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    2、号召以及为市场提供合格的人才,我们开设了这门课程。 外贸函电英语作为国际商务往来经常使用的联系方式,开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要工具。正确地掌握外贸函电英语的基本知识,并能熟练地加以运用,是外贸工作人员必须具备的专业技能。外贸函电英语的主要任务是培养学生在走上工作岗位后能够迅速适应对外经贸业务活动的需要,帮助他们系统地学习和掌握外贸英语函电的格式、专业词汇、行文方法与文体特点,提高学生在外贸业务活动中正确地使用英语的能力,以及对外进行各项业务联系和通讯活动的能力。二、教学对象已具有一定的英语水平和一定的国际贸易业务知识的大专英语或国际贸易专业的高年级学生。三、教学目的 外贸英语函电

    3、课是一门融国际贸易业务与英语为一体的大专高年级专业英语课程,它主要讲授对外贸易业务各个环节的知识,又要训练培养有关业务环节的语言表达能力,即培养能够磋商业务,又能撰写函电的外贸人才。外贸函电英语是在掌握大专基础英语的基础上开设的一门理论性与实践性并重的课程,旨在教会学生撰写符合规范的各种英语函电、尤其是外经贸英语函电,草拟有关的各种业务合约。 本课程注重理论与实践相结合,在以实例教学的前提下,又对英语函电的一般格式、常用词汇、习惯表达法进行规律性的总结。从英语教学的角度出发,本课程是和外经贸相结合的一门英语实务课,是用于解决目前英语学习中学生普遍存在的较高的语言知识和低下的语用能力之间矛盾的辅


    5、证、订单、提单、保险单、装箱单、检验证明等,让学生全面了解外贸业务知识的各个环节,并运用英语熟练表达,达到应用的目的。1、通过阅读和学习介绍外贸交易业务过程的有关章节,了解并熟悉外经贸进出口的关键步骤。2、重点掌握外经贸业务信函的撰写要点,初步做到能在一般情况下写出内容确切、表达得体、符合规范、语句通顺、没有语法错误的信函(由于现代化的信息传送方式如传真的撰写方式和普通信函相似,故以掌握信函撰写为重点)。3、了解业务信函的趋向。4、初步了解有关的边缘知识。 本课程采用湖南省2004年度高职高专经济类规范教材国际商贸英语函电教程。本教材重点介绍外经贸业务的主要步骤:建立业务关系、咨询、询价及答复

    6、、寄送形式发票、报价、报盘及还盘、定单及其执行、支付条款、包装、保险、装运、代理、抱怨、索赔与争议等。掌握外经贸函电的撰写要点、信函布局、信封写法及撰写技能和方法,以及业务信函的趋向;英语函电的一般格式、常用词汇、习惯表达法。 练习拟在课文提供的大量练习题中挑选合适的实例要求学生完成并根据学生的具体情况,有针对性地增加补充习题,以帮助学生尽快掌握所学知识和技能;做到宁精勿烂。 在教学过程中拟采用全英语教学方式,将讲读和写作相结合,努力贯彻理论联系实际、学以致用的原则,支持讲练结合,以练为主,突出重点,讲求实效。在写作教学中力使学生做到学以致用,写出内容确切、表达得体、符合规范、语句通顺、没有语

    7、法错误的信函;写前要有指导,写后要有评语,必要时进行讲评。五、教学内容及学时分配1、教学内容及要求:Chapter 1 Part 1 .Aims & Requirements To enable S.S. to know about the nature, goal, and contents of the course To require S.S. to know about the significance of learning the course.ContentWhat is international business communication?Why should we le

    8、arn the course?How to learn the course?.Focus on & DifficultiesWays to finalize international tradeSequence of international trade .Exercises and Practice Part 2 To enable S.S. to know about the structure of the letter To require S.S. to master full blocked styleStudy the structure of the letterStud

    9、y the layout of the letterAddress the envelopeSalutation, the body of the letterFull-blocked style.Exercises and PracticeLesson 1 Seeking New CustomersTo enable S.S. to master the ways of seeking new customersTo require S.S. to grasp expressions of showing sources of informationTo enable students to

    10、 know the first step to do business.Contents:Introduction of this chapter;The analysis of the letter in the book and some useful expressions;Exercises in the book to make clear the channels of seeking new customers and grasp the points covered when writing to establish business relations.Review the

    11、sequence of international trade Discuss the ways of seeking new customersAnalyse the typical letterStudy the commonly used sentences Difficulties:Some useful sentence patterns and expressionsExercises in the book, especially the translation and writingWays of seeking new customersExpressions of show

    12、ing information sourcesLesson 2 Establishing Business RelationsI Aims &To enable S.S. to master important words and expressionsTo require S.S. to write a letter of seeking new customersBe familiar with the points covered when writing to establish business relationsThe linguistic characteristics of s

    13、uch type of letters. Grasp commonly used words, phrases and sentences.Try to make students recite what they have learnt in the class.1. Analyse the typical letter2. Discuss the writing ways of the letter of seeking new customers3. Some key points mentioned in the letter;4. Useful sentences both in t

    14、he book and from other materials;5. Exercises done both in the class and after class.6. Study the commonly used sentences;7. Discuss the exercises. Differences1. Writing points2. Expressions of seeking new customers 3. Language points and useful expressions;4. Some grammatical and practical points i

    15、n the exercises.5. The outline of E.B.R.6. Expressions of showing the desire for establishing business relationsLesson 3 Credit Enquiry from the Bank. Aims & Requirements:Learn how to get the needed credit information of other firms and what should be noted when writing this type of letters. Grasp c

    16、ommonly used words, phrases and sentences.Study of the letter in this lesson;Some useful sentences and expressions;Exercises according to the knowledge learnt in this lesson.Key words and sentences in the letter;The important sentence patterns and expression frequently used in the exercises.Lesson 4

    17、 A First InquiryTo enable S.S. to master the writing ways of a first inquiry;To require S.S. to identify a first inquiry from a specific inquiry. II Contents1. Introduce inquiry;2. Analyze the typical letter;3. Study the commonly used sentences.4. Learn how to get the needed credit information of ot

    18、her firms and what should be noted when writing this type of letters.5. Grasp commonly used words phrases and sentences.6. Study of the letter in this lesson;7. Exercises according to the knowledge learnt in this lesson.Key words and sentences in the letter: appreciate, terms, CIF.Summarize the outl

    19、ine of a first enquiryCompare the first enquiry with the specific enquiryLesson 5 A Specific EnquiriesHave a clear idea of the two kinds of enquiry. First one is first enquiry, and the second one is specific enquiry. Grasp the main order and useful sentences in each style of enquiry.Main idea of thi

    20、s letter.Study of useful sentences.Useful sentence patterns: ask sb for a quotation, at what price, on what terms, in what quantity. Translation from Chinese to English and writing a letter according to the Chinese meaning given in the book.Exercises and PracticerLesson 6 A firm offerTo enable S.S.

    21、to master the writing ways of a firm offer;To require S.S. to identify a firm offer from a non-firm offer.Ask students to grasp the definition of firm offer and useful expressions in it.Let them be familiar with the words and phrases and can make use of them quite conveniently when asked to write re

    22、lated information or writing.Review the relationship between enquiries and offers;Introduce offers;Analyze the typical letter;Study the commonly used sentences;Discuss the writing of a firm offer.Learning of the letter in the book, especially pay attention to the useful sentences and phrases illustr

    23、ated in the notes.Reciting the useful sentences in the book with a view to keep the sentence pattern in your mind.Doing exercises according to the knowledge we learned in this lesson. Do go through it again, and it also is better to do it again after class in order to enhance the ability to understa

    24、nd.III Focus on &Summarize the outline of a firm offerIdentify a firm offer from a non-firm offerNotes: subject to; on receipt of;Useful sentences: in reply to; we offer you firm; we have the pleasure of offering-Exercises: the offer is open (valid, good) within - Under separate cover, irrevocable L

    25、/C.Lesson 7 A Non-firm offerTo enable S.S. to master the writing ways of a non-firm offer;To require S.S. to know the characteristics of a non-firm offer.Ask students to recite the definition of non-firm offer and enable students to master the detailed information which is required to write a non-fi

    26、rm offer. Let students be familiar with the process and important phrases and sentence patterns in non-firm offer.Analyze the typical letter.Study the commonly used sentences.Study of the letter, including the content and notes.Study of the useful sentences.Exercises.Characteristics of a non-firm of

    27、fer.Sentences patterns:1. We wish to extend the sale of-2. We are in a position to offer-3. In reply to your letter-4. We shall be pleased to give this our earliest attention-Lesson 8 Asking for Proforma InvoiceEnable students to understand the meaning of proforma invoice in business world. And then

    28、 enhance their ability to write a business letter in order to get a proforma invoice. .ContentsThe meaning of proforma invoice;The study of the letter;Learning of the useful sentences;Doing exercises in the book.Please send your proforma invoice in duplicate (triplicate, quadruplicate).LC will be open in your favor.As the said license is approved-To enable them to apply for the necessary import license.Lesson 9 counter-offer& declining a counter-offerUnderstand t


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