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    1、从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1practise Adesign Bmouths Cexercise Dmonths2hospital Alively Bbusiness Csurprise Daltitude3singer Ajungle Bhanged Cstrange Dhungry4troop Afoot Bwood Cboot Dbook5warmly Awarn Bbeggar Cpartly Dupward第二节 情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出

    2、能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两个为多余选项。 Tom, where have you been? Ive been so worried Oh, Mom 6 Jenny? Is that the girl who studies in a famous university in Chicago? No, she is studying in San Francisco and her parents live in New York 7 Oh? 8 She was driving to her university when she saw a dog ru

    3、nning across the road, a very nice dog with two big ears and a long tail 9 Not really, but it jumped onto Jennys car What? 10 NoThe most interesting thing was that Jenny found that a tooth of the dog fell out of the dogs mouth, and just lay on her car, in front of the dog AShe should have been more

    4、careful! BI came across Jenny just now CI have been at home all the morning DWhat was that? EWas it hurt? FWe chatted and she told me a funny thing over a cup of coffee. GWere its legs injured?第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。11You seem to have a lot of work

    5、 to do at your office Thats trueBut _ Awith pleasure Bthere is nothing Cit cant be helped DIm counting the days12We are proud of our village, for, you see, it is _ beautiful than this picture Ano fewer Bnot more Cno less Dnot fewer13I would rather that you _ tomorrow, for I am very busy today Acome

    6、Bwill come Ccame Dwould come14The research found workers staying online made fewer mistakes when asked to _ the task than those not allowed to surf(浏览) the Internet Acount on Bcall on Chold on Dfocus on15Its important to know how to study _ how to plan ones time Ato learn Band to learn Clearning Dan

    7、d learning16_ German airline plans to use _ recycled cooking oil as fuel to power flights to and from France A不填; a BThe; 不填 CA; the D不填; the17I think this is a good spot to get outCan you pull over please and _ me off here? Ashut Bdrop Ctake Dput18People who were too happy were more likely to suffe

    8、r from mental disorders, _ them more likely to take risks Ato be making Bmade Chaving made Dmaking19The top sellers were so popular with college students that they _ in no time Asold Bhave been sold Cwould sell Dare sold20If you _ carry with you the belief that whatever you do is right, its no busin

    9、ess of mine Amust Bmay Cshould Dcan21 _ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Great Wall AAnything BEverything CNothing DSomething22I _ my toothache wasnt serious, but actually it is getting worse Athink Bwas thinking Cam to think Dwould think23There are many reasons why some ch

    10、ildren have bad manners, _ is the ill information on the Internet and in TV programme Aone of them Bit Cone of which Dthat24When you look at _ great effect the climate change has on our life, youll agree that it is the most pressing global problem Awhich Bhow Cwhat Dwhy25Its really unwise of you _ h

    11、im the news yesterday so that it has been disturbing him all the time Ahaving told Bto tell Ctelling Dto have told第四节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。I began teaching in a university three years agoI had 26 a long time to learning what to teach 27 ,my universit

    12、y hoped we could learn from experienced professors 28 to teach My colleagues presented wonderful lectures about the tools they liked to useI enjoyed their lectures but dont 29 a thing they saidAt a coffee break during the lecture, 30 myself alone, I turned to a maths professor standing nearby, askin

    13、g him what his 31 teaching tool wasA cup of coffee he said, As I talk too much and too fast in the classroom, students sometimes have 32 following meSo when Ive said 33 I want my students to think about, I will 34 and take some coffeeIt lets what I have said sink inWhen he put down his cup, I 35 the

    14、re was no coffee in it My doctor 36 me to stop drinking coffee, he explainedSo I always use a(n) 37 cup I decided to try his 38 in my classI took a cup of coffee with me to my next class, which 39 My pauses for coffee also gave me time to think about what I was going to say nextI began to use my 40

    15、to look around the room to see how my students were 41 to my teachingWhen I found them absent - minded, I tried to 42 back their attentionWhen I saw them puzzled over something I had 43 ,I gave another exampleMy lecture became 44 organized, but my students seemed to 45 me better26Adevoted Bspent Cta

    16、ken Dkilled27ATherefore BWhenever CFinally DHowever28Awhy Bhow Cwhere Dwhen29Avalue Bexperience Cremember Dpromise30Acatching Bputting Cforgetting Dfinding31Atraditional Bfavorite Ccommon Dcurious32Afun Bpleasure Ctrouble Dtime33Asomething Beverything Cthat Dall34Aavoid Bdismiss Cstop Dappreciate35A

    17、observed Bnoticed Cproved Dremembered36Aappointed Boffered Carranged Dadvised37Afull Bempty Cclean Davailable38Alecture Bcup Cidea Ddiscovery39Adelayed Bhelped Cpromised Dbargained40Apauses Bcases Csituations Dcups41Areplying Bseeing Cturning Dreacting42Aput Bbring Ctake Dhold43Apromised Bunderstood

    18、 Cexplained Dexpected44Aless Bleast Cmost Dmore45Aobserve Badmire Cremember Dunderstand第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHeaven Is for Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent598It is an interesting story about a little boy who, in the middle of an

    19、ongoing surgery, visits heaven after he loses consciousness (知觉)This book describes the 4 - year - old boys experience in heaven, his meeting with God and how he meets his great grandfatherIt tells the story from the point of view of the little boys father and sometimes by the boy himself Water for

    20、Elephants by Sara Gruen798This historical novel is a kind of collection of memoirs of Jacob Jankowski, who is the chief character of the bookHe is a ninety or ninety - three - year - old man, who lives in a nursing home and throughout the book, his memories of working with a traveling circus are des

    21、cribedThere are quite a few other characters too, who share his experiences in the circusUnbrokenby Laura HiUenbrand498A tale of the power of the human spirit, Unbroken is the story of a lieutenant ( 中尉) , Louis Zamperini, and his struggle to survive after his bomber crashes into the Pacific Ocean d

    22、uring the Second World WarFrom his younger days of rudeness to his change into a responsible youth and airman, this story tells his tale of perseverance (毅力) and hopeLove You Moreby Lisa Gardner?698This crime and suspense (悬疑) novel by Lisa Gardner is also part of the DelDDWarren SeriesIt tells abou

    23、t the case of a State trooper Tessa Leoni who kills her husband out of self defenseHer child is missing, but she wont say a wordIt is up to DetDDWarren to uncover the sinister (凶险的) family secrets and save the little girl as well46If you want to learn something about a soldiers experience in the war

    24、 you can read _ AWater for Elephants BLove You More CUnbroken DHeaven Is for Real47Water for Elephants is a historical novel because it _ Ais a book that presents a collection of memoirs for the readers Bdescribes a little boys experience in heaven Cis part of the Det DDWarren Series Dtells a story

    25、of a soldier in World War Two48According to its story, the book of Love You More can be described as a _ Acomedy Bscience fiction Creligious novel Ddetective story49Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? AJacob Jankowski used to work with a traveling circus BThe boy was able to

    26、 travel to heaven and talk with God CDetDDWarren discovered that Tessa Leoni killed her husband DYoung people can leam a lot from Louis ZamperiniBYesterday while I was busy doing my housework, my daughter ran up to me and said, Mom, theres someone at the gate It was an old beggarI heard my daughter

    27、yelling, Mom, he wants money For a second I ignored her, but then it hit me what she just saidI found my daughter taking out money from her Dads walletInstead of stopping her, I stood there amazed at her action and realized kids give without hesitation and their kindness is impulsive (冲动的). Then I p

    28、rayed to myself, God, let my kid never outgrow (因年龄增加而失去) such a value and let that value grow on us adultsSure, we all want to do as many acts of kindness as we can, but lets also be honest how many times have we done it in reality? How many times have we stopped ourselves from being kind? How many

    29、 times have we chosen only to be kind to some?As I witnessed yesterday, kindness and generosity require no thoughtKindness should be impulsive, when you feel it, act on it at that very momentI know it might sound impossible to be kind all the timeSometimes we hold back because in our minds we think kind


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