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    2、mpartial不偏袒的,apathetic漠不关心的等。听力完型和翻译都经常考察的270个词组或单词get accustomed to, adapt to,be addicted to,Out of rangeOut of reachOut of workPay offLay offConfess ones crimePersuasivePersuade sb doing sthKeep pace withbe absorbed in,or one thingfor another,make no sense,cripple the economy,gloom and doom,be con

    3、cerned about,convergent thinking and divergent thing,stay the course,stick it out,stand out,with no regard,take a gulp,sweep under the carpet,ever-lasting peace,in peace with,keep pace with,shift the blame onto sb,be awaken to,be aware of,up and down,cause-and-effect,tear down,tear up,view from ones

    4、 perspective,purely in economic terms,in terms of,regardless of,instead of,fade away,date back to,day by day,ironically,general speaking,frankly,fluently,frequently,come up with,come out,stay the night,turn down,cling to,get rid of,along with,take shelters,dance to the music,on my part,with great pa

    5、ssion,drive sb crazy,be crazy about,flood in1, live in the realm of nature 2,tend to3,in fear of4, be concerned with 5, convert into 6,compel to 7,depend on 8, for ones sake of 9,be hostile to sb10,regard as11,show signs of 12,slow down13,reside in14, lose out15,come by16,be tied to17,off limits18,c

    6、all upon19,take over20,tale over21,take office22,keep time22,keep pace with23. lay down24. ,lead to25. Leave off doing 26. Let alone27. Lie in28. Light up29. Look forward to30. Look up to31. Lose confidence in 32. Major in33. Be engaged in34. Make sure of35. Make up36. Make fool of37. Make fun of38.

    7、 Make a point of doing39. Make the most of40. Mean every word of it41. Move in42. No doubt43. No wonder44. No smoking45. No sooner than 46. Sooner or later47. No way48. Nursing home49. On the way to doing 50. Open doors to 51. Opt for52. Pass away53. Have a strong passion for54. Pay off55. In debt56

    8、. Plead for57. Point out58. Put together59. Respond to60. Right away61. Sales tax62. Cash register63. Set the stage for 64. Shut off65. Station wagon66. Stay up67. Straight up68. Sum up69. Sure enough70. For certain71. Good or ill72. Switch off73. Take/catch somebody by surprise74. Take down75. Take

    9、 on76. Take pains to do77. Throw a party78. To begin with79. To ones surprise80. Track and filed81. Translate into82. Turn into83. Turn out84. Under pressure85. Weigh on86. Item by item87. White lie88. Wipe down89. Wishful thinking90. Reference to91. Relate to92. An act of rebellion93. Head off94. L

    10、ost in deep thought95. Exert a negative effect on96. Race by97. A likelier explanation98. One quick motion99. Set out for100. Make the rounds101. Lay a good foundation of102. Show signs of103. Spare no effort to do104. In a respective way105. Make efforts106. In vain107. A long term practice108. Hav

    11、e a difficulty in doing109. Search for110. Make a research 111. Get on well with 112. Get along well with113. In terms of114. On behalf of115. It is obvious that116. As long as117. As far as i am concerned118. Be concerned about119. Be satisfied with120. Be bound to121. Be adequate in122. Be absorbe

    12、d in123. Whats more124. Hence125. Therefore126. Whereas127. Thus128. Nevertheless129. Now that130. I swear that131. I swear to god132. In accordance with133. There was a time134. I firmly believed that135. It is obvious that136. Obviously137. No wonder138. Wander off139. Take a look 140. Derive from

    13、141. Pay attention142. In collaboration with143. Cooperate with144. Cope with145. Deal with146. Attain a good result147. A strong growth of148. Make a profit149. In collapse150. In conflict with151. Come to terms with152. Team work is quiet crucial153. Be crucial to154. Take into account155. Take in

    14、to consideration156. Account for157. In turn158. In return159. To such an extent that160. Go to extremes161. In regard162. Regardless of163. Regard of164. Be ignored165. Feel ignorant166. Be passionate167. Be energetic168. Be compassionate169. Show no mercy on170. Sympathy171. Show no sympathy on172

    15、. Be mean to173. Be generous with174. Take part in175. Participate in176. Tear apart177. Tear down178. Tear into pieces179. Make a big difference180. Make no difference181. Make a huge contribution to182. Be harmful to183. In detail184. In brief185. In grief186. Happiness and sorrow187. Facial expre

    16、ssion188. Impressive expression189. Combination190. Be composed of191. Consist of 192. Make up of193. be fatal to194. Be vital to195. Open our horizons196. Broaden our horizons197. speak ill of198. For good or ill199. Be content with200. To be frank201. To be honest202. To be accurate203. Tell the t

    17、ruth204. Attach to 205. Get rid of 206. AttributeAttribute to207. With courage and faith208. Have faith in209. The other side of the coin210. Be involved in211. Fragile212. Board of directors213. Throw out214. Attempt to215. Find an excuse216. Coincide with217. Sexual relationship218. Previously219.

    18、 Audience220. As soon as 221. Hang on222. What a pity223. For certain224. For sure225. Exhausted226. Phenomenon227. Starvation228. Miracle229. Miraculous230. Ridiculous231. In other words232. Subdued233. Disciplined234. Fail to235. Prominence236. Ominous237. Care free life238. Be faced with239. Get

    19、ones teeth into240. Put heart into241. Be lost in242. Think back243. Symbolize244. A bunch of flower245. Nasty246. Look into247. Have a look at248. Be fantastic249. Go in for250. Be stuck with251.Keep up with252. Catch up with253. Come up with 提出254. End up with 以告终255. Put up with 忍受256. Make up fo

    20、r 补偿/填补257. Live up to 不辜负258. Turn up 出现259. Turn down 减少、拒绝260. Turn over 翻转261. Turn in 上缴262. Have access to sth263. Be used to doing sth264. Look forward to doing sth/sth265. Get down to sth.266. Lead to/contribute to/attribute to267. Be superior to268. Be inferior to269. Be senior to270. Be ju

    21、nior to作文常用句型 、 开头 Its well known to us that. Recently,. has been brought to popular attention/has become the focus of public concern. One of the universal issues we are faced with / that cause increasing concern is that. Peoples view/opinions /ideas on . vary from person to person.Some people think

    22、 that . they hold this opinion because. However,others hold that.2、主要论述方法 A is to B what C is to D According to ., but there is no evidence whatsoever to show. The example cited,while suggestive of these trends,is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe that the dat

    23、a drawn form. is representative of. As it stands, this argument suffers from three critical flaws. 3、结尾 In my opinion,it is more advisable to do . than to do Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that. It is time to take the advice of . and to put special emp

    24、hasis on the improvement of. We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with It is high time that we put an end to. Otherwise,. 开篇句1) Recently, sth./the problem of.has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern. A(e.g. Recently, the problem of unemployme

    25、nt has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.)2) One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that.(e.g. One of the universal issues that draw (cause) growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.)3) It is a traditional practice to.in our society. (e.g. It is a traditional practice for young people to be financially dependent on their parents for anything like marriage and housing.)4) When it comes to. (sth.), most people (the publi


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