(包括踩到番茄酱,摔了托盘)。于是,我利用这个机会来体验我认为自己可能会犯的所有过失。12大学毕业已经三年了,我仍然时有过失。其中的一些过失我甚至还是得到了原谅。After-Class Reading College-a New Beginning大学 一个新的开端1“今天上午早些时候,我与一位同事通电话。他告诉我,今天我不

    4、用到办公室来,因为正是新生入学的时候,校园里一切都乱套了。他说得没错。真的是一团糟。校园里有数百辆车,载着汗流浃背的新生、 他们的家人、还有许多行李。父母们为什么时候停车、在哪里停车、是否要停车争执不停。校警竭尽全力指挥交通,但是他们知道,今天不得不允许人们违反一些规则了。这是一年中最忙乱的日子,这一点毫无疑问。这也是我最喜欢的日子。” 2这是夏洛特J. 帕特森在迎新致辞中的开场白。作为弗吉尼亚大学的一位心理学教授,帕特森对新生了如指掌:她了解他们的希望、梦想和顾虑。在开学的这一天成为大学一年级学生意味着什么?帕特森教授认为它意味着一个崭新的开端。她接着说:3“它使我想起了积雪消融的早春时节。

    5、你无论踩到哪里都会溅起水花。但即便是又冷又湿,我也无法使自己怨恨那些日子,因为它们昭示着春天的来临。新生的到来让学校变得一团糟,但我同样无法讨厌这件事。新生来到镇上,就像绿色的新苗从四处冒出来,寻找阳光。当他们从宿舍的窗户里探出头来时,就 好像古老的大树上绽出的新芽。也许有人会担心阳光是否充足,土壤是否肥456STEP TWOSampleIm a freshman at Zhejiang University with a major in economics. I have been on campus for about two months. Im living in a dorm an

    6、d have three nice roommates. I enjoy reading to widen my horizons, so I spend a lot of time in the university library. So far I have been enjoying my new life except that sometimes I worry about the coming mid-term and final exams. Our professors stress in class that students top priority here is to

    7、 acquire as much knowledge as possible. We should attend classes regularly and take good notes. We should hand in our assignments on time; and the results of quizzes will account for part of our final grades. Usually we are very busy during the week. But on weekends we can spend some time on our hob

    8、bies. The spare time thing I like to do most is to surf the Internet. Some students make use of their spare time to do some part-time jobs, for example, serving as a tutor. They say they have to earn at least part of their tuition. I think Id prefer to work hard to win a scholarship to support mysel

    9、f.Additional activityA Freshmans AlphabetFor this activity, the teacher can ask students to work in pairs to complete a Freshmans Alphabet by filling in the blanks with suitable words.A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us. B is for the B that I enjoy reading.C is for the CAMPUS where _.

    10、D is for the D that I share with my roommates.E is for the E that give me headaches.F is for the FRIENDS whom _.G is for the G that I learn in the English class.H is for the H of mine, such as playing tennis.I is for the INFORMATION that _.J is for the Jthat I want to get after I graduate from colle

    11、ge.K is for the Kthat we are acquiring in school.L is for the Lwhere we can borrow books.M is for the Mof minebusiness.N is for the Nthat I take in class.O is for the OK I say to my mother over the phone.P is for the P who give us lectures.Q is for the QUIZZES that _.R is for the R that we write aft

    12、er we have done research.S is for the S that I hope to win.T is for the TUITION that _.U is for the U that give us the chance for higher education. V is for the V that Im looking forward to.W is for the W when I can relax myself.X is for the XMAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December

    13、. Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet.Z is for the ZEAL ( 热情,渴望) I have for knowledge.Key:A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us. B is for the BOOKS that I enjoy reading.C is for the CAMPUS where most students live.D is for the DORM that I share with my roommates. E is f

    14、or the EXAMS that give me headaches.F is for the FRIENDS whom Im glad to stay with.G is for the GRAMMAR that I learn in the English class. H is for the HOBBIES of mine, such as playing tennis.I is for the INFORMATION that I get from the Internet.J is for the JOB that I want to get after I graduate f

    15、rom college. K is for the KNOWLEDGE that we are acquiring in school.L is for the LIBRARY where we can borrow books. M is for the MAJOR of minebusiness.N is for the NOTES that I take in class.O is for the OK that I say to my mother over the phone. P is for the PROFESSORS who give us lectures.Q is for

    16、 the QUIZZES that teachers give us now and then.R is for the REPORTS that we write after we have done research. S is for the SCHOLARSHIPS that I hope to win.T is for the TUITION that my parents pay for my education.U is for the UNIVERSITIES that give us the chance for higher education. V is for the

    17、VACATIONS that Im looking forward to.W is for the WEEKENDS when I can relax myself.X is for the XMAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December.Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet.3 Expectations of College Life For me, Items 1, 2, 4, 5 are very important because I want to

    18、 take advantage of my college years to learn something really useful. When I was in high school, my goal was to enter a prestigious university, so most of the time I studied hard just for the sake of getting high marks. Now things are different, and I am more concerned about my future career. Thus,

    19、I plan to devote my time to whatever will prepare me for my future job and life. The only item that is not important to me is Item 10 because its too early for me to consider a recommendation letter. The rest of the items are somewhat important to me. I hope I can develop a good relationship with my

    20、 teachers and classmates. I think the most important goal I want to achieve in college is to develop my interpersonal skills. As we know, undergraduate studies should be focused on quality education. Gaining knowledge is something very natural to undergraduate students if we attend classes regularly

    21、 and pay enough attention to lectures. In fact, learning is a life- long activity. I have a wide range of interests. Im also a good problem solver. So Items 6 to 9 are very important to me while Items 1 to 5 are less important. As Im planning to pursue further studies abroad after graduation, Item 1

    22、0 is somewhat important to me.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class ReadingPost-ReadingReading Comprehension1 1 dormitory / dorm room2watching3freshmanwrongbiology6 literature7cafeteria8stepped9dropped10ashamed / embarrassed11forgotten12fate13serious14matter15experiment16forgiven2 1 No, that

    23、was just the way the writer felt, because she was self-conscious and shy. 2 She probably wanted to be out of the professors view. 3 Most biology majors are serious. 4 A Here “it” refers to “my entire life”. B It was a miserable day. 5 Here “it” refers to the miserable and embarrassing moment. 6 Beca

    24、use she was afraid that other students might recognize her and make fun of her. 7 Dropping the food tray and falling to the ground. 8 Because he took it as nothing serious. 9 Whether you drop a tray, where you sit, or whether you show up in the wrong lecture, etc. 3Sample On the afternoon of the day

    25、 I came to college, I saw my parents off and went back to the campus. I found my dorm and walked in. Settling into my bed as I was tired, I reached for the cup on the desk when I sensed something strange. Two persons in the room were staring at me, puzzled. I can still remember I was a bit shocked a

    26、t that moment. Who were they? I jumped out of bed, puzzled, too. Why were they staring at me like that? But in a few seconds I realized what had happened: I had come to the right room but the wrong building. I flushed and apologized in a clumsy way. The two guys seemed to be amused. They told me tha

    27、t they were also freshmen and that I was welcome to their dorm anytime I liked. I said thanks and then fled. It happened about a week after I came to college. Just as I got out of the library building, I found that I had taken someone elses bag. How foolish! I hurried back to the library, only to fi

    28、nd that the guy was already in the librarians office with an angry look. The moment he saw his bag he smiled with relief. I apologized for my mistake and waited for his sharp words. To my surprise, he patted me on the back and said in a friendly way, “Dont worry, I have made the same mistake, too.”

    29、I made a serious mistake on my first English test. I forgot to put my name on my paper. My teacher didnt blame me but told me to avoid repeating the same mistake. It was a good lesson for me and I learned to be very careful when it came to details. Vocabulary1 rearing2 tips3 settled4 majorlot, lot6 rear7 settle8 major9 settledtipping1 seriously2 crashed3 schedule4 slipclasps / clasped6 groped7 accidentally8 grinned9 opportunityhesitationTranslation1The individuals who have contributed are far too many / numerous to mention


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