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    1、后续课程三、教学对象分析 1、思想较为活跃,听课认真; 2、学生基础差,学习方法落后,自学能力有待提高; 3、缺乏吃苦精神等问题; 4、理论识记的积极性较弱,参与实践课程学习的积极性较弱;四、课程设计指导思想通过任务引领到的项目活动,使学生在听,说,读,写等方面掌握一定的基本技能,初步形成能用英语进行,日常交际和职业技术方面交流的能力,为今后就业和进一步学习英语打好基础五、课程设计1、课程目标设计1.1能力目标1. Let master the phonetics and spelling to pronounce words ,phrases and sentences correctly2

    2、. Let the student work in pairs to make the conversations by themselves 3. Ask questions and help the student to understand the main idea the lesson4. Listen records and improve the listening ability step by step,keep the sound symbol in mind1.2知识目标1. new words and expressions referring to each topi

    3、c .2. Difficulties words and sentence patterns of each topic3. Main structures of each topic;1).the simple future tense2).The object clause3).comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs4). The usage of it5).the present perfect tense6).passive voice7).relative clauses 8).adverbial c

    4、lause of time9).the infinitive and gerund10).the participle 1.3素质目标1. To improve the students reading abilities 2. To cooperate with other students in groups and arouse the students interests in learning English2.教学内容设计序号模块或项目名称1Unit 1-unit 3242Unit 4-unit 6183Unit 7-unit 1030合计723.能力训练项目设计编号能力训练项目名

    5、称拟实现的能力目标相关支撑知识训练方式手段及步骤项目成果1To understand the book ,2writing method and 1new words and expressions2sentences patterns referring to catch lessons3.the simple future tense4.The object clauseparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs Theory Group task 1Improve the students abilities of

    6、 reading 2 to be able to have a talk with other students 2sentences patterns referring to catch lessons 3the usage of it 4the present perfect tense 5passive voice 1Show&talk2ask &answer 3explannation 4listen5into groups Make dialogues1to be able to write a letter 2to make a dialogues 3.relative clau

    7、ses 4.adverbial clause of time5.the infinitive and gerund6.the participle 1theory 2read3talk4practicing Dialogues and writing 4第一次课设计梗概Teaching procedures一:课程基本情况介绍(学习目标、项目设置、学习方法、参考资料、学习要求、考核体系等) 10分钟Teaching procedures二:lead in: 10分钟 Unit one English learning1.How to learn English well? How many t

    8、ips do you know?-Magic box: learn English, listen to English every day, sing English songs, speak English, chant in English.Show a picture on the Bb and teach it, then ask:T: What does“learn English” mean?S1: It means“学英语”. Good. What does“learn English well” mean?S2:It means“英语学得好”. Wonderful! How

    9、to learn English well, do you know? What good“ tips” do you have? Who can tell me?S3: Listen to English,etc. Anything else? Now look, here are some“tips” for you, please read after me, then stick the cards on the Bb, say and do, do and say. Listen to English Speak English Sing English songs Tips: Wr

    10、ite English well every day. Read English every week Chant in English every month Act in English every year Play games in English Teaching procedures三:Section A PRONUNCIATION 10分钟 1.LISTENing2.PRACTISE:P2Teaching procedures四 :SECTION B LISTENING AND SPEAKING 30分钟(一).NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSSTUDY NEW

    11、 WORD AND EXPRESSIONS1.Hear 2.Be good at 3.Will you?4.do somebody a fever5. how about 6. what about7.learn8.the same with 9some times 10.the more .the more Teaching procedures四:conclusion 4分钟(1).Presentation of the vocabulary:grammar ,Listening , pronunciation , reading , speaking , vocabulary , wri

    12、ting . say : Weve learned English for some years , now we know English Learning should include Grammar , listening , .(help the students to say the words above ) (2) During our study of English what we often do ? (use one word , please . ) (help the students say : answer , ask , check ,.)Teach new w

    13、ords: complete, copy, number, repeat, translate, underline, etc. 2、Match the words.Teaching proceduresfive:homework 1分钟1.RECITE THE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,COPY 3 TIMES EVERY WORD.2.见书本P9练习1考核方案设计 1、考核要求过程性考核70%+终结性考核30%=100%过程性考核(70%):学习态度、出勤情况(5%)+课堂发言、讨论情况(10%)+参加社会实践证据及体会(5%)+课堂作业(30%)+综合练习(20%)终结

    14、性考核(30%): 学习成果展示报告(WORD或PPT) 2、评价标准学习态度、出勤情况(5%):采取灵活的考勤方式、并记录于教师教学活动课堂发言、讨论情况(10%):发言的主动性及回答的质量参加社会实践证据及体会(5%):从搜集信息的数量和质量角度考核课堂作业(30%):平时布置的书面作业能否独立、按时、高质量完成、课堂训练要求完成的资料能否按时完成。综合练习(20%):要求按时完成每项练习,从练习完成质量考核成果展示报告(30%):报告要求独立完成,中心突出、条理分明,语言通顺,字迹清楚,要求字数最少1200个。七、教材及参考资料教材:中职英语基础模块 下册 石花娥著 华中师范大学出版社参考资料1、教学参考书中职英语基础模块教学参考书 八、其它说明


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