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    补充听力六 补充听力十文本文档格式.docx

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    补充听力六 补充听力十文本文档格式.docx

    1、 C He often fills the kitchen with tomatoes and chocolate. D He doesnt like to prepare food for the club members. 15. A Call a taxi for the woman. B Ride a horse with the woman. C Go to the bus station himself. D Drive the woman to the train station.16. A She wants the man to stay home all his life.

    2、 B She doesnt want to keep the man at home. C She suggests that the man stay at home. D She thinks that the man must lead his own life.17. A The hotdog stand has nothing to do with the accident. B Move the school farther away. C Students should not buy hotdogs any more. D Move the hotdog stand farth

    3、er away.18. A He didnt clean his room. B He studied for the test too late. C He couldnt find anything in his room. D He didnt clean the kitchen.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A She saw students protesting last week. B One of her roommates told her about it.

    4、C She attended one of its meetings before. D She read about it in the newspaper.20. A To raise more fund for the group. B To preserve some open spaces on campus. C To secure more parking lots for the students. D To protect the Swing Hall.21. A She has a class to attend. B She has an important meetin

    5、g with the school administrators. C She is against the mans plan. D She will have a picnic with her friends.22. A Make a donation to support the group. B Help the man organize the rally. C Sign a petition. D Take advantage of the student parking lot.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation y

    6、ou have just heard.23. A Sightseeing. B Lying on the beach. C Taking photos of the beaches. D Scuba diving. 24. A Biology. B Photography. C Swimming. D Painting. 25. A Large green jellyfish. B Different floating plants. C Oceanic snails. D Sunken treasure.Section BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are b

    7、ased on the passage you have just heard.26. A His work in the church. B Being a star in the NBA. C Being a student of medicine. D His willingness to help the needy.27. A Its helpful to his personal development. B Its a way of showing his respect to the NBA. C Its something he should do for his homel

    8、and. D Its a chance for his friends to share his money.28. A Sell childrens music and art work. B Make videos to help protect children. C Produce safety equipment for children. D Look for missing and exploited children.29. A He helped a man get across the rails. B He stopped a man from destroying th

    9、e rails. C He protected two little girls from getting hurt. D He saved a person without considering his own safety.Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30. A To celebrate Queen Elizabeths birthday. B To show respect for Queen Elizabeth. C To honor his half-broth

    10、er Sir Humphrey Gilbert. D To commemorate the first settlers who died there.31. A With the help of people from colonies. B Owing to actively invading the Spanish Navy. C Due to the weather in favor of English ships. D Because of the great force of the English fleet.32. A They faced the attack of the

    11、 Spanish Navy. B They always met with fierce storms. C She thought the cost was too high. D She found most colonies unsuitable for residence.Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33. A It is an ability both man and animals possess. B It is the reason for mans s

    12、uperiority over animals. C It is the reason for mans success as a species. D It is a proof of our superior intelligence.34. A To show how dependent men are on a particular food. B To show how primitive the diet of some people is. C To show what different foods are eaten. D To show the adaptability o

    13、f man as regards his diet.35. A A very popular food plant. B A plant with limited uses. C An animal as food. D A plant used as a main food.Section CMany young people believe good grades and excellent internships will land them their (36) _ job. However, (37) _ to what they think, often their major w

    14、ill have little influence over the person who is hiring them for the position. Young adults need to have a (38) _ view in order to survive in corporate America.When you apply at a major corporation, do not be surprised if you end up with an (39) _ level position. You usually do not start at the top,

    15、 but work your way up. It is all about “paying your dues”. Hard work and being in the corporation for some time may lead to greater earning (40) _. If you are unable to get a (41) _ after eighteen months, (42) _ on the position, it may be time to move on.In interviews, young adults often (43) _ of t

    16、heir majors. (44) _. You are there to prove why you can do the position applied for. (45) _. It usually does not hurt to ask for more work. (46) _. “Paying your dues” will get you further in life. It can often help you expand your leadership role at work. Just remember that someone will always be tr

    17、ying to steal your glory, so never get comfortable in a position, otherwise you may become stagnant (not changing or making progress, and continuing to be in a bad condition) .补充听力(七)11. A The movie was really wonderful. B The movie was full of violent scenes. C The movie wasnt as good as he had exp

    18、ected. D The movie was overly concerned with romantic relationships.12. A He left it at the airport. B He enjoyed using it. C He lost it on his trip. D He left it in his friends car.13. A At 9:00. B At 9:15. C At 9:25. D At 10:00.14. A In an office. B In a restaurant. C In a theatre. D At the inform

    19、ation desk.15. A Tony could not continue the experiment. B Tony finished the experiment last night. C Tony thought the experiment was well done. D Tony had expected the experiment to be easier.16. A She cant even decide what she will do tonight. B She wants to hand in her report as soon as possible.

    20、 C She will be very likely to go to the symphony with the man. D She cant go to the symphony because of her unfinished report.17. A He is always punctual for his class. B He rarely notices which students are late. C He wants his students to be on time for class. D He doesnt allow his students to tel

    21、l jokes in class.18. A The man doesnt know how to vote. B The man is going to reveal his vote later. C The man refuses to answer the womans question. D The man doesnt understand the womans question.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A He cant find his office ke

    22、y. B He has misplaced some exams. C He is unable to speak. D He doesnt like his classroom.20. A Mark the latest homework assignment. B Put a cancellation notice on the classroom door. C Make an appointment with the doctor. D Return some exams to his students.21. A Teach Davids class while he is abse

    23、nt. B Give Professor Winston the key to Davids office. C Leave a message on the board in Davids classroom. D Bring David the homework that was due today.22. A To put the homework on Davids desk. B To leave the master key for David. C To give Davids students the next assignment. D To call David at th

    24、e end of the afternoon.23. A They are going to buy tickets. B They are going to buy a violin. C They are going to City Hall. D They are going to Peters Home.24. A She enjoys them very much. B They sound more or less like a human voice. C They are complicated but soft. D She cant understand them.25.

    25、A There is a ticket free of charge. B She loves violin. C She can listen to some music outside. D She has nothing to do tonight.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A Making the problem of food shortage even more serious. B Increasing the awareness of the worlds large

    26、population. C Increasing the number of babies who survive early childhood. D Providing world population with more nutrition ever before.27. A 2%. B 3%. C 4%. D 5%.28. A Latin America. B Africa. C Asia. D Europe.Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. A They didnt care. B They hated it. C They loved it. D They have mixed feelings.30. A There was not enough maintenance. B People didnt care whatever mess it might be. C There were no effective regulations over visitors. D It was constructed badly.31. A It was more respected. B More people used it.


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