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    1、大学英语听说2答案第二版doc大学英语听说 2 答案第二版 【篇一:新视野大学英语视听说教程 2 答案第二版完整答案】ss=txt 完整答案unit 1 roll over, beethoven!ii listening skills 1-5: b b d c a iii listening in task 1: 1-5: f t f t f task 2: 1-5: b b d a ctask 3: 1-5: classical, peaceful, relaxing, jazz, sadness6-10: heavy metal, energy, sporting events, phys

    2、ical labor,road accidentsv let s talk1-8: good morning to all, success, musical talents, without,second part, replaced, legalaction, real ownersvi further listening and speakingtask 1: 1-6: special, joke, talent, proud, loud, joy7-12: honesty, dancer, talk, wondered, capture, fantask 2: 1-5: b a a d

    3、 c task 3: 1-5: f f t t t unit test 1-5 ccdbc 1.favorite band 2.not anymore 3.nolonger 4.a big fan 5.collected 6.the ones 7.going crazy 8.maybe to you9.pressure 10.fall in love12.from time to time 13.go on 14.music video 1-5 bcdda 1-10cdabacdcbcunit 2 what s on at the cinema? 11.get itii listening s

    4、kills1-5: a d b c biii listening intask 1: 1-5: director, sound effects, good story, think, sad6-9: violent, light-hearted movies, mystery movie, in the futuretask 2: 1-5: d c d a b task 3: 1-5: film, directors, actors, important, the unitedkingdom6-10: viewers, 40 million, olympic, world cup, time1

    5、1-15: artistic value, depth, best picture, favor, science fiction v let s talk 1-5: a b c d dvi further listening and speaking task 1: 1-5: memorizing lines, remember one line, i hear theguns roar, a loud boom,forgot his linetask 2: 1-5: a c c a d task 3: 1-5: f t f t f unit test 1-5 cbabd1.a very g

    6、ood2.starring3.best-seller4.a new classic5.violent6.somewhat7.before8.thecalmness9.death10.thought1-5 dbdca 1-10 ccbabccdacunit 3 every jack has his jill! ii listening skills1-5: b c d a a iii listening intask 1: 1-5: go out, flaming red, crush ,chicken, likes6-9: guts, turn him down,konw, keeping e

    7、verything , tell hertask 2: 1-5: early, late teens, double-dating, group dating,marry6-9: adult dating, hardly, blind date, nevertask 3: 3-2-1-5-9-7-6-4-8v let s talk 1-5: b b c d avi further listening and speakingtask 1: 1-4: b d c atask 2: 1- 5: the young man s plans, a nice house, god will provid

    8、e for us, don t worry,sir, play the role of god【篇二:新视野大学英语视听说教程 2(第二版)答案】ening skills bbdca listening in task1 ftftf listening in task2bbdaclistening in task3 classical ,peaceful ,relaxing ,jazz ,sadness ,heavy metal ,energy ,sporting events ,physicallabor ,road accidents lets talk task 1 good morni

    9、ng to all ,success ,musicaltalents ,without ,second part ,replaced ,legal action ,realowners further listening and speaking further listening task 1 special ,joke ,talent ,proud ,loud ,joy ,honesty ,dancer ,talk ,wondered ,capture ,fan task2 baadc task 3 tfttt unit2 listening skills: making inferenc

    10、es adbcblistening in task 1 director ,sound effects , good story ,think , sad ,violent , light-hearted movies , mystery movie , in the future task 2 dcdab task 3 film, directors, actors, important, the united kingdom,viewers, 40 million, olympic, world cup, time, artistic value,depth, best picture,

    11、favor, science fictionlets talk task 1 abcddfurther listening and speaking further listening task 1memorizing lines ,remember one line ,i hear the guns roar ,aloud boom ,forgot his line task 2 accad task 3 ftftf unit3 listening skills: identifying peoples identity bcdaa listening in task 1 go out ,f

    12、laming red ,crush ,chicken ,likes ,guts ,turn him down ,keeping everything ,tell her task2 early ,late teens ,double-dating ,group datin ,marry ,adult dating ,hardly ,blind date ,neverlistening in task 3 (3) an announcement about the wedding was published in thenewspaper.(2) wedding invitations were

    13、 sent out to relatives and friends.(1) the minister greeted the guests in the church.(8) the minister talked about the meaning of marriage.(4) the bride and the bridegroom exchanged vows.(7) the minister prayed for the couple.(6) the minister declared the couple husband and wife.(9) the reception wa

    14、s over.(5) the minister signed the certificate. lets talk task 1 bbcdafurther listening and speaking further listening task 1 bdcatask 2 the young mans plans ,a nice house ,god will providefor us ,dont worry, sir ,play the role of god task 3 ffttfunit4 listening skills obey your thirst. ,drivers wan

    15、ted. ,she workswhile you rest. ,make yourself heard. ,we lead. others copy. ,good to the last drop. ,dont leave home without it. ,nobusiness too small, no problem too big. listening in task 1 shoes ,funny ,a lot of life ,ad,extraspring ,money ,millions of dollars ,for nothing ,reach thetop ,hard wor

    16、k ,focus on ,forget task 2 ftfft task 3 abbcclets talk task 1 tftftfurther listening and speaking further listening task 1 banned tobacco ads ,young peoplesmoking cigarettes ,ways around the law ,new customers oldones ,smoking on campus task 2 acbdd task 3 ftftfunit5listening skills abbdc listening

    17、in task 1 (2) the couple was going to celebrate the wifes birthday. (5) the husband put the cat out before the taxi arrived. (3) the cat shot back into the house when the couple wasgoing to the taxi.(1) the husband went back to chase the cat out.(4) the wife told the driver a lie. (6) the husband go

    18、t into the car.task 2 adbcc task 3 cdbac lets talk task 11-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality,barked, finest, money 7-12: own/have, followed, apartmenthouse, third floor, scratched on, door 13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, lookedat, his key further listening and spea

    19、king further listening task 1 1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close,interview 6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chicken task 2 cbcdd task 3 1. in the theater2. a ticket3. well-trained, intelligent,human4. any problem, leave the theater, any other dog5. let thedog in, almost

    20、 emptyunit6 listening skills: dialog 1: d, the first girl (the girl who wears theshort skirtdialog 2: b, no, she hasn t. listening in task 1 1-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion,good on her 5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder task 2 1-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copie

    21、d, traditionalcenter, are guarded 6-10: july, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only aparttask 3 1-5: dacbc lets talk task 1 1-5: different and daring, teenagers, their legs,shorter and shorter, five inches 6-10: loose morals, neverappear, look childlike, women s liberation, traditional f

    22、urther listening and speaking further listening task 1 1-5:tftff task 2 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out,wore task 3 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition,clothes in fashion5-7: the middle ages, part-time job, not too expensiveunit7listening skills: 1-5: ba

    23、adb listening in task 11-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend,mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increasedby 30 percent task 21-5: abdcc task 31-5: ftftf lets talk task 11-7: money, all his money, promise, in thecasket, sitting, next to, close 8-14: box, locked, foolish, all thatmone

    24、y, go back on her word, put the money, check further listening and speaking further listening task 11-7: thebeggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, goodluck task 2 1-5: dcbdatask 3 1-5: tfftt unit8 listening skills:1-6: first, not only, but also, also, instead, moreimportantly7-11:

    25、though, moreover, in fact, last but not least, for example listening in task 1 1-5: ftftf task 2 1-5: bdcac task 3 1-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low 7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door lets talk task 1 4-5-6-7-3-2-1further listening and speaking further listenin

    26、g task 1 1.freeze 2. tall, shorter, red jacket ,3. his gun, open, the rest ofthe people ,4. key, safe ,5. calm, a medaltask 2 1-5: adcdb task 3 1-5: fttffunit9 listening skills:1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more,big hole, danger, 32 7-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilot

    27、 listening in task 11-5: tftff task 2 1-5: dabcc task 3 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent,nearly 5 percent 8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, atleast a foot, children and pets lets talk task 1 1-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car andkilled the ow

    28、ner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, i wasspeeding, toofurther listening and speaking further listening task 16-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exitstask 2 1-5: accbd task 3 1-5: emergency 911, had broken down, womanpassenger, no. 15, 15 miles6-9: ambulance, the operator,

    29、calm and warm, a boyunit10 listening skills:1-8: take off, land, representative, how a planeflies, stays on the ground, short flight, increase, another city listening in task 1 1-5: go camping, planning to go, themountains, the most beautiful, drive 6-11: heights, wonderfulviews, skip the climbing,

    30、clean up, fun, overcome task 2 1-5: tfftf task 3 1-5: cdbaa lets talk task 1 1-5: a school examination, the basement,shopping, steps, frightened 6-10: come in, the window, toy gun,upstairs, take the dog 11-14: have heard, the window, her parents, dial the number further listening and speaking furthe

    31、r listening task 1 1-6: first prize, software competition, a trip to, fly, turns, goespale, a cold sweat, some medicines, cause, a lot of troubletask 2 1-5: acdba task 3 1-5: ttfft【篇三:全新版大学英语第二版听说教程 2 听力原文及答案】s=txtunit 1 sports part a listening strategyidentifying numbers numbers appear very often in every kind of listening material.the ability to catch the exact numbers spoken in english is animportant but difficult skill for a chinese learner. a good way isto practice over and over again the pronunciation of thenumbers, particularly the different wa


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