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    1、B.一些事;C.没事;D.任何事。根据句意可知除了滑冰,没有什么事情让我如此高兴,故选 C。(3)句意:我花费一周 24小时练习我的技能。A.技能;B.行为;C.想法;D.习惯。根据句意可知作者花费时间练习技能,故选A。(4)句意:在接近每次比赛中我的挚爱让我考了第一名。A.会议;B.聚会;C.音乐会;D.竞赛。根据句意可知几乎每次比赛都考第一名,故选 D。(5)句意:我跌倒了,并且严重伤到了自己。A.迅速地;B.柔软地;C.严重地;D.缓慢地。根据句意可知作者跌倒严重伤到自己,故选 C。(6)句意:医生告诉我不能再返回我的运动。A.服务员;B.医生;C.老师;D.警察。根据前句 After

    2、several X-rays and MRI(磁共振)scans 可知作者做了磁共振,所以是医生告诉作者的,故选 B。(7)句意:我背上的疼痛是是如此困难承受以至于基本的日常任务变得困难。A.有用的;B.基本的,基础的;C.恰当的;D.忙的。根据句意可知是基本技能也变得困难,故选 B。(8)句意:因为我的激情被带走了,我很少意识到我做什么。A.被发现;B.被带回;C.被醒来;D.被带走。根据句意可知作者因为滑冰受伤,所以激情被带走了,故选 D。(9)句意:遭受八个月的痛苦后,一些事情不得不改变了。A.改变;B.保持;C.离开;D.到达。根据 Instead of wasting my days

    3、 sitting around painfully,可知作者八个月期间浪费时间疼痛地坐着,而现在作者改变了,故选 A。(10)句意:我开始把我的精力放在当地公共服务项目。A.精力;B.职责;C.财富;D.精神。put energy into.,投入精力做某事,故选 A。(11)句意:通过志愿做一名游泳老师。A.和;B.为了;C.作为;as a swimming teacher,作为一名游泳老师,故选 C。(12)句意:我得到了我想成为谁的想法。A.想要;B.开始;C.许诺;D.居住。根据句意可知想成为,即 want to do,故选 A。(13)句意:慢慢地我走出了阴影。A.跑;B.跳;C.站

    4、立;D.去。go out of从.出来,故选 D。(14)句意:有时一些大的石头阻挡我们的路。A.小的;B.大的;C.丑陋的;D.圆的。根据句意可知是大的石头阻挡路,故选 B。(15)句意:我的事故是没有阻挡我到达成功的石头。A.成功;B.帮助;C.失败;D.继续。fail to do 未能做某事,故选 C。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2完形填空 Most of us have three meals a day.We take food for granted(想当然).And we dont

    5、 think about it.1 experts argue a food crisis(危机)is coming.This crisis is going to make us 2 the way we think about food.Food is in great need 3 a growing of world population.By 1960,the population was three billion.It doubled to six billion by 1999.By 2050,this planet will need to 4 at least nine b

    6、illion people.As a result,the food prices get higher and higher.So,what can a 5,crowed world do?One suggestion is to eat 6 meat.Meat uses more natural resources(资源)than grains(谷物).It requires more 7 to produce one pound of meat than to produce one pound of grain.It also requires between 5 and 10 tim

    7、es more 8 than vegetables.So,eating less meat will 9 more land for farming,and it will save water.To eat less meat,people will need to change their eating habits.That will not be 10.Americans,for example,have 11 loved meat.In general,they eat twice as much meat as people in other countries.At the sa

    8、me time,in developing countries like China and Brazil,sales of meat have doubled in the last 20 years.12 will double again by 2050.Growing need of meat will 13 to put pressure on natural resources.World population is increasing,resources are becoming fewer,and food prices are rising.Therefore,we nee

    9、d to rethink 14 we eat every day.For meat lovers,we dont need to give up meat 15.But we need to eat more grains and less meat.1.A.And B.But C.Or D.Until 2.A.change B.find C.get D.tell 3.A.instead of B.thanks to C.because of D.as for 4.A.help B.have C.feed D.meet 5.A.busy B.tired C.thirsty D.hungry 6

    10、.A.less B.more C.much D.little 7.A.time B.land C.people D.place 8.A.air B.meat C.money D.water 9.A.provide B.produce C.waste D.need 10.A.important B.hard C.easy D.necessary 11.A.never B.seldom C.hardly D.always 12.A.It B.They C.We D.That 13.A.continue B.stop C.have D.start 14.A.how B.when C.what D.w

    11、here 15.A.quickly B.completely C.finally D.especially 【答案】(2)A;(3)C;(4)C;(5)D;(6)A;(10)C;(11)D;(12)B;(13)A;(14)C;(15)B;【解析】【分析】本文介绍了健康饮食应该是怎样的。但是专家争论一个危机即将来领。A.And 和,B.But但是,C.Or 或者,D.Until 直到。根据前文不是陈述危机,而后面说危机,可知应该填入转折词 but,故选 B。(2)句意;这个危机将会使得我们改变思考食物的方式。A.change 改变,B.find 找出,C.get得到,D.tell 告诉。根据后文

    12、提到食物的来源改变可知,空缺处的意义为改变食物来源,填入 change,故选 A。由于 人口的快速增长,食物需求增大。A.instead of替代,B.thanks to 多亏,C.because of因为,D.as for 至于。根据后文提到人口增加,可知食物需求增加,句子前后是因果关系,填入because of,故选 C。到了 2050 年,这个星球需要喂养至少 90 亿人口。A.help 帮助,B.have 有,C.feed 喂养,D.meet见面。根据句意可知,空缺的意义为喂养,填入 feed,故选 C。(5)句意;因此,饥饿拥挤的世界该做什么?A.busy忙碌的,B.tired 疲劳

    13、的,C.thirsty渴的,D.hungry饥饿的。根据前文提到人口很多,可知食物跟不上,故人们很饥饿,填入 hungry,故选 D。一个建议是吃更少的肉。A.less 更少的,B.more 更多的,C.much很多,D.little 一点点。根据后文提到吃更少的肉,可知空缺处填入 less,故选 A。跟一公斤谷物相比,它需要更多的陆地去生产肉类。A.time 时间,B.land 陆地,C.people 人们,D.place 地方。根据句子出现 grain,可知空缺处填入 land,故选 B。跟蔬菜比起来,它也需要 5 到 10 倍的水来生产肉类。A.air 空气,B.meat肉,C.mone

    14、y钱,D.water 水。根据后文提到的 and it will save water 可知,比较的对象是水,填入 water,故选D。因此,吃更少的肉可以提供为农业更多的土地。A.provide 提供,B.produce 生产,C.waste 浪费,D.need 需要。根据前文提到肉类占用的面积更大,可知空缺出填入提供,provide,故选A。那不会很容易。A.important重要的,B.hard 难的,C.easy容易的,D.necessary必要的。根据后文提到美国人饮食习惯,可知改变饮食习惯很难,填入 easy,故选 C。比如,美国人,总是喜欢肉类。A.never 从不,B.seld

    15、om很少,C.hardly几乎不,D.always 总是。根据后文提到的 In general,they eat twice as much meat as people in other countries.可知,美国人总是吃肉类,填入 always,故选 D。它们到 2050 年会翻倍。A.It它,B.They他们,C.We 我们,D.That那个。根据空缺处填入代词,可知指代的是前面出现的 sales of meat,填入 they,故选 B。(13)句意;持续的肉类需求会给自然资源增加狠多压力。A.continue 继续,B.stop 停止,C.have 有,D.start开始。根据前

    16、文提到肉类占用自然资源比例较大,可知肉类需求增长会给自然资源增加很多压力,填入 continue,故选 A。因此,我们需要重新思考一下我们每天吃的东西。A.how 如何,B.when什么时候,C.what什么,D.where 哪里。根据文章提到吃的食物的种类,可知空缺的意义为什么,填入 what,故选 C。我们完全不必要放弃肉类。A.quickly快速地,B.completely完全的,C.finally最终的,D.especially尤其的。根据后文提到的 But we need to eat more grains and less meat.可知,我们不必完全放弃肉类,填入 comple

    17、tely,故选 B。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3完形填空 Rich or poor,young or old,we all have problems.We can easily become unhappy 1 we solve our problems.2 about our problems can affect how we do things at school or at home.So how do we deal with our prob

    18、lems?Most of us have probably been angry 3 our friends,parents or teachers.Perhaps they said something you didnt like,or you felt they were unfair.Sometimes,people can stay angry for years about a small problem.Time goes by,and good friendships may 4.When we are angry,however,we are usually the ones

    19、 affected.Have you ever seen young children playing together?But they fight very soon,and decide not to talk to each other.However,this usually doesnt 5 for long.They become good friends again.This is an important 6 for us,we can solve a problem by learning to forget.Many students often complain abo

    20、ut school.They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes,or think the rules are too 7.We must learn how to change these problems into challenges(挑战).As young adults,it is our duty to 8 our best to deal with each challenge with the help of our teachers.By comparing yourself to other people,y

    21、ou will find your problems are not so 9,Think about Stephen Hawking,for example,a very clever scientist.He cant walk or even speak,but he considers his many physical problems unimportant.Now he is known 10 a great scientist in the world.We are probably quite healthy and smart.Lets not worry about ou

    22、r problems.Lets face the challenges instead.1.A.unless B.if C.when D.as 2.A.Worry B.Worrying C.Worried D.To worry 3.A.of B.to C.with D.in 4.A.lose B.be lost C.keep D.be kept 5.A.last B.do C.produce D.make 6.A.program B.tool C.class D.lesson 7.A.kind B.strict C.weak D.free 8.A.try B.have C.put D.keep

    23、 9.A.terrible B.pleasant C.painless D.useful 10.A.about B.for C.with D.as 【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(4)B;(5)A;(6)D;(8)A;(10)D;【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了怎么解决问题才能让我们更快乐。如果不解决问题,我们很容易变得不快乐。A:unless 除非;B:if 如果;C:when当.时;D:as 当.时。根据前后句的意思,可知前句是后句发生的条件。要用从属连词 unless,unless=if not,故选 A。担心我们的问题会影响我们在学校或家里做事情的方式。Worry使担心;Worryi

    24、ng现在分词;Worried 过去式/过去分词;To worry不定式。由句子结构可知,缺少主语,要用动名词做主语,故选 B。我们中的大多数人可能对我们的朋友、父母或老师感到愤怒。of.的;to 向,到;with对;in在.里。根据 be angry with sb,生某人的气,固定短语。故选 C。时间一去不复返,好的友谊也会失去。lose 丢失;be lost被丢失;keep 保持;be kept被保护。根据根据 Time goes by可知是丢失,lose。friendship 与 lose 之间是被动关系,被丢失,要用被动语态 be+过去分词。空格前有情态动词 may,要用助动词 be,

    25、要用原形。lose 的过去分词 lost。故选 B。然而,这通常不会持续太久。last持续;do做;produce 生产;make 制作。根据 They become good friends again.可知此处表示动作或状态的持续,故选 A。这对我们来说是一个重要的教训。program节目;tool 工具;class 课,班;lesson教训,功课。根据we can solve a problem by learning to forget,可知是教训,故选 D。他们有时会觉得自己有太多的工作要做,或者觉得规则太严格了。kind 仁慈的;strict 严格的;weak弱的;free 空闲的,免费的。根据 the rules 可知规


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