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    1、新人教版初二第一学期英语期末测试题一、默写单词。(10分)想象,设想温度零下的警告,告诫药,药物筹集保护污染镇静医学的二、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) ( ) 21.Mr Brown is from America. _is an American.A. He B. HisC. Him D. Himself( ) 22. Whats the time? My _ has stopped.A. bookB. bus C. watchD. bike( ) 23. Mark doesnt get up so _ as his brother.A. earlier B. earlyC. very

    2、early D. much earlier( ) 24. What are you doing, Tom? -Im _ my running shoes, but I cant find them.A. looking atB. looking up C. looking for D. looking after( ) 25. You _ park your car here. Do you see the sign “NO PARKING”?A. can B. mustC. needntD. mustnt( ) 26. The little girl often plays the pian

    3、o _ Sundays.A. onB. inC. atD. by( ) 27.-_ shall we meet tomorrow morning? - At six oclock.A. What B. Where C. WhenD. Which( ) 28. _ day of a week is Thursday.A. The fifth B. The fiveC. FifthD. Five( ) 29. Bob is very happy _ his friends will come to his birthday party tonight.A. whereB. becauseC. af

    4、ter D. though( ) 30. There is still _water in the bottle. You can drink it if you feel thirsty.A. some B. no C. anyD. few() 31. The room was dark, _ I turned on the light.A. and B. or C. so D. but( ) 32. Linda feels tired. She doesnt know what _ .A. is she readingB. she is readingC. was she readingD

    5、. she was reading( ) 33. Jim is standing at the corner. He _ for the bus.A. waitsB. waitedC. will waitD. is waiting( ) 34. Toms jacket is black. _ is blue.A. IB. MyC. Me D. Mine( ) 35. Peters bike has broken for _ .He needs to get a new one.A. only onceB. little timeC. many times D. no time( ) 36. I

    6、 found _ hard to answer these questions.A. one B. that C. this D. it( ) 37. David told me that he had _ the book for a week.A. borrowed B. lent C. kept D. bought ( ) 38. These is _ interesting on TV this evening. Lets go to the cinema.Good idea.A. something B. nothingC. anythingD. everything() 39. I

    7、ts very important for you to be there on time. -I _ be there at 7:00. I promise.A. willB. mayC. canD. should( ) 40. We often hear someone say “Language is a living thing”, but most of us do not stop _ about how and why this is true.A. thinkingB. thinkC. to think D. the thought三、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)阅读下面四

    8、篇短文,根据其内容,从各题后面所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(A)One day there was a big storm (暴风雨) at sea. An English ship was out at sea. Large waves (浪) broke over the ship. The ship went down in the sea. One man left the ship. He jumped into the sea. The waves carried him to a small island. The man was Robinson Crusoe.Robins

    9、on looked around the island but there was nobody in sight. He learned how to live by himself on the island. He went into the woods. He cut down some small trees, and began to make a house. He planted a garden for food and used the skins (皮) of animals for clothes.One day he looked in the distance (远

    10、处) and saw a group of people. Some natives (土人) had sailed to the island. They had a man with them. Robinson saved the man. He called the man Friday. He told him to live and work with him.Many years later, a ship stopped at the island. It was an English ship. The captain was surprised to find an Eng

    11、lishman here on the island.Well, we can help you, said the captain. We can take you back to England.Robinson told Friday to get on too. They sailed to a bigger island. The bigger island was Fridays home. Friday was happy to get home. But he was sad to leave his good friend. Then the ship sailed to E

    12、ngland. After thirty-five years, Robinson was on his way home.( ) 41. Robinsons ship went down in a _.A.stormB. islandC. woodsD. river( ) 42. He cut down small trees to make _ , and used the skins of animals for clothes.A.a shipB. clothesC. a houseD. chairs( ) 43. Whom did Robinson save one day afte

    13、r many years on the island?A. Some natives. B. A man.C. A captain. D. An Englishman. ( ) 44. How many years did Robinson live on the island?A.Thirty-five.B. Thirty.C. Five.D. Fifty.(B)Englishmen are well known all over the world for their love of tea, especially the traditional(传统的)afternoon Tea. Ab

    14、out 175 million cups of tea are drunk in Britain every day.Afternoon tea was introduced to England by Anna, the seventh Duchess(公爵夫人)of Bedford, in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four oclock in the afternoon. The evening meal was served usually late at eight oclock. The Duches

    15、s asked her men to bring a cup of tea, bread and butter and cakes to her room during the late afternoon. Little by little, this became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.During the 1880s upper-class would change into long gown (礼服), gloves and hats for their afternoon tea whi

    16、ch was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o clock. ( ) 45. Afternoon tea was introduced to England in _.A.1880B. 1884C. 1840D. 1875( ) 46. What time did the Duchess usually have her evening meal?A.At five.B. At six.C. At seven.D. At eight.( ) 47. The text is about _.A.British a

    17、fternoon tea B.the seventh Duchess C.meals in EnglandD. afternoon parties(C)It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate Christmas.Finnish people believe that Father Christmas (Santa Claus) lives in the north part of Finland called Korvatunturi, north of the Arctic Circle. People from

    18、all over the world send the letters to Santa Claus in Finland. Everyone cleans their houses ready for the three holy (神圣) days of Christmas - Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.The most important day is Christmas Eve in Sweden. A special Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve - ham, herr

    19、ing fish, and brown beans - and this is the time when families give presents to each other. Many people attend a church meeting early on Christmas Day.In the days of the Soviet Union, Christmas was not celebrated very much. New Year was the important time when Father Frost brought presents to childr

    20、en. Now Christmas can be openly celebrated - either on December 25th,or more often on January 7th. Special Christmas food includes cakes, pies and meat dumplings.In France, everyone has a Christmas tree, sometimes decorated in the old way with red ribbons and real white candles. Fir trees in the gar

    21、den are often decorated too, with lights on all night. Father Christmas is called Pere Noel. The Christmas meal is the important family gathering with good meat and the best wine. Not everyone sends Christmas cards.Father Christmas is called Papai Noel in Brazil. Many Christmas customs are similar t

    22、o those in the USA or UK. For those who have enough money, a Christmas meal will be chicken, ham, rice, salad, pork, fresh fruit, often with beer. Poorer people will just have chicken and rice. ( ) 48. In the text the writer tells us about the Christmas celebrations of _ countries.A.sevenB. sixC. fi

    23、veD. four( ) 49. People from all over the world send letters to Santa Claus in _.A.BrazilB. FinlandC. FranceD. the USA( ) 50.The word “decorated” means _.A.修理 B.保护 C.照顾D.装饰( ) 51. Which of the following is TRUE?A. New Year celebration is more important than Christmas one in Sweden.B. For poorer peop

    24、le Christmas meal will be just chicken and rice in Brazil.C. All French people send Christmas cards to each other.D. Father Christmas is called Papai Noel in France.(D)Daniel,It is New Years Eve, and as I look back over my life tonight, there are things Ive learned in this time that I want to pass a

    25、long to you. Hopefully, you won t find yourself making some of the same mistakes in your life that Ive made in mine.Always be honest with others, but most importantly, with yourself. Now, this is not to say you must always tell the absolute truth to everyone, all the time. Don t use the truth as a w

    26、eapon to hurt someone. Somebody who asks, Do you like my new jacket? doesnt want to hear that maybe you think its terrible. Theyre proud of it and happy and just trying to show off a little. Its okay to say you like it if it makes them happy. But for the really important things in life you should al

    27、ways try to be as honest as you can be.Hold on to your friends. Some friends you ll have for a lifetime, others will just seem to enter your life and pass on through. But every one of them is a treasure beyond measure. There will be times in your life when youll need them, and good friends will do t

    28、hat for you. When a friend needs you, be there for them, help them and get them back on their feet again.Never make a promise unless you are sure you can keep it, and then try your best to keep it .A man is often judged by how he keeps his word. People will pardon you for breaking a promise sometime

    29、s when it was given honestly but had to be broken for reasons beyond your control, just dont make a habit of it.Life is funny! Never be afraid to laugh about it. Youre going to make mistakes and look silly at times, so always be willing to laugh at yourself. If you ever find yourself unable to laugh

    30、 at your own mistakes youre taking yourself way too seriously and need to lighten up.No matter how bad today is, or how terrible yesterday was, tomorrow is a new chance. Put a smile on your face and do what need to be done.If its silly but it works, it isnt silly. Dont be afraid to try something new or unusual.Theres a lot more to life than these things Daniel, and hopefully I II be in your life for a long time to come to help you learn them.With love, always, Dad注:absolute 完全的


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