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    1、ball 舞会barbecue烧烤picnic 野餐instrument 乐器playground 操场playmate 玩伴variety 多样化;种类形容词类voluntary 自愿的;自发的proper 恰当的;合适的worthless没有价值的helpful 有益的;有帮助的worth 值钱的;值得的priceless 无价的valuable 贵重的;有价值的precious 宝贵的rare 稀有的;稀罕的comfortable 舒适的delighted 高兴的;快乐的enjoyable 令人愉快的pleasant 令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的favourite 最喜欢的动词(词块)类tre

    2、asure 珍惜wonder 想知道dislike 不喜爱possess 占有;拥有tend 往往会;常常就taste 品尝value 重视;珍视collect stamps/coins 收藏邮票/古币preferto喜欢而不喜欢have an eye for对有鉴赏力take/show an interest in对感兴趣develop an interest in培养的兴趣develop a great liking for 渐渐爱上abandon oneself to沉溺于be addicted to 沉溺于be crazy about 对着迷be mad about对着迷;热衷于be

    3、fascinated by 对狂热be fond of 喜欢,爱好be keen on 热衷于be popular with受的欢迎be fed up with对感到厌倦play games 玩游戏go camping去露营go skating 去滑冰go climbing 去攀岩have a wonderful time 玩得痛快其它类in ones free/spare time在某人的余瑕/闲暇willingly adv.乐意地outdoors adv.在户范例假如你是李华,热衷集邮;但家长并不支持,于是你向一个学生心声的专栏写信咨询解决的办法。内容包括:1.你的意见:(1)增长知识;(

    4、2)减压;(3)挣钱。2.家长意见:(1)浪费钱;(2)占了学习时间。Dear Sir,Im Li Hua a 17-year-old boy student studying in a senior high school.Now l have some trouble with my parents, so l am writing to ask you to do me a favor.Here is my problem.Ive always been fond of collecting stamps since I was a child. As far as Im concern

    5、ed,collecting stamps is a meaningful hobby, helping me to know a lot. Besides, dealing with my collection of stamps not only gives me great satisfaction but also makes me relaxed under the great pressure of studies. Whats more,I even earn money by selling some stamps and my collection will be more v

    6、aluable as times goes by.However, my parents are strongly against it because they consider it as a waste of money and they also think that sorting out my stamps may take up too much of my time, which should be spent on my studies.Hopefully.,your kind and timely help will be appreciated.,for I dont w

    7、ant to argue with them but to get along well with them.Looking forward to your early reply!Yours,Li Hua2旅游名词(词块)类tour 旅行,观光;journey n.旅行;voyage 航行;travel/trip 旅行;sightseeing观光;adventure冒险;hiking远足;tourist 游客;traveler旅行者;tourist attraction旅游景点;scenery 风景;places of interest名胜;view 风景,视野;tourism 旅游业;to

    8、urism wave 旅游热;a busy/low season for tourism 旅游旺/淡季;schedule 日程;时刻表;transport交通;jam 拥挤;luggage 行李;baggage 行李;souvenir纪念品;passport 护照;visa签证;book v.预订;pack v.包装;board v.登上(船、飞机等);go on a tour去旅行;check in 入住登记,办理登机手续;put up sb.留某人住宿;pack up收拾;check out 结账离开;see off送行;say goodbye to sb.与某人道别;be struck

    9、by.被迷住;have a good trip旅行顺利;get close to nature接近大自然;arrange accommodation安排住宿;broaden ones horizons 开拓视野;形容词(词块)类serious adj.严重的;crowded adj.拥挤的;convenient adj.方便的;an increasing number of越来越多的;attractive有吸引力的;abroad adv.在国外;including prep.包括;if necessary如果必要的话;on board 在船(火车、飞机)上;on holiday (在)度假;四

    10、、话题写作假设你是李华,计划今年暑假去美国旅游两周,请给你的美国朋友David写一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:1提出你对旅游地点的要求并请David推荐地点;2你对住宿和交通的要求;3请他代为预订宾馆并对他表示感谢。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。【参考范文】One possible version:Dear David,The summer holiday is drawing near.I feel very excited at the thought that I am going to visit America in the

    11、 holiday.Its the first time for me to travel abroad on my own,so I am writing to ask you for help.Here are the details:Id like to visit some areas of scenic beauty,such as mountains, valleys,rivers and forests,where I could enjoy the beauty of nature.Please recommend several places to me.Besides, I

    12、prefer to live in the hotel and I hope the traffic around isnt too heavy because Im going to rent a car to start my travel.Please help me book a hotel.Thanks a lot.Personally,its also an excellent chance for me to have a good understanding of American cultures and customs. And I am confident that I

    13、will enjoy my stay with your helpIm looking forward to your earliest reply.Best regards!Yours,LiHua3校园生活学校类型primary/elementary school小学;junior high school 初中;senior high school 高中;college 学院;university 大学;private school 私立学校;public school 公立学校;boarding school 寄宿学校;学校设施类equipment 设施;campus 校园;teachin

    14、g building 教学楼;laboratory(lab)实验室;library 图书馆;canteen 食堂,小卖部;dormitory(dorm) 宿舍;playground 操场;platform 讲台;computer room 电脑室;multimedia classroom多媒体教室;conference room 会议室;lecture theatre 阶梯教室;stadium 露天运动场,体育馆;gymnasium.(室内)体育馆,健身房;teachers office 教师办公室;学生类classmate 同班同学;schoolmate 校友;graduate 毕业生;ex

    15、change student 交换生;subject representative 课代表;top student 尖子生,优等生;monitor/monitress 班长;the Students Union 学生会;教职员工类educator 教育工作者;professor 教授;head teacher/class teacher班主任;instructor 教师,教员;librarian 图书管理员;headmaster 校长;staff 全体员工;课程、科目类biology 生物;geography 地理;politics 政治;information technology(IT)信

    16、息技术;physical education(PE) 体育;required course 必修课;optional course 选修课;science course 理科;arts course 文科;教、学活动类prepare ones lesson 备课;instruct 指导,教授;present 呈现;explain 解释;attend school 上学;attend class 上课;prepare for lessons 预习功课;analize 分析;research 研究;discuss 讨论;debate 争论;conclude 得出结论;summarize 小结;te

    17、am up with 与合作;acquire knowledge 获取知识;take in 吸收,领会;review/revise/go over 复习;recite 背诵;memorize 记住;learn/knowby heart 把记下来;hand in 上交;refer to 参考,查阅;homework 家庭作业;assignment 作业,任务;考试类quiz 课堂测验,小测验;test 测试;take an exam参加考试;pass the exam通过考试;fail (in )/(to pass)the exam考试不及格;cheat in the exam 考试作弊;学习态

    18、度、结果类put ones heart into 专心于;fix/focus ones attention on全神贯注于concentrate on 全神贯注于spare no effort不遗余力;have a good knowledge/command of 精通,掌握;make progress 取得进步;take the first place 获得第一名;distinguish oneself使自己出众;ahieve/realize ones dream 实现梦想;make ones dream come true实现梦想;mark/point 分数;grade 成绩;study

    19、 pressure 学习压力;课外活动类after school activities 课外活动;opening ceremony 开学典礼;graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;English evening 英语晚会;take part in an English contest/competition参加英语竞赛;compete in 参加竞赛sports activities 体育活动;have a basketball match 举行篮球赛;sports meeting 运动会;social practice 社会实践;summer camp 夏令营;give/make

    20、 a speech 作演讲;part-time job 兼职工作;full-time job 专职工作;parent teacher conference 家长会;学校管理类schedule/timetable 课程表,时间表;be admitted into/to 被录取;sign up for 注册;register 注册;drop out of school 辍学;skip the class/cut a class 逃课;graduate from 毕业于;ask for leave 请假;be absent from 缺席;be present at 出席;obey/follow/o

    21、bserve the school regulations 遵守校规;假定你是校排球队队长李华,请写封邮件告知你的队友Chris.球队近期将参加比赛,内容包括:1 比赛信息;2.赛前准备;3.表达期待。注意:1. 词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Chris,Im Li Hua, captain of the school volleyball team. Im writing to inform you of the upcoming volleyball game that you should prepare for.The game is scheduled

    22、 to be held in the school stadium next Sunday. As a member of the team, your full preparation would be appreciated. For starters, please come up with a workout schedule and stick to it so that you can play better soon. Secondly, you should attend the team training sessions and meetings to study the visiting team together with the teammates.Since the school attaches great importance to this game, I hope we can devote ourselves to becoming a stronger team and beat our opponent.Sincerely,


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