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    1、走向高考高考英语一轮总复习第三部分Modules综合技能测试外研版必修必修五Modules 46综合技能测试本卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分130分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题共95分)第一部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(2013温州二模)Tom pretended _ it, but, in fact, he knew it very well.Anot to listen to Bnot to hear aboutCnot to have he

    2、ard about Dto be not listening to 答案:Cpretend to do sth.意为“假装做某事”,不定式的否定式应在to前加not,可排除D项;listen to意为“听”,hear about意为“听说”,根据后面的句意判断不能用listen to,而应用hear about的完成式,表示“听说过”。2(2013湖南十二校二次联考)_ the satellite launch drawing near, the research workers put their heart to the test and always stayed up late.AAs

    3、 BBecauseCWith DWhile答案:C空后面没有构成句子结构,而四个选项中只有C项是介词,所以应选with构成复合结构作时间状语,表示“随着发射的临近”。3. (2013西安五校模拟)Do you know how many parts this machine _?Aconsists in Bconsists ofCis consisted of Dconsists with答案:Bconsist of意为“由组成”,无被动语态和进行时态;consist in意为“在于,取决于”;consist with“符合,与一致。”由句意可知B项正确。4(2013衡阳一模)Why did

    4、Bob weep?He couldnt bear _ like that before the whole class.Amaking fun of Bbeing made fun ofCto be laughed at Dbeing made fun答案:Bcouldnt bear后面应接动名词形式,表示“无法忍受做某事”,可排除C项;从句意看,他无法忍受的是“被嘲笑”,所以应选表示被动意义的B项。5(2013郑州一模)There is no need _, for the clock says we have about ten minutes to go.Oh, dont be fool

    5、ish. The clock on the wall is five minutes _. Dont you know?Ato rush; later Bto worry; laterCworrying; lately Dto rush; late答案:D该题考查There is no need to do sth. 句式,可先排除C项。later意为“以后,随后”;lately意为“最近;近来”;late意为“迟,晚;迟于通常时间”。答语句意为:哦,别傻了。墙上的表慢五分钟,你不知道吗?6(2013石家庄一模)_ more effectively with others, more and

    6、more people equip themselves with higher education.ATo compete BBeing competedCCompeting DCompeted答案:Acompete意为“竞争”,为不及物动词,可排除表示被动的B、D项;根据句意判断,此处应用不定式作目的状语,表示越来越多的人用高等教育武装自己的目的。7How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night?_. But the conductor was perfect.AI couldnt agree more

    7、BI dont think much of itCI was crazy about itDI really like it答案:B句意:“你认为昨天晚上在北京大剧院的音乐会怎么样?我认为不怎样。但是音乐指挥很棒。”8(2013南通名校联考)Hes fond of travelling, so theres a slight chance _ youll find him at home.Athat BwhichCwhat Dthis答案:Athere is a slim/slight chance that.表示“可能性不大;不大可能”,其中that引导同位语从句。9(2013潍坊质量检测)

    8、I have bought a good book, _ that will surely interest _ of the students.Aone;everyone Bthe one;everyoneCone;every one Dthe one;every one答案:C第一个空应用one作同位语,泛指“一本书”;第二个空应用every one, everyone后面不能接of介词短语。10(2013成都二诊)It is for this reason _ the clear sky over the mountain appears blue.Aso BwhyCthat Dbeca

    9、use答案:C这是一个强调句型,强调的是状语for this reason。11(2013石家庄二检)We can congratulate ourselves on being smarter than our technologies, but _, technology is biting us back.Ameanwhile BhoweverCtherefore Dseldom答案:A考查副词。meanwhile意为“与此同时”;however意为“然而”;therefore意为“因此”;seldom意为“很少”。句意:我们为人脑比人类发明的技术高明感到自豪,但是同时,我们发明的技术也

    10、在束缚我们的进步。故选A项。12(2013长沙模拟)Do you know Lily has gone to London?Oh._ I havent seen her these days.ANo doubt BNo wonderCNaturally DOf course答案:BA项意为“毫不怀疑”;B项意为“怪不得;难怪”;C项意为“自然地”;D项意为“当然”。根据句意应选B项。13(2013南京二模)All people _ with the case will be questioned by the police.Aconcerning BconcernedCconcern Dto

    11、concern答案:Bbe concerned with意为“与有关”。句中的concerned with.作后置定语,相当于who are concerned with the case。14(2013江西七校联考)Some wild species are being_ from _.Aprotected;dying down Bpreventing;dying outCprotected;dying out Dprevented;dying down答案:Cprevent. from意为“阻止做”,protect.from/against.意为“保护不受(伤害);使免受”,根据句意判断应

    12、排除B、D项;die down意为“变弱”,die out意为“灭绝;消亡”,所以答案为C项。15(2013皖南八校二联)The people in the south of China mainly _ rice.Afeed on Blive byClive on Dlive through答案:Clive on“(人)以为主食”。feed on“(动物)以为食”;live by“以方式谋生”;live through“渡过难关”。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。(2013江

    13、苏四市检测)Who do you think came up with the idea for the Paralympics(残奥会)? The man who organized the sporting events which became the Paralympic Games _16_ was a doctor, Ludwig Guttmann.In his teens, Ludwig Guttmann was interested in medicine and worked as a _17_ in a hospital. Then he _18_ from medical

    14、 school and became a doctor when he was 25 years old.Ludwig Guttmann _19_ a successful career for the next few years._20_, because Ludwig Guttmann and his family were Jews, life in Germany was becoming very _21_ for them. In 1938 Ludwig Guttmann _22_ to the UK with his family where he continued his

    15、research _23_ the best way to treat patients.The Second World War was going on and there were a lot of soldiers _24_ in the fighting. Often they _25_ the use of their legs and needed _26_ and help. The disabled soldiers were often _27_ and angry for they couldnt really live a normal life. Ludwig Gut

    16、tmann used his new _28_ to look after their injuries and he also tried to give them emotional strength.Ludwig Guttmann _29_ taking part in sports could help a persons body as well as his mind and began to use _30_ as a treatment to help his patients. He wanted to give them back their selfrespect and

    17、 dignity and _31_ them to take part in sports.In 1948 the hospital held a sporting event called “The International Wheelchair Games”. By 1952 the event began to _32_ bigger with disabled athletes from other countries attending. By 1960 the games were called the International Stoke Mandeville Games a

    18、nd they were held in Rome alongside the _33_ Summer Olympics. By 1968 there were 750 athletes from 29 different countries. Ludwig Guttmann himself died in 1980, even _34_ the games were called “Paralympics” , but there is no _35_ that he is the founder and father of the Paralympic Games. Its thanks

    19、to his hard work that we are all able to enjoy the Paralympics.Ludwig Guttmann是一位医生,也是残奥会的创始人。16A.hurriedly BeventuallyCtemporarily Dcompulsorily答案:B 这个组织了体育赛事并最终(eventually)发展成残奥会的人是一名医生。17A.doctor BstewardCvolunteer Ddirector答案:C十几岁时他就对医学感兴趣,并在一家医院做了志愿者(volunteer)。18A.exited BbenefitedCsuffered Dg

    20、raduated答案:D25岁时,他从医学院毕业,成为了一名医生。graduate“毕业”。19A.enjoyed BacceptedCdesigned Dexplored答案:A接下来几年里他的事业很成功。enjoy“拥有,享有”。20A.But BHoweverCTherefore DOtherwise答案:B然而(However),由于他和他的家人是犹太人,他们在德国的生活变得非常艰难(difficult)。21A.ambiguous BdifficultCapparent Ddiverse答案:B参见上题解析。22A.moved BpouredCsubmitted Dflooded答案

    21、:A1938年他和家人搬(moved)到英国。23A.of BoverCabout Dinto答案:Dresearch into“对的研究”,为固定搭配。24A.dying BsacrificingCwounded Ddestroyed答案:C二战期间,有很多士兵在战争中受伤(wounded)。25A.made BlostCreduced Dlacked答案:B通常,他们的腿不能走路需要治疗(treatment)和帮助。26A.treatment BmovementCdevelopment Dachievement答案:A参见上题解析。27A.exhausted BchallengedCdep

    22、ressed Dastonished答案:C残疾士兵由于不能过正常的生活而感到压抑(depressed)和生气。28A.materials BexperimentsCmodels Dmethods答案:D他用他的新方法(methods)照顾伤员,而且尽力给他们情感上的力量。29A.knew BdeniedCallowed Dapproved答案:A他知道(knew)参加体育运动不仅有益于一个人的身体,而且有益于他的心灵。30A.music BmedicineCsports Dparties答案:C他开始用体育运动(sports)这种方式治疗他的病人。29空后的“taking part in s

    23、ports”是线索提示。31A.forced BencouragedCallowed Ddrove答案:B他想让他的病人找回自尊和尊严,并且鼓励(encouraged)他们参加体育运动。32A.seem BgoCrun Dget答案:D到1952年时,国际轮椅比赛规模开始变大。get“变成”,符合语境。33A.yearly BlocalCindependent Dofficial答案:D到1960年这项赛事和夏季奥林匹克运动会一样成为官方的(official)赛事。34A.before BafterCuntil Dsince答案:A他于1980年去世,甚至在此项运动被命名为残奥会之前(befo

    24、re)。35A.evidence BwonderCdoubt Dproblem答案:C毫无疑问他是残奥会的创始人。there is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”。第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2013衡水质量检测)Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates

    25、, as well as pressure to win can create too much anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable. The ear

    26、ly years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches

    27、 and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents and coaches criticisms to heart and find a fault in themselves. Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not becom

    28、e work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In todays youth sport setting young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents an

    29、d coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngsters performances. Positive support should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive support motivates (激发) and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again,criticism can create high levels of stress, wh

    30、ich can lead to burnout.36An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is _.Ato make sports less competitiveBto increase their sense of successCto reduce their mental stressDto make sports more challenging答案:C根据第一段“Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout.”可知,stress(紧张,压力)会导致burnout(激情耗尽,撒手不干),所以阻止这种现象发生的有效方法就是减少他们的思想压力。37According to the passage, sport is positive f


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