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    1、6. A. Please go on with it . B. Hold it in your hand . C. Dont hang up the telephone. D. Please put up your hands.7. A. We have a new computer and its in my room . B. We have a new computer but its not in my room . C. We want to put our new computer in my room . D. We must have a new computer in my

    2、room .8. A. The exhibition started last Tuesday . B. The exhibition will end next Tuesday.C. The exhibition lasted for two weeks.D. The exhibition ended last Tuesday. 9. A. They will wait for you until 9:00 at the gate of the hall. B. They will wait for you until 9:30 at the gate of the hospital. C.

    3、 They will wait for you until 9:00 at the gate of the school. D. They will wait for you until 9:30 at the gate of the bookshop.10. A. The girl wanted very much to go to the zoo though she couldnt. B. The girl wasnt very happy when she arrived at the zoo. C. The girl cried hard when she was carried t

    4、o the zoo. D. The girl was very pleased to hear that she could go to the zoo.11. A. Jack went to the shop and bought himself an pen. B. Jack liked to go shopping. C. Jack didnt get anything in the shop. D. Jack went everywhere to buy a pen.12.A. The weather in Guilin is very hot in summer. B. The we

    5、ather in Guilin is neither hot nor cold. C. The weather in Guilin is very had. D. The weather in Guilin is very cold in winter.13. A. Whenever she rests, she sleeps for two hours. B. Shell work for one hour and rest for one hour. C. She takes a rest for two hours every day. D. Shell rest for a littl

    6、e while after working for two hours.14. A. The writer often loses books. B. The writer often loses his way when reading books. C. The writer is very interested in books. D. The writer often loses something when reading books.15. A. Steve was free telephone his mother a few days ago. B. Steve didnt w

    7、ant to telephone his mother a few days ago. C. Steve wasnt able to give his mother a phone call until now. D. Steve didnt have time to telephone his mother at once.(C)短文理解。本题是一篇短文,短文后有五个问题,我们把短文念两遍。请根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确的答案,并在答题卷上写上该答案序号。16A lot of women knew .A. the shop had changed its number

    8、B. Mr White had got a new number C.the old number of the shop D. the new number of the shop17. Many women telephoned Mr White because .A. Mr White had a new shop of his own B. they wanted to ask the number of the shopC. Mr White wanted to send them what they wantedD. They wanted to ask for things18.

    9、 When they didnt get the things they wanted to buy, the women became . A. unhappy B. afraid C. worried D. angry 19. From the story we know that . the new number of the shop was once Mr Whites the number of the shop and Mr Whites were once the same Mr Whites number is what the number of the shop once

    10、 was Mr Whites number is now the same as the number of the shop20. The Whites new number brought them a lot of . A. help B. pleasure C. good luck D. trouble(D)听短文,填缺词。本题是一篇短文,内有10个空格供听写用,我们把短文念两遍,请你在相应的空格内填入所缺的单词。(每小题0.5分) A shop owner closed his shop and went home. He was very 21 , but just as he w

    11、ent to bed, the telephone rang. A man asked, “What time do you open your shop?”The shop owner was 22 about the phone call. He put down the 23 without 24 and went 25 to bed . A few minutes 26 the telephone rang 27 and the man asked the same question. The shop owner became very angry and he 28 , “You

    12、29 ask me when I open the shop, for I 30 let you in.”“Oh, no, I dont want to get in,” the man said, “I want to go out.”笔试部分(共115小题,计95分).词汇(共10小题,每小题0.5分)(A) 根据句子意思,在答题卷的相应横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)。 31. The market was c with people that day. 32. We must c our clothes with the seasons. 33. Please make

    13、 a d with these sentences. 34. Before using the fridge, you have to read the i carefully. 35. Im sorry I dont quite f you. (B) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在答题卷的相应横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)。 36. All the children here are good care of .(精心照顾) 37. English is (讲)as the first language by most people in Australia. 38. Ri

    14、ch (收成)have been got in for several years running. 39. The number of students (站)outside the office is about forty. 40. March 12 is Tree Day.(植树节).选择填空(共20小题,每小题0.5分),从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 41. Ive my watch at home, so I dont know what time it is. A. left B. missed C. thrown D. forgotten 42.

    15、Of the two shirts, Id like to choose one. A. the less expensive B. the most expensive C. less expensive D. most expensive 43. Our telephone has been out of for two days. A. place B. line C. touch D. order 44. On Childrens Day, all parks in the city were full of children. A.(不填);the B.(不填);(不填);C. th

    16、e ;the D. the; (不填) 45. She visited a lot of places of interest her stay in Ningbo. A. when B. while C. as D. during 46. My parents always let me have my own of living. A. way B. thought C. idea D. doing 47. Three are better than one. A. hands B. feet C. heads D. bodies 48. The doctor asked me to op

    17、en my mouth . A. big B. wide C. widely D. large 49. . Thank you. I certainly will.A. Happy birthday to you B. Let me help you with your mathsC. Please remember me to your mum D. Dont forget to post the letter 50. . No, thanks. Im just looking around. Ill let you know if I want anything. A. Can I hel

    18、p you B. Have you decided what you want C. What can I do D. Do you like it 51. Books of this kind well.A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold 52. She began to something but stopped when she heard the reacher . tell; saying B. speak;talking C. say; speaking D. talk; telling 53. Professor Li is going

    19、 to give us a report on he has seen and heard in America.A. that B. which D. what D. how 54. On her way home, he suddenly heard his name .A. calling B. called C. to call D. call 55. Kate is a flower in her hair today.A. putting on B. wearing C, dressing D. making 56. It will much time if we drive th

    20、e car instead of walking.A. take B. spend C. use D. save 57. The doctor gave me the three pills of the pain. 58. Mr Green arrived in Shanghai on .A. the twentieth May B. twentieth May C. the twentieth of MayD. May twenty 59. Have a glass of water, please. You be thirsty after a long walk.A. can B. s

    21、hould C. must D. have to 60. Have you decided what you on Sunday? Not yet, but I of going to my hometown.A. do; have thought B. am doing;think C.have done; will think D. will do; am thinking . 中译英(共10小题,每小题0.5分)根据所给的汉语,译成英语,完成句子,每空一词。6162 他觉得太阳下山之前要赶到那儿是不可能的。He found 61 impossible 62 arrive there be

    22、fore sunset.6364 比尔没有赶上末班车。Bill 63 to 64 the last bus.6566 书面英语和口语有些不同。There is a little difference between 65 English and 66 English.6768 你们离开上海有多久了?How long is 67 68 you left Shanghai?6970 我站在校门口,等待他来。I stood at the school gate, 69 for his 70 .句型转换(共10小题,每小题0.5分) 在改写后的句子中填入适当的词,保持句意不变,每空一词。7172 Wo

    23、uld you mind if I opened the window?Would you mind 71 72 the window? 7374 When I pass there, I always think of my old friends. I 73 pass there 74 thinking of my old friends. 7576 The teacher told him to keep learning English. The teacher stopped him 75 76 English. 7778 Didnt they tell you to be here

    24、 by 6 oclock?77 you 78 to be here by 6 oclock? 7980 They played so well that we couldnt get the hall They were 79 good 80 that we couldnt get the ball. 完形填空(共15题,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以从空白处的正确答案。Dear Penny:Im really missing you! This summer course should really be calls a winter cour

    25、se. Its so 81 and it has been raining since 82 , and there was a terrible ston last night. Its really freezing here and the central heating(暖气)in the bedroom doesnt work. To only way to keep 83 is to drink bottles of German Wine. I dont 84 much, either the water is so cold! But I think it doesnt rea

    26、lly matter, because all the 85 students look a bit 86 , too. So does the diningroom but at 87 the knives, forks and plates are clean theyre all plastic.One of the teachers has a cold, and so two German 88 has been cancelled (取消). I dont think Ive learned much during the first week here. There are st

    27、udents from 42 countries on the course, and most of them 89 their native language when they are together 90 the course, and they are together most of the 91 the Arabs together with the Arabs, the Italians together with the Italians. Perhaps the town is a 92 place when it isnt raining, but I havent s

    28、een much of it 93 .Well, Ill have to 94 now, because I have to wash my handkerchief. The next time I try to improve my 95 it will be in France, where most Germans spend the summer anyway.Love, Bettey 81. A. hot B. cold C.warm D.wet82. A. arrived B. started C. left D. went83. A. quiet B. happy C. warm D. well 84. A. walk B. swim C. drink D. wash85. A. rest B. most C. other D. another86. A. cold B. dirty C. wet D. clean87. A. last B. once C. most D. least88. A. courses B. classes C. texts D. grades89. A. express B. say C. learn D. speak90. A. in B. at C. on D. outside


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