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    1、学年新教材高中英语UNIT1FESTIVALSANDCELEBRATIONSSecUNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONSSectionDiscoveringUsefulStructures课后训练提升一、单句语法填空1.We heard them (argue) against the plan of the project.答案:arguing2.The young man (wear) long hair is called Tom.答案:wearing3.It is a fact that doing nothing is (do) ill.答案:doing4

    2、.There were some boys (shout) near the window,so I couldnt fall asleep.答案:shouting5.Everybody says he is a (promise) boy.答案:promising6.He was good at giving an (inspire) speech,which made the people crazy.答案:inspiring7.Charlie Chaplin was one of the most famous actors (respect) by the people.答案:resp

    3、ected8.The man (slide) into the river is struggling.答案:sliding二、单句改错1.Johns bad habit is read without understanding.答案:readreading2.The man stands there is our headmaster.答案:standsstanding3.It is believed that if a book is interested,it will surely interest the readers.答案:interestedinteresting4.His

    4、job is entertain people with all kinds of tricks he can think of.答案:entertainentertaining5.Tell the children played there not to make such noise.答案:playedplaying6.The man wore a sad look said,“Ive lost my wallet.”答案:worewearing7.There was a terrible noise followed the sudden burst of light.答案:follow

    5、edfollowing8.They lived in a room which facing the street.答案:去掉which三、完形填空When I heard my name pronounced by the teacher,I knew what lay ahead.She called me to the whiteboard to 1 a long division(除法) problem.Math was my 2 subject.When doing a long division problem,I always 3 put the numbers in the w

    6、rong places,4 forgot to add in the zeros.As I 5 the whiteboard,I looked at the blonde haired girl next to me,trying to 6 what she was writing.7 I tried my best,she went faster than I could understand.Impossible to understand.Why me?Why couldnt I wrap my mind around this strange concept that all the

    7、other kids understood?Why,even when I 8 my hardest to deal with the division problems?Why?Why?I 9 back salty tears and wrote some numbers randomly(随便地) on the board.The teacher read over our answers silently.“Now,class,Susie did this problem absolutely correctly.”“As for Tara,” the teacher said,10 h

    8、er eyes,“I dont 11 know what she did.”The class burst into 12,and I felt my face turned 13 as I tried to sink as low as possible into my seat,hoping to 14 them from seeing me at all.However,after class my teacher wrote me a note,15,“No one will care how you feel,unless you 16 yourself to succeed.”Th

    9、is 17 from middle school is the most impressive and the only one I can remember.The experience made me feel stronger,and gave me 18.When I get a 19 grade in school,or am put down by somebody,I think of that moment and every single one of those whys that I asked myself,which gives me the willingness

    10、to 20 all of those whys and continue until perfection,or as close as I can get.1.A.find B.doC.make D.examine答案:B解析:由“alongdivisionproblem”可知,这是一道除法题。所以do“做”符合句意。2.A.favourite B.bestC.worst D.last答案:C解析:由下文“Ialwaysputthenumbersinthewrongplaces,forgottoaddinthezeros.”可知,数学是作者最差的(worst)学科。3.A.repeatedl

    11、y B.carefullyC.directly D.reasonably答案:A解析:句意:我总是反复地把数字放在错误的地方,或者忘记加零。repeatedly符合句意。4.A.nor B.soC.or D.but答案:C解析:分析句子可知,前后句意表示选择关系。5.A.moved B.approachedC.used D.returned答案:B解析:由前文可知,老师叫他到白板上做除法题,所以作者要走到白板前,接近(approached)白板,才能在白板上做题。6.A.guess B.imagineC.think D.copy答案:D解析:作者不知道怎么做除法题,又不想让自己感到尴尬,所以试

    12、图抄袭(copy)旁边女孩的答案。7.A.If B.UnlessC.Though D.Because答案:C解析:句意:尽管我尽了最大的努力,但是我不能明白她所写的。分析句子可知,本句为让步状语从句,所以Though“尽管”符合句意。8.A.suggested B.askedC.admitted D.tried答案:D解析:由上文“triedmybest”可知,“triedmyhardest”与“triedmybest”为同义短语。9.A.gave B.wentC.held D.cut答案:C解析:句意:我忍住了我的眼泪,随便在白板上写了一些数字。由下文可知,作者没有哭,所以作者忍住了眼泪。h

    13、oldback“抑制”符合句意。10.A.rolling B.closingC.focusing D.opening答案:A解析:此处指老师转了一下眼珠,表示与前面情况的对比,否定了我所做的答案。11.A.even B.neverC.hardly D.still答案:A解析:even表示加强语气。12.A.anger B.laughterC.cheering D.enjoyment答案:B解析:句意:全班哄堂大笑,我尽可能地低着头坐到座位上,希望能阻止他们看到我。burstintolaughter“突然大笑”符合句意。13.A.puzzled B.annoyedC.pale D.red答案:D

    14、解析:根据常识可知,全班哄堂大笑,作者觉得很尴尬,所以脸红(red)了。14.A.protect B.judgeC.prevent D.differ答案:C解析:句意:全班哄堂大笑,我尽可能地低着头坐到座位上,希望能阻止他们看到我。preventsbfromdoingsth“阻止某人做某事”符合句意。15.A.saying B.writingC.showing D.persuading答案:A解析:句意:然而,下课后,我的老师给我写了一张纸条,上面写着:“没有人会在意你的感受,除非你强迫自己成功。”say表示书信或者便条的内容。16.A.force B.allowC.forbid D.hope

    15、答案:A解析:forcesbtodosth“迫使某人做某事”。老师告诉作者,要逼迫自己成功。17.A.accident B.problemC.promise D.memory答案:D解析:由“themostimpressiveandtheonlyoneIcanremember”可知,这是作者印象最深的,也是作者唯一能记得的记忆(memory)。18.A.determination B.explanationC.frustration D.imagination答案:A解析:根据“feelstronger,and”中的“and”可知,前后句意表示并列关系,由“feelstronger”可知,空处

    16、选determination。19.A.big B.badC.little D.good答案:B解析:or表示选择关系,所以通过putdownbysomebody“被别人羞辱”可知,bad符合句意。20.A.get B.answerC.see D.find答案:B解析:更加有决心回答(answer)所有的问题。四、语篇填空ChinaCreatesHarvestFestivalforFarmersRecently China has set up a special day for farmers to celebrate the yearly harvest.It is the first f

    17、estival 1.(create) by China specially for the countrys farmers.“The country will celebrate the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival on the autumnal equinox(秋分) of China lunar calendar from this year,”said Han Changbin,minister of agriculture and rural affairs,at 2. press conference.Autumnal equinox usua

    18、lly 3.(fall) between September 22 and 24, 4. the countrys agricultural harvest season.The festival will give greater 5.(important) to rural work and push for 6.(fast) development of agriculture and rural areas.A variety of celebrations will be organised 7.(display) the agricultural harvest,rural tec

    19、hnology achievements and farmers creativeness.Farmers 8.(encourage)to involve in activities related to their work and life,9. waste should be avoided in the celebrations.The rural economy is a key part of Chinas efforts to develop a modernised economy.By 10.(develop) its vast rural areas,China expec

    20、ts to see a strong agricultural sector,a beautiful countryside and wealthy farmers.答案:1.created2.a3.falls4.during5.importance6.faster7.to display8.are encouraged9.but/yet10.developing五、短文改错The most important festival for Chinese people is the Spring Festival,but you can also call it Chinese New Year

    21、.Its an oldest traditional festival.In this day,people will put on the New Year pictures,fire the firecrackers,make a New Year call and child will put on their new clothes.Everyone is very happily.Another important Chinese festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival,that is on the lunar calendar Aug.15th.On

    22、 the night of this day,the moon will became round.At that night,the family members will sit around the table together,talking about our stories,eating the mooncakes and watch the round moon.答案:第一句:butand第二句:anthe第三句:onup;childchildren第四句:happilyhappy第五句:thatwhich第六句:becamebecome第七句:ourtheir;watchwatching


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