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    1、 C. delinquency D. offence5. The current spirit of _ among the various departments of the university have led to a number of interdisciplinary publications which might not otherwise have been written. A. competition B. patriotism C. cooperation D. futility6. Ben derived a lot of _ from his bosss apo

    2、logy. A. comfort B. easeC. gratification D. Satisfaction7. His criticism injured Jennys _. So she is feeling sad now. A. divinity B. indignity C. ego D. mind8. Hundreds of people _ on the playground for watching the Dragon Lantern Show. A. contrived B. conformed C. conferred D. converged9. Beware of

    3、 the cream on the floor. An elderly lady _ and fell down there just not. A. spilled B. slipped C. slid D. Split10. She had been educated in England, which accounted for her _ in the English language. A. efficiency B. proficiency C. effectiveness D. effectuality11. A sweet smile is a figurative expre

    4、ssion, but sweet coffee is a _ one. A. literal B. literary C. literate D. illiterate 12. I missed the last bus. I could do nothing but _ in the village for the night. A. staying B. stayed C. to stay D. stay 13. International football matches do not always make _ better understanding between countrie

    5、s. A. up B. for C. into D. out14. Cambridge can look very attractive _ of year. A. at the same time B. at one time C. at this time D. at times15.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise. A. being there B. should there be C. there D. there having been1

    6、6. _ for the timely investment form the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is. A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Be it not D. Should it not be17. According to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent, so one _ wait instead of searching for it. A. wo

    7、uld rather B. had to C. cannot but D. had best18. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers _ for. A. be demonstrating B. demonstrate C. had been demonstrating D. have demonstrated19. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style _ in a

    8、personal one. A. rather than B. other than C. better than D. less than20. The business of each day, _ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly. A. it being B. be it C. was it D. it wasKey:1-5DACCC 6-10DCDBB 11-15AD(C)BCB 16-20ADCABUnit 21. Her jewelry _ under the spotlights and she became

    9、 the dominant figure at the ball. A. blazed B. dazzled C. glared D. glittered2. Weeks _ before anyone was arrested in connection with the bank robbery. A. elapsed B. expired C. overlapped D. terminated3. Often such arguments have the effect of _ rather than clarifying the issues involved. A. blockin

    10、g B. obscuring C. tackling D. prejudicing4. He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and _ it in a single nod, a gesture boys used then for O.K. when they were pleased. A. jerked B. twisted C. shrugged D. Tugged5. She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the companys

    11、client data, which she intended to _ in starting her own business. A. dwell on B. base on C. draw upon D. come upon6. I cant give you that for nothing. What do you take me _ ? A. up B. For C. to D. After7. Let me _ the broken glass before someone walks on it.A. cover up B. clear upC. wash up D. spri

    12、ng up8. If you keep in mind the process of word deviation, youll be able to _ the meaning of many words.A. reason with B. make upC. count on D. figure out9. Scientists will have to come _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A. up with B. up fo C. down with D. down to10.A thought _ me th

    13、at we ought to make a new arrangement. A. occurred B. struck C. turned to D. struck to11. _ in a recent science competition, three individuals were awarded scholarships totaling 36,000. A. Judged the best B. Judging for the best C. Judging the best D. Having judged the best12. You never told us why

    14、you were late for the last meeting, _?A. werent you B. didnt youC. had you D. did you13. He has _ that it is difficult for him to travel. A. too heavy a work load B. a too heavy work load C. so heavy a work load D. such heavy a work load 14. _ Ill marry him all the same. A. Whether he being rich or

    15、poor B. He be rich or poor C. He being rich or poor D. Be he rich or poor15. If that idea was wrong, the project is bound to fail, _ good all the other ideas might be.A. whatever B. though C. whatsoever D. however16. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, _

    16、to the body.A. the greater the stress B. the stress is greaterC. greater the stress is D. greater is the stress17. Could you give this book to Mr. Chen?Certainly, _ him about something else in any case, so it wont be any bother at all. A. Ill see B. I see C. I can see D. Ill be seeing 18. _ their as

    17、sistance, we would be in serious difficulty. A. If it is not for B. Be it not for C. It being not for D. Were it not for 19. Some days go by much more quickly than others.Some hours as if they _. A. would never end B. should never end C. will never end D. might never end20. When she arrived, she fou

    18、nd _ the aged and the sick at home. A. none but B. nothing but C. none other D. no other thanKEY:1-5DADAC 6-10BBDAB 11-15ADCBD 16-20 ADDAAUNIT 31. In my opinion, you can widen the _ of these improvements through your active participation. A. dimension B. magnitude C. volume D. scope2. The tourist is

    19、 forbidden to enter a country if he does not have a(n) _ passport. A. operative B. effective C. valid D. Efficient3. Gone with the Wind deals with questions_Americas Civil war and the experiences of two couples of lovers. A. concerned B. concerned with C. concerning with D. concerning4. She was very

    20、 interested in the work of certain charities, and made a_ regular to them. A. subscription B. contributionC. allowance D. Tribute5. Anthropology is a science _ anthropologist use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. A. in that B. that in C.

    21、 that D. in6. People under the age of 18 are not_to join the club. A. capable B. legitimate C. available D. Eligible7. Essentially, a theory is an abstract symbolic representation of _reality. A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived C. that is being conceived D. what is conceived to be8. Althou

    22、gh some students graduate from high school, they are virtually illiterate writing a business letter. A. in the event of B. in the light of C. in case of D. in terms of 9. Sometimes the tension produced by fears is so great that we cannot suppress it. At such times we need to the tension by laughing

    23、or crying. A. discard B. disperse C. disguise D. discharge 10. We are all agreed that the plan is practical and feasible, but he thinks . A. not B. the reverse C. contrarily D. Otherwise11. Go and ask his wife. She must be_ the know. A. in B. for C. at D. under12. She knew that she was_against very

    24、strong opposition. A. at B. up D. with D. On13.Until the 1800s, communication had been _ by distance and time. A. curbed B. inhibited C. limited D. restricted14. This car is cheaper to buy _ the other one is more economical to run. A. although B. since C. than D. whereas15. The score is 3 to 2 in th

    25、eir favor. This is not _ result as we expected. A. a bad B. as a bad C. bad a D. as bad a16.Hardly a day goes by _ I write to my family. A. when B. since C. but D. Before17. The old man strolled to the beach, _. A. his dog following him B. his dog followed him C. his dog was followed D. following by

    26、 his dog18. I dont believe your dad is over fifty. He looks _ forty. A. no older than B. not older than C. no older as D. none older as19. The Prime Minister walked onto the platform and seated herself in a chair, _ to answer questions. A. had prepared B. being prepared C. prepared D. preparing20. T

    27、here can be no economy _ there is no efficiency. A. unless B. where C. provided that D. Because1-5 DCDBA 6-10DDDDD 11-15 ABDDD 16-20 CAACBUNIT 41.The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that _ the speakers stopped for refreshments. a. at large b. at ease c. at intervals d. at random2. This ki

    28、nd of material can _ heat and moisture. a. propel b. repel c. compel d. Constrain3.Hamlet _ his fathers death on his uncle. a. reversed b. revenged c. reverted d. averted4. In a sense, tennis and Taijiquan are similar in that they both require your full attention, and if done _, take your mind off daily problems and preoccupations. a. successfully b. consecutively c. conscientiously d. compulsively 5.Strict _ is observed i


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