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    1、17.热衷于_ 【单词答案】1.penfriend 2.age 3.address 4.date 5.street 6.signature 7. magazine 8. hobby 9. chess 10.tennis 11.rugby 12.badminton 13. middle 14. around 15.greeting 16. restaurant 17. accountant 18. captain 19.engineer 20. grade 21.primary 22. friendly 23.difficult 24. dear 25. sky 26.future 27. sm

    2、all 28. reply 29.choose 30.handwriting 【短语答案】1.go swimming 2. go skiing 3.do exercise4.work as 5. in the middle 6. next to 7.on the right 8. on the left 9. in the world10.at school 11. in glasses 12. best wishes 13.in the future 14.be friendly to 15. be kind to 16.last for 17. be keen on 七年级上册第二单元1.

    3、商业_ 2.制服;校服_ 3. 一次_ 4. 两次_ 5.继续_ 6.洗_ 7.讨论_ 8.发现,找到_ 9.俱乐部_ 10. (位置,级别)最高的_11.活动_12. 门卫_ 13.通信员_ 14.牙医_ 15.经理_ 16.建筑_ 17.计算器_ 18.仔细的_ 19.危险地_ 20.诚实的_ 21.生气的_ 22.日常的,每日的_ 23.手指_ 24. 生物_ 25.丈夫_ 26. 妻子_ 27.意思是_ 28. 除之外 _29.摩托车_ 30.客户_ 31.生命,生活_ 32.最多,最大_ 33.做;使得_ 34.很可能,大概_ 1.写电脑游戏_ 2.穿上制服_3.去学校的路上_ 4.

    4、 每周两次_5.从事,忙于_ 6. 刷牙_7.上学_ 8.看电视_9.打乒乓球_ 10.骑摩托_11.弹钢琴_ 12. 玩电游_13.刷牙_ 14.洗脸_15.在早上_ 16.在下午_ 17.在晚上_ 18.当然_19.睡觉_20. 管理_21.独生子_ 22. 和某人住一起_23.做早餐_24.夫妻_25.十点差一刻_ 26. 十点过一刻_27.在周末_ 28. 从周一到周五_29.步行回家_ 30.找出,查明_31.优等生_ 32.日常生活_ 33.去慢跑_ 34. 迟到_ 35.照顾_1.business 2.uniform 3.once 4. twice 5.continue 6. w

    5、ash 7. discuss 8.find 9.club 10. top 11. activity 12.guard 13.massager 14.dentist 15.manager 16.construction 17.calculator 18.careful 19.dangerous 20.honest 21.angry 22.daily 23.finger 24.biology 25.husband 26.wife 27.mean 28.except 29.motorbike 30.client 31.life 32. most 33. make 34. probably1.writ

    6、e computer games 2.put on uniform 3.on the way to school 4.twice a week 5.work on 6.brush teeth 7.go to school 8.watch television/TV 9.play table tennis 10.ride a motorbike 11.play the piano 12.play computer games 13.brush ones teeth 14.wash face 15.in the morning 16.in the afternoon 17. in the even

    7、ing 18. of course 19.go to bed20. in charge of 21.the only child 22. live with sb 23.make breakfast 24. husband and wife 25.quarter to ten 26. quarter past ten 27.on weekend 28. on weekdays 29.walk home 30. find out 31.top student 32. daily life 33.go jogging 34. be late for 35.look after= take care

    8、 of 七年级上册第三单元1.处理_ 2.争论_ 3.渡船_ 4.偷_ 5.钱包_ 6. 跟随_ 7.匆忙_ 8.上(船、飞机等)_9.举报,报告_10.分钟_ 11.一旁_ 12.河,江_ 13.手铐_ 14.消防队_ 15.已经_ 16. 课题_ 17.到期_ 18.受伤_ 19.没有_ 20.手杖_ 21.内疚的_ 22.描写_ 23.小偷_ 24.到达_ 25.票_ 26.报纸_ 27.挤压_ 28.按钮_ 29.抬起_ 30. 在楼下_ 31. 抢劫_ 32. 邮递员_ 33.美味的_ 34.礼物_ 35. 直升机_ 36.大学_ 37.比较_ 38.想法_ 39.应该_ 40.谎言

    9、_ 41.归还_ 42.理由_ 43.重点,观点_ 44.时刻_ 45.可能的_ 46.偷窃_ 1.逃跑_ 2.报一宗盗窃案_ 3.戴着手铐_ 4.一边另一边_ 5.等待_ 6.干得好_ 7.从事_ 8.毫无疑问_ 9.下(车,飞机)_ 10.熬夜_ 11.生气_ 12.穿上_ 13.独自_ 14.听取,听_ 15.改变主意_ 16.撒谎_ 17.说实话_ 18.马上_ 19.在那个时候_20. 四处走_ 21.四处看_ 22.拿出_ 23.处理,解决_ 24.迅速_ 1.deal 2.argue 3.ferry 4.steal 5.purse 6.follow 7.hurry 8.aboar

    10、d 9.report 10.minute 11.side 12.river 13.handcuffs 14.fire service 15.already 16.project 17.due 18.hurt 19.without 20.walking stick 21.guilty 22.description 23.thief 24.arrive 25.ticket 26.newspaper 27.press 28.button 29. lift 30.downstairs 31.robbery 32.postman 33.delicious 34.present 35.helicopter

    11、 36.university pare 38.mind 39.ought to 40.lie 41.return 42.reason 43.point 44.moment 45.possible 46.theft1.run away 2. report a theft 3. in handcuffs 4.on one side. on the other side 5.wait for 6.well done 7.work on 8.without question9.get off 10.stay up late 11. be angry with 12.put on 13. on ones

    12、 own 14.listen to 15.change ones mind 16.tell a lie 17.tell the truth 18. right away 19.at that moment 20.walk around 21.look around 22. hold out 23. deal with 24. in a hurry 七年级上册第四单元1.星星_ 2.月亮_ 3.太阳_ 4.天空_ 5.行星_ 6.百_ 7.千_ 8.万_ 9.十万_ 10.百万_ 11.千万_ 12.亿_ 13.十亿_ 14.贵的_ 15.有趣的_ 16.特别的_ 17.独自地_ 18.更差的_

    13、 19.最差的_ 20.相信_ 21.得分_ 22.修理_ 23.折叠_ 24.收藏_ 25. (使仓促)行事_26.移动_ 27. 组,群,类_ 28.历史_ 29.页,张_ 30.纸_ 31.网_ 32.穿过_ 33. 另一个_ 34.例子_ 35.伞_ 36.虫子_ 37.底_ 38.方向_ 39.角落_1. 过去常常做某事_ 2.在过去_3.数以亿计_ 4.广交朋友_5. 能够_ 6.赶快_7.拍照片_ 8.立刻_9.全世界_ 10. 例如_ 11.看起来像_ 12.考虑到_ 13. 两半_ 14.除之外,还_ 1.star 2. moon 3. sun 4. sky 5.planet

    14、 6.hundred 7. thousand 8.ten thousand 9. hundred thousand10.million 11.ten million 12. hundred million 13.billion 14.expensive 15.interesting 16.special 17.alone 18.worse 19.worst 20. believe 21. score 22.mend 23. fold 24. collect 25.rush 26.move 27.group 28.history 29.page 30.paper 32. through 33.a

    15、nother 34.example 35.umbrella 36.worm 37.bottom 38.direction 39.corner1.used to do sth 2.in the past 3.billions of 4.make a lot of friends5.be able to 6. hurry up7.take photographs 8. in a second9.all over the world 10.for example 11.look like 12.think of 13.in half 14. as well as 七年级上册第五单元1. 恐龙_ 2.

    16、说法,陈述_ 3.卡通片,漫画_ 4.人物_ 5.动物_ 6.人_7.肉类_ 8.病_ 9.竹子_ 10.嫩芽_ 11.肩膀_ 12.石头_ 13.沙子_ 14.秘密_ 15.单词,字_ 16.专家_ 17.发现_ 18.平方_19.政府_ 20.花(钱)_ 21.愉快_ 22.能力,能量_ 23.法规_ 24.旅行,旅游_ 25.洞穴_ 26.比赛,竞赛_ 27.饿的_ 28. 圆形的_ 29.成年的_ 30.雌的,女性的_31.保护_ 32乡村_ 33.百万_ 34.覆盖_ 35.出售_ 36.温和的_ 37.古代的_ 38.神奇的_1. 查阅_ 2.灭绝,消失_ 3.得知,获悉_ 4.因

    17、.而著名_ 5. 例如_ 6. 一些_7.的数目_ 8.死于_ 9.对感兴趣_ 10.挖起,挖掘_ 11.找出答案_ 12. 同类的_ 13.因为_ 14.使.变成. _ 15.全世界范围内_ 16.既不是又不是. _ 17.对.有用处_ 18.知道,了解_ 19. 把 变成_ 20.至多有_21.生育_ 22.除 之外,还_ 23.越来越漂亮_ 24.长江_ 25.黄河_ 26.黄海_ 1.dinosaur 2.statement 3. cartoon 4.character 5.animal 6.human being 7.meat 8.disease 9. bamboo 10. shoot 11.shoulder 12.stone 13. sand 14.secret 15.word 16. expert 17.discovery 18.square 19.government 20.spend 21. pleasure 22.power 23.law 24.trip 2


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