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    浙江省宁波市镇海中学届高三上学期选考适应性测试英语试题 Word版含答案Word下载.docx

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    浙江省宁波市镇海中学届高三上学期选考适应性测试英语试题 Word版含答案Word下载.docx

    1、B. Take a trip to California.C. Lend some money to the man.3. What does the boy think of his parents?A. Open-minded. B. Generous. C. Strict.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Which dress to buy. B. How to choose a dress. C. What to wear to the party.5. Where does the conversation take

    2、place?A. At a restaurant. B. At a supermarket C. At the womans house.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个 小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the woman going to do?A. See a film. B. Visit a park. C. Go sh

    3、opping.7. Which bus will the woman take?A. Bus number 112. B. Bus number 113. C. Bus number 153.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What worries the man at first?A. He cant enjoy his trip with painful feet.B. He has no time to travel with his family.C. He doesnt want to visit Paris this summer.9. What does the woman

    4、advise the man to do?A. Visit another city. B. Take a boat trip. C. Go on a walk tour.用第8段前料,回答第10至12题。10. For whom does the man want to rent a flat?A. Himself. B. His family. C. He and his friends.11. What is the mans job?A. He is a college student. B. He works in a car factory. C. He works in the

    5、central bank.12. How many bedrooms does the man prefer to have?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where are the speakers?A. In a theater. B. In a studio. C. In a cinema.14. What does Peter think of classical plays?A. They are boring. B. They are challenging. C. They are wonderful.15. Wha

    6、t helps Peter remember the words in a play?A. The talent he was born with.B. The training he got at university.C. The experience he gained on stage.16. How does Peter feel about watching his performances on TV?A. Satisfied. B. Embarrassed. C. Disappointed.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who did the speaker go

    7、 on a cookery course with?A. Her cousin. B. Her sister. C. Her mother.18. Which course did the speaker choose?A. The one day course. B. The three day course. C. The one-week course.19. What surprised the speaker when she started her course?A. The course was popular.B. There were many teenagers.C. Ma

    8、ny teachers were there to help.20. Which place did the speaker visit?A. A restaurant. B. A market. C. A supermarket.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共14个小题;每小题2.5分,满分35分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。AThe boss turned down a raise and gave it to his staff instead. Tony Bennett, the head coac

    9、h of the University of Virginia (UVA) mens basketball team, was offered a large pay raise after his team won the national championship in 2019. But to everyones surprise, he turned the offer down and requested that the money go to his staff and the basketball program instead. Whats more, he donated

    10、$ 500,000 to the basketball players.The boss bought an employee a new car. On the night before Alabama student Walter Carrs first day at Bellhops Moving company, his car broke down. Nobody could give him a ride to work, so Carr decided to walk the 20-miIe distance overnight. After seven hours, he ar

    11、rived right on time. When the boss heard about Carrs unbelievable story, he drove from Tennessee to Alabama to give the young student a Ford Escape.The boss forgave a costly mistake. A diner at a British steakhouse had a stroke of luck when he was accidentally served an expensive bottle of red wine.

    12、 Instead of blaming the server who made the mistake, as some might, the boss decided to laugh it off “To the customer who accidentally got given a bottle of wine, which is 4,500 last night, hope you enjoyed your evening! the steakhouse tweeted. To the server who accidentally gave it away, cheer up!

    13、We love you anyway.”The boss gave his staff a free trip to Hawaii. Imagine drinking a cocktail on a sunny, warm beach with 500 of your closest employees. Thats how Brian Scudamore, the founder and CEO of home service provider O2E Brands, chose to spend his vacation in 2017. Back in 2012, Scudamore p

    14、romised his employees that if they could double the companys income in five years, he would take them on an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii. Needless to say, they achieved the goal.21. Which of the following best describes Tony Bennett?A. Honest. B. Professional. C. Wealthy. D. Generous.22. Why did

    15、 the boss buy a new car to Walter Carr?A. To make up his long walk. B. To praise his moving action.C. To solve his financial problem. D. To call on others to learn from him.23. Why did the diner at a British steakhouse enjoy expensive wine?A. He got it as a reward. B. He liked it very much.C. He acq

    16、uired it by accident. D. He met with a generous boss.24. What did the four bosses mentioned in the text have in common?A They did a nice thing to their employees.B They forgave their employees mistakes.C. They hoped to double the companys income.D. They fulfilled their promises to their employees.BW

    17、hat do you do with old stuff? That dress you bought for a party three years ago, for example. You wore it once and put it away somewhere. So, what to do?In the UK, we might take it to a charity shop. The first charity shops appeared in Britain in the 19th century. The Salvation Army was one of the f

    18、irst to run a second-hand clothing shop to provide the needy with affordable clothes. This was followed by charities such as the British Red Cross, who also relieved hardship and raised money for the war effort during World War Two. In 1947, Oxfam opened a charity shop in High Street, Oxford, which

    19、is the modem form we know today. These days, charily shops are a common sight with around 11,200 shops across the UK, according to the survey conducted by the CharityRetail Association. During business hours the public can donate their unwanted items to a charity shop clothes, books, electronics, fu

    20、rniture. These items are checked for wear and tear and if found still serviceable, priced up to be sold at a heavily discounted price.For many, this is a win-win situation. To the charity, it means a valuable source of income. To the consumer, it provides the opportunity to buy, often extremely chea

    21、ply, items and clothes. To the donator, it may help to assuage consumer guilt. You can make a pretty good case to yourself that you are doing good, because what you are doing is going towards a charitable cause and you are saving stuff from landfill (垃圾堆), Clare Press, fashion journalist and sustain

    22、able style advocate, tells the Guardian.There are sometimes hidden treasures for the buyers, too. Take a screen print for example. It was bought for 99p and later found to be by English artist Ben Nicholson. It was sold for 4, 200. So next time you need to rid yourself of something, spare a thought

    23、for the charity shop - after all, charity begins at home!25. The text is mainly written to.A. comment on the benefits of charity shops B. analyze the popularity of the UK charitiesC. list the names of the first UK charity shops D. offer an introduction of UK charity shops26. What does the underlined

    24、 word “assuage” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Ease. B. Add. C. Mix. D. Increase.27. What does the author advise people to do in the last paragraph?A. Get rid of unwanted items. B. Start charity from daily life.C. Be environmentally friendly. D. Make a difference for the future.CA decade ago, color

    25、ed lights danced around the living room on New Years Eve and happy music was played. Upstairs, the children were asleep. But I wasnt feeling happy. In mid-December, my husband and I had been informed that he had cancer and that he was going to die. He had less than a year left, the doctors said.In t

    26、he years since that painful season, I have come to look back upon New Years Eve. New Years Eve brings a halt to the endless commitments that fill our daily lives and a chance to reflect New Years Eve is full of possibility and anticipation. What will be the surprising experiences and delightful succ

    27、esses in the coming year? But also, what disappointments are waiting for us in the next twelve months?In many ways, New Years Eve and the days that surround it are a line between past and future. That line is made up of a series of moments of transition (过渡)that take us out of the old and into the n

    28、ew. Transition can be challenging for many of us. Its about letting go of the familiar and diving into the unfamiliar.Just as, back then, I had to face letting go of the life I had led with my beloved husband and stepping into a new world as a widowed mom, I find that each year I have to step out of

    29、 the version of me that suited the year that is ending and ease into the version of me who will rise to the goals I am holding for myself for the year ahead.Last year at this time, I sat in a chair in southern France and drank in the beauty of the countryside around me. The three children 1 had brou

    30、ght into this world talked and laughed around the table beside me as we enjoyed a lunch of bread and cheese.I was filled with a sense of joy and I had a glowing (热情洋溢的)heart that was full of hope. It was another ending and another beginning. May we all transition into the best of what lies ahead. Ma

    31、y we all find happiness in this holiday season.28. What causes authors unhappiness on New Years Eve a decade ago?A. The pressure she faced in her work.B. The health problem her husband suffered.C. The information received from her family.D. The relationship between her and her husband.29. According to the author, what should people do on the New Years Eve?A. Set challenging goals for the next year.B. Mana


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