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    1、中考英语语法专题复习讲义与练习题专题八 动词时态专题八 动词时态动词时态是中考英语的热点、难点之一。中考共考查八种时态的构成和用法。 一、一般现在时 1. 表示习惯性、经常性的动作,用一般现在时。句中常含always,often,usually,sometimes,once a week,every day等标志词。如: They come to school at seven every day. 他们每天7点钟到学校。 My mother often does some washing after breakfast. 我妈妈常常吃完早餐后洗衣服。 2. 表示客观事实和客观真理要用一般现在

    2、时。如: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,西方落下。 She said that lights run faster than sound. 她说光比声音传播得快。3. 如果主句用将来时态,那么when,before,after,until,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句和if,unless等引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时。如: As soon as I get there, Ill telephone you. 我一到那儿就打电话给你。 If I have time tomorrow, Ill go

    3、with you. 假如我明天有时间的话,我将同你一起去。 Ill tell you as soon as he comes back this afternoon. 今天下午他一回来我就告诉你。 注: 一般现在时的构成为“主语+v./v-s(-es)+其它”。谓语是行为动词时要借助动词do / does来帮助提问、否定、回答,帮助提问、否定时行为动词要还为原形。如: -Does he get up early every day?他每天起得早吗? -Yes, he does. 是的。 Lucy doesn t have lunch at school. Lucy不在学校吃中餐。 【拓展延伸】

    4、 “go,start,leave,come,begin,stop,want”等动词的一般现在时可表示安排或计划好将来的动作。如: They leave for Beijing tomorrow. 明天他们动身去北京。 二、现在进行时 现在进行时表示此时此刻或当前这一段时间正在进行的动作,也可表示现阶段正在进行的动作。句中多有now,these days,Listen! Look!等提示词。现在进行时由“am/ is/are+v-ing”构成。如: Look! The children are playing soccer on the playground. 瞧! 孩子们正在操场上踢足球。 W

    5、e are having an English class now. 现在我们正在上英语课。 【拓展延伸】 (1)表位置移动的词如come,go,leave,start,fly,die等的进行时表将来时的意义。如:The bus is leaving now. 这辆公共汽车就要离开了。 We are coming here. 我们就来了。 (2)现在进行时与always连用时表示具有“赞叹”或“厌烦”等感情色彩。如: He is always thinking more of others than himself. 他总是想着别人而不考虑自己。 He is always talking in

    6、 class. 在课堂上他总是说话。 三、一般过去时 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或状态,也可表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。它常与ago,last week,yesterday,just now等过去的时间连用。一般过去时构成为“主语+动词的过去式+”。如:He used to make model ships last year. 他去年经常制作轮船模型。 What did you say just now?你刚才说什么? 注:谓语是行为动词时必须借助助动词did来帮助提问、否定、回答,帮助提问、否定时行为动词要用原形。如: -Did you pick the apples on the f

    7、arm last October? 去年十月你们在农场里摘了苹果吗? -No,we didn t. 没有。 We didnt pick the apples on the farm last October. 去年十月我们没有在农场摘过苹果。 四、一般将来时 一般将来肘表示将来时间要发生的动作。它常与tomorrow,next month,in two days,soon等将来的时间连用。一般将来时构成为“主语+will/shall/be going to+动词原形” 如:Will you come here in two days?两天后你会来这里吗? Im not going to fly

    8、 a kite this afternoon. 今天下午我不打算放风筝。 【拓展延伸】 (1)be to do sth. 可表按计划安排将要发生的动作。 如:These books are to come out. 这些书将出版了。 (2)Shall I(we)+动词原形?表示“我(我们)好吗?”;Will you please +动词原形?表示“你(你们)好吗?”。此时两者均为询问对方意见用语。 如:Will you please wake me up tomorrow?请你明天叫醒我好吗? Shall I get some chalk?要我拿些粉笔来吗? 五、现在完成时 1. 现在完成时表

    9、示过去的动作对现在造成了影响和结果,它常与already,yet,never,ever,just,before,once,recently等副词连用。 如:Have you read the book yet?你看了那本书吗? Ive never been to Shanghai before. 我以前从来没有去过上海。 2. 现在完成时还可表示过去已经开始,持续到现在或将来的动作或状态,常与so far,ever since,how long,in the past/last two years,sinceago,“for +段时间”、“since十点时间”、“since +/从句(用一般过

    10、去时)”等连用。如: I have known him for three years. 我认识他有三年了。 Ive lived here since I was born. 自出生后,我就住在这里。 注:此种用法要求在肯定句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。但在否定句中,非延续性动词可与时间段连用。如: We havent heard from her for a long time. 我们很长时间没有收到她的来信了。 3. 现在完成时的构成为“主语+have/has +过去分词” 六、过去进行时 过去进行时表示过去某时或某段时间正在发生的动作,常与从句等特定的过去时间连用。其构成为“主语+wa

    11、s/were+v-ing”。 如:They were watching TV at this time last night. 昨晚这个时候他们正在看电视。 He said he was having supper at six yesterday. 他说他昨天6点钟正在吃晚饭。 七、过去将来时 过去将来时表示过去某时来看将要发生的动作或事情。它常用在主句是一般过去时,从句的动作比主句更后发生的宾语从句中,其构成为“主语+would/was(were)going to+动词原形”。 如:She told me she would go there tomorrow. 她告诉我她明天将去那里。

    12、He said he was going to stay here. 他说他打算呆在这里。 八、过去完成时 过去完成时常用在主句是一般过去时,从句的动作比主句更前发生的宾语从句中,表“过去的过去”。其构成为“主语+had +过去分词”。 如:How many songs have you learned by the end of last term?到上学期你们学会了多少首歌?When we got to the cinema, the film had been on for five minutes. 当我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始五分钟了I heard he had lived th

    13、ere for five years. 我听说他住那五年了。实战演练(250) 计分: 1. What do you do?Im an engineer. I _ in a company in Wuhan. I like my job very much.A. work B. had worked C. will work 2. Is your father a doctor?Yes, he is. He_ in Town Hospital. A. has worked B. had worked C. works 3. Every year many foreigners _to Chin

    14、a to learn Chinese.A. have come B. comes C. come4.My mother will take me to the movie if she _ free this weekend. A. is B. will be C. would be5.The girls will have a trip if it _fine.A. is B. has been C. will be 6. Wheres Susan, Mike? She _ in the kitchen.A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking 7. Have you

    15、 got a job offer? Not yet. I _.A. waited B. am waiting C. wait8. Do you think John will help me move the piano?Youd better not ask him. He _ a composition.A. wrote B. writes C. is writing 9. Where are the children, Mr Black?Oh, they _ their PE lesson on the playground.A. have B. had C. are having 10

    16、.They _ about “Super Girls”. Lets join them.A. talk B. are talking C. have talked 11.What are you doing, Cathy?Im _my cat. I cant find it.A. looking for B. looking at C. looking after12.Mary, could you help me? Wait a moment. I _.A. read a book B. am cooking dinner C. was watching TV 13.Listen,who _

    17、 in the room? Lets go and see.A. is crying B. crying C. cries14.Dont turn off the radio. I _ to the news. A. listen B. have listened C. am listening15.Whats the best food youve had in Beijing, Alex?Roasted duck! I _to a famous restaurant to have it last week.A. have gone B. go C. went16.He went into

    18、 his room, _ the light and began to work.A. has turned on B. turns on C. turned on 17. What did you do after school yesterday?I _basketball with my friends.A. play B. played C. am playing18.Yesterday, Tonys family _ a good time.A. has B. have C. had 19. Im sorry youve missed the train. It _10 minute

    19、s ago.A. left B. has left C. had left20. Hi, Kate. You look tired. Whats the matter? I _well last night. A. didnt sleep B. dont sleep C. havent slept 21.What did the teacher say just now?He _us not to play computer games all day. A. tells B. told C. has told 22.Wheres the cake I made this morning?We

    20、 _ it, mum. Can you make another one for us? A. ate B. eat C. were eating23.Have you mended your shoes,Bob?Yes. I_ them twenty minutes ago. A. have mended Bmended Chad mended24.When _ for Hong Kong, do you know?Im not sure. When he _, Ill let you know.A. he leaves ;leaves B. he will leave; will leav

    21、e C. will he leave; leaves25.Where will they go next Sunday? They _ to the Great Wall.A. will go B. go C. has gone 26.Has he returned the library book yet? Not yet. Dont worry. He _it soon.A. returns B. has returned C. will return 27. I hear that he will be back _ two weeks time.A. after B. in C. fo

    22、r 28.He doesnt tell me when he_. Ill call you up as soon as he _.A. will come, arrives B. comes, arrives C. will come, will arrive29.If it_ tomorrow, we_ travel outside.A. will rain; will B. rains; wont C. will rain; wont30.Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes? Sorry, Dad. I_ to the shop. A. go B

    23、. have been C. am going 31. _ the latest Time magazine _yet?Sorry, its late. Maybe tomorrow. A. Will; arrive B. Has; arrived C. Do; arrive 32.Susan isnt here now. She _ to England. She will come back next month.A. goes B. has gone C. went33.How long _Korean girl _China?For four years. Now she can sp

    24、eak Chinese.A. has; been to B. has; been in C. was; in 34.Would you like to see the film with me? Im sorry I _ it twice.A. saw B. had see C. have seen 35. She_ that same song so many times. Im getting sick of it!A. sings B. sang C. has sung36._you _your dictionary?No, so I have to buy a new one toda

    25、y.A. Did; find B. Have; found C. Had; found37. I _to Cape Town, so I know nothing about it.A. dont travel B. havent traveled C. hadnt traveled38._you _the film Harry Potter 7? Not yet. Ill see it this Sunday.A. Did; see B.Have; seen C. Do; see39.I wont forget my teacher because she_ so kind to me si

    26、nce I came to this school. A. has been B. is C. has 40.In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown.A. have been B. were C. are41.Its raining! When did it start?I dont know exactly. In fact, it _all this afternoon.A. lasts B. has lasted C. lasted 42.Kitty, will you go to see the film C

    27、old Mountain this evening? No, I wont. I_ it alreadyAsaw Bhave seen Csee 43.I didnt see you when I came here last night. Where were you?I _ my project at home.A. designed B. have designed C. was designing44.My mother _ dinner when I came back.A. cooks B.is cooking C. was cooking45. I called you yest

    28、erday evening, but there was no answer.OhIm sorry. I_ dinner at my friends home. A. had B. was having C. have had 46.What did the teacher say just now?Sorry. I didnt catch it. I _something else.A. think B. am thinking C. was thinking 47.I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my

    29、 friend.I suppose you _too fast.A. drove B. are driving C. were driving 48.When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she _ the piano.A. is playing B. played C. was playing 49.His parents wanted to know what he _ at that time.A. is doing B. was doing C. has done 50.Mary_ the piano well. She is often asked to play at the concert. A. played B. plays C. playing 参考答案1-5ACCAA 6-10CBCCB 11-15ABACC 16-20CBCAA 21-25BABCA26-30CBABC 31-35BBBCC 36-40BBBAA 41-45ABCCB 46-50CCCBB


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