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    1、实用英语综合教程第三册教案An Integrated Skills Course实用综合教程电子教案 管理学院 黄飞强Unit 1 Period 11. Teaching type : new lesson2. Teaching content : study of words and expressions, vocabulary check (B and C) 3. Teaching aims : A. Language focus B. Practice 4. Teaching important point: Language focus 5. Teaching difficult p

    2、oint: practice 6. Teaching methods: presentation and interaction 7. Teaching aids : blackboard and tape recorder 8. Teaching time : 909. Teaching procedures :Step 1- study of words and expressions in text A;Warm-up Discussion(10 minutes):What can we do on the Internet?(The students will probably hav

    3、e trouble with English expressions related to the Internet. The teacher may allow the students to answer this question in Chinese, and then give the students key terms in English and ask them to express their ideas again in English. Some useful words and expressions can be found in the books. Here a

    4、re some new words and expressions.Introduce new words on board: (20 minutes)instant:instant milk powder; instant noodlePhrase: the instant(that) 一就I told you the news the instant (that)I heard it. message:Will you take this message to her?Phrase: get the message 明白,领会She said it was getting late. I

    5、got the message and left.formal:She invited us to attend a formal dance.Antonym: informalYou can wear casual clothes because this is an informal party.typical:a typical teacher/businessperson/officialbill:a phone /electricity/water/gas billI cant pay for the books now. Will you bill me(for them)late

    6、r?mean:He was very mean to me.She is too mean to make a donation.The mean of 7,9 and 14 is 10.join:He joined the army last year.This road joins the two villages.Phrase: join in 参加They all joined in singing the Christmas carols.connect:Will you connect this wire to the television?The two cities are c

    7、onnected by a railway.right away:I want it printed out right away, please.keep in touch:lets keep in touch.We have been keeping in touch with each other after graduation.keep up with:She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.get in the way of:Im afraid your bike is getting in the way of my car.a

    8、t the expense of”He built up a successful business at the expense of his health.Step 2Practice: Vocabulary Check(B and C) (15 minutes)1) Give students 5 minutes to finish B and C by themselves, then check the answer. You may invite some students to read their answers, and ask them to translate C int

    9、o Chinese)2) The answer of C: coversational/form/connected/instant/worried/abbreviated/improvement/monitors10. Conclusion: Focus on practice and language points.11. Homework Exercises on page 12. Writing on the blackboard 1. Leading in 2. Practice 13. Assessment: Period 21. Teaching type : new lesso

    10、n2. Teaching content : Discussion and Comprehensive of Text A 3. Teaching aims : A. Language focus B. Practice 4. Teaching important point: Language focus 5. Teaching difficult point: practice 6. Teaching methods: presentation and interaction 7. Teaching aids : blackboard and tape recorder 8. Teachi

    11、ng time : 909. Teaching procedures :Step 1- Warm up(10 minutes)(invite some students to explain the meaning of the difficult sentences of the text A in English or in Chinese, teacher may give them some hints.)Step2- Language Points(20 minutes)1) Confused: This is an elliptical sentence. An elliptica

    12、l sentence often appears in speaking or informal writing when the context makes the meaning clear. More examples:Interesting? You wont find it interesting if you know whats going to happen next.2) Your dictionary wont help you, but our word list will: You cant find these words in your dictionary, bu

    13、t you can find them in our word list.but our word list will: This is an elliptical clause with repetitious elements omitted. The complete clause should be “but our list will help you”.3) I can express my feelings more easily with IM, without the guilty feeling of staying in face-to-face: I can expre

    14、ss my feelings more easily with instant messaging because I do not have a bad feeling when I employ angry words online while I will if I use them directly in front of another person.4) Many parents and teachers think childrens instant messaging habits are taking their attention away from more import

    15、ant things: many parents and teachers think that children should pay attention to more important things(such as their studies)but children with instant messaging habits are not doing so because they are too absorbed in instant messaging.5) Staying connected is fine, but an online friendship with a s

    16、tranger is not: it is good for children to keep in touch with friends, but it is not good for them to make friends with a stranger on the Internet.6) Many parents monitor instant messaging, either by limiting tome online or by keeping the computer in a common area: many parents keep close watch on t

    17、heir childrens instant messages. They do so by putting a limit on the time that the children could spend online or by keeping the computer in an area where all family members can go and take a look.7) instant messaging isnt getting in the way of real life:Instant messaging doesnt affect real life.8)

    18、 Even parents and teachers who dont like IM have to admit that at least children are writing: Even though some parents and teachers dont like IM, they have to admit the fact that at least children are writing when they use instant messaging.9) Is it at expense of proper English? Does the use of inst

    19、ant messaging affect the proper use of the English language among children?Step3- practice(15 minutes)Pair work(page 5-6)(Divide the students into groups. Appoint a leader for each group. Encourage the students to take turns speaking in the discussion. Invite some students to answer the questions )H

    20、ere are some answers:1) Sixty percent of children online.2) Instant messages are typed so fast that users dont slow down to change into capital letters, add punctuation, or write complete words.3) No. Sometimes children use it to show angry feelings.4) Monitor instant messaging either by limiting ti

    21、me online or by keeping the computer in a common area.5) Children would do nothing but play video games or watch television.Vocabulary Check A(Page 8)10. Conclusion: Focus on practice and language points.11. Homework Exercises on page 12. Writing on the blackboard 1. Leading in 2. Practice 13. Asses

    22、sment: Period 31. Teaching type : new lesson2. Teaching content : Grammar tips and Text B 3. Teaching aims : A. Language focus B. Practice 4. Teaching important point: Language focus 5. Teaching difficult point: practice 6. Teaching methods: presentation and interaction 7. Teaching aids : blackboard

    23、 and tape recorder 8. Teaching time : 909. Teaching procedures :Step 1- Grammar: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(Write some direct/indirect speech on the board. Ask students to change it. Here are some examples:) (Time:10 minutes)1) “language has always changed, and it always will,” says Baron.Bar

    24、on says that language has always changed and that it always will.2) They said, “We will spend next weekend at home.”They said that they would spend the next weekend at home.3) “Does he really mean it?” he asked.He asked whether/if he really meant it.4) “Why didnt you stop him?” he asked.He asked me

    25、why I hadnt stopped him.Explanation of grammar: (15 minutes)人称变化:主语为第一人称的直接引语,变间接引语时,人称要做相应调整,即:第一人称变第三人称,第二人称变第一人称时态变化:直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语的时态要与主句的时态一致。如果主句的谓语为现在时或将来时,引语中的时态不需要变化。但在多数情况下,主句的谓语是过去时,这时引语的时态要相应变化,与主句中的谓语保持一致。指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和动词的变化:(page:10)句式变化:1)陈述句变间接引语时,常用that连接。2)一般疑问句,选择疑问句,附加疑问句变间接引语时

    26、,用陈述语气,词if/whether.3)特殊疑问句变间接引语时用特殊疑问词做关联词引导。4)祈使句变间接引语时,多采用“名词(代词)不定式”结构,引述动词常用ask, tell, say, order等,如果直接引语中有please,应不这词去掉。Step 2- Text B1) (We use Text B as extensive reading. Firstly, give students 10 minutes to read the whole text, then finish the practice B on the page 15, check their answer.)

    27、( 10 minutes)2) Explain the following words and expressions of Text B3) (You should pay the following words in the context, help students to guess the meaning of it) (10 minutes)discuss/topic/technology/explain/cyberchat/analyze/information/scale/revolution/income/exist/announce/generous/local/donat

    28、e/put emphasis on/be under way/10. Conclusion: Focus on practice and language points.11. Homework Exercises on page 12. Writing on the blackboard 1. Leading in 2. Practice 13. Assessment: Period 41. Teaching type : new lesson2. Teaching content : Practice and Review/writing a Resume 3. Teaching aims

    29、 : A. Language focus B. Practice 4. Teaching important point: Language focus 5. Teaching difficult point: practice 6. Teaching methods: presentation and interaction 7. Teaching aids : blackboard and tape recorder 8. Teaching time : 909. Teaching procedures :Step 1- practice comprehensive exercises A

    30、 and B(page 15/16) (15 minutes)1) Teacher read the passage A(page 15), students fill in the blanks in the following passage according to what you have just heard.themselves/on their hands/at the expense/the World Wide Web/to monitor the time/chat rooms/when2) Ask students to finish B(page 16)C B B B

    31、 D B C CStep 2- practice C and D (page 16/17) (15 minutes)Invite 8 students to translate the following sentences.1) Did you ever use an online dictionary?2) A computer is made up of many different parts.3) The teachers should put emphasis on the importance of the Internet in their classes.4) The businessman donated 100 computers to the school.5) Im sorry, but this type of laptop is not available here.6) I write e-mails to keep in touch with my high school classmates.7) Information technology has changed our lives.8)


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