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    1、B . nine thirtyC . ten thirty(2) First we draw with. A . crayonsB . pencilsC . paints(3) The weather isin Kellys picture. A . hotB . coldC . bad(4) Two children are playing in theA . boatB . tree houseC . plane(5) are looking through the planes windows. A . BirdsB . PeopleC . Parents(6) What does hu

    2、ge wave mean? A . 巨浪B . 大雨C . 大风3. (10分) (2016六上罗湖期中) 根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。A“Early to bed,early to rise.” makes a marl healthy,wealthy and wise. Its good for the body.This is an old saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. If we d

    3、o,then we shall be healthy,we shall also be rich and clever.That is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have enough sleep,or they cant do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also needs exercise:walking,run

    4、ning,jumping,swimming,playing games and some other exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise parts helps us to think better.(1) According

    5、(根据) to this passage(文章),what will happen if children dont have enough sleep?(2) If we want to keep healthy,what exercise should we do? Please give 3 examples(举例).(3) “Early to bed,early to rise. ”can help you healthy,rich and clever.(4) Exercise can help our body to be stronger and think better.4.

    6、(10分) 判断正误。二楼Teachers OfficeArt RoomMusic RoomClassroom 3一楼Computer RoomClassroom 1Classroom 2LibraryThe library is on the second floorThe art room is next to the teachers officeClassroom 3 is under the art roomThe music room is on the second floor(5) The teachers office is under the computer room5.

    7、 (10分) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello ,Im Lily . Im from America . I live in New York . I know Beijing is very big and very famous . So Im going to Beijing this winter holiday . Im going to visit Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall . I like Chinese food . I want to go to the Chinese restaurants . My parents are

    8、 going there with me . We want to go by plane . I want you be my friend . Can you be my Chinese pen friend ?(1) Wheres Lily going ?A . XianB . ShanghaiC . Beijing(2) Wheres Lily from ?A . AmericaB . ChinaC . Canada(3) How many places is Lily going to visit ?A . TwoB . ThreeC . One(4) How do Lily and

    9、 her family go to Beijing ?A . By train .B . By car .C . By plane .(5) What does Lily like ?A . Chinese food .B . Fast food .C . English food .6. (10分) 阅读理解Hello,Im Amy. Im from America. In America,we have Christmas. Its different from the Spring Festival. At Christmas,we eat peanuts and sweets. But

    10、 we dont eat dumplings. We have a Christmas tree. We give presents to our family and friends. We say “Merry Christmas!”(1) Amy is from America.(2) In America,people have the Spring Festival.(3) At Christmas,they eat dumplings.(4) At Christmas,they give presents.(5) They say “Happy New Year!7. (10分)

    11、读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题My name is May. I have a new friend. Her name is Sue. She lives in Australia. Im l3 years old. She is one year older than me. Im 1. 53 meters tall and 47 kilograms. How tall is Sue? She is 0. 1 meter taller than me. I like drawing and reading books,but she likes swimming,riding her b

    12、ike and climbing mountains. She is very active. Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a nurse. They go to work by car. Im happy to have such a friend.(1) Whats Mays new friends name?Her name is_.(2) How old is Sue?She is_.(3) How tall is May?(4) Whats hobby?She likes_and_.(5) What does Sues father

    13、do?Her father is a_.(6) What does Sues mother do?Her mother is a_.8. (10分) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。ThisisLucyandthatLily.Lucy is 12 years old. Lily is 12 years old,too. LucylookslikeLily andLilyLucy,too.Theylookthesame. Theyare twins. But they have different hobbies. Lucy likes listening to music and drawing p

    14、ictures. Lily likes dancing and playing basketball. TheyareAmerican. TheynewstudentsinJimsclass.TheyGradeSix. Jim oftenafter them. Theyfriends. Theygotoashop. Theywouldsomethingeatdrink.Lucy wouldsomebread.bottleoforange.Jimapples.How old is Lucy?A . Eleven.B . Twelve.C . Thirteen.Are Lucy and Lily

    15、twins?A . Yes,they are.B . No,they arent.C . No,they are.What are Lilys hobbies?A . Listening to music and dacning.B . Dancing and singing.C . Dancing and playing basketball.Who often looks after Lucy and Lily?A . Their teacher.B . Jim.C . Mike.What would Lucy like?A . Some bread.B . Some apples.C .

    16、 A bottle of orange.9. (10分) 读短文,填空完成句子 Dogs are colour-blind (色盲的)Dogs are mans good friend. Some dogs are big,and some dogs are small. Dogs are very clever,but they cannot see colours. They are colour-blind. In a dogs eyes,everything is black,white and grey. How can a dog hunt (捕猎) for food then?

    17、Dogs can run very fast. They can hear and smell very well too. Many animals cannot see colours,Lions,tigers,cats,cows and sheep are all colour-blind. But monkeys can see colours. Many birds,fish and insects con see colours too.(1) In a dogs eyes,everything is _,_ and grey. (2) Dogs cannot see colour

    18、s,but they can _;and _;very well. (3) Dogs,_,_,_,_ and _;cannot see colours. (4) _;and many _,_, and insects can see colours. 10. (14分) 阅读选择It was cold yesterday. Tom didnt go out. He did housework. Sam went to play football. And he had a cold. He fell ill today. Hes got a fever. Lili phoned him. Sh

    19、e will come to see Sam. Sams mother cooked lunch. They had noodles and eggs for lunch. Sam drank lots of hot water. Its good for him.(1) It wasyesterday. B . warmC . cold(2) Tomyesterday. A . did houseworkB . read bookesC . went swimming(3) SamA . played basketballB . played ping-pongC . played foot

    20、ball(4) Samcookedlunch. A . fatherB . motherC . sister(5) Sam drank lots of A . hot waterB . milkC . orange juice参考答案1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、7-6、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、


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