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    1、Genera I requ i rements.Test procedures for textile fabr ics and fi ImOnly uncovered or exposed parts of wear i ng appare I to be test ed.Procedures for testing spec i a I types of text iIe fabr ics under the standard.AppIi cat i on of Act to particuI ar types of products.Reasonab Ie representative

    2、tests toc I ass i f i cation cr i teria.support guaranties.2008, uni ess otherwi se noted.VIEWSMa i ntenance of records by those furnishing guaranties.Shipments under section 11 (c) of the Act.Use of alternative apparatus, procedures, or cr iteria for tests for guaranty purposesSubpart CI nterpretat

    3、 i onsand PoliciesReasonab Ie andrepresentat i ve test i ng to assure comp Iianee with the standard for the clothi ng text i I es.FIGURE 1 TO PART 1610SKETCH OF FLAMMABILITY APPARATUSFIGURE 2 TO PART 1610FLAMMABILITY APPARATUSFIGURE 3 TO PART 1610SPECIMEN HOLDERSUPPORTED IN SPECIMEN RACKFIGURE 4 TO


    5、i ons1610部分一衣用纺织品易燃性标 准子部分A标准节. 目的、范围与适用性。 定狡 测试方法槪要 纺织品分级的要求 测试设备与材料 测试步骤 测试程序与分级标准 结果报告Def i n i t i onsTest procedures for textile fabr ics and fi Im.On I y uncovered or exposed parts of wear i ng appare I to be tested.Procedures for testing spec i a I types of text iIe fabr i cs under the standa

    6、rd.representative tests to support guaranties.Maintenanee of records bySh i pments under section 11 (c) of the Act.Subpart CInterpretat i onsReasonabIe andrepresentat i ve test i ng to assure comp Ii ance with the standard for the clothing text i I es.FIGURE 1 TO PART 1610SKETCHOF FLAMMABILITY APPAR

    7、ATUSFIGURE 2 TO PART 1610FLAMMABILITY APPARATUS VIEWSFIGURE 3 TO PARTFIGURE 5 TO PART 1610AN EXAMPLE OF A TYPI CAL GAS SHIELDFIGURE 9 TO PART 1610BRUSHING DEVICE 73 FR 15640, Mar. 25, 2008, unI ess otherwi se noted. 15 1191 - 12041610SPECIMENHOLDER初稿(Subpart A)修订(Subpart A)fIammab ility, sets forth

    8、thenot more than 14 i nches i nestabIi shes three cI asses of Purpose, scope and applicabiIity.(a)Purpose The purpose ofth i s standard i s to reduce danger of injury and loss of I ife by providing, on a national bas i s, standard methods of testing and rating the fIammabiIity of textiles and textil

    9、e products for clothing use, thereby prohibiting the use of any dangerousIy fIammabIeclothing texti les(b)Scope. The Standardprovides methods of testing the f I ammab i I i ty of c I oth i ng and texti les intended to be used for clothi ng,requ i rements wh ich text i Ies shalI meet to be classified

    10、, and warns aga inst the use of those textiles which have burn i ng character i st icsunsu itable for clothi ng.Hereafter, 4 clothing and textiles intended to be used for clothing shaI I be referred to astextiles.(c)Speci fic except ions. Th i s standard shaI I not appIy to:(1)Hats, prov i ded they

    11、do not constitute or form part of a cover i ng for the neck, face, or shou I ders whe n wor n by individuals;(2)GIoves, provided they are length and are not affixed to or do not form an i ntegra I part of another garment;(3)Footwear, provided it does not cons i st of hos i ery i n who I e or part an

    12、d i s not affixed to or does not form an integraI par t of another garment;(4)I nter I i n i ng fabr i cs, when intended or so I d for use as a Iayer between an outer she I I and an inner lining in wear i ng appareI(d)Spec i fi c exempt! ons. Exper i enee ga i ned from years of testing in accordanee

    13、 with the Standard demonstrates that certain fabr icscons i stent Iy yield acceptab Ie accordanee with the Standard. Therefore, persons and fi rms issuing an initial guaranty of any of the following types of fabr ics, or of products made entirely from one or more of these fabr ics, are exemptfrom an

    14、y requ i rement for test i ng to support guaranties of those fabr ics:(1)Plain surface fabr ics, regard I ess of fiber content, weighing ounces per square yard or more; and(2)Al I fabr ics, both plain surface and ra i sed-fiber surface textiles, regard I ess of we i ght, made ent irely from any of t

    15、he fol lowing fibers or entirely from comb i nation ofthe foI lowing f ibers:acryI ic,resuIts when tested i n标准modacryI ic, nylon, olef in, 子部分 ApoI yester,(a)目的o本标准的目的是通过 以国家为基础对用于服装的纺织 品及纺织产品易燃性标准测试及 评价方法的规定,从而防止一切 具有危险易燃性的服装用纺织品 的使用,以减少受伤风险及生命 损失。5)范围。本标准规定了拟用于 衣着的服装及纺织品易燃性的测 试方法,制定了易燃性的三个级 别,提出纺

    16、织品分级应符合的要 求,并对具有不宜用于衣着的易 燃特质的纺织品的使用作出了警 示。下文所提及“纺织品”均指“拟用于衣着的服装及纺织品”。(d)豁免o据多年按照标准进行测试的经验表明,对某些织物按照标准进行的测试一贯得到可接(1)帽子,当个人穿戴时不构成或 形成遮盖颈部、脸部或肩部的部 件。(2)手套,当长度不超过14英寸且 不附加于或构成另一衣物完整的 一部分时。(3)鞋类,当部分或全部不由针织 品构成且不附加于或构成另一衣 物完整的一部分时。(4)夹层织物,当作为处于衣服外 壳层及内里布的中间层使用或销 售时。下列任何类型的织物或完全由其 中一种或多种织物制成的产品作 出初始保证时,则可豁

    17、免任何测 试要求以支持这些织物的保证:(1)表面平整织物,不论所含纤维 种类,克重大于或等于2. 6 oz/yd 2的;以及(2)所有织物,包括表面平整纺织 品及表面起绒纺织品,不论重量, 完全由以下纤维或以下纤维混合 制成:睛纶,改性睛纶,锦纶, 烯怪,涤纶,羊毛。(e)Applicability. The requi rements of this part 1610 sha I I appIy to textile fabr ic or re I ated material in a form or state ready for use in an articIe of wear i

    18、ng appareI, i ncIud i ng garments andcostumes finished forconsumer use. DefinitionsI n add i t i on to the def i n i t i ons given in Section 2 of the FIammabIe Fabr i cs Act as amended (15 1191), thefoI Iowi ng def i n i t i ons app I y for this part 1610.(a) Base burn (a I so known as base fabr ic

    19、 ignit ion or fusing) means the point at which the f I ame burns the ground (base) fabr ic of a raised surface textile fabr i c and prov i des a seIf-susta i n i ng fIame Base bur ns, used to est ab I i sh a CI ass 3 fabr ic, are those burns resuIting from surface f I ash that occur on spec i me ns

    20、i n p I aces other than the point of imp ingement when the warp and f i I I yarns of a ra i sed surface textile fabr i cundergo combustion. Base bur ns can be i de nt if ied by an opac i ty change, scorch ing on the reverse side of the fabric, or when a physica I ho I e i s evident.(b)Burn time mean

    21、s the time eIapsed from ignition unt i 丨 the stop thread i s severed as measured by the timingmechan i sm of thetest thickness.apparatus.(c)Dry cleaning means the cIeaning of samp Ies i n a commercial dry cleaning machine under the conditions descr ibed in (d)Fi Im means any non-rigid,unsupported pI

    22、ast ic, rubber or other synthetic or natural film or sheeting, subject to the Act, or any comb i nation thereof, includingtransparent, transIucent, and opaque material, whether p I a in, embossed, mo Ided, or otherwi se surface treated, which is in a form or state ready for use in wear ing appareI,

    23、and shaI I i ncIude f i Im or sheeting of any(e)Flammabi/ty means thosecharacter istics of a material that pertain to its re I ative ease of i gn it ion and re I a tive ab iIity to sustaincombust i on.(f)Flame appl i cat ion time means the 1 second dur i ng which the ignition flame is app I i ed to

    24、the test spec i men.(g)Ignition means that there is a seIfsustaining fIame on the spec imen after the test fIame i s removed(h)Inter I ini ng means any textile which is intended for incorporation into an articIe of wear i ng appare I as a I ayer bet ween an outer she I I and ani nner I i n i ng. 适用性

    25、o 1610部分的要求应(i) Laundering means washing with an aqueous detergent so Iution and incIudes rinsing, extraction and tumbIe drying用于将用以供消费者使用的衣用 服装包括衣服与戏服的具有相应 形式或状态的纺织织物或相关材 料。 定义作为修订版可燃织物法案(15 门91)第二节中所给出定义的补 充,下列定义适用于1610部分。底布燃烧(亦即织物底布点 燃或熔化)指火焰在表面起毛纺 织织物底部处某点处点燃并产生 持续燃烧的火焰。底布燃烧用以 判断Class3分级织物,即由于表

    26、面起毛纺织织物试样的表面闪燃 造成非火焰击点处经纬纱点燃的 燃烧现象。底布燃烧可经由不传 导变化、织物反面烧焦或出现物理破洞来识别。燃烧时间指测试仪器的计时 器测得的从点燃直到停止线烧断 所经历的时间。(c)干洗指用商用干洗机根据 所述条件对试样的洗涤。(d)W 指受法案管制的一 切非刚性、无支撑的塑料、橡胶 或其他合成或天然的薄膜或覆盖 层或由上述材料混合构成包括 透明、半透明和不透明的材料, 无论是平面、浮饰、模塑或经表 面处理的,具有一定形式或状态 的可用于衣用服装,并应包括任 意厚度的薄膜或覆盖层。易燃性指材料具有的相对易 被点燃及相对能支持燃烧的特 性。(f)火焰作用时间指火源在试样

    27、 上所作用的1秒钟时间。(g)点燃指试样在测试火焰移除 后产生持续燃烧的火焰。(h)夹层指任何作为衣用服装中 外壳层与内里布之间的纺织品。e洗涤指用所述的洗涤剂 进行洗涤,包括清洗、脱水与甩 干 。as descr i bed i n cleaning and launder ing inaccordance with (j) Long dimension means the150 mm (6 in) length of test(n) Sample means a portion ofspecimen(k) P/a i n sur face text i lefabr ic means an

    28、y textile a lot of mat erial which i s taken for testing or for record keeping purposesfabr ic which does not have an(o) Specimen means a 50 mm byintentional Iy raised fiber or150 mm (2 in by 6 in) sectionyarn surface such as a pile,of samp I e.(m) Refurbishing means drycoated or uncoated materialna

    29、p, or tuft, but sha I I incIude those fabr ics that have fancy woven, knitted or fIock-pr i nted surfaces.(I)Raised surface textile fabric means any textile fabr ic with an intentionally raised fiber or yarn surface, such as a pile, including flocked pile, n ap, or tuft ing.(p) Stop thread supp Iy means No. 50, whi te,


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