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    1、 153 Market street 收件人地址 London, E.C.3Registered 挂号信1.3 Principle 写信原则:Courtesy 礼貌Conciseness 简洁Clearness 清晰第2章 Establish Business Relations 建立贸易关系2.1 Structure第一部分 说明信息来源Commercial Counselor office商务参赞处; Embassy 大使馆; Chamber of commerce 商会;第二部分 说明写信目的+自我介绍leading importer 主要进口商/ one of the largest

    2、importers 最大的进口商之一deal with/ specialize in 专营competitive price 竞争价格/ enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉for your reference 供你方参考; fall(be) within the scope of 属于的经营范围enter into business relations 建立贸易关系in the market for想要购买 /in the hope of doing sth. 希望acquaint sb. with sth. 让某人了解某事/ Credit standing 商业信用第三部

    3、分 要求寄送有关资料+表达合作愿望2.2 SentencesWe learned/ heard/obtained your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line.我们从互联网上得知贵公司,你们是这方面领先的制造商之一。We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you .我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立贸易关系。We are an importer/exporter

    4、 handling toys for many years. Our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable price.我们是一家经营玩具多年的进口商/出口商。我们的产品凭借着良好的品质和合理的价格在世界上享有盛誉。If your price is competitive ,we will place an order with you. 如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们将向你方发出订单。In order to acquaint you with our

    5、 products, we sent two samples this morning. 为了使你熟悉我们的产品,我们今天早上送两个样品。第3章 Enquiries & Replies 询价及回复3.1 StructureGeneral Enquiry 一般询价& Specific Enquiry 具体询价1. 说明信息来源和目的, 如有必要自我介绍2. 感兴趣的商品和具体要求 4. 表达合作的愿望3.2 Main Wordsreasonable price 合理的价格/competitive price 具有竞争力的价格commission 佣金discount 折扣under separa

    6、te cover 另函附上confirmed, irrevocable L/C by sight draft 保兑的,不可撤销的即期信用证regular purchase 定期购买 catalog 目录price list 价目表brochure 小册子sample 样品3.3 Main SentencesIf you order 3000 dozens or more, we will allow you 5% discount . 如果你订购3000打以上,我们将给予5%的折扣。Please quote your lowest price, CIF, inclusive of our 5%

    7、 commission.请报你方最低价,CIF. ,包括5%的佣金。Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. 如果你方的价格有竞争力,并且可以接受交货期,我们打算大量订货。第4章Quotations, Offer & Counter offer报价、发盘及还盘4.1 Structure实盘的内容明确完整,包括商品品质、数量、包装、价格、装运、支付、有效期等。第一部分:感谢对方询价。Thank you for you

    8、r inquiry of第二部分:提供交易的细节(最好用列表形式)。We are pleased to quote as followsCommodity 商品 ;Specifications 规格( size, weight );Quantity 数量;Price 价格;Packing 包装;Payment 支付;Shipment 装运;第三部分:说明有效期。(报价信可以没有)This offer can remain open till 第四部分:希望对方下单We look forward to receiving your order.4.2 Main WordsSubject/ cap

    9、tioned goods 标的物growing demand 增长的需求assortment 花色品种,各式各样的搭配,do ones (your, my) utmost 竭力,竭尽所能As per 按照By 3 equal monthly shipment 三个月,等量装货minimum quantity 最低起订量4.3SentencesWe thank you for your enquiry of August 22 and (we) are pleased to send you our quotations for the goods you required as follows

    10、:我们感谢你方8月22日的询价,很高兴为你们所需要的货物报价如下:This offer is valid/open subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time.这个报价以我方时间下午5时以前复到为有效。In reply to your enquiry of April,28, we enclose/are sending you under separate cover a copy of our latest price list for your reference. 为了回复您4月28日的询价,我们附上/另送您一份我们的最新价格单,供您参考

    11、。Your price is about 10% higher than those of your competitors.你的价格比你的竞争对手高出10%。As the market is declining, business is not possible unless you can reduce your price by 10%.由于市场的减少,除非你可以降低你的价格10%,否则无法进行贸易合作。All quotations are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon,

    12、 all prices are net without commission.所有报价都以我方最后确认为准。除非另有说明或约定,所有价格都是净价,不含佣金。Due to the heavy demand for the goods, the offer will be valid (open, firm, good ) only for 8 days.由于商品的大量需求,该报盘的有效期只有8天。4.4 Main LettersQuotation 报价P60Dear Sirs,We thank you for your enquiry of August 22 and are pleased t

    13、o send you our quotation for the goods you required as follows:Commodity: White Rabbit Brand Woolen Mixed Blanket No.33.Size:74*84inWeight:4lbsColour:yellow, brown, green assortmentQuantity:1,000pcs.Price:US$40.00 per piece CIF MontrealShipment:OctoberYou are cordially invited to take advantage of t

    14、his attractive offer. We are anticipating a large order from the United States, and that will cause a sharp rise in price.Yours faithfully,Offer of Electronic Calculators 电子计算器商报盘P73Dear sirs,In reply to your letter of July 14,we are giving you an ofter,subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. Our time,

    15、Tuesday ,August 5,as follows: Electronic Calculators Specifications: As per attached list Packing: As per the buyers option 3,000 pieces US$9.00 net per piece CIF Lagos September/October, 2014 Payment: Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the

    16、time of shipment. Under separate cover, we have sent you 2 copies of illustrated catalogue of various brands as per your request. We are expecting your early order. Offer of Refrigerators 电冰箱报盘P74Your fax of February 10 asking us to offer you the subject article has received our immediate attention.

    17、 We are pleased to know that you are interested in our products.In reply to your inquiry, we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching us within 7 days from today:Specification quantity(set) price(US &)BYD212 1,000 410,00BYD175 1,000 380,00BY219 500 395,00The pr

    18、ice is on the basis of CIF Alexandria. at buyers option Total quantity to be delivered by 3 equal monthly shipments. March through May,2002 100% by irrevocable, revolving letter of credit.In view of the fact that our stock on hand has been quite low owing to heavy commitment, your early order is abs

    19、olutely essential.Buyer Asks for Reduction of Minimum Quantity 买方要求降低起订量P80 (看一下)Dear Sirs, Your Offer No. 123We thank you for your fax of April 4 offering us 6 designs of Ornamental Cloth.However, we regret to inform you that the minimum 10000 yards per design is too big for this market. In case yo

    20、u can reduce the minimum to 7000 yards per design, there is a possibility of placing orders with you, because a considerable quantity of this material is required on this market for manufacturing curtains, bed sheets, etc. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.第5章 Order、Acceptance and Rejectio

    21、ns 订单、接受和回绝5.1 Structure of Orderexpress pleasure in receiving the offer;confirm the conclusion of the business and point out the :full details of article number, quantity,specification, quality, unit price, total value, shipment, packing,insurance and terms of payment as agreed upon hope for furthe

    22、r orders;5.2 Main Wordsplace an order with sb.for sth. 向某人下订单; trial order 试订单draw at sight/draft at sight 开立即期汇票acknowledgement 销售确认书apply for L/C 申请开立信用证in duplicate 一式两份For ones file 供某方存档5.3 SentencesOwing to/ Because of heavy commitment, many orders havent been made, we can only accept orders f

    23、or October shipment.由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因此我们目前只能接受10月船期订单。As to the terms of payment ,we often require confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.关于支付条件,我们通常要求保兑的、不可撤消的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证5.4 Main LettersAcceptance of Order for Furniture接受订购家具的订单 P102Dears sirs, We are very pleased to

    24、receive your order No. BD/35 furniture. We accept the order and are enclosing you our Sales Confirmation No.354 in duplicate of which please countersign and return one copy to us for our file. We trust you will open the relative L/C at an early date. 已获悉贵方第BD/35号订购家具的订单.我方按照相应条款接受订单并随函附寄 我方第345号销售确认

    25、书一式两份,请会签后寄回一份供我方存档.我方相信贵方会尽早开立有关信用证. As to the Item A and B, we shall arrange delivery as soon as we get your L/C, and for item C and D we shall ship accordingly. 关于1号和2号货品,一旦收到信用证,我方将安排装运,3号和4号两货品,我方也将按相应条件装运. Hoping the goods will turn out to your entire satisfaction and we may have further order

    26、s from you. 希望货品能使贵方完全满意.同时也希望继续收到贵方的订单. 第7章Payment 支付7.1 Main Wordsin favor of 受益人open/issue an L/C 开立信用证effect shipment 安排装船punctual shipment 准时装运shipping advice 装船通知expedite shipment 加速装运execute an order 执行订单make amendment 修改extension of L/C 展延信用证7.2 Sentenceswe wish to draw your attention to the

    27、 fact that the date of delivery is approaching.我方希望贵方注意到装运期已经临近。But up to the present(=up to now) we havent received the covering L/C.但我方到目前为止仍未收到有关此货物的信用证,Please do your utmost to expedite its establishment, so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time.请尽快开出信用证,以便我方能按规定日期发运。7.3 Main

    28、LettersUrging establishment of L/CP145 Our Sales Confirmation No.TE151Reference is made to the 1000 cartons of Canned Asparagus under the subject sales confirmation,we wish to draw/invite your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but up to the present we have not received

    29、the covering letter of credit. Please do your utmost to expedite its establishment, so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time. In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract. We look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.


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