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    1、在另外一个国家,与其他大学教师交谈时我通常不使用抽象的语言,并且尽量不重读每个词。相反,我的目标是用简单明了的语言,以便别人能吸收我说的话。这并不是件易事,因为我喜欢滥用语言并总是试图尽自己最大努力最大限度地使用语言。不过,我想一个人在海外时不妨让自己沉溺于新的体验,只要不过于放纵而损于修养。还有人劝我改掉浓重的口音,而我离开本国的外出期可能会加快这个改变。同时,我还要想办法使用四级词汇,要用具体而不是抽象的方式,这样读者就可以从书中摘取最适合自己的信息,从而对自己掌握英语的能力树力绝对的信心。胡敏读故事记单词大学英语四级词汇(A字头) acceptance accuse Mrs. Black

    2、 has a savings account with a nearby bank, and recently she started to receive statements not in accordance with her books. According to one notice, it said that she owed the bank $200,200. Are they really expecting my acceptance of this? she thought. So, accompanied by Mr. Black she marched into th

    3、e bank the next morning. After hearing her story the accountant behind the counter explained that there has been an accidental miscounting. But this is not the first time. The book keeping has never been in accord with reality! Mrs. Black argued, and she insisted on withdrawing all her money. Howeve

    4、r, she was told that the computer is down and she couldnt even access her money! By this time there were quite a few people standing in the access to the counter. They heard the conversation and of their own accord all took a stand in support of Mrs. Black. With one accord, they all accused the bank

    5、 of not being accurate with their bookkeeping and insisted that measures be taken accordingly to achieve accuracy. As the number of customers accumulated, the Board members met and were in accordance that inaccuracy couldnt be accepted and sent for the manager from his office accommodation to accoun

    6、t for the mistakes. Dissatisfied with the fact that the manager failed to accomplish his duty and achieve accuracy in his performance, the Board reached an accord and fired the manager. They also accorded Mrs. Black favored Customer of the month. 布莱克夫人在附近一家银行有一个储蓄帐户,最近她开始收到与她帐目不相符的通知单。按一张通知单所说,她欠这家银


    8、事会达成一致意见,解雇了经理,并给予布莱克夫人当月最惠顾客待遇。胡敏读故事记单词大学英语四级词汇(A字头)accustomed admission A young acquaintance of mine is not accustomed to achievement In fact, in the administration of his duties as trainee lion tamer, he is not usually considered adequate and often has to acknowledge the acid remarks of his fathe

    9、r, the head lion tamer, for his lack of action. His father often uses the adjective sleepy to describe the lack of activity of both him and the lions. In addition, he has been told adjust his attitudes and acquire a greater sense of showmanship if he wishes to gain admission to the main ring in the

    10、circus tent. His need is acute, because acquisition of performing skills would be an addition to his natural ability to communicate with lions, and enable him to step into the main ring when his father is out of action. In addition to this, even though he is only 3 years old and gets very tired foll

    11、owing the lions around their one acre park, he is already famous as a lion tamer because he appears in an ad for the circus, and is even being sought by a manufactruer to promote acid adapted specially for use in animal food. 我有一个年纪不大的熟人,他还不太习惯于成就一类东西。事实上,在执行他作为见习驯狮员的职责时,他常常被认为不是太胜任,而且常常不得不承认他父亲,也就是

    12、首席驯狮员的尖刻评价,因为他没有行动。他父亲常用懒洋洋这个形容词来形容他和狮子,因为他们都没有活力。此外,他被告之要调整态度以学到更多的演员风范,如果他还打算被准许进入马戏篷中心场地表演的话。对此他的愿望挺强烈,因为学会表演技巧是他天生能与狮子沟通的本领之外增加的又一个优势,这能使他在父亲不能工作的时候踏进中心场地表演。除此之外,虽然他还只有3岁,跟着狮子绕了一圈方圆一英亩的场地之后总是累得够呛,他已经是一个很有名的驯狮员了,因为他为马戏团做了一个广告,现在甚至还有一个厂家找他帮助推销酸性物质,一种特别适合作动物饲料的产品。转贴于:24EN.COM第9页 adopt airline James

    13、 walked out of the travel agency and looked very angry. He had decided to take a trip around the world and planned to take Jimmy, his dog, with him. But the travel agent refused to write a ticket for Jimmy, because pets were not allowed to board the aircraft. Although they called afterwards to say t

    14、hey were sorry-even using the adverb terribly-James was still very upset. He had adopted Jimmy before Jimmy was an adult, and the affection between them was very strong. Since seeking aid from the airline wasnt advisable, James advertised in the newspaper for a nanny to take care of Jimmy during his

    15、 absence. Many people replied to the advertisement, but James was very cautious because he didnt want to be taken advantage of. An aggressive young man caught James attention; he had graduated from an advanced nursing school, and called himself an advocate of animal rights. This is a big advantage,

    16、thought James. He then dropped the agenda he was preparing for the next days meeting and took Jimmy to meet the young man. $nbsp$nbsp$nbsp$nbspJimmy was an old dog, and his hair was a mix of all colors: a bit gray, a bit brown and a bit black, and he was almost deaf too, so he always wore his hearin

    17、g aid. Luckily, it didnt affect Jimmys activity. You know what happened when the young man who advocated himself as an animal lover saw Jimmy?He refused to look after Jimmy and said a surgical operation would be to advantage for both of them!詹姆斯从旅行社走出来,看上去很生气。他决定作一次环球旅行并打算带上他的狗吉米一起去。可是旅行社的代理人拒绝给吉米出票


    19、了,所以总是带着助听器。好在这对吉米的活动能力并没有影响。你知道这个宣扬自己是动物爱好者的年轻人见了吉米是什么反应吗?他拒绝照看吉米,并说给吉米做整容手术将对他们两个都有利。第13页 amount apology I once knew a woman who had a grandmother. Apart from that, she was always as busy as an ant, trying to angle for buyers to take her grandmothers unwanted goods for a large amount of money. Onc

    20、e, when I was reading a college annual, she came to my apartment to pay a visit because she wanted me to buy an anchor as a wedding anniversary gift for my wife! She said it was an antique that her grandmother got from her ancestors. I took a quick look at it; it was old, even ancient, perhaps. Anyh

    21、ow, it was certainly no more antique than her grandmother, so I said no. She was that sort of person, anyway; what you said amounted to nothing. She then tried to show me the ugly thing from different angles while we stood apart. At that point, her behavior reminded me of someone who might be anchor

    22、ing a shopping program on television trying to angle the exhibit towards the camera. However, it fell over, hurting my ankle badly, What annoyed me most was that she was so amused, and burst into laughter. So I refused to invite her to my annual Valentines Day party, and anticipated that I wouldnt s

    23、ee her again. She must have wondered with anxiety and started to analyze the whole thing. I wasnt surprised when she announced that according to her analyses I owed her an apology. 我以前认识一个女人,她有一位祖母。除此之外,她还总像蚂蚁一样忙碌,四处猎取买主好以大价钱卖掉她祖母不要的东西。一次我正在看大学年报,她到我的公寓来拜访我,想让我买一个锚送给我太太当作结婚周年纪念日的礼物!她说这东西是古董,是她祖母的祖先传


    25、语四级词汇(7) 发布时间:2006-05-27 胡敏读故事记单词大学英语四级词汇(A字头)第15页apparent approximate To appeal to an employer, the applicant decided to apply in person, rather than wait to be offered an appointment. She didnt appreciate that her sudden appearance might not be appreciated. The employer was in the appliance indust

    26、ry. He didnt approve of her approach and said that if he was going to appoint anybody, there must be a written application. He said he needed to decied whether an interview would be applicable and if so, he could then make an approximate time to see her. He added that she could not expect to appropr

    27、iate his time or approximate his staff in the way she did . The staff immediately broke into loud applause. They thought this would be a way to gain his approval, because the employer had a huge appetite for new experiences. They didnt expect that he also had na apparent dislike of not being in cont

    28、rol. To all appearances it seemed that no appeal would be possible now, to have the employer approach this situation in her favor. However, he then said that because she had appropriate experience, he would give her a job on approval for 2 weeks. 为了使自己更有吸引力,一位申请人决定亲自前往申请工作,而不是坐等约定见面。她没有意识到她的突然出现可能不被赏识。雇主从事的是器具行业。他不赞成她的方式并告诉她如果他打算任命某人,必须先有书面申请。他说他需要先确定安排面试看是否合适,如果是,他会定一个大概的时候与她见面。他还补充说她不能指望能够侵占他的时候


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